Memories of Connor's Adventures
Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Dungeon Mastery: Lichdom for Dummies
Yes its risky, but so is all power. So dont hesitate to get started with your copy of Lichdom for dummies.
We dont fear the Reaper. We are the Reaper.
For the Player: "You flick through the book with the black and yellow cover and see a hand drawn picture of a person holding a book licking the inside of the book cover."
For the DM: roll 1d20 and check the result chart...
Die - PC licks the inside of the back cover
01 - PC dies.
02 - PC dies and animates as a Zombie.
03 - PC dies and animates as a Ghoul.
04 - PC dies and animates as a Shadow.
05 - PC dies and animates as a Wight.
06 - PC dies and animates as a Wraith.
07 - PC dies and animates as a Spectre.
08 - PC dies and animates as a Mummy.
09 - PC reduces in age to 10, dies and animates as a Vampire* lollie.
10 - PC dies and animates as a Flying Skull.
11 - PC dies and hands animate as crawling hands.
12 - PC dies and eyeballs animate as flying eyeballs.
13 - PC's Tongue falls out and crawls away.
14 - PC goes blind.
15 - PC charisma permanantly reduces to 3.
16 - PC looses an eye which falls out.
17 - PC looses a hand which falls off.
18 - PC inflicts drain touch on all living things automatically.
19 - PC now attracts undead within one hundred feet.
20 - PC dies and is animated as a Lich* for one hour per day.
*Sentient undead under Players control. All other undead forms are monsters under DM control.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: the origin of floating disc
floating disc in every language
1. Swaai skyf
2. Disk lundrues
3. Tenisafafi disiki
4. Alguars aleayim
5. Loghats vogh skavarrak
6. Uzen disk
7. Bahasamana diska
8. Disko flotagarria
9. Plavajucy dysk
10. Plutajuci disk
11. Plavasht disk
12. Floating disc
13. Disc flotant
14. Nagalutaw nga Disc
15. Fu pan
16. Disc flottante
17. Plovouci disk
18. Flydende skive
19. Drijvende schijf
20. Flosanta disko (esperanto)
21. Ujuv ketas
22. Lumulutang na disc
23. Kelluva levy
24. Disque flottant
25. Disco flotante
26. Mtsuravi diski
27. Schwimmende scheibe
28. Plotos diskos
29. Phlotinga diska
30. Flote disk
31. Waya sanyawa
32. Ke ku nei disc
34. Phloting disk
35. Paj yeeb disc
36. Lebego lemez
37. Fljotandi diskur
38. Igwe naese nelu mmiri
39. Disk apung
40. Diosca snamh
41. Disco galleggiante
42. Furotin gudisuku
43. Ngambang disc
44. Qualquimali disk
45. Disa a nte t
46. Peulloting diseukeu
47. Leu onlony
48. Curabitur orbis
49. Peldosias disks
50. Plaukiojantis diskas
51. Plovecki disk
52. Mitsingevana disc
53. Cakera terapung
54. Phleatting disk
55. Disk fwicc l-ilma
56. Papa rua
57. Khovogch disk
58. Flytende plate
59. Disc youandama
60. *AMB*D*K
61. DIS*AR
62. Plywajacy dysk
63. Disco flutuante
64. Phalotiga disaka
65. Disc plutitor
66. Plavayushchiy disk
67. Vaevaega floating
68. Disc fleodraidh
69. *K
70. Pavena taetiya
71. Plavajoci disk
72. Dulsaar cufan
73. Discount e phapametseng
74. Ngambang disc
75. Disc ya kuelea
76. Flytande skiva
77. Diski sinokunanda
78. Mitakkum vattu
79. Phaen ixy
80. Yuzen disk
81. Plavayuchyy dysk
82. F*TNC *K
83. Suzuvchi disk
84. Dia noi
85. Disg fcl y bor angen
86. Driuwende skiif
87. Ukudada kwidii
88. Flouting disk
89. Flteg desk
90. I-floating disc
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
65 72% 39 43% 70 77% 38 42% 37 41%
B % C % D % F % G %
9 10% 35 38% 70 77% 25 27% 25 27%
H % J % K % L % M %
13 14% 10 11% 50 55% 48 53% 17 18%
N % P % Q % R % S %
48 53% 26 28% 2 2% 9 10% 66 73%
T % V % W % X % Y %
43 47% 20 22% 8 8% 1 1% 14 15%
Z %
4 4%
Popularity of use
77% D, I:
73% S, A, D, I:
55% K, S, A, D, I: *K,
53% L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
47% T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
43% E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Di sa a nte t,
42% O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Dia noi,
41% U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Ukudada kwidii,
Diski sinokunanda,
38% C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Ke ku nei disc,
28% P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Disc plutitor, Peldosias disks,
Plotos diskos,
27% G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: I-floating disc,
Flteg desk, Flouting disk, F*TNC *K, Phalotiga disaka,
Disco flutuante, Peulloting diseukeu, Furotin gudisuku,
Disco galleggiante, Disk apung, Flote disk, Disco flotante,
Flosanta disko (esperanto), Disc flottante, Fu pan,
Disc flotant, Floating disc, Disko flotagarria, Tenisafafi disiki,
22% V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Vaevaega floating,
Khovogch disk, Plovecki disk, Flydende skive, Plovouci disk,
Plavasht disk,
18% M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Mitakkum vattu,
Mitsingevana disc, Lumulutang na disc,
15% Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Flytande skiva,
Disc ya kuelea, Pavena taetiya, Disc youandama,
Flytende plate, Leu onlony, Kelluva levy, Plavajucy dysk,
Alguars aleayim,
14% H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Plavayuchyy dysk, Discount e phapametseng,
Plavayushchiy disk, Phleatting disk, Diosca snamh,
Phloting disk, Phlotinga diska,
10% B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Disg fcl y bor angen, Ngambang disc, Dulsaar cufan,
Plavajoci disk, Disc fleodraidh, DIS*AR, *AMB*D*K, Papa rua,
Cakera terapung, Plaukiojantis diskas, Ngambang disc,
Fljotandi diskur, Paj yeeb disc, DJSKTF, Mtsuravi diski,
Ujuv ketas, Drijvende schijf, Plutajuci disk,
Bahasamana diska, Loghats vogh skavarrak, Disk lundrues,
8% W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Driuwende skiif, Plywajacy dysk, Disk fwicc l-ilma,
Curabitur orbis, Igwe naese nelu mmiri,
Schwimmende scheibe, Nagalutaw nga Disc, Waya sanyawa,
Swaai skyf,
4% Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Suzuvchi disk, Yuzen disk, Lebego lemez, Uzen disk,
2% Q, Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Qualquimali disk, Disque flottant
1% X, Q, Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Phaen ixy,
At 55% the earliest use of floating disc is apparently *K (in the Sindhi language).
The first intact use is at 43% with Di sa a nte t (in Khmer).
At 42% it spreads to vietnamese as Dia noi.
Then at 41% it spreads as Ukudada kwidii (Xhosa language) and Diski sinokunanda (in Tamil). This is all regional magic use that eventually spreads world wide, but oddly it only reaches Thai at 1% as Phaen ixy.
1. Swaai skyf
2. Disk lundrues
3. Tenisafafi disiki
4. Alguars aleayim
5. Loghats vogh skavarrak
6. Uzen disk
7. Bahasamana diska
8. Disko flotagarria
9. Plavajucy dysk
10. Plutajuci disk
11. Plavasht disk
12. Floating disc
13. Disc flotant
14. Nagalutaw nga Disc
15. Fu pan
16. Disc flottante
17. Plovouci disk
18. Flydende skive
19. Drijvende schijf
20. Flosanta disko (esperanto)
21. Ujuv ketas
22. Lumulutang na disc
23. Kelluva levy
24. Disque flottant
25. Disco flotante
26. Mtsuravi diski
27. Schwimmende scheibe
28. Plotos diskos
29. Phlotinga diska
30. Flote disk
31. Waya sanyawa
32. Ke ku nei disc
34. Phloting disk
35. Paj yeeb disc
36. Lebego lemez
37. Fljotandi diskur
38. Igwe naese nelu mmiri
39. Disk apung
40. Diosca snamh
41. Disco galleggiante
42. Furotin gudisuku
43. Ngambang disc
44. Qualquimali disk
45. Disa a nte t
46. Peulloting diseukeu
47. Leu onlony
48. Curabitur orbis
49. Peldosias disks
50. Plaukiojantis diskas
51. Plovecki disk
52. Mitsingevana disc
53. Cakera terapung
54. Phleatting disk
55. Disk fwicc l-ilma
56. Papa rua
57. Khovogch disk
58. Flytende plate
59. Disc youandama
60. *AMB*D*K
61. DIS*AR
62. Plywajacy dysk
63. Disco flutuante
64. Phalotiga disaka
65. Disc plutitor
66. Plavayushchiy disk
67. Vaevaega floating
68. Disc fleodraidh
69. *K
70. Pavena taetiya
71. Plavajoci disk
72. Dulsaar cufan
73. Discount e phapametseng
74. Ngambang disc
75. Disc ya kuelea
76. Flytande skiva
77. Diski sinokunanda
78. Mitakkum vattu
79. Phaen ixy
80. Yuzen disk
81. Plavayuchyy dysk
82. F*TNC *K
83. Suzuvchi disk
84. Dia noi
85. Disg fcl y bor angen
86. Driuwende skiif
87. Ukudada kwidii
88. Flouting disk
89. Flteg desk
90. I-floating disc
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
65 72% 39 43% 70 77% 38 42% 37 41%
B % C % D % F % G %
9 10% 35 38% 70 77% 25 27% 25 27%
H % J % K % L % M %
13 14% 10 11% 50 55% 48 53% 17 18%
N % P % Q % R % S %
48 53% 26 28% 2 2% 9 10% 66 73%
T % V % W % X % Y %
43 47% 20 22% 8 8% 1 1% 14 15%
Z %
4 4%
Popularity of use
77% D, I:
73% S, A, D, I:
55% K, S, A, D, I: *K,
53% L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
47% T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
43% E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Di sa a nte t,
42% O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Dia noi,
41% U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Ukudada kwidii,
Diski sinokunanda,
38% C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Ke ku nei disc,
28% P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Disc plutitor, Peldosias disks,
Plotos diskos,
27% G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: I-floating disc,
Flteg desk, Flouting disk, F*TNC *K, Phalotiga disaka,
Disco flutuante, Peulloting diseukeu, Furotin gudisuku,
Disco galleggiante, Disk apung, Flote disk, Disco flotante,
Flosanta disko (esperanto), Disc flottante, Fu pan,
Disc flotant, Floating disc, Disko flotagarria, Tenisafafi disiki,
22% V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Vaevaega floating,
Khovogch disk, Plovecki disk, Flydende skive, Plovouci disk,
Plavasht disk,
18% M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Mitakkum vattu,
Mitsingevana disc, Lumulutang na disc,
15% Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I: Flytande skiva,
Disc ya kuelea, Pavena taetiya, Disc youandama,
Flytende plate, Leu onlony, Kelluva levy, Plavajucy dysk,
Alguars aleayim,
14% H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Plavayuchyy dysk, Discount e phapametseng,
Plavayushchiy disk, Phleatting disk, Diosca snamh,
Phloting disk, Phlotinga diska,
10% B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Disg fcl y bor angen, Ngambang disc, Dulsaar cufan,
Plavajoci disk, Disc fleodraidh, DIS*AR, *AMB*D*K, Papa rua,
Cakera terapung, Plaukiojantis diskas, Ngambang disc,
Fljotandi diskur, Paj yeeb disc, DJSKTF, Mtsuravi diski,
Ujuv ketas, Drijvende schijf, Plutajuci disk,
Bahasamana diska, Loghats vogh skavarrak, Disk lundrues,
8% W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Driuwende skiif, Plywajacy dysk, Disk fwicc l-ilma,
Curabitur orbis, Igwe naese nelu mmiri,
Schwimmende scheibe, Nagalutaw nga Disc, Waya sanyawa,
Swaai skyf,
4% Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Suzuvchi disk, Yuzen disk, Lebego lemez, Uzen disk,
2% Q, Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Qualquimali disk, Disque flottant
1% X, Q, Z, W, B, R, J, H, Y, M, V, G, F, P, C, U, O, E, T, L, N, K, S, A, D, I:
Phaen ixy,
At 55% the earliest use of floating disc is apparently *K (in the Sindhi language).
The first intact use is at 43% with Di sa a nte t (in Khmer).
At 42% it spreads to vietnamese as Dia noi.
Then at 41% it spreads as Ukudada kwidii (Xhosa language) and Diski sinokunanda (in Tamil). This is all regional magic use that eventually spreads world wide, but oddly it only reaches Thai at 1% as Phaen ixy.
Linguistic Archaeology: Gnomes of Greyhawk
Gnomes of the Flanaess
1. Asherm
2. Atanasoff
3. Baervan Wildwanderer
4. Baravar Cloakshadow
5. Basher Grundig
6. Blaif Rinnar
7. Dophdar
8. Dweren Sveer
9. Endoble Mistikmore
10. Farid Babel-Oued
11. Firre Orlenac
12. Fischer, Grimmri
13. Flandal Steelskin
14. Foreman Fenrous
15. Furduch Na'Gwayler
16. Gaerdal Ironhand
17. Garl Glittergold
18. Garlan Baranmare
19. Garraldson, Gundri
20. Gleed
21. Herrifen
22. Hilewys
23. Imiric Von Sus-Varren
24. Jarl
25. Jawan Sumber
26. Jimm
27. Kabyle
28. Keak Breedbate
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
20 71% 21 75% 15 53% 11 39% 6 21%
B % C % D % F % G %
9 32% 5 17% 9 32% 9 32% 8 28%
H % J % K % L % M %
9 32% 3 10% 5 17% 16 57% 8 28%
N % P % Q % R % S %
15 53% 1 3% 0 0% 22 78% 11 39%
T % V % W % X % Y %
5 17% 3 10% 6 21% 0 0% 3 10%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
78% R:
75% E, R:
71% A, E, R: Rae,
57% L, E, A, R: Lear,
53% I, N, L, E, A, R: Eri, Inan,
39% S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Soolin,
32% H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Herrifen, Blaif Rinnar,
28% G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Gleed,
Garlan Baranmare, Gaerdal Ironhand, Asherm,
21% U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Gundri Garraldson,
Foreman Fenrous, Farid Babel-Oued, Basher Grundig,
17% C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R:
Keak breedbate, Grimmri Fischer, Flandal Steelskin,
Firre Orlenac, Atanasoff, Endoble Mistikmore,
Garl Glittergold
10% V, Y, J, C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Jarl,
Jimm, Jawan Sumber, Kabyle, Imiric Von Sus-Varren,
Hilewys, Furduch Na'Gwayler, Dweren Sveer,
Baravar Cloakshadow, Baervan Wildwanderer,
3% P, V, Y, J, C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R:
0% Z, X, Q:
Conclusion: Beginning at 32% the gnomish names Herrifen and Blaif Rinnar predate the Gnomish gods in linguistic development.
At 3% Dophdar is the last gnomish name.
Origin of the Gnomes
Herrifen comes with a -fen suffix suggesting a fen dwelling gnomish population. There is only one fen on the greyhawk map, the others being marshes, moors, and swamps. The Trollfens sit just below the Griff Mountains. Several generations later Foreman Fenrouse appears to be a significant gnomish leader's name amongst the trollfen dwelling gnomes. But Garl Glitterlode's generation sees migration to a Moor (found in the gnomish name Endoble Mistikmore).
Only the Rushmoors meets the requirements as a destination and potentially ties this mass migration to that of the Dwarves of Or migrating (before the rise of Orcus in the Dwarf homeland north of the Trollfens) to beyond the Lortmils, panning for gold in the Lort River. This relationship between garl glitterlode, the dwarves of the Lortmils, and the gnomes of the Rushmoors explains his rise as a god of gnomes and dwarves.
1. Asherm
2. Atanasoff
3. Baervan Wildwanderer
4. Baravar Cloakshadow
5. Basher Grundig
6. Blaif Rinnar
7. Dophdar
8. Dweren Sveer
9. Endoble Mistikmore
10. Farid Babel-Oued
11. Firre Orlenac
12. Fischer, Grimmri
13. Flandal Steelskin
14. Foreman Fenrous
15. Furduch Na'Gwayler
16. Gaerdal Ironhand
17. Garl Glittergold
18. Garlan Baranmare
19. Garraldson, Gundri
20. Gleed
21. Herrifen
22. Hilewys
23. Imiric Von Sus-Varren
24. Jarl
25. Jawan Sumber
26. Jimm
27. Kabyle
28. Keak Breedbate
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
20 71% 21 75% 15 53% 11 39% 6 21%
B % C % D % F % G %
9 32% 5 17% 9 32% 9 32% 8 28%
H % J % K % L % M %
9 32% 3 10% 5 17% 16 57% 8 28%
N % P % Q % R % S %
15 53% 1 3% 0 0% 22 78% 11 39%
T % V % W % X % Y %
5 17% 3 10% 6 21% 0 0% 3 10%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
78% R:
75% E, R:
71% A, E, R: Rae,
57% L, E, A, R: Lear,
53% I, N, L, E, A, R: Eri, Inan,
39% S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Soolin,
32% H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Herrifen, Blaif Rinnar,
28% G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Gleed,
Garlan Baranmare, Gaerdal Ironhand, Asherm,
21% U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Gundri Garraldson,
Foreman Fenrous, Farid Babel-Oued, Basher Grundig,
17% C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R:
Keak breedbate, Grimmri Fischer, Flandal Steelskin,
Firre Orlenac, Atanasoff, Endoble Mistikmore,
Garl Glittergold
10% V, Y, J, C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R: Jarl,
Jimm, Jawan Sumber, Kabyle, Imiric Von Sus-Varren,
Hilewys, Furduch Na'Gwayler, Dweren Sveer,
Baravar Cloakshadow, Baervan Wildwanderer,
3% P, V, Y, J, C, K, T, U, W, G, M, H, F, D, B, S, O, I, N, L, E, A, R:
0% Z, X, Q:
Conclusion: Beginning at 32% the gnomish names Herrifen and Blaif Rinnar predate the Gnomish gods in linguistic development.
At 3% Dophdar is the last gnomish name.
Origin of the Gnomes
Herrifen comes with a -fen suffix suggesting a fen dwelling gnomish population. There is only one fen on the greyhawk map, the others being marshes, moors, and swamps. The Trollfens sit just below the Griff Mountains. Several generations later Foreman Fenrouse appears to be a significant gnomish leader's name amongst the trollfen dwelling gnomes. But Garl Glitterlode's generation sees migration to a Moor (found in the gnomish name Endoble Mistikmore).
Only the Rushmoors meets the requirements as a destination and potentially ties this mass migration to that of the Dwarves of Or migrating (before the rise of Orcus in the Dwarf homeland north of the Trollfens) to beyond the Lortmils, panning for gold in the Lort River. This relationship between garl glitterlode, the dwarves of the Lortmils, and the gnomes of the Rushmoors explains his rise as a god of gnomes and dwarves.
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The Gliterlode Migration |
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Rebellious Streak: thoughts on Rebooting Blakes 7
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System Pursuit Ship adrift in Space |
It has taken Vila decades to pull together the resources necessary to venture this far out beyond the Terran Federation.
The MK6 Terran Federation Pursuit ship he has abandoned has seen better days and is still in better condition compared to the Space-world built Pursuit ship looming closer every minute as he drifts across the void of space toward its hull.
The Access Airlock was easily identified and the ship breached. The original crew were long deceased, their survival dependant on the System that ORAC had long ago destroyed. Remaining in his space-suit Vila walked onto the very familiar flight deck stepping over the ancient remains of a long deceased crew and stared at the Ship's dead AI interface.
"Zen?" Vila paused, contemplating his alternatives if it failed to respond. "Respond Please."
Vila, last of the Seven, is not overly keen on dying like his compatriots. Rather his need to survive has driven him to salvage the most powerful ship technology possible.
Thus we have:
- A ship technologically similar to the Liberator, with an FTL velocity of Standard by Twenty, Auto-repair, Herculanium Hull, Zen AI, Force-wall, Battle computers, Teleport, and a Neutron Blaster as primary ship weapon.
- An aging Thief named Vila who knows its value to be beyond all the credits in the Terran Federation banking system.
But should it begin here, or should we write this tale backwards beginning where it ended - on Gauda Prime, and ending where it began - on Earth?
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: origin of Detect Magic
Detect Magic in all languages
1. Detect Magic
2. Spoor magic op
3. Zbuloni magjine
4. Asimatini yiweku
5. Kushif alsihir
6. Haytnek mogutyuny
7. Sehirli yeri ashar edin
8. Myajika sanakta karuna
9. Detektatu magia
10. Vyjavic mahiju
11. Otkriite magiyata
12. Mhaaw a hcaat ko sharhpwaytwaeshi par
13. Detecta la magia
14. Detektib ang magic
15. Jiance moshu
16. Detecta a magia
17. Othrivanje magije
18. Detekujte kouzlo
19. Registrer magi
20. Detecteer magie
21. Detekti magion (esperanto)
22. Avasta maagia
23. Tiktik ang magic
24. Tunnista taikus
25. Detecter la magie
26. Detectia a maxia
27. Magie a erkennen
28. Entopismos magic
29. Mejika sodha
30. Detekte majik
31. Gano sihiri
32. Akilokilo
33. *KSM
34. Jaadoo ka pata lagaen
35. Ntes khawv koob
36. Uppgotva galdur
37. Choputa ime anwansi
38. Deteksi sihir
39. Braith draiocht
40. Rileva magia
41. Maho o sagase
42. Ndeteksi piandel
43. Myajik patte
44. Siqirdi Aniqtaniz
45. Rk kheunh vetomon
46. Mabeob gamji
47. Zutirin detect
48. Detect Aniktoomnesilu
49. Kuadphob magic
50. Magia deprehendere
51. Atklat magiju
52. Aptikti magija
53. Magic zentdecken
54. Otkrijte ja magijata
55. Hitady ny majika
56. Mengesan magic
57. Majikk kantettuka
58. Tinduna magija
59. Rapu kahi
60. Jadu sodha
61. Magic-iig ilruulekh
62. Jadu patta lagaunuhos
63. Oppdage magi
64. Dziwani matsenga
65. CA*K*FK*E
67. Wykryj magie
68. Detectar magia
69. Maijika di khoja karo
70. Detecta magia
71. Donaruzhit magiyu
72. Sailile magic
73. Lorg draoid heachd
74. Ziva mashiripiti
75. *K*C*CA*
76. Maejik handuna ganna
77. zistit kuzlo
78. Zaznajte magijo
79. Soo hel sixer
80. Tseba boloi
81. Detectar magia
82. Mereskeun sihir
83. Gundua uchawi
84. Upptack magi
85. Muajjan kardani magic
86. Mejik gurtincandi
87. Trwc cab wethy mntr
88. Buyuyu algila
89. Vyyavyty mahiyu
91. Sehrni aniqlang
92. Phat hien ma thuat
93. Canfod hud
94. Magic untdekke
95. Khangeka umlingo
96. Detekt magish
97. Sawari magic
98. Thola umlingo
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
90 91% 63 64% 83 84% 37 37% 37 37%
B % C % D % F % G %
7 7% 34 34% 35 35% 3 3% 55 56%
H % J % K % L % M %
34 34% 24 23% 40 40% 22 22% 69 70%
N % P % Q % R % S %
44 44% 18 17% 2 2% 34 34% 32 32%
T % V % W % X % Y %
58 59% 8 8% 9 9% 2 2% 14 14%
Z %
10 10%
Popularity of use
91% A:
84% I, A:
70% M, I, A:
64% E, M, I, A:
59% T, E, M, I, A:
56% G, T, E, M, I, A: Magi,
44% N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
40% K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Tiktik ang magia,
37% O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
35% D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Detekti magion (esperanto),
Detektatu magia,
34% C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Magic untdekke,
Detectar magia, *K*C*CA*, Detecta magia, Magie a erkennen,
Tiktik ang magic, Detecteer magie, Detecta a magia,
Detektib ang magic, Detect Magic,
32% S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Detekt magish,
Mereskeun sihir, Mengesan magic, Maho o sagase,
Deteksi sihir, *KSM, Gano sihiri, Tunnista taikus,
Registrer magi, Spoor magic op,
23% J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Mejik gurtincandi,
Muajjan kardani magic, Maejik handuna ganna,
Maijika di khoja karo, Jadu sodha, Tinduna magija,
Majikk kantettuka, Otkrijte ja magijata, Detekte majik,
Mejika sodha, Jiance moshu,
22% L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Khangeka umlingo, Lorg draoid heachd, Sailile magic,
Magic-iig ilruulekh, Atklat magiju, Detect Aniktoomnesilu,
Akilokilo, Thola umlinge, Detecter la magie, Detecta la magia,
17% P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Phat hien ma thuat, Upptack magi, JAD*RAD*IPDEID,
Oppdage magi, Jadu patta lagaunuhos, Rapu kahi,
Aptikti magija, Magia deprehendere, Ndeteksi piandel,
Jaadoo ka pata lagaen, Entopismos magic,
14% Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
CAD*KAP*CA*Y*, Hitady ny majika, Myajik patte,
Otkriite magiyata, Myajika sanakta karuna,
Sehirli yeri ashar edin, Haytnek mogutyuny,
10% Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Zaznajte magijo, Zistit kuzlo, Ziva mashiripiti,
Donaruzhit magiyu, Magic zentdecken,
Zutirin detect, Detekujte kouzlo,
9% W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Sawari magic, Gundua uchawi, Wykryj magie,
Dziwani matsenga, Choputa ime anwansi,
Mhaaw a hcaat ko sharhpwaytwaeshi par, Asimatini yiweku,
8% V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Vyyavyty mahiyu, Rk kheunh vetomon, Rileva magia,
Uppgotva galdur, Avasta maagia, Othrivanje magije,
Vyjavic mahiju,
7% B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Buyuyu algila, Trwc cab wethy mntr, Tseba boloi,
Mabeob gamji, Braith draiocht, Ntes khawv koob,
Kuadphob magic, Buloni magjine,
3% F, B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Canfod hud, CA*K*FK*E, Kushif alsihir,
2% X, Q, B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Sehrni aniqlang, Siqirdi Aniqtaniz, Soo hel sixer,
Detectia a maxia,
Conclusion: Detect Magic is known at 35% to Basque (Detektatu magia). From there it spreads... though the detect magic spell could be known earlier (40%) in a Basque-Filipino linguistic merger for those interested in creating exotic magic-aware cultures.
1. Detect Magic
2. Spoor magic op
3. Zbuloni magjine
4. Asimatini yiweku
5. Kushif alsihir
6. Haytnek mogutyuny
7. Sehirli yeri ashar edin
8. Myajika sanakta karuna
9. Detektatu magia
10. Vyjavic mahiju
11. Otkriite magiyata
12. Mhaaw a hcaat ko sharhpwaytwaeshi par
13. Detecta la magia
14. Detektib ang magic
15. Jiance moshu
16. Detecta a magia
17. Othrivanje magije
18. Detekujte kouzlo
19. Registrer magi
20. Detecteer magie
21. Detekti magion (esperanto)
22. Avasta maagia
23. Tiktik ang magic
24. Tunnista taikus
25. Detecter la magie
26. Detectia a maxia
27. Magie a erkennen
28. Entopismos magic
29. Mejika sodha
30. Detekte majik
31. Gano sihiri
32. Akilokilo
33. *KSM
34. Jaadoo ka pata lagaen
35. Ntes khawv koob
36. Uppgotva galdur
37. Choputa ime anwansi
38. Deteksi sihir
39. Braith draiocht
40. Rileva magia
41. Maho o sagase
42. Ndeteksi piandel
43. Myajik patte
44. Siqirdi Aniqtaniz
45. Rk kheunh vetomon
46. Mabeob gamji
47. Zutirin detect
48. Detect Aniktoomnesilu
49. Kuadphob magic
50. Magia deprehendere
51. Atklat magiju
52. Aptikti magija
53. Magic zentdecken
54. Otkrijte ja magijata
55. Hitady ny majika
56. Mengesan magic
57. Majikk kantettuka
58. Tinduna magija
59. Rapu kahi
60. Jadu sodha
61. Magic-iig ilruulekh
62. Jadu patta lagaunuhos
63. Oppdage magi
64. Dziwani matsenga
65. CA*K*FK*E
67. Wykryj magie
68. Detectar magia
69. Maijika di khoja karo
70. Detecta magia
71. Donaruzhit magiyu
72. Sailile magic
73. Lorg draoid heachd
74. Ziva mashiripiti
75. *K*C*CA*
76. Maejik handuna ganna
77. zistit kuzlo
78. Zaznajte magijo
79. Soo hel sixer
80. Tseba boloi
81. Detectar magia
82. Mereskeun sihir
83. Gundua uchawi
84. Upptack magi
85. Muajjan kardani magic
86. Mejik gurtincandi
87. Trwc cab wethy mntr
88. Buyuyu algila
89. Vyyavyty mahiyu
91. Sehrni aniqlang
92. Phat hien ma thuat
93. Canfod hud
94. Magic untdekke
95. Khangeka umlingo
96. Detekt magish
97. Sawari magic
98. Thola umlingo
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
90 91% 63 64% 83 84% 37 37% 37 37%
B % C % D % F % G %
7 7% 34 34% 35 35% 3 3% 55 56%
H % J % K % L % M %
34 34% 24 23% 40 40% 22 22% 69 70%
N % P % Q % R % S %
44 44% 18 17% 2 2% 34 34% 32 32%
T % V % W % X % Y %
58 59% 8 8% 9 9% 2 2% 14 14%
Z %
10 10%
Popularity of use
91% A:
84% I, A:
70% M, I, A:
64% E, M, I, A:
59% T, E, M, I, A:
56% G, T, E, M, I, A: Magi,
44% N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
40% K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Tiktik ang magia,
37% O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
35% D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Detekti magion (esperanto),
Detektatu magia,
34% C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Magic untdekke,
Detectar magia, *K*C*CA*, Detecta magia, Magie a erkennen,
Tiktik ang magic, Detecteer magie, Detecta a magia,
Detektib ang magic, Detect Magic,
32% S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Detekt magish,
Mereskeun sihir, Mengesan magic, Maho o sagase,
Deteksi sihir, *KSM, Gano sihiri, Tunnista taikus,
Registrer magi, Spoor magic op,
23% J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A: Mejik gurtincandi,
Muajjan kardani magic, Maejik handuna ganna,
Maijika di khoja karo, Jadu sodha, Tinduna magija,
Majikk kantettuka, Otkrijte ja magijata, Detekte majik,
Mejika sodha, Jiance moshu,
22% L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Khangeka umlingo, Lorg draoid heachd, Sailile magic,
Magic-iig ilruulekh, Atklat magiju, Detect Aniktoomnesilu,
Akilokilo, Thola umlinge, Detecter la magie, Detecta la magia,
17% P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Phat hien ma thuat, Upptack magi, JAD*RAD*IPDEID,
Oppdage magi, Jadu patta lagaunuhos, Rapu kahi,
Aptikti magija, Magia deprehendere, Ndeteksi piandel,
Jaadoo ka pata lagaen, Entopismos magic,
14% Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
CAD*KAP*CA*Y*, Hitady ny majika, Myajik patte,
Otkriite magiyata, Myajika sanakta karuna,
Sehirli yeri ashar edin, Haytnek mogutyuny,
10% Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Zaznajte magijo, Zistit kuzlo, Ziva mashiripiti,
Donaruzhit magiyu, Magic zentdecken,
Zutirin detect, Detekujte kouzlo,
9% W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Sawari magic, Gundua uchawi, Wykryj magie,
Dziwani matsenga, Choputa ime anwansi,
Mhaaw a hcaat ko sharhpwaytwaeshi par, Asimatini yiweku,
8% V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Vyyavyty mahiyu, Rk kheunh vetomon, Rileva magia,
Uppgotva galdur, Avasta maagia, Othrivanje magije,
Vyjavic mahiju,
7% B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Buyuyu algila, Trwc cab wethy mntr, Tseba boloi,
Mabeob gamji, Braith draiocht, Ntes khawv koob,
Kuadphob magic, Buloni magjine,
3% F, B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Canfod hud, CA*K*FK*E, Kushif alsihir,
2% X, Q, B, V, W, Z, Y, P, L, J, S, C, H, R, D, O, U, K, N, G, T, E, M, I, A:
Sehrni aniqlang, Siqirdi Aniqtaniz, Soo hel sixer,
Detectia a maxia,
Conclusion: Detect Magic is known at 35% to Basque (Detektatu magia). From there it spreads... though the detect magic spell could be known earlier (40%) in a Basque-Filipino linguistic merger for those interested in creating exotic magic-aware cultures.
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Art Folio: Something in the sewers

What it looks like when your town comes down with a bad case of worms...
Art Folio: Inevitable crater in the landscape...
The battle escalated out of hand until energy was so significant that its impact cracked and gouged the earth.
Saturday, 22 February 2020
Art Folio: The Public Pilory
In the Great Market Place stands an ornate stone pillar fitted with iron shackles and a bronze shield on a dias. Usually there is a felon shackled there to be shamed, pitied, or brutalized depending greatly on the public mood.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Halflings of the Flanaess
Greyhawk Halfling Names
1. Alamant Bounder
2. Allentar
3. Alphon
4. Arvoreen
5. Athemal
6. Bellod
7. Blodgett
8. Bornthien
9. Brandobaris
10. Brenja Longbaker
11. Bundis
12. Charmalaine
13. Cyrrollalee
14. Cyrroallaelee
15. Descritad
16. Diggdeep
17. Diggerly
18. Diggson
19. Diggwell Biffson
20. Dudley Talbot
21. Dugwall
22. Dunil
23. Finney Goodbarrel
24. Gavin
25. Glenda Silvertoe
26. Gormadoc
27. Griswald Hairhand
28. Halfhigh
29. Blight
30. Hanna Blackhand
31. Hesselwhite
32. Hoetoe
33. Joman Dart
34. Kaldair Swiftfoot
35. Kent
36. Lara Lightfingers
37. Lily
38. Mara Hardiggin
39. Permen Merrifoot
40. Pontus Hardiggin
41. Questin Himmble
42. Revv Aair
43. Ruskin
44. Sheela Paryroyl
45. Slu Tippy
46. Talf
47. Talfor Hemlis
48. Theodore Dobbins
49. Graf Twembly
50. Urgolan
51. Goody Whiteburrow
52. Windsor Greenshade
53. Yondalla
54. Yondolla
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
32 59% 31 57% 30 55% 29 53% 10 18%
B % C % D % F % G %
16 29% 4 7% 26 58% 7 12% 20 37%
H % J % K % L % M %
15 27% 1 1% 5 9% 34 62% 9 16%
N % P % Q % R % S %
29 53% 3 5% 1 1% 27 50% 17 31%
T % V % W % X % Y %
23 42% 4 7% 8 14% 0 0% 10 18%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
62% L:
59% A, L: Lallal (The Singing Mother)
58% D, A, L:
57% E, D, A, L:
55% I, E, D, A, L:
53% N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
50% R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Roland, Orlando
42% T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Allentar,
37% G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
31% S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Diggson,
29% B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Brandobaris, Blodgett, Bellod,
27% H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Theodore Dobbins, Hoetoe,
Hanna Blackhand, Blight, Halfhigh, Bornthien,
18% U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Yondolla, Yondalla,
Urgolan, Slu Tippy, Lily, Dunil, Dudley Talbot, Diggerly,
16% M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Mara Hardiggin,
Athemal, Alamant Bounder,
14% W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Windsor Greenshade, Goody Whiteburrow, Hesselwhite,
Griswald Hairhand, Dugwall,
12% F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Graf Twembly,
Talfor Hemlis, Talf, Finney Goodbarrel, Diggwell Biffson,
Lara Lightfingers,
9% K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Ruskin, Kent,
Kaldair Swiftfoot,
7% C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Revv Aair, Gormadoc, Glenda Silvertoe, Gavin,
Descritad, Cyrroallaelee, Cyrrollalee, Charmalaine, Arvoreen,
5% P, C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Pontus Hardiggin, Permen Merrifoot, Sheela Paryroyl,
Diggdeep, Alphon,
1% Q, J, P, C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Questin Himmble, Joman Dart, Brenja Longbaker,
0% Z, X
Conclusion: there is sufficient alphabet before 42% to create halfling names, LALLAL is a viable name for halfling females at 59%. That these early access names are unused implies significant historic and cultural loss.
At 42% Allentar, and likewise 31% Diggson predate the immortal Brandobaris at 29%. At 27% Shire isnt viable linguisticly until after Brandobaris. This suggests Brandobaris is a pre-shire halfling name...
After Brandobaris, Yondalla achieves immortality at 18%.
1. Alamant Bounder
2. Allentar
3. Alphon
4. Arvoreen
5. Athemal
6. Bellod
7. Blodgett
8. Bornthien
9. Brandobaris
10. Brenja Longbaker
11. Bundis
12. Charmalaine
13. Cyrrollalee
14. Cyrroallaelee
15. Descritad
16. Diggdeep
17. Diggerly
18. Diggson
19. Diggwell Biffson
20. Dudley Talbot
21. Dugwall
22. Dunil
23. Finney Goodbarrel
24. Gavin
25. Glenda Silvertoe
26. Gormadoc
27. Griswald Hairhand
28. Halfhigh
29. Blight
30. Hanna Blackhand
31. Hesselwhite
32. Hoetoe
33. Joman Dart
34. Kaldair Swiftfoot
35. Kent
36. Lara Lightfingers
37. Lily
38. Mara Hardiggin
39. Permen Merrifoot
40. Pontus Hardiggin
41. Questin Himmble
42. Revv Aair
43. Ruskin
44. Sheela Paryroyl
45. Slu Tippy
46. Talf
47. Talfor Hemlis
48. Theodore Dobbins
49. Graf Twembly
50. Urgolan
51. Goody Whiteburrow
52. Windsor Greenshade
53. Yondalla
54. Yondolla
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
32 59% 31 57% 30 55% 29 53% 10 18%
B % C % D % F % G %
16 29% 4 7% 26 58% 7 12% 20 37%
H % J % K % L % M %
15 27% 1 1% 5 9% 34 62% 9 16%
N % P % Q % R % S %
29 53% 3 5% 1 1% 27 50% 17 31%
T % V % W % X % Y %
23 42% 4 7% 8 14% 0 0% 10 18%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
62% L:
59% A, L: Lallal (The Singing Mother)
58% D, A, L:
57% E, D, A, L:
55% I, E, D, A, L:
53% N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
50% R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Roland, Orlando
42% T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Allentar,
37% G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
31% S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Diggson,
29% B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Brandobaris, Blodgett, Bellod,
27% H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Theodore Dobbins, Hoetoe,
Hanna Blackhand, Blight, Halfhigh, Bornthien,
18% U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Yondolla, Yondalla,
Urgolan, Slu Tippy, Lily, Dunil, Dudley Talbot, Diggerly,
16% M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Mara Hardiggin,
Athemal, Alamant Bounder,
14% W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Windsor Greenshade, Goody Whiteburrow, Hesselwhite,
Griswald Hairhand, Dugwall,
12% F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Graf Twembly,
Talfor Hemlis, Talf, Finney Goodbarrel, Diggwell Biffson,
Lara Lightfingers,
9% K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L: Ruskin, Kent,
Kaldair Swiftfoot,
7% C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Revv Aair, Gormadoc, Glenda Silvertoe, Gavin,
Descritad, Cyrroallaelee, Cyrrollalee, Charmalaine, Arvoreen,
5% P, C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Pontus Hardiggin, Permen Merrifoot, Sheela Paryroyl,
Diggdeep, Alphon,
1% Q, J, P, C, V, K, F, W, M, U, Y, H, B, S, G, T, R, N, O, I, E, D, A, L:
Questin Himmble, Joman Dart, Brenja Longbaker,
0% Z, X
Conclusion: there is sufficient alphabet before 42% to create halfling names, LALLAL is a viable name for halfling females at 59%. That these early access names are unused implies significant historic and cultural loss.
At 42% Allentar, and likewise 31% Diggson predate the immortal Brandobaris at 29%. At 27% Shire isnt viable linguisticly until after Brandobaris. This suggests Brandobaris is a pre-shire halfling name...
After Brandobaris, Yondalla achieves immortality at 18%.
Linguistic Archaeology: significant Hawaiian Gods & Goddesses
Five significant gods & goddesses of Hawaii
1. Kanaloa
2. Milu
3. Lolupe
4. Uli
5. Alaeahina
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
2 40% 2 40% 3 60% 2 40% 3 60%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
1 20% 0 0% 1 20% 5 100% 1 20%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 40% 1 20% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
100% L:
80% I, U, L: Uli,
60% A, E, O, N, I, U, L:
40% H, M, P, A, E, O, N, I, U, L: Alaeahina, Lolupe, Milu
20% K, H, M, P, A, E, O, N, I, U, L: Kanaloa
Conclusions: Without a larger pantheon of names to analyse this is the only conclusion we can achieve...
At 80% the goddess Uli is the first of these five divinities.
At 60% the development of alphabet jumps to include the letters of the word AEON. This is a word known to ancient greeks suggesting sailors speaking ancient greek made contact with the hawaiian language group without introducing any gods? Amongst gnostics, Aeon is a spiritual state of divine greatness also used to describe a time-frame of 1000 years. Is this an intentional marker indicating contact in the year 1000AC ?
At 40% three new gods- lolupe (a christian portugese or spanish sailor), alae-hina (a japanese woman?), and Milu (no family name?) arrive at hawaii. (Contact 1400AD+).
At 20% Kanaloa appears. This entity is to be considered a post-spanish entity.
Gods & Goddesses of Hawaii
A Developmental Timeline
No apparent pre-existing pantheon.
Female principle deity invoked to kill
AEON appears indicating Contact
with Ancient Greek speaking Sailors.
Aeon is a gnostic term refering to a
Divine spiritual state and 1000 years.
AEON appears indicating Contact
with Ancient Greek speaking Sailors,
Lets say this equates to the spread of
the word 'curse' by Malay speaking
sailors who have contact by sail from
West Africa to Hawaii.
Constantinople has contact with
China but will soon collapse. This is
about the same time they now
estimate the spread of the Syphilis
Portugese navigators are reaching
Ruler of the dead. God of the
underworld. Former sorcerer/chief.
God invoked in rite of deification of
the dead or restoration of life to the
dead (necromancy). Consecrated the
dead to become guardian spirits.
Was a sorceress from the island of
Maui who wrested the secrets of fire
from the gods. Invoked to kill
Christian missionaries equated him
with the Devil and say he led a
rebellion against the other gods,
though this is debatable. Ruled the
Pacific. Guardian of the underworld.
Lives in “the hidden” and is from the
“outer void.” He is the teacher of
1. Kanaloa
2. Milu
3. Lolupe
4. Uli
5. Alaeahina
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
2 40% 2 40% 3 60% 2 40% 3 60%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
1 20% 0 0% 1 20% 5 100% 1 20%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 40% 1 20% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
100% L:
80% I, U, L: Uli,
60% A, E, O, N, I, U, L:
40% H, M, P, A, E, O, N, I, U, L: Alaeahina, Lolupe, Milu
20% K, H, M, P, A, E, O, N, I, U, L: Kanaloa
Conclusions: Without a larger pantheon of names to analyse this is the only conclusion we can achieve...
At 80% the goddess Uli is the first of these five divinities.
At 60% the development of alphabet jumps to include the letters of the word AEON. This is a word known to ancient greeks suggesting sailors speaking ancient greek made contact with the hawaiian language group without introducing any gods? Amongst gnostics, Aeon is a spiritual state of divine greatness also used to describe a time-frame of 1000 years. Is this an intentional marker indicating contact in the year 1000AC ?
At 40% three new gods- lolupe (a christian portugese or spanish sailor), alae-hina (a japanese woman?), and Milu (no family name?) arrive at hawaii. (Contact 1400AD+).
At 20% Kanaloa appears. This entity is to be considered a post-spanish entity.
Gods & Goddesses of Hawaii
A Developmental Timeline
No apparent pre-existing pantheon.
Female principle deity invoked to kill
AEON appears indicating Contact
with Ancient Greek speaking Sailors.
Aeon is a gnostic term refering to a
Divine spiritual state and 1000 years.
Lets say this equates to the spread of
the word 'curse' by Malay speaking
sailors who have contact by sail from
West Africa to Hawaii.
Constantinople has contact with
China but will soon collapse. This is
about the same time they now
estimate the spread of the Syphilis
Portugese navigators are reaching
Ruler of the dead. God of the
underworld. Former sorcerer/chief.
God invoked in rite of deification of
the dead or restoration of life to the
dead (necromancy). Consecrated the
dead to become guardian spirits.
Was a sorceress from the island of
Maui who wrested the secrets of fire
from the gods. Invoked to kill
Christian missionaries equated him
with the Devil and say he led a
rebellion against the other gods,
though this is debatable. Ruled the
Pacific. Guardian of the underworld.
Lives in “the hidden” and is from the
“outer void.” He is the teacher of
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Finding Middle Earth (part 2)
The 43% Group
Popularity of use
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 6 100% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 6 100%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 33% 0 0% 0 0% 6 100% 0 100%
T % V % W % X % Y %
4 66% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of Use
100% E, R, D, M:
83% A, I, E, R, D, M:
66% T, A, I, E, R, D, M: Terra media, Terra-media, Tierra media, Mett aerd
33% N, T, A, I, E, R, D, M: Midden ierede, Midden aarde
0% O, U, B, C, F, G, H, J, K, L, P, Q, S, V, W, X, Y, Z
Further analysis: Terra media and Terra-media (spanish & corsican) are the point of origin, with submigration to Mett Aerd and Tierra media (Luxembourgish & Portugese).
Middle earth originates as a concept in the Spain-Corsica region. Crossing the Misty Mountains happens in the Pyrenees.
So where is Mordor? The region is volcanic, but in the north of Spain the Pyrenees has volcanoes, mountain passes, and oddly enough a good fit for the inaccessible Mordor and Rohan.
The tales likely originate with a tribal conflict - between lowlands people and a mountain folk acessible only through narrow passes.
If the Mordor faction were hold up in the mountains when their volcano began to smoke, drawing the attention of a rival tribe, they would have perished in an eruption and subsequent conflict.
This story combined with a longer conflict between mountain-folk and low-landers gave rise to a tale of a larger conflict ending in an eruption and destruction of the tower of Sauron.
- Midden ierede
- Tierra media
- Terra-media
- Mett aerd
- Midden aarde
- Terra media
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 83% 6 100% 5 83% 0 0% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 6 100% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 6 100%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 33% 0 0% 0 0% 6 100% 0 100%
T % V % W % X % Y %
4 66% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of Use
100% E, R, D, M:
83% A, I, E, R, D, M:
66% T, A, I, E, R, D, M: Terra media, Terra-media, Tierra media, Mett aerd
33% N, T, A, I, E, R, D, M: Midden ierede, Midden aarde
0% O, U, B, C, F, G, H, J, K, L, P, Q, S, V, W, X, Y, Z
Further analysis: Terra media and Terra-media (spanish & corsican) are the point of origin, with submigration to Mett Aerd and Tierra media (Luxembourgish & Portugese).
Middle earth originates as a concept in the Spain-Corsica region. Crossing the Misty Mountains happens in the Pyrenees.
So where is Mordor? The region is volcanic, but in the north of Spain the Pyrenees has volcanoes, mountain passes, and oddly enough a good fit for the inaccessible Mordor and Rohan.
The tales likely originate with a tribal conflict - between lowlands people and a mountain folk acessible only through narrow passes.
If the Mordor faction were hold up in the mountains when their volcano began to smoke, drawing the attention of a rival tribe, they would have perished in an eruption and subsequent conflict.
This story combined with a longer conflict between mountain-folk and low-landers gave rise to a tale of a larger conflict ending in an eruption and destruction of the tower of Sauron.
Star Trek: Introducing the end of Starfleet
With starships under the control of Starfleet, validating what is effectively a pseudo-scientific military class, non starfleet personnel are denied access to technology that allows them to venture beyond starfleet's control.
The Planet Hopper
In the Post Hobus supernova period, the retrofitting of torpedoes with their warheads replaced with transporter buffers and holographic projectors, a small one-crew transport was developed. While the concept initially led to the development of what was little more than a planet hopper capable of movement within solar systems, the addition of transporter buffers that could hold a pattern for a prolonged period extended the travel range.
The Transwarp Star Hopper
Very rare amongst these is the transwarp torpedo.
Capable of achieving Warp 10, a single passenger could launch to space from a planetary surface riding in a holographic projection on a torpedo, and then be placed in the transporter buffer for the transwarp length of voyage before being returned to the holographic projection from the transporter buffer on arrival.
"No, I'm not Starfleet."
Now Federation citizens could travel not only across Federation space, but well beyond it's borders. No longer would diplomatic relations be made by dogmatic starship captains followed by fanatically obedient crews. Now ordinary people could boldly go...where no-one has gone before.
The Planet Hopper
In the Post Hobus supernova period, the retrofitting of torpedoes with their warheads replaced with transporter buffers and holographic projectors, a small one-crew transport was developed. While the concept initially led to the development of what was little more than a planet hopper capable of movement within solar systems, the addition of transporter buffers that could hold a pattern for a prolonged period extended the travel range.
The Transwarp Star Hopper
Very rare amongst these is the transwarp torpedo.
Capable of achieving Warp 10, a single passenger could launch to space from a planetary surface riding in a holographic projection on a torpedo, and then be placed in the transporter buffer for the transwarp length of voyage before being returned to the holographic projection from the transporter buffer on arrival.
"No, I'm not Starfleet."
Now Federation citizens could travel not only across Federation space, but well beyond it's borders. No longer would diplomatic relations be made by dogmatic starship captains followed by fanatically obedient crews. Now ordinary people could boldly go...where no-one has gone before.
Linguistic Archaeology: Finding Middle Earth
"Far and wide (as I heard) the work was given out in many a tribe over middle earth, the making of the mead-hall." - Hrothgar builds Heorot, Beowulf
While the significance of Beowulf to LOTR's Middle earth is beyond doubt, middle earth is a concept that predates Beowulf. So where does the idea of middle earth come from?
Middle earth in every language*
1. Middel garde
2. Toka e mesme
3. Mekakelenyawi midiri
4. Alard alwustaa
5. Mijin yerkir
6. Orta yer
7. Madhya prthhibi
8. Erdiko lurra
9. Siaredniaja ziamlia
10. Srednja zemlja
11. Sredya zemya
12. Kambharmyay aalaal
13. Terra mitjana
14. Tunga nga yuta
15. zhong tu
16. Terra media
17. Meduzemlje
18. Stredozem
19. Midgard
20. Midden aarde
21. Middle earth
22. Meza tero (esperanto)
23. Keskmaa
24. Gitnang lupa
25. Keskimaa
26. Terre du milieu
27. Shua dedamitsa
28. Mittelerde
29. Mesaia gi
30. Madhyama prthvi
31. Temwayen
32. Tsakiyarduniya
33. Honua waena
34. *R*R*V*
35. Madhy prthvee
36. Nruab nrab lub ntiaj teb
37. Kozepfold
38. Midja jord
39. Etiti uwa
40. Bumi tengah
41. Lar an domhain
42. Terra di mezzo
43. Nakatsukuni
44. Tengah bumi
45. Madhya bhumi
46. Orta jer
47. Phendei kandal
48. Jung-gan jigu
49. Erden navin
50. Ortoaephndin kang
51. Medio terrae
52. Viddus zeme
53. Vidurio zeme
54. Mett aerd
55. Spredna zemja
56. Tany ofovoany
57. Art tan-nofs
58. Waenganui waenganui
59. Madhyama prthvi
60. Dund delkhii
61. Madhya prthvi
62. Mello mjord
63. Lapansi wapakati
64. MN*N*MK*
66. Srodziemie
67. Terra-media
68. Madha dharati
69. Pamant de mojloc
70. Sredizemye
71. Vaeluagalemu
72. Talamh meadhanach
73. Srednja zemlja
74. Yepakati yepasi
75. *NZM*N
76. Madhya prthiviya
77. Sredina zemlje
78. Dhulka dhexe
79. Lefatse le bohareng
80. Tierra media
81. Dunia ya kati
82. Zamini mijona
83. Natuttara pumi
84. Madhya bhumi
85. Lok klang
86. Orta dunya
87. Seredzemya
88. *MYNKA*T
89. Orta er
90. Trai dat giua
91. Ddaear ganol
92. Midden ierede
93. Umhlaba ophakathi
94. Mitl erd
95. Aarin aye
96. Maphak athi nomhlaba
*as available on google translate.
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
76 79% 59 61% 59 61% 28 29% 28 29%
B % C % D % F % G %
10 10% 1 1% 54 56% 3 3% 16 16%
H % J % K % L % M %
22 22% 14 14% 21 21% 30 31% 57 59%
N % P % Q % R % S %
42 43% 16 16% 0 0% 42 43% 20 20%
T % V % W % X % Y %
46 47% 10 10% 7 7% 1 1% 20 20%
Z %
19 19%
Popularity of linguistic use
79% A:
61% E, I, A:
59% M, E, I, A:
56% D, M, E, I, A:
47% T, D, M, E, I, A:
43% N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Midden ierede, Tierra media,
Terra-media, Met aerd, Midden aarde, Terra media,
31% L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Mitl erd, Mittelerde,
29% O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Orta er, Medio terrae,
Terre du milieu,
22% H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Madha dharati,
Lar an domhain, Middle earth,
21% K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Lok klang, MN*N*MK*,
Dund delkhii, Erdiko lurra,
20% S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Aarin aye, *MYNKA*T,
Orta dunya, Dunia ya kati, Nakatsukuni, Tsakiyarduniya,
Shua dedamitsa, Keskimaa, Keskmaa, Sredya zemya,
Orta yer, Toka e mesme,
19% Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Seredzemya,
*NZM*N, Sredizemye, Srodziemie, Terra di mezzo,
Meza tero (esperanto), Stredozem, zhong tu,
16% P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Ddaear ganol,
Trai dat giua, Natuttara pumi, Yepakati yepasi, MIANEGMIN,
Ortoaephndin kang, Phendei kandal, Mesaia gi,
Gitnang lupa, Midgard, Tunga nga yuta, Madhya prthhibi,
Middel garde,
14% J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Zamini mijona, Sredina zemlje, Srednja zemlja,
Pamant de mojloc, Mello mjord, Spredna zemja,
Jung-gan jigu, Orta jer, Midja jord, Meduzemlje,
Terra mitjana, Srednja zemlja, Siaredniaja ziamlia,
Mijin yerkir,
10% V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Maphak athi nomhlaba, Umhlaba ophakathi, Madhya bhumi,
Madhya prthiviya, Vaeluagalemu, Madhya prthvi,
Madhyama prthvi, Vidurio zeme, Viddus zeme, Erden navin,
Madhya bhumi, Tengah bumi, Bumi tengah,
Nruab nrab lub ntiaj teb, Madhy prthvee, *R*R*V*,
Madhyama prthvi, Kambharmyay aalaal,
7% W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Lapansi wapakati, Waenganui waenganui, Etiti uwa,
Honua waena, Temwayen, Alard alwustaa,
Mekakelenyawi midiri,
3% F, W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Lefatse le bohareng, Art tan-nofs, Tany ofovoany, Kozepfold,
1% X, C, F, W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Dhulka dhexe, Talamh meadhanach,
0% Q
Conclusions: Middle earth appears regionally as a concept at 43% regionally in the forms Midden ierede (western frisian), Tierra media (spanish), Terra-media (portugese), Met aerd (luxembourgish), Midden aarde (dutch), Terra media (corsica).
Thus we are looking at an earlier-unidentified source, which divides into two groups. One in western europe- luxembourg, netherlands, and belgium.
The other is portugese, spanish, corsican. Two regional locations, but there can be only one. We are provided in the Beowulf tale evidence of group migration to a seacoast with access to migrating whales (easy hunting through the english channel).
Does it mean migration north to the netherlands, and south to spain, portugal, and corsica from the Middle earth of France? Or are we looking at a fast migration from their holdfasts in Portugal, spain, corsica region to the netherlands?
Middle earth remains elusive, though narrowed down in origin. Ironic that JRR Tolkien would go fight a war in middle earth, in life and fiction.
While the significance of Beowulf to LOTR's Middle earth is beyond doubt, middle earth is a concept that predates Beowulf. So where does the idea of middle earth come from?
Middle earth in every language*
1. Middel garde
2. Toka e mesme
3. Mekakelenyawi midiri
4. Alard alwustaa
5. Mijin yerkir
6. Orta yer
7. Madhya prthhibi
8. Erdiko lurra
9. Siaredniaja ziamlia
10. Srednja zemlja
11. Sredya zemya
12. Kambharmyay aalaal
13. Terra mitjana
14. Tunga nga yuta
15. zhong tu
16. Terra media
17. Meduzemlje
18. Stredozem
19. Midgard
20. Midden aarde
21. Middle earth
22. Meza tero (esperanto)
23. Keskmaa
24. Gitnang lupa
25. Keskimaa
26. Terre du milieu
27. Shua dedamitsa
28. Mittelerde
29. Mesaia gi
30. Madhyama prthvi
31. Temwayen
32. Tsakiyarduniya
33. Honua waena
34. *R*R*V*
35. Madhy prthvee
36. Nruab nrab lub ntiaj teb
37. Kozepfold
38. Midja jord
39. Etiti uwa
40. Bumi tengah
41. Lar an domhain
42. Terra di mezzo
43. Nakatsukuni
44. Tengah bumi
45. Madhya bhumi
46. Orta jer
47. Phendei kandal
48. Jung-gan jigu
49. Erden navin
50. Ortoaephndin kang
51. Medio terrae
52. Viddus zeme
53. Vidurio zeme
54. Mett aerd
55. Spredna zemja
56. Tany ofovoany
57. Art tan-nofs
58. Waenganui waenganui
59. Madhyama prthvi
60. Dund delkhii
61. Madhya prthvi
62. Mello mjord
63. Lapansi wapakati
64. MN*N*MK*
66. Srodziemie
67. Terra-media
68. Madha dharati
69. Pamant de mojloc
70. Sredizemye
71. Vaeluagalemu
72. Talamh meadhanach
73. Srednja zemlja
74. Yepakati yepasi
75. *NZM*N
76. Madhya prthiviya
77. Sredina zemlje
78. Dhulka dhexe
79. Lefatse le bohareng
80. Tierra media
81. Dunia ya kati
82. Zamini mijona
83. Natuttara pumi
84. Madhya bhumi
85. Lok klang
86. Orta dunya
87. Seredzemya
88. *MYNKA*T
89. Orta er
90. Trai dat giua
91. Ddaear ganol
92. Midden ierede
93. Umhlaba ophakathi
94. Mitl erd
95. Aarin aye
96. Maphak athi nomhlaba
*as available on google translate.
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
76 79% 59 61% 59 61% 28 29% 28 29%
B % C % D % F % G %
10 10% 1 1% 54 56% 3 3% 16 16%
H % J % K % L % M %
22 22% 14 14% 21 21% 30 31% 57 59%
N % P % Q % R % S %
42 43% 16 16% 0 0% 42 43% 20 20%
T % V % W % X % Y %
46 47% 10 10% 7 7% 1 1% 20 20%
Z %
19 19%
Popularity of linguistic use
79% A:
61% E, I, A:
59% M, E, I, A:
56% D, M, E, I, A:
47% T, D, M, E, I, A:
43% N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Midden ierede, Tierra media,
Terra-media, Met aerd, Midden aarde, Terra media,
31% L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Mitl erd, Mittelerde,
29% O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Orta er, Medio terrae,
Terre du milieu,
22% H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Madha dharati,
Lar an domhain, Middle earth,
21% K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Lok klang, MN*N*MK*,
Dund delkhii, Erdiko lurra,
20% S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Aarin aye, *MYNKA*T,
Orta dunya, Dunia ya kati, Nakatsukuni, Tsakiyarduniya,
Shua dedamitsa, Keskimaa, Keskmaa, Sredya zemya,
Orta yer, Toka e mesme,
19% Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Seredzemya,
*NZM*N, Sredizemye, Srodziemie, Terra di mezzo,
Meza tero (esperanto), Stredozem, zhong tu,
16% P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A: Ddaear ganol,
Trai dat giua, Natuttara pumi, Yepakati yepasi, MIANEGMIN,
Ortoaephndin kang, Phendei kandal, Mesaia gi,
Gitnang lupa, Midgard, Tunga nga yuta, Madhya prthhibi,
Middel garde,
14% J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Zamini mijona, Sredina zemlje, Srednja zemlja,
Pamant de mojloc, Mello mjord, Spredna zemja,
Jung-gan jigu, Orta jer, Midja jord, Meduzemlje,
Terra mitjana, Srednja zemlja, Siaredniaja ziamlia,
Mijin yerkir,
10% V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Maphak athi nomhlaba, Umhlaba ophakathi, Madhya bhumi,
Madhya prthiviya, Vaeluagalemu, Madhya prthvi,
Madhyama prthvi, Vidurio zeme, Viddus zeme, Erden navin,
Madhya bhumi, Tengah bumi, Bumi tengah,
Nruab nrab lub ntiaj teb, Madhy prthvee, *R*R*V*,
Madhyama prthvi, Kambharmyay aalaal,
7% W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Lapansi wapakati, Waenganui waenganui, Etiti uwa,
Honua waena, Temwayen, Alard alwustaa,
Mekakelenyawi midiri,
3% F, W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Lefatse le bohareng, Art tan-nofs, Tany ofovoany, Kozepfold,
1% X, C, F, W, V, B, J, P, G, Z, S, Y, K, H, O, U, L, N, R, T, D, M, E, I, A:
Dhulka dhexe, Talamh meadhanach,
0% Q
Conclusions: Middle earth appears regionally as a concept at 43% regionally in the forms Midden ierede (western frisian), Tierra media (spanish), Terra-media (portugese), Met aerd (luxembourgish), Midden aarde (dutch), Terra media (corsica).
Thus we are looking at an earlier-unidentified source, which divides into two groups. One in western europe- luxembourg, netherlands, and belgium.
The other is portugese, spanish, corsican. Two regional locations, but there can be only one. We are provided in the Beowulf tale evidence of group migration to a seacoast with access to migrating whales (easy hunting through the english channel).
Does it mean migration north to the netherlands, and south to spain, portugal, and corsica from the Middle earth of France? Or are we looking at a fast migration from their holdfasts in Portugal, spain, corsica region to the netherlands?
Middle earth remains elusive, though narrowed down in origin. Ironic that JRR Tolkien would go fight a war in middle earth, in life and fiction.
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Origin of Charm Person
The Charm Person spell
1. Sjarme persoon
2. Person sharm
3. Maraki sewi
4. Shakhs sihr
5. Hmayhy mardy
6. Cazibedar insan
7. Kabaja byakti
8. Xarma pertsana
9. Abajannie calavieka
10. Sarm osoba
11. Char chovek
12. Hkyitsuu
13. Encant persona
14. Tawo nga madani
15. Meili ren
16. Persona di charme
17. Sarmantna osoba
18. Kouzelny clovek
19. Charme person
20. Charme persoon
21. Charm person
22. Carma persono (esperanto)
23. Sarmikas inimene
24. Kagandahang tao
25. Viehatys henkilo
26. Personne de charme
27. Ecanto persoa
28. Khibli
29. Charme person
30. Goitevei prosopo
31. Vasikarana vyakti
32. Cham moun
33. Mutum mai faraa
34. Mea ho onaninani
35. AJ*KSM
36. Aakarshak vyakti
37. Tus neeg ntxim nyiam
38. Bajos ember
39. Heilla manneskja
40. Mmasi onye
41. Pesona seseorang
42. Duine mealltach
43. Persona affascinante
44. Chamu pason
45. Wong pesona
46. Modi vyakti
47. Suykimdi adam
48. Mnoussa teakteanh
49. Maelyeog salam
50. Kese xwesik
51. Belgi adam
52. Khonthimisa ne
53. Homo leporem
54. Burvigs cilveks
55. Zavus zmogui
56. Charme persoun
57. Sarm licnost
58. Olona mahafatifaty
59. Orang persona
60. Akar sakamaya vyakti
61. Charm il-persuna
62. Tangata hinana
63. Mohini vyakti
64. Sjarm person
65. Munthu wokongola
66. Z*A*K*NK*
67. *PAFS*N
68. Urok osoby
69. Pessoa de charme
70. Suhaja vi akati
71. Persoana de farmec
72. Obayatelnyy chelovek
73. Tagata laleli
74. Duine seun
75. Munhu akanaka
76. *C*P
77. Akar saniya pudgalaya
78. Kuzelny clovek
79. Ocarljiva oseba
80. Qofka xiisaha leh
81. Motho ea khahlehang
82. Persona encantadora
83. Jalma pesona
84. Mtu wa haiba
85. Saxsi dilrabo
86. Kavarcciyana napar
87. Manojnatanu
88. Senh khn
89. Cekicilik
90. Charivnist lyudyny
91. D*K*P
92. Jozibali odam
93. Nguoi quyen ru
94. Person swyn
95. Sjarme persoan
96. Umntu onomtsalane
97. Kheyn mentsh
98. Eni ifaya
99. Umuntu onobuhle
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
80 80% 61 61% 46 46% 58 58% 26 26%
B % C % D % F % G %
15 15% 31 31% 17 17% 5 5% 16 16%
H % J % K % L % M %
37 37% 12 12% 36 36% 29 29% 55 55%
N % P % Q % R % S %
64 64% 33 33% 2 2% 44 44% 61 61%
T % V % W % X % Y %
32 32% 17 17% 6 6% 4 4% 23 23%
Z %
6 6%
Popularity of linguistic use
80% A:
64% N, A:
61% S, E, N, A:
58% O, S, E, N, A:
55% M, O, S, E, N, A:
46% I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
44% R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
37% H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Mea ho onaninani,
36% K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Senh khn, Sarmikas inimene,
Shakhs sihr,
33% P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Person sharm,
32% T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Khonthimisa ne,
31% C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: *C*P, Charme person,
Ecanto persoa, Carma persono (esperanto), Charm person,
Charme persoon, Charme person, Encant persona,
29% L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Cekicilik, Tagata laleli,
Sarm licnost, Homo leporem, Khibli, Meili ren,
26% U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Umntu onomtsalane,
Munhu akanaka, Duine seun, Charm il-persuna,
Charme persoun, Mnoussa teakteanh, Chamu pason,
Cham moun,
23% Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Kheyn mentsh,
Mmasi onye, Hkyitsuu,
17% V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: D*K*P,
Charivnist lyudyny, Kavarcciyana napar,
Persona encantadora, Pessoa de charme, Mohini vyakti,
Akar sakamaya vyakti, Suykimdi adam, Modi vyakti,
Duine mealltach, Aakarshak vyakti, Vasikarana vyakti,
Personne de charme, Viehatys henkilo, Persona di charme,
Char chovek, Hmayhy mardy,
16% G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Motho ea khahlehang, Akar saniya pudgalaya,
Tangata hinana, Orang persona, Maelyeog salam,
Pesona seseorang, Goitevei prosopo, Kagandahang tao,
15% B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Umuntu onobuhle, Obayatelnyy chelovek, Urok osoby,
Burvigs cilveks, Belgi adam, Sarmantna osoba, Sarm osoba,
12% J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Sjarme persoan, Manojnatanu, Jalma pesona,
Ocarljiva oseba, Suhaja vi akati, Sjarm person,
Heilla manneskja, Bajos ember, Abajannie calavieka,
Kabaja byakti, Sjarme persoon, AJ*KSM,
6% W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Person swyn, Jozibali odam, Mtu wa haiba, Kuzelny clovek,
Z*A*K*NK*, Munthu wokongola, Zavus zmogui, Wong pesona,
Kouzelny clovek, Tawo nga madani, Cazibedar insan,
Maraki sewi,
5% F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Eni ifaya, Persoana de farmec, Olona mahafatifaty,
Persona affascinante, Mutum mai faraa, *PAFS*N,
4% X, F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Saxsi dilrabo, Kese xwesik, Tus neeg ntxim nyiam,
Xarma pertsana,
2% Q, X, F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Nguoi quyen ru, Qofka xiisaha leh,
Conclusions: at 37% Charm Person was first known to Hawaiians (Mea ho onaninani).
At 36% contact with hawaiians leads to it spreading to Thai (Senh khn), Estonian (Sarmikas inimene), and Arabic (Shakhs sihr).
At 33% it spreads to Albanian (Person sharm).
At 32% It spreads to Lao (Khonthimisa ne)... before the spell floods into europe at 31%.
Whether the Hawaiian Magic-users are casters of Charm Person Magic, or are the earliest victims of it's use is hard to discern. The lure of beautiful hawaiian girls wielding charm magic is as mutual as the lure of some unidentified slavers enticing Hawaiians to their ships with a spell.
1. Sjarme persoon
2. Person sharm
3. Maraki sewi
4. Shakhs sihr
5. Hmayhy mardy
6. Cazibedar insan
7. Kabaja byakti
8. Xarma pertsana
9. Abajannie calavieka
10. Sarm osoba
11. Char chovek
12. Hkyitsuu
13. Encant persona
14. Tawo nga madani
15. Meili ren
16. Persona di charme
17. Sarmantna osoba
18. Kouzelny clovek
19. Charme person
20. Charme persoon
21. Charm person
22. Carma persono (esperanto)
23. Sarmikas inimene
24. Kagandahang tao
25. Viehatys henkilo
26. Personne de charme
27. Ecanto persoa
28. Khibli
29. Charme person
30. Goitevei prosopo
31. Vasikarana vyakti
32. Cham moun
33. Mutum mai faraa
34. Mea ho onaninani
35. AJ*KSM
36. Aakarshak vyakti
37. Tus neeg ntxim nyiam
38. Bajos ember
39. Heilla manneskja
40. Mmasi onye
41. Pesona seseorang
42. Duine mealltach
43. Persona affascinante
44. Chamu pason
45. Wong pesona
46. Modi vyakti
47. Suykimdi adam
48. Mnoussa teakteanh
49. Maelyeog salam
50. Kese xwesik
51. Belgi adam
52. Khonthimisa ne
53. Homo leporem
54. Burvigs cilveks
55. Zavus zmogui
56. Charme persoun
57. Sarm licnost
58. Olona mahafatifaty
59. Orang persona
60. Akar sakamaya vyakti
61. Charm il-persuna
62. Tangata hinana
63. Mohini vyakti
64. Sjarm person
65. Munthu wokongola
66. Z*A*K*NK*
67. *PAFS*N
68. Urok osoby
69. Pessoa de charme
70. Suhaja vi akati
71. Persoana de farmec
72. Obayatelnyy chelovek
73. Tagata laleli
74. Duine seun
75. Munhu akanaka
76. *C*P
77. Akar saniya pudgalaya
78. Kuzelny clovek
79. Ocarljiva oseba
80. Qofka xiisaha leh
81. Motho ea khahlehang
82. Persona encantadora
83. Jalma pesona
84. Mtu wa haiba
85. Saxsi dilrabo
86. Kavarcciyana napar
87. Manojnatanu
88. Senh khn
89. Cekicilik
90. Charivnist lyudyny
91. D*K*P
92. Jozibali odam
93. Nguoi quyen ru
94. Person swyn
95. Sjarme persoan
96. Umntu onomtsalane
97. Kheyn mentsh
98. Eni ifaya
99. Umuntu onobuhle
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
80 80% 61 61% 46 46% 58 58% 26 26%
B % C % D % F % G %
15 15% 31 31% 17 17% 5 5% 16 16%
H % J % K % L % M %
37 37% 12 12% 36 36% 29 29% 55 55%
N % P % Q % R % S %
64 64% 33 33% 2 2% 44 44% 61 61%
T % V % W % X % Y %
32 32% 17 17% 6 6% 4 4% 23 23%
Z %
6 6%
Popularity of linguistic use
80% A:
64% N, A:
61% S, E, N, A:
58% O, S, E, N, A:
55% M, O, S, E, N, A:
46% I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
44% R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
37% H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Mea ho onaninani,
36% K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Senh khn, Sarmikas inimene,
Shakhs sihr,
33% P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Person sharm,
32% T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Khonthimisa ne,
31% C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: *C*P, Charme person,
Ecanto persoa, Carma persono (esperanto), Charm person,
Charme persoon, Charme person, Encant persona,
29% L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Cekicilik, Tagata laleli,
Sarm licnost, Homo leporem, Khibli, Meili ren,
26% U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Umntu onomtsalane,
Munhu akanaka, Duine seun, Charm il-persuna,
Charme persoun, Mnoussa teakteanh, Chamu pason,
Cham moun,
23% Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: Kheyn mentsh,
Mmasi onye, Hkyitsuu,
17% V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A: D*K*P,
Charivnist lyudyny, Kavarcciyana napar,
Persona encantadora, Pessoa de charme, Mohini vyakti,
Akar sakamaya vyakti, Suykimdi adam, Modi vyakti,
Duine mealltach, Aakarshak vyakti, Vasikarana vyakti,
Personne de charme, Viehatys henkilo, Persona di charme,
Char chovek, Hmayhy mardy,
16% G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Motho ea khahlehang, Akar saniya pudgalaya,
Tangata hinana, Orang persona, Maelyeog salam,
Pesona seseorang, Goitevei prosopo, Kagandahang tao,
15% B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Umuntu onobuhle, Obayatelnyy chelovek, Urok osoby,
Burvigs cilveks, Belgi adam, Sarmantna osoba, Sarm osoba,
12% J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Sjarme persoan, Manojnatanu, Jalma pesona,
Ocarljiva oseba, Suhaja vi akati, Sjarm person,
Heilla manneskja, Bajos ember, Abajannie calavieka,
Kabaja byakti, Sjarme persoon, AJ*KSM,
6% W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Person swyn, Jozibali odam, Mtu wa haiba, Kuzelny clovek,
Z*A*K*NK*, Munthu wokongola, Zavus zmogui, Wong pesona,
Kouzelny clovek, Tawo nga madani, Cazibedar insan,
Maraki sewi,
5% F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Eni ifaya, Persoana de farmec, Olona mahafatifaty,
Persona affascinante, Mutum mai faraa, *PAFS*N,
4% X, F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Saxsi dilrabo, Kese xwesik, Tus neeg ntxim nyiam,
Xarma pertsana,
2% Q, X, F, W, Z, J, B, G, V, D, Y, U, L, C, T, P, K, H, R, I, M, O, S, E, N, A:
Nguoi quyen ru, Qofka xiisaha leh,
Conclusions: at 37% Charm Person was first known to Hawaiians (Mea ho onaninani).
At 36% contact with hawaiians leads to it spreading to Thai (Senh khn), Estonian (Sarmikas inimene), and Arabic (Shakhs sihr).
At 33% it spreads to Albanian (Person sharm).
At 32% It spreads to Lao (Khonthimisa ne)... before the spell floods into europe at 31%.
Whether the Hawaiian Magic-users are casters of Charm Person Magic, or are the earliest victims of it's use is hard to discern. The lure of beautiful hawaiian girls wielding charm magic is as mutual as the lure of some unidentified slavers enticing Hawaiians to their ships with a spell.
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Treasure Maps
One of these should be the treasure map we are looking for. Phonetically it would be valley of bamboo, hill tomb on the coast by the ocean, and tiger implying a sunken treasure.
Option C is a little further West than I like... but after a look at google maps we have a winner.
The Origin of the word Takara:
Japanese Adventurers/Explorers/Treasure Hunters/Bandits travelled one hundred miles inland in a near straight line from the Port of Alexandria, approaching up through a long 'Valley of Bamboo' to the hill-tombs of the Pharoahs and the Sphinx just beyond - finding Treasure there.
Option C is a little further West than I like... but after a look at google maps we have a winner.
The Origin of the word Takara:
Japanese Adventurers/Explorers/Treasure Hunters/Bandits travelled one hundred miles inland in a near straight line from the Port of Alexandria, approaching up through a long 'Valley of Bamboo' to the hill-tombs of the Pharoahs and the Sphinx just beyond - finding Treasure there.
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