Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Dungeon Mastery: Names for your NPCs?

D20 Male Names
1. Dar
2. Verik
3. Yar
4. Kaerin
5. Flin
6. Gren
7. Varo
8. Wes
9. Karon
10. Kar
11. Avor
12. Kan
13. Baro
14. Flihn
15. Sorin
16. Tusko
17. Hau
18. Drek
19. Kor
20. Vrill

D20 Family names and Places of Origin
1. of Blood Keep
2. Silver-bow
3. of Shad
4. Kandar
5. Iron-bell
6. of Jarf
7. Bes
8. Aster-fell
9. of Herb-wheel
10. Dhuk-snutts
11. Grave-well
12. Payn
13. Bloody-reaping
14. Kershell
15. Ghade
16. of Harrow-horn
17. of Corpse-bury
18. Ulys
19. Heran
20. Blood-glave

Next: female character names...submissions accepted in the comments.

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