Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Flop Space:The Manta-2

Ship Name: Manta2
Propulsion: ION Orbital Propulsion
FTL: CERN6 FLOP Drive (Floating-point OPeration bistable quantum multivibrator)
Thermal Radiators: 20 hours cooldown required/
Armour: Atmospheric Entry 2,000K, 2 Earth Atmospheres
Weapons: Crew Side Arms (compressed air) only
Passengers: 6 Crew
Computer: Sentient AI
Cargo: 10 Tons (external access only)
Life Support: Toilet, water filtration, Atmosphere recycling, space suits

The Manta-2 was designed and built on Mars Colony in 2315 by the Red Ocre Terrorist Organization after they successfully sued for corporate monopoly prying the vicious jackboot of SpaceCorp. off their Neck. It is designed as an interplanetary courier craft with five light-year FLOP limit.
Her crew inverted by a bad FLOP, she was salvaged from the Mars Desert in 2318 by a convict labour unit.

And so begins another Public Domain Scifi setting...

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