Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 15 September 2018

Dungeon Mastery: The Well of Thabdurhas

"In its day," Barlo gently touched a crumbling pillar that struggled to hold the entrance aloft. "This was once the Well of Thabdurhas."
"Well?" Rudolf contemplated the idea of drowning. "As in 'Water'?"
"Sort of." Barlo stepped slowly past the entrance into the darkness beyond. "They would take gold here on the Solstice and drop it down the well-shaft to 'the Afterlife'".
"And you know this..." Rudolf followed the Dwarf between the Pillars. "How?"
"Songs..." Barlo paused inside the darkness. "Songs and Legends."
"What Songs?" Rudolf lit a lantern. "Specifically...?"
"They filled the Well of Solstice," Barlo  "...with the lifeblood of the Stone."
"And by 'Lifeblood of the Stone'..." Rudolf didnt like the words 'afterlife' and 'lifeblood' in the same proximity. "...they mean 'gold'?"
"Dwarves didnt squeeze any other kind of 'Lifeblood' from 'the Stone'." 

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