Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday 18 May 2020

Basic Expert: The Dungeon Boss

"Without a doubt here is a sentience at work behind all of this..."

The Dungeon Boss
Minor Artefact of Enthropy
 -  Wish (100pp)
Recharge (5pp/turn)
Handicaps & Penalties
 - Handicap: the Artifact is a Sentient Immortal who creates dungeons.
 - Penalty: anyone touching the Artefact is wished away to 1-3  the opposite side of the world or 4-6 another world.

The Dungeon Boss will use its power to duplicate other artefact powers as desired, excavating the dungeon, creating traps and treasures, summoning creatures, and every kill is experience points earned toward personal growth of the power of the Artefact's form.


  • Create a Stone Golem to excavate a 10'×10'×10' section.
  • Create a stone golem to mimic a stone wall, floor, ceiling. Illusionary terrain to paint a tunnel on a wall.
  • Use disintegrate to excavate and collapse a 10'×10'×10' wall section.
  • Create (1000cn) normal items as permanant treasure.
  • Create food & water.
  • Create undead.
  • Create permanant/temporary spell effect.
  • Others.

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