Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Board with Games: The Norma Arm


A Large section of the Norma Arm falls in the Galactic Habitable Zone. Its not unreasonable to create a life-rich Scifi setting that occupies that twenty thousand light year long region of the Norma Arm that falls in a 10,000ly-13,700ly region. There are around two million stars in that habitable region on the Norma Arm.
  Galactic Luminocity  

The Galactic Ice Line should be 42,694.6819 light years from galactic centre. That makes us a water hole in Arid Space, or there are gobular water masses where water has collected together in microgravity out beyond solar systems and retains heat from galactic centre emissions so its a liquid ocean in interstellar space.

The habitable region of Norma Arm is 20,000 light years long, between 90°-100° of curviture, and about 3,700 light years wide. 

Flare, Binary, and Trinary stars: habitable worlds will be in the outer edges of these solar systems, far from the local star's radiation or hostile stellar orbits. They probably orbit gas giant and super-oceans as moons.

Yellow G type: Safe solar systems with long stability have seen prolific life evolve on pretty much every world with a puddle of warm mud and atmosphere. Plants, insects, animals, and humanoids beyond the system hot zone. Ocean Worlds, Arid deserts, Jungles and swamps. Ice worlds are almost non existant occuring on the outer edges of the Norma spiral arm while Arid deserts are on the inner edges. 

Brown Dwarfs: habitable worlds might fill these systems where they are not flare stars. The only real light coming from the Galactic centre, and the dwarf star casting a cold and dark shadow.

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