Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Thursday 10 March 2016

Dungeon Mastery: How do you cope with broken players?

How do you as Dungeon Master respond when the Player breaks down emotionally over the loss of their character?


  1. It sucks when you loose a good character, typically you did something dumb and have to pay the price. Of course death in D&D is a very subjective thing . . . what am I saying? I'd tell the player to cowboy up and roll another character, then I'd kill that one too.

  2. But how do you cope with an emotional player? Do you think...hey he/she might have come to the table with emotional baggage that will ruin the game for everyone?

  3. Somebody actually having a melt down over a death? Well, if they get violent or belligerent, they are gone. We are all friends at the table, and folks should be mature enough to lose gracefully. If they blame me, as a DM, I always make sure that I had nothing to do with it. In my games, one dies from dumb decisions, or because they rolled the dice and a risk didn't pan out. If this isn't the case, and I am DMing some killer dungeon, like Tomb of Horrors, then I will let everybody know prior to play that the adventure is going to be a brutal one and they may not want to risk characters that they are afraid to lose.

    If a player gets really sad or upset in a none violent way, I may pull them aside and talk to them privately about what is going on, and try and help them the best I can, but the thing is that my games can get viscous, I had the benefit of a DM who allowed me to fail when I was starting, and it made me a better player, so I continue that tradition. I usually suggest that a new player not play a full character right away, and keep it simple. You don't want to spend 3 hours working on a Character Sheet just to have the dude die in the first session because you think that you are a super hero at first level, it takes time to acquire the skills to keep them alive. If you make death common, the sting isn't as painful when a character does bite it. After a bit you just laugh while everybody ribs you and you roll up a new one.
