Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Colonial Space: a LEGO concept Model


Apparently you get off-brand LEGO when you shop now.

Rather than build a shopping centre it serves as the concept model for an abandoned colony world around IC-106 on the Periphery of the Blood Nebula. 

Structures present include:

A. Habitat Tower
B. Spaceport
C. Starship (being salvaged)
D. Starship 
E. Four Core Reactor and Generator (Disabled)
F. Shipyard (exposed Reactor core and radioactive contamination)

Framework: Crew are salvaging a downed vessel for parts because its identical to their own. Other structures (A & B) are inaccessible until they can repair the generator (E). They are avoiding the shipyard (F) because of the obvious radiation leak.

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