Part 2: An Analysis of the Uatt Dictionary
Uatt Words1. N
2. Ke
3. Ksi
4. Abak
5. Eoocl
6. A*
7. Id
8. Aii
9. Rnka
10. An-Bhi
11. R*
12. Rp
13. Rir
14. Uatt
15. Pen-Ba
16. E*
17. Oa
18. She
19. Inlh
20. Org-Nu
21. Kr
22. Lik
23. Amou
24. Ak-A-Ee
25. Ea
26. Oob
27. Tion
28. Ta-Sik
29. Kt
30. Out
31. In-Ua
32. Broon
33. Hr
34. Uhe
35. Teor
36. Kn-Ihn
37. Ie
38. Eih
39. Rs-Bs
40. Un-R-Ru
41. Dr
42. Aih
43. Inaa
44. Hkkri
45. Of
46. Lrr
47. Auip
48. Oi-Ani
49. Se
50. Ita
51. Ar-Hh
52. Ao-Ent
53. Ln
54. Tsu
55. Mo-Se
56. Ibibn
57. As
58. Aob
59. Ne-ka
60. Oes-Eo
61. Hh
62. Hks
63. Ith-E
64. Eoa-Ae
65. An*
66. Ihi
67. Uh-Tr
68. Ne-E-Ni
69. Ba*
70. Aac
71. Hnnt
72. Es-Oit
73. Nu*
74. Ruf
75. Ie-Ir
76. Ihojs
77. Ak*
78. Nti
79. Tr-Us
80. Ee*
81. Ecj
82. Oc-En
83. Ta*
84. Kbe
85. Kn*
86. Vcr
87. Un*
88. Fhr
89. Ru*
90. Eas
91. Oi*
92. Tra
93. Ao*
94. Nsh
95. Eo*
96. Bei
97. Ae*
98. Ilk
99. Ne*
100. Etn
101. Ni*
102. Ejs
103. Es*
104. Dlo
105. In*
106. Ijt
107. Ua*
108. Snk
109. Rs*
110. Rft
111. Bs*
112. Pmn
113. Ar*
114. Ops
115. Mo*
116. Arf
117. Ka*
118. Nte
119. Uh*
120. Ith*
121. Tr*
122. Bhi*
123. En*
124. Org*
125. Ir*
126. Sik*
127. Us*
128. Ihn*
129. Oc*
130. Ani*
131. Ent*
132. Oes*
133. Eoa*
134. Oit*
135. Pen*
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
39 28% 38 28% 39 28% 30 22% 17 12%
B % C % D % F % G %
13 9% 5 3% 3 2% 5 3% 2 1%
H % J % K % L % M %
23 17% 4 2% 20 14% 7 5% 4 2%
N % P % Q % R % S %
38 28% 6 4% 0 0% 29 21% 24 17%
T % V % W % X % Y %
25 18% 1 <1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
28% N, E, I, A: A*, Aii, E*, Ea, Ie, Ee*, Ae*, Inaa, An*, Ne-E-Ni, Ne*, Ni*, In*, En*, Ani*, N,
22% O, N, E, I, A: Oc-En, Oi*, Ao*, Eo*, Eoa*, Oi-Ani, Eoa-Ae, Oa,
21% R, O, N, E, I, A: Ar*, Ir*, R*, Rir, Ie-Ir,
18% T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ent*, Oit*, Nte, Tr*, Tra, Etn, Ta*, Nti, Ita, Ao-Ent, Tion, Out, Teor,
17% S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Es*, Ihn*, Oes*, Rs*, Ith*, Eas, Nsh, Hnnt, Es-Oit, As, Oes-Eo, Hh, Ith-E, Ihi, Ar-Hh, Se, Eih, Aih, Hr, She,
14% K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ka*, Sik*, Snk, Ak*, Kn*, Hks, Hkkri, Ne-ka, Kn-Ihn, Ta-Sik, Kt, Kr, Ak-A-Ee, Ke, Ksi, Rnka,
12% U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Uh*, Us*, Ua*, Un*, Ru*, Tr-Us, Nu*, Uh-Tr, Un-R-Ru, Tsu, In-Ua, Uhe, Uatt,
9% B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Bs*, Bhi*, Bei, Aob, Ba*, Kbe, Ibibn, Rs-Bs, An-Bhi, Oob, Broon, Abak,
5% L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ln, Ilk, Lrr, Inlh, Lik,
4% P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Pen*, Ops, Auip, Rp, Pen-Ba,
3% F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Arf, Oc*, Fhr, Rft, Aac, Ruf, Of, Eoocl,
2% M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Pmn, Mo*, Dlo, Ijt, Ejs, Ihojs, Ecj, Dr, Mo-Se, Id, Amou,
1% G, M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Org-Nu, Org*,
<1% V, G, M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Vcr,
0% Q, W, X, Y, Z
Conclusion: the linguistic origins of this culture is N, E, I, A. No particular origin, is the result of un-individuated letters as words. If the letter i had been individuated this would be part of the i linguistic group.
What do we see here? The culture begins at a cultural peak with no apparent rise. This means the rise began in 'another culture'. So lets say the Nithian Lich (Ne-E-Ni) departed Nithia to begin again as father of a new civilization way off in Davinia. He starts with a small tribe in the harsh desert of Davinia beginning his 'great experiment' by introducing a few words of his language as posdible but providing them with leadership. Learing their language, and creating a written script.
Next time... we establish a development trend for our culture/civilization and fill out the dictionary with meaning.
Next time... we establish a development trend for our culture/civilization and fill out the dictionary with meaning.
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