Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Brexitopia: What will the Cave Paintings Mean?

Its funny how history turns out. A Demon in a modern religion can turn out to have been some guy vilified and Demonized by the generations that come after. Yaldabaoth (Kukuarldarbaroth): 'kukuar-ldarbaroth' translated as: The administration of urldarbaroth. We have a demon regarded as 'the false god' by Gnostics. This has a Greek-egyptian time frame to it and that would put it in the city of Alexandria. Consider this: we are looking at a man. His name/title is 'Elder Baroth'. Baroth is a family name still in use today so this is a real person. He appears to have been Administrator (perhaps of the City of Alexandria given its greek-egyptian peak). He probably stylized himself as a Pharaoh and the Lie of it fell through. He is now remembered, not as the Administrator of the Greatest city in the world, but as a False God.

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