Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Post Scarcity: The Gollywog is a corpse on which Startrek stands

Racism is founded in a psychosis that comes at us from superposition (the group conciousness, the parents in relation to the child, the past in relation to the future) and there is always an aspect of truth to anything that drives people insane. So What does a Gollywog represent? It represents fear. The Gollywog is a tall, male african american who is emaciated. An emaciated man in what is perceived as a world of plenty implying sickness and an insatiable, incurable hunger. Someone who will always be hungry. Sickness, illness, famine, and hunger.
And in that, there is an understanding that this individual is contaminated with something that causes an endless hunger. A disease, a virus, a parasite, a sickness, a bottomless pit, a man-made blackhole, the Singularity. And that in itself is a real possibility. So here in the cultural conciousness of the American People is horror and abomination. It represents something catastrophic. The Gollywog is Famine-incarnate. One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The Gollywog represents a famine in the deep recesses of the conciousness that drives Americans to achieve a post scarcity civilization, but it is also a famine that ultimately poisons the possibility of a post scarcity civilization.

If the Dream of the Startrek civilization is to be achieved, it requires sharing it with the emaciated and hungry so that they can see and share in the benefits of the Dream. Because if it isn't, we will be left holding emaciated corpses, and facing extinction.

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