Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday 21 November 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Icelandic Walking Dead

Walking Dead

1. Aptrgangr
2. Draugr
3. Draug
4. Haugbůi

Popularity of Use
100% A, G:
75% U, R, A, G:
50% D, U, R, A, G: Draugr, Draug,
25% B, P, T, H, D, U, R, A, G: Haugbůi, Aptrgangr,

Conclusion: originating in the A/G indeterminant makes it most likely related to the A-G (Cave) linguistic subgroup. So the idea of walking dead is pre-iceage? The data pool is tiny but you work with what you get,

So lets say there is a cave in iceland that needs to be found despite our Korean Cave origin.

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