Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday 15 October 2018

Mystaran Campaign: two Girls find Swords in Lakes...

AC 2021: Warriors of Destiny 

Flaurmont 8: Matilda pulls a Sword from a Lake

Location: Near Klantyre, Glantri

Description: A seven year old girl named Matilda pulls an ancient sword from a lake near her home in Glantri.

What's going on? Matilda has been selected to reinact an epic battle by an Artefact with a dark Purpose. Her sword is the Blade of Legend 'Winterforge'. It's a sentient sword+2, sentient ego 18, int 18, neutral, detect summerkuarn. It intends for Matilda to do battle with its opponent 'Summerkuarn'.

Flaurmont 8: Saga pulls a Sword from a Lake

Location: Near Norvik, Vestland

Description: An eight year old girl named Saga pulls an ancient sword from a lake near her home in Vestland.

What's going on? Saga has been selected to reinact an epic battle by an Artefact with a dark Purpose. Her sword is the Blade of Legend 'Summerkuarn'. It's a sentient sword+3, sentient ego 18, int 17, neutral, detect Winterforge. It intends for Saga to do battle with its opponent 'Winterforge' who was just pulled from a lake by a seven year old girl in Glantri.

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