Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 6 January 2018

Beyond Greyhawk: A few oddities...

The World of Oerth
Here is greyhawk scaled to a planet the size of earth. The Black Ice extends south some three thousand miles from the pole. The Snow barbarians are located above +30 degrees putting them in the polar +60 degree region. If I move the map north, so do deserts while the northern part of the map must distort and compress to fit the globe. The world of greyhawk is of course a small spur of land hanging off a much larger continent.

The Movement of Information
Population of cities is a determining factor for information flow and accuracy. And it seems to be flowing into the Wild coast with a high accuracy. While you might think Greyhawk city to be the centre of the world, you would be mistaken. Information arriving in Greyhawk city is considerably degraded compared to what is flowing into the Wild coast.
The Sea Princes are also a major source of high accuracy information flowing west.

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