Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 8 January 2021

Mystaran Campaign: Poor Wizards Almanac AC2021, Week 1

Nuwmont 6: Storm the Senate!
Location: Senate, Thyatis City, Thyatian Empire
Events: Tyrio of Kerendas and several thousand poorly armed citizens of the Thyatian Empire, after a rousing Speech by the Emperor inciting them to storm the Senate gather outside the Senate before forcing entry. While one of the rebels is killed by members of the Senate guard who were retreating to safety with a Senator, other flag waving civilians are crushed in the press of the mob. For several hours the mob explore the Senate building, gawking at the wealth of art on display, and looting objects of minor value before the crowd leaves the building and disperses.

What is going on? The Thyatian Imperial Senate decided to recognize an Elected Governor of the Thyatian Empire in place of the existing Emperor. The Current Emperor objected to this and proceeded to encourage the populace to Storm the Senate and halt the Senate's appointment of the new Governor of the Republic. Unfortunately for the Emperor, the new Governor of the Thyatian Republic is appointed by the Senate.

What the PCs can do: The PCs can infiltrate the Senate using the cover of the Mob.

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