Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday 27 November 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: that floating sencation.

 To Float in almost every language

1. To Float
2. om te dryf
3. për të notuar
4. lemenisafefi
5. litatfu
6. loghal
7. üzmek
8. Flotatzera
9. plavać
10. Bhāsā
11. plutati
12. da plavash
13. myahaaw raan
14. surar
15. sa paglutaw
16. B*E*FR*N (central kurdish)
17. Fú
18. flottà
19. vznášet se
20. at flyde
21. *R* (dogri)
22. drijven
23. flosi (esperanto)
24. hulpima
25. upang lumutang
26. kellua
27. flotter
28. driuwe
29. flotar
30. t’ivt’ivi
31. schweben
32. epipléo
33. oveve haguã
34. Taravu
35. flote
36. yin iyo
37. e lana
38. *C*F (hebrew)
39. ntab
40. lebegni
41. ath fljóta
42. untuk mengapung
43. snámh
44. galleggiare
45. Uku
46. kanggo ngambang
47. Tēlāḍalu
48. jüzw
49. daembi​ andet
50. Kureremba
51. *C* (konkani)
52. tteodanida
53. B*E*FR*N (sorani kurdish)
54. süzüü
55. lony
56. peldēt
57. plūduriuoti
58. okulengejja
59. schwiewen
60. plovi
61. *H* (maithili)
62. mitsingevana
63. terapung
64. flottu
65. Taraṅgaṇē
66. khövökh
67. Tairinu
68. å flyte
69. akka yaa’u
70. TERE*L (pashto)
71. G*IE*R*DN (persian)
72. unosić
73. flutuar
74. Phalōṭa karana la'ī
75. unupi phaway
76. a pluti
77. e opeopea
78. *I* (sanskrit)
79. a sheòladh
80. kuyangarara
81. TR* (sindhi)
82. ipilīmaṭa
83. vznášať sa
84. lebdeti
85. in lagu sabbeeyo
86. ho phaphamala
87. ngambang
88. kuelea
89. att flyta
90. şino kardan
91. Mitakka
92. Y*H*PD* (tatar)
93. Tēluṭaku
94. Lxy
95. *SH*B* (tigrinya)
96. ku papamala
97. Batmak
98. ýüzmek
99. plavaty
100. LEYLIME (uyghur)
101. suzmoq
102. nổi
103. i arnofio
104. driuwe
105. ukudada
106. tsu shvimen
107. lati leefofo
108. ukuntanta

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
64 59%    45 42%   35 32%  32 29%      40 37%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
14 13%    6   5%      15 14%   20 18%     16  14%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
19 17%    4   3%      20 18%   47 43%     22 20%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
37 34%    22 20%    1  <1%     29 27%    19 17%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
47 43%    13 12%   8     7%     1  <1%       15 14%

Z      %
8    7%

Popularity of use
59% A:
43% T, L, A:
42% E, T, L, A:
37% U, E, T, L, A:
34% N, U, E, T, L, A: e lana,
32% I, N, U, E, T, L, A: *I* (sanskrit),
29% O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: nổi,
27% R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: Tairinu, TERE*L (pashto), TR* (sindhi), *R* (dogri),
20% P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: a pluti, e opeopea, ipilīmaṭa, për të notuar, plutati, epipléo,
18% K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: i arnofio, lati leefofo, ukuntanta, kuelea, Mitakka, Tēluṭaku, ku papamala, flottu, flutuar, flote, Uku, kellua, flotter, flotar, Fú, flottà, To Float, litatfu,
17% S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: Phalōṭa karana la'ī, ho phaphamala, *H* (maithili), flosi (esperanto), hulpima, snámh, lemenisafefi, surar,
14% Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: ukudada, LEYLIME (uyghur), att flyta, şino kardan, Y*H*PD* (tatar), a sheòladh, kuyangarara, G*IE*R*DN (persian), å flyte, akka yaa’u, terapung, Taraṅgaṇē, tteodanida, lony, peldēt, plūduriuoti, Tēlāḍalu, galleggiare, untuk mengapung, upang lumutang, yin iyo, at flyde, om te dryf, loghal,
13% B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: *SH*B* (tigrinya), Batmak, lebdeti, in lagu sabbeeyo, ngambang, B*E*FR*N (sorani kurdish), B*E*FR*N (central kurdish), daembi​ andet, Kureremba, kanggo ngambang, ntab, lebegni, Bhāsā,
12% V, B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: plavaty, tsu shvimen, mitsingevana, khövökh, plovi, t’ivt’ivi, oveve haguã, Taravu, da plavash,
7% Z, W, V, B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: ýüzmek, driuwe, unupi phaway, vznášať sa, süzüü, schwiewen, vznášet se, driuwe, sa paglutaw, myahaaw raan, üzmek, Flotatzera,
5% C, Z, W, V, B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: *C* (konkani), unosić, schweben, *C*F (hebrew), plavać,
3% J, C, Z, W, V, B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: okulengejja, ath fljóta, jüzw, drijven,
<1% X, Q, J, C, Z, W, V, B, Y, G, D, S, H, K, F, P, M, R, O, I, N, U, E, T, L, A: Lxy, suzmoq,

Conclusion: originating in the A linguistic group, the earliest at 34% with e lana (hawaiian). Peaking at 18%, dipping, then peaking at 14%.declining down to less than 1%.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Divine Retribution: A bad Day for the Kingdom over the hill


Something folossal descends on the nearest kingdom to judge it.

Linguistic Archaeology: Chinese Rivers

Chinese River names
1. Yangtze River
2. Huáng Hé River
3. Mekong River
4. Amur River
5. Brahmaputra River
6. Lishui River
7. Songhua River
8. Haihe River
9. Yulong River
10. Jinsha River
11. Sông Hồng River
12. Reka Argun'
13. Huangpu River
14. Lancang River
15. Jialing River
16. Zhūjiāng River
17. Weihe River
18. Miluo River
19. Xiang River
20. Han River
21. Yalong River
22. Chishui River
23. Qing River

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
14 60%    6 26%     10 43%   6 26%       11 47%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
1    4%     2    8%     0     0%     0   0%       14 60%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
12 52%    3 13%      2    8%     6 26%       4    17%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
16 69%    2   8%       1   4%      3 13%       5   21%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
1    4%     0   0%       1    4%     1    4%       2      8%

Z      %
2    8%

Popularity of use
69% N:
60% G, A, N:
52% H, G, A, N: Han,
47% U, H, G, A, N:
43% I, U, H, G, A, N:
26% L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N:Haihe, Huáng Hé, Lancang,
21% S, L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N: Lishui, Songhua, Sông Hồng,
17% M, S, L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N: Miluo,
13% R, J, M, S, L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N: Jinsha, Jialing, Amur,
8% Z, Y, P, K, C, R, J, M, S, L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N: Zhūjiāng, Chishui, Reka Argun', Huangpu, Mekong, Yulong, Yangtze, Yalong,
4% T, W, X, Q, B, Z, Y, P, K, C, R, J, M, S, L, E, O, I, U, H, G, A, N: Xiang, Qing, Weihe, Brahmaputra,
0% V, D, F

Originating in the N linguistic group, the earliest river is at 52% with Han (point of origin for Vietnamese rivers). There is a bandgap from 47%-43%.
A cultural plateau occurs from 26%-21% ending with 100% S linguistic group, then dipping at 17%.
Recovery begins at 13% and there is a Cultural peak at 8% declining down to 4%.


Saturday 18 November 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: the First Island of Shima

 Words in almost every language

1. Shiji
2. Shinpo
3. Oshitsu
4. Ishikiriba
5. Hashira
6. Shiro
7. Shijo
8. Shiden
9. Toshi
10. Mao sabishisa
11. Shiuen
12. Shima

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I       %       O        %       U        %
4  33%     2 16%     12 100%   6    50%        2   16%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2   16%     0   0%     1    8%     0    0%       0      0%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
12 100%  2 16%     1     8%    0    0%        2    16%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
3  25%     1   8%       0    0%     3 25%       12 100%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
2  16%     0   0%      0     0%     0    0%       0      0%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
100% S, H, I:
50% O, S, H, I:
33% A, O, S, H, I:
25% N, R, A, O, S, H, I: Hashira (pillar), Shiro (castle),
16% M, T, J, B, U, E, N, R, A, O, S, H, I: Shijo (market), Toshi (city), Shiuen (Abyss), Shiji (a philosopher), Oshitsu (Monarchy), Mao sabishisa (desolation), Shima (island),
8% P, D, K, M, T, J, B, U, E, N, R, A, O, S, H, I: Shiden (temple), Ishikiriba (quarry), Shinpo (a philosopher),
0% Z, V, W, X, Y, Q, L, G, F, C

The history of the first Island of Shima
There is sufficient grounds to think that the original island of shima had a significant community which was likely destroyed by volcanic eruption. The island started out with a natural geographic feature of a pillar (To meaning Tower-this was likely the Islank known as the tower (part of the Re-to Archipelago), the island first settled, a castle was built there.
Eventually it grew in population.
Toshi (the first significant community that might be considered a city)- a marketplace located there where Shiji-a philosopher often spoke to any who would listen. It sat on the edge of a circular bay on the island of Shima (the first by that name). Unknown to the population this was a volcano caldera. Its eruption created an abyss and a desolation.
Eventually a Temple was established there, and a Quarry. The Philosopher Shinpo residing there. The population beginning to return...

Linguistic Archaeology: the -uk suffix

 -uk suffix Medicine People Sub-dictionary

1. Periuk (Cooking Pot)
2. Njamuk (Mosquito)
3. Patuk (To Bite)
4. Pupuk (Dung)
5. Masuk (To partake)
6. Putjuk (Sprout)
7. Rusuk (Flame, Rib)
8. Serbuk (Powder, Dust)
9. Tarduk (Horn)
10. Tjutjuk (To Pierce)
11. Tubruk (To Collide)
12. Batuk (To Cough)
13. Amburuk (Collapse)
14. Antuk (To be sleepy)
15. Angguk (To nid-nod)
16. Beduk (Big Drum)
17. Bungkuk (Hump)
18. Buduk (Rotten Smell)
19. Gelatuk (to Tremble)
20. Gemuk (Fat, Stout)
21. Kutuk (To Curse)
22. Buruk (Bad)
23. Lupuk (Mould)
24. Mabuk (Drunk)
25. Mangkuk (Bowl)
26. Idjuk (Fibre of Arenga palm)

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
11 42%    5 19%      2  7%     0    0%       26 100%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
9  37%     0    0%     4  15%     0    0%       5    19%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
0     0%    4 15%      26 100%  2   7%       6    23%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
5   19%    5 19%      0     0%     7 26%       2      7%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
8  30%     0    0%     0      0%    0    0%      0      0%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
100% K, U:
42% A, K, U:
37% B, A, K, U:
30% T, B, A, K, U: Batuk (To Cough), Kutuk (To Curse),
25% R, T, B, A, K, U: Buruk (Bad), Tubruk (To Collide),
23% M, R, T, B, A, K, U: Amburuk (Collapse), Masuk (To partake), Mabuk (Drunk),
19% P, E, N, G, M, R, T, B, A, K, U: Bungkuk (Hump), Mangkuk (Bowl), Antuk (To be sleepy), Angguk (To nid-nod), Gemuk (Fat, Stout), Patuk (To Bite), Pupuk (Dung),
15% J, D, P, E, N, G, M, R, T, B, A, K, U: Putjuk (Sprout) , Tarduk (Horn), Tjutjuk (To Pierce), Beduk (Big Drum), Buduk (Rotten Smell), Njamuk (Mosquito),
7% S, L, I, J, D, P, E, N, G, M, R, T, B, A, K, U: Gelatuk (to Tremble), Lupuk (Mould), Rusuk (Flame, Rib), Serbuk (Powder, Dust), Periuk (Cooking Pot), Idjuk (Fibre of Arenga palm),
0% Z, V, W, X, Y, Q, F, C, O

23% looks like a rare moment in the history of these people when they just got drunk and passed out. Everything else seems to be dominated by some form of suffering due to injury, illness, or disease.