Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 27 July 2019

Short Fiction: How I killed my first Dragon at the age of twelve

Title: The Journey of Kukukut - how I killed my first dragon at the age of twelve

Rin had discovered the giant egg in the Chest amongst her grandmother's secrets.
Not being particularly aware of its origins or nature Rin removed it from the chest and took it to the kitchen where she proceeded to break it into the largest bowl to examine.
Satisfied it was not rotten Rin added sliced bacon and beat the egg and sliced bacon mixture pouring the mix into a large pie dish before setting the bacon and egg pie into the baking shelf in the fireplace.

Millicent the Golden
Removed from the protection magic of the chest, the magical runes placed on that egg by its Mother long ago now alerted that same Mother to its presence in the World, and subsequently its fate. Millicent, who had moments before been inspecting fruits in the market place only to find herself stabbed through heart and soul by the most murderous of blades, now roused from a domestic slumber. Millicent became enraged with madness, and transformed into a huge gold dragon, breathed an infernal fire across the hundred wretched humans who surrounded her amongst the market stalls.
From that charnal house Millicent launched skyward and flew toward the village of the distant child murderer who would now feel the wrath of Millicent the Golden.

Rin plunged the blade tentatively into the heart of the pie staring at the pie and then again at the egg shell and then again at the pie. It was a big egg. Much bigger than any hen egg. But it had looked like an egg should look. And the pie had, according to previous experience cooking with her grandmother, turned out correctly. Rin slid the knife in deeper. Rin smelled the good smells as she sat and stared at the pie cooling on the heavy timber table.
Rin traced the blade across the pie slicing portions for her and her grandmother and after a while she halted.
Her hunger seized control and she ripped at the pie with her hand plunging the stolen handful into her mouth. Her world trembled with the a terrible realization. This pie was all for Rin.

Millicent the Golden
The roof of the hut torn asunder, revealing a dragon filled sky to its singular occupant, Millicent stared down at the child with the pie. Confused, Millicent looked about and saw the shattered egg shell. Millicent returned her gaze to the hungry child and the pie. Millicent focused on the interior until she found a smell she was familiar with. The odour of a recently deceased corpse came from a bed.
Millicent returned her gaze to the monstrous and hungry predator that had stuffed a handful of stolen and murdered future in her mouth...

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