Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Bad Astronomy: Planet X by the colours

This sample is a close to ozone as we are likely to get.

 Deep blue methane.
 Again Deep blue Methane.
The third sample is Light blue Ozone... an oddity. Electrical Storms?

The companion moon however comes in between pale fluorine and yellow methane. Fluorine boils at 85 degrees Kelvin so it seems less likely to go to ice than methane.

So... A Potential giant Planet X with Methane Atmosphere and a Methane/Flourine Moon. And naming rights to whoever finds them. I open the naming of Planet X to the Internet but the moon gets called Phet Rok.

Here is hoping it isn't cleaning agent residue on the Hubble mirror.

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