Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Dungeon Mastery: Beyond why your parents kill you at birth...


Previously I looked at the cataclysmic effect that a bell curve has on a population when everyone rolls 3d6 for abilities. First off lets recap:

Rolling 3D6 to determine Abilities
Let’s look at the odds of your possible ability values. Notice the nice bell-curve of 216 possible dice rolls.
3d6 ability..............spread...................%
Basically you have a bit over 48% chance of getting a 9-12, over 25% for a stat of 13+ and less than ½% of getting an 18.

What this means in a D&D Setting
For the city of Specularuam with fifty thousand people, conformity to a bell curve for intelligence generated by 3d6 where 1/216 people rolled 18 intelligence, 231+ of them are genius level.

According to the rules Alignment in BECMI is generated on a d6 (1-3 lawful, 4-5 neutral, 6 chaotic) so one in six are not so keen on laws.
Of our fifty thousand it means 8,333.3 are chaotic.
When we factor in intelligence it means there are 38.5 criminal geniuses in Specularuam alone (38+ the moriarty at the gate).
At the other end of the spectrum there are 38.5 'smart animals' (3 intelligence) of a chaotic alignment. So hiding in the alleys beneath rubbish and in sewers are vicious predators...and while we might hope most of them are in the prison they dont have one taking more than 1/2% of total population (250). While the good v. Evil alignment axis isnt used we can call this 'intent'. Assuming same spread as law v. Chaos... 1 in 6 will be evil enough to murder. So 6.4 of our chaotic 'smart animals' are evil in intent. They might be encountered in a dark alley gnawing on the bones of the missing. As chaotics they dont hunt in packs but are spread across the city. Also in this city are six genius level Serial killers probably trying to out do one another. Having taken lives they 'earned experience' so are not normal humans (0xp). They are going to be fighters, thieves, clerics (of evil chaos), magic users, elves, dwarves, or halflings. Serial killers who make Bargle look nice.

Adventure Scenarios
Once you can put numbers on how many high intelligence serial killers are roaming the streets, you can begin to build adventure scenarios from the data. Is a 'Tom Green' or 'Jennifer Anniston' npc more likely with average human height to be an 18 intelligence serial killer than an 'Andre the Giant'?

1. An insideous figure known as the Black Patriarch is sacrificing victims to chaos in the cellars of the Black heart lilly tavern.
2. Some 'creatures' raided a house on the street of dreams during the night abducting and killing the occupants.
3. The charismatic Darvos is loitering in the Blue Meadwater Tavern suggesting that government officials elected by the people would be better than the current monarchy.

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