Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 6 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: America, the shift in leadership preferences


Early Presidents
1. Washington
2. Jefferson
3. Madison
4. Monroe
5. Jackson
6. Van Buren
7. Harrison
8. Tyler
9. Polk
10. Taylor
11. Fillmore
12. Pierce
13. Buchanan
14. Lincoln
15. Grant
16. Hayes
17. Garfield
18. Arthur
19. Harrison
20. Cleveland

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
13 65%    9 45%      8 40%    11 55%     2    10%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2  10%     4 20%      3  15%     2  10%       3   15%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
6   30%    2 10%      2  10%    6  30%       3    15%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
12 60%    2 10%      0     0%    12 60%      7   35%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
5  25%     2 10%      1     5%     0    0%       3   15%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
65% A:
60% R, N, A:
55% O, R, N, A:
45% E, O, R, N, A:
40% I, E, O, R, N, A:
35% S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
30% L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
25% T, L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
20% C, T, L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
15% Y, M, D, G, C, T, L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
10% V, P, K, J, B, F, U, Y, M, D, G, C, T, L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
5% W, V, P, K, J, B, F, U, Y, M, D, G, C, T, L, H, S, I, E, O, R, N, A:
0% Z, X, Q

Early Americans presidentian ambitions had a preference for A-R/A-N around 65%.
A cultural preference for somewhere between Irish and Scottish lowland Male values.

Modern Presidents
1. McKinley
2. Roosevelt
3. Taft
4. Wilson
5. Harding
6. Coolidge
7. Hoover
8. Truman
9. Eisenhower
10. Kennedy
11. Johnson
12. Nixon
13. Ford
14. Carter
15. Reagan
16. Clinton
17. Bush
18. Obama
19. Trump
20. Biden

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
6  30%     9 45%     8 40%     10 50%      3   15%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
3  15%     4 20%      3  15%     2  10%      3   15%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
5   25%     1  5%      2  10%     4 20%       4    20%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
11 55%    1   5%      0     0%     9 45%       5   25%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
6  30%     2 10%      2   10%     1   5%       2     10%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
55% N:
50% O, N:
45% R, E, O, N:
40% I, R, E, O, N:
30% T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
25% S, H, T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
20% L, M, C, S, H, T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
15% G, D, B, U, L, M, C, S, H, T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
10% Y, W, F, K, G, D, B, U, L, M, C, S, H, T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
5% X, P, J, Y, W, F, K, G, D, B, U, L, M, C, S, H, T, A, I, R, E, O, N:
0% Z, Q

Modern American Presidential ambitions are in the N linguistic group at around 55% (10% down on the earlier 65% fully literate group preferences). Cultural influences in this group are increasingly diverse the non-seperatist Mayflower, and Irish families which would hold a cultural way of life interest for white Americans, but the movement in this group is toward Korean & Chinese.
African American female cultural influences are present, even significant as an influence.

Future Voter interest? There is currently more of a family/maternal preference in the modern cultural preference. But also a shift toward modern family oriented cultures.
But there is an ongoing decline in the fully literate preference. 

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