Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Mystaran Campaign: Poor Wizards Almanac 1021, Yarthmont


AC1021, Yarthmont 3: Fire Fountain erupts!

Location: Northern Ostland

Description: A fountain of magma over one thousand three hundred feet high erupts from the earth in the mountains of Ostland north of the Ostland Capital.

Whats going on? Earthquakes now rock Ostland regularly, and a few weeks ago a Tsunami swept away a number of small coastal fishing communities all because an ancient volcano is forcing its way to the surface.

AC1021, Yarthmont 4: Firewood shortage in Sind

Location: Sind

Description: Jamad of Pramayama is unable to find firewood to cremate his Parents bodies. He can only watch as the wood seller sells the last of his wood to a wealthy villager for five hundred gold coins.

Whats going on? The death toll is on the rise from the Ochalean Bat Plague in the Sind. So many people are now dead that there is insufficient Firewood to cremate the bodies.

AC1021, Yarthmont 7: four hundred thousand dead in Sind

Location: Sind

Description: Whole villages are being depopulated and abandoned.

Whats going on? The Ochalean Bat plague has finally killed over four hundred thousand people in the Sind.

AC1021, Yarthmont 10: Black Fungi

Location: Sind

Description: A number of those who recover from the Ochalean Bat Plague in the Sind are now infected with a strange black fungi that eats flesh growing on faces.

Whats going on? A yellow mold variant found in the soils around the Asanda river is infecting the populace who consume healing potions to recover from the Ochalean Bat plague. It affects anyone using magic (including clerical healing spells) to recover from the Plague.

AC1021, Yarthmont 11: Corpses float down Asanda river

Location: Jahore, Sind

Description: Scores of Corpses are pulled from the River near Jahore.

Whats going on? The Ochalean Bat Plague has spread to the Sind descimating its population. In the small villages up river they dont even have firewood to cremate the dead, and the critically sick are bathing in the Asanda river only to die there.

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