Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 3 June 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: The Lombards


The Lombards

A. Female Lombard Names
1. Alpsuinda
2. Aurona
3. Austrigusa
4. Brunihilde
5. Flutsuinda
6. Frea
7. Gambara
8. Gundiperga
9. Guntrut
10. Ranicuinda
11. Ratperga
12. Rodelinda
13. Rosemund
14. Rumestruda
15. Salinga
16. Theuderata
17. Walderada
18. Wigilinda
19. Winiperga
20. Wisegarda

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
17 85%    11 55%   11 55%  3   15%      11 55%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2  10%      1   5%     12 60%    2 10%       9   45%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
2   10%    0   0%      0    0%     7  35%       3   15%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
12 60%    4 20%      0    0%     16 80%     7   35%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
6  30%     0   0%      4   20%     0    0%       0     0%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
85% A:
80% R, A:
60% N, D, R, A:
55% U, I, E, N, D, R, A:
45% G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A:
35% S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Salinga,
30% T, S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Austrigusa, Guntrut,
20% W, P, T, S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Walderada, Wigilinda, Winiperga, Wisegarda, Gundiperga, Ratperga, Alpsuinda,
15% M, O, W, P, T, S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Rodelinda, Rosemund, Rumestruda, Aurona,
10% H, F, B, M, O, W, P, T, S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Brunihilde, Flutsuinda, Frea, Gambara, Theuderata,
5% C, H, F, B, M, O, W, P, T, S, L, G, U, I, E, N, D, R, A: Ranicuinda,
0% V, X, Y, Z, Q, K, J

Conclusion: Lombard Female culture originates in the A-R linguistic Subgroup. Appearing at 35%, and rising to a cultural peak at 20% before declining down to 5%.

B. Male Lombard Names
1. Agelmund
2. Aldoin
3. Alichis
4. Claffo
5. Cleph
6. Euin
7. Giselpert
8. Gisulf
9. Gudeoc
10. Hilmaegis
11. Hildeoc
12. Ibor
13. Lamissio
14. Rodolf
15. Rodonus
16. Rothari
17. Waccho
18. Walcari
19. Wechtari
20. Zabsn

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
11 55%    8 40%     12 60%   10 50%     5   25%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2  10%     8 40%      6  30%     3  15%      5   25%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
7   35%    0   0%      0    0%     12 60%     3    15%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
5   25%     2 10%     0    0%     7  35%       7   35%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
2  10%     0   0%      3   15%     0    0%       0    0%

Z      %
1    5%

Popularity of use
60% L, I:
55% A, L, I:
50% O, A, L, I:
40% C, E, O, A, L, I:
35% R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Alichis,
30% D, R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Hildeoc,
25% N, G, U, D, R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Euin, Aldoin, Gudeoc, Rodonus,
15% W, M, F, N, G, U, D, R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Waccho, Walcari, Lamissio, Rodolf, Gisulf, Hilmaegis, Agelmund, Claffo,
10% T, P, B, W, M, F, N, G, U, D, R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Rothari, Wechtari, Cleph, Giselpert, Ibor,
5% B, Z, T, P, B, W, M, F, N, G, U, D, R, S, H, C, E, O, A, L, I: Zabsn,
0% V, Q, J, K, X, Y

Conclusion: The Lombard Male linguistic origins are indiscernable as bot L and I are at 60%. They show at 35% with Alichis, rise to a cultural peak at 15% and decline down by 5%.

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