Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday 15 November 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Devils of the Nine Hells

Male Devil Names

1. Asmodeus
2. Baalzebul
3. Belial
4. Dispater
5. Geryon
6. Mammon
7. Moloch
8. Mephistopheles
9. Tiamat
10. Abigor
11. Adonides
12. Adramelech
13. Agares
14. Alastor
15. Alocer
16. Amduscias
17. Amon
18. Arioch
19. Baalberith
20. Baalzephon
21. Bael
22. Balan
23. Barbas
24. Barbatos
25. Bathym
26. Bel
27. Bele
28. Bethage
29. Biffant
30. Bifrons
31. Bileth
32. Bitru
33. Buer
34. Bune
35. Caarcrinolaas
36. Chamo
37. Fecor
38. Focalor
39. Furcas
40. Gaziel
41. Goap
42. Gorson
43. Herobaal
44. Herodias
45. Hutijin
46. Machalas
47. Malphas
48. Martinet
49. Melchon
50. Merodach
51. Morax
52. Neabaz
53. Nexroth
54. Phongor
55. Rimmon
56. Tartach
57. Titivilus
58. Zaebos
59. Zagum
60. Zapan
61. Zepar
62. Zimimar

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
43 69%   30 48%    21 33%  29 46%      10 16%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
22 35%   14 22%    7  11%     5    8%       8   12%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
20 32%    1   1%      0    0%     22 35%     18 29%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
18 29%    8 12%      0    0%     30 48%      18 29%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
16 25%    1   1%      0     0%     2    3%      2      3%

Z      %
9 14%

Popularity of use
69% A:
48% R, E, A:
46% O, R, E, A:
35% L, B, O, R, E, A: Bael, Bel, Bele,
33% I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Belial,
32% H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Herobaal,
29% S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Balan, Barbas, Rimmon, Mammon, Amon,
25% T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Bileth, Martinet, Barbatos, Tiamat, Alastor, Baalberith,
22% C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Melchon, Tartach, Machalas, Caarcrinolaas, Chamo, Alocer, Arioch, Moloch,
16% U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Bitru, Buer, Bune,
14% Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Zaebos, Zimimar, Neabaz, Baalzebul,
12% P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Zagum, Zapan, Zepar, Phongor, Gaziel, Goap, Gorson, Malphas, Abigor, Agares, Baalzephon, Bethage, Mephistopheles,
11% D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Herodias, Merodach, Adonides, Adramelech, Amduscias, Asmodeus, Dispater,
8% F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Fecor, Focalor, Furcas, Biffant, Bifrons,
3% X, Y, F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Morax, Nexroth, Geryon, Bathym,
1% V, J, X, Y, F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A: Hutijin, Titivilus,
0% W, Q, K

The earliest Devils are Bael, Bel and Bele at 35%. Followed by Belial (earliest of the most powerful Devils). Peaking at 12% in the Mephistopheles period, and declining down to 1%.

Length      3       4        5        6        7        8         9          10        13       14
Quantity   1        6       7       15      11       9         2           3           1         1

Generating Male Devil Names
                             Rank  Available Alphabet
                              XIII    L, B, O, R, E, A
                               XiI    I, L, B, O, R, E, A
5D12   Length      XI     H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A:
5              3           X      S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A:
6-11          4          IX     T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
12-18        5        VIII    C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
19-33        6        VII     U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
34-44        7        VI      Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
45-53        8         V      P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
54-55        9        IV      D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
56-58       10       III      F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
59             13       II      X, Y, F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
60             14       I      V, J, X, Y, F, D, P, G, Z, U, C, T, S, N, M, H, I, L, B, O, R, E, A
                           Forbidden  W, K, Q

Female Devil Names
1. Baalphegor
2. Baftis
3. Bensozia
4. Cozbi
5. Glwa
6. Lilis
7. Lilith
8. Naome

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
5  62%     3 37%     5 62%     4  50%       0     0%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
3  37%     1 12%      0    0%     1  12%       2  25%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
2  25%     0   0%      0    0%     4 50%        1   12%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
2  25%     1 12%      0    0%      1 12%       3   37%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
2  25%     0   0%      1   12%     0    0%       0    0%

Z      %
2 25%

Popularity of use
62% A, I:
50% L, O, A, I:
37% B, E, S, L, O, A, I: Lilis,
25% Z, T, N, H, G, B, E, S, L, O, A, I: Lilith, Bensozia,
12% W, P, R, M, F, C, Z, T, N, H, G, B, E, S, L, O, A, I: Glwa, Baalphegor, Naome, Cozbi, Baftis,
0% J, K, D, Q, V, X, Y

Conclusion: origin indeterminant, female devils are increasingly popular. Beginning at 37% with Lilis and rising to a peak at 12%. Bes (the egyptian cat goddess) would qualify as 37%.

Length             4        5        6        7        8 (4+4)        9          10 (5+5, 4+6)
Quantity           1       3        2        0         1                  0           1

Generating Female Devil Names
1D8   Name Length    Rank            Available Alphabet
1       4                           Ultimate    A, I
2-4     5                          Major         L, O, A, I
5-6     6                          Greater      B, E, S, L, O, A, I
7       8 (4+4)                 Lesser        Z, T, N, H, G, B, E, S, L, O, A, I
8      10 (5+5, 2+6)        Minor        W, P, R, M, F, C, Z, T, N, H, G, B, E, S, L, O, A, I
                                       Forbidden  J, K, D, Q, V, X, Y

Name:          IA, The Grandmother, The Name-giver
Rank:            Ultimate 1000pp
She crafts Artifacts from any male or female who challenges her authority, whether that be sewing-needles from their bones, even the most powerful male devils fear her for She names them all. 

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