Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 24 December 2021

Keep Calm: we may have a problem


Over the last two years I have had coronavirus symptoms no less that ten times without socializing, and doing all the things the objectors to lockdowns in the ongoing pandemic bemoaned the loss of.

I caught it because it is airborne across property boundaries and suburbs (particularly so if you are living downwind from the sewage treatment plant by a few kilometres).

I have recently noticed degradation of both physical endurance (due to reduced lung capacity) and eyesight (Something only possible if I have been repeatedly infected by virus throught the eyes and white blood cells are struggling to eliminate the virus). It raises the prospect that we cannot possibly 'live with the virus' as politicians and journalists suggest.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to the virus is likely going to cause permanent blindness. Something that will devastate future generations.

The Death Penalty for those spreading the virus and those refusing vaccination is now the most likely response to such a situation. While Governments are guilty of conspiracy to gross criminal negligence they will never be prosecuted for their lack of good government, but so are you by spreading the virus.

Get vaccinated. It isn't a cure for stupidity. That requires a commitment to mandatory public education.

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