Male Iroquoi Names
Name meaning
1. Canajoharie Great boiling pot2. Deganawida Two river currents flowing together
3. Erielhonan Long tail
4. Garakonthie Moving sun
5. Gawasowaneh Big snow snake
6. Gyantwaka One who plants
7. Hadawako Shaking snow
8. Hiawatha He who combs, He who makes rivers
9. Ho-sa-gowwa Handsome boy
10. Onondakai Destroy Town
11. Onas Quill, Pen
12. Onontio Big Mountain
13. Sachem Paramount chief
14. Sagayendwarahton Old Smoke
15. Sheauga Raccoon
16. Shenandoah Deer
17. Shikellamy He who causes it to be light, Enlightener
18. Teeyeehogrow Double life
19. Thayendanegea Two sticks bound together for strength, He who places two bets.
20. Wáhta Maple tree
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
18 90% 12 60% 8 40% 12 60% 1 5%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 2 10% 6 30% 0 0% 9 45%
H % J % K % L % M %
15 75% 1 5% 5 25% 2 10% 2 10%
N % P % Q % R % S %
12 60% 0 0% 0 0% 5 25% 8 40%
T % V % W % X % Y %
8 40% 0 0% 9 45% 0 0% 5 25%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
90% A:
75% H, A:
60% N, O, E, H, A:
45% W, G, N, O, E, H, A:
40% T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Gawasowaneh (Big snow snake), Hiawatha (He who combs, He who makes rivers), Ho-sa-gowwa (Handsome boy), Onas (Quill, Pen), Onontio (Big Mountain), Shenandoah (Deer), Wáhta (Maple tree),
30% D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Deganawida (Two river currents flowing together),
25% Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Teeyeehogrow (Double life), Thayendanegea (Two sticks bound together for strength, He who places two bets.), Sagayendwarahton (Old Smoke), Gyantwaka (One who plants), Onondakai (Destroy Town), Hadawako (Shaking snow), Garakonthie (Moving sun),
10% M, L, C, Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Shikellamy (He who causes it to be light, Enlightener), Sachem (Paramount chief), Erielhonan (Long tail),
5% J, U, M, L, C, Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Sheauga (Raccoon), Canajoharie (Great boiling pot),
0% Z, X, V, Q, P, F, B
Conclusion: Originating in the A-H linguistic subgroup,
A-H subgroup sex % dev. Chain bandgap
Arabic F 95% (A; H; I; R; S)
Cherokee F 92% (A; H; I, E; K)
Iroquoi M 90% (A; H; N, O, E)
Tibetan Clans 75% (A; H; S, N, M, K, U)
A-H-E subgroup
Hebrew F 91% (A; H; E; R; I)
Other Am. M 89% (A; H; E; O; K) G
They begin around 40% with a cultural peak. Here is a Big Mountain, Big Snow Snake (avalanche?), Maple Trees, Deer. That sounds like Canada. But there is Ho-sa-gowwa (handsome boy) who sounds vaguely japanese. And Hiawatha (one who makes rivers) sounds like irrigation farming. So maybe an ancient japanese colony/explorers in Canada?
At 30% it culturally drops. And they migrate to the place where two rivers flow into each other.
At 25% we have the second cultural peak with a Moving Sun (?), Shaking Snow (earthquake?), and a town (large urban centre) destroyed. Are we looking at an asteroid/comet hit wiping out a population?
At 10% we have the first sign of a Chief of everyone. And then there is this guy: Shikellamy (He who causes it to be light, Enlightener). We have the L linguistic group showing up out of nowhere with Light (*LA*) is a marker for the L-A-I subgroup just like the time they migrated into the Sumerian culture.
5% here we have Racoon and boiling pot. It must have been a bad day for you to boil up racoon.
L-A-I linguistic Subgroup
Evidence Definition Marker Source
MELAMMU Bright, awe inspiring luminosity Sumerian
• Absorbed into Sumerians at 20% (~4,300BC)?
SHIKELLAMY He who causes it to be light, Enlightener Iroquoi
• Absorbed into Iroquoi at 10% (~2,000BC)?
Projected L-A-I subgroup Dictionary
• E*LAM (light)
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