Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Google Archaeology: Mikawa Bay


What are the odds that was a Japanese Nuclear Test in January 1945?

Its about 4km in diameter...

Linguistic Archaeology: Indo. Double-word animals and insects

 Indo. Double-word Animals & Insects

1. Alap-Alap (Sparrow Hawk)
2. Anai-Anai (White Ant)
3. Api-Api (Firefly)
4. Berang-Berang (Otter)
5. Biri-Biri (Sheep)
6. Bul-Bul (Nightingale)
7. lajanglajang (kite)
8. labah-labah (Spider)
9. gagak (crow)
10. lalat (blowfly)
11. pipit (sparrow)

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
8     72%     1    9%       4   36%     0      0%        1      9%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
4    36%      0    0%       0     0%      0     0%         3    27%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
1      9%      1   9%       1     9%      5   45%        0        0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
3    27%     3   27%       2   25%       2   18%        0      0%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
2   18%      0     0%       0        0%    0       0%      0       0%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
72% A:
45% L, A:
36% B, L, A:
27% G, P, N, B, L, A: Alap-Alap (Sparrow Hawk), Anai-Anai (White Ant), Api-Api (Firefly),
18% T, R, G, P, N, B, L, A: lalat (blowfly), pipit (sparrow), Biri-Biri (Sheep),
9% H, K, E, U, J, T, R, G, P, N, B, L, A: lajanglajang (kite), gagak (crow), labah-labah (Spider), Berang-Berang (Otter), Bul-Bul (Nightingale),
0% Z, V, W, X, Y, S, M, F, D, C, O

Conclusion: the Indonesian Double-word Animal names originate in the A-L linguistic subgroup.
But If we remove Crow, Blowfly, and Sparrow for their distorted double word names the dev. Chain trend is identified A-L/B (A-L/A-B which is a convergance of ancestors of Samoan and Ewe, or could even the more obscure possibility of L-A/A-B followed by A/T development which is related to Rapa Nui Males and to split).

Board with Games: An Idea for a DungeonCrawl


A Dungeon crawl in the sewers under Tokyo. Most of the cards will be map sections so it builds into an extensive sewer network, but the monster cards will continuously go back to the deck until the pegs indicating the remaining school students in the group are depleated or they find the ladder to the surface. Its going to be kind of like Age of Warp without the starmap.

This one will be in Japanese... as long as Google Translate does a good job.

Mystaran Campaign: A plant of Davinia


Hnnt: a strange seed cluster imported from the far off coastal tropics of Davinia. This tree grows on river banks, around subsidence ponds, and swamps linked by surface and subterranean fresh water rivers.

The seeds can be boiled into a wash to cure scabies (a kind of leprosy) though the roots of the tree are idealy used for this. The Uatt began growing this plant ornamentally from imported seeds to treat a Leprosy plague.

Miniature Comics: Why are they called Ultramarines?


Monday, 29 August 2022

Google Archaeology: A square mound and rice paddies


Pretty much covered in forest, but on the 'terrain map we see 200m×800m earthworks as though someone had dug out the earth here. Those are likely rice paddies. So a possible castle site overlooking half a square kilometre of rice paddies. Some obscure, landed lord extracting 33 bushels of rice per acre. 1/2 square mile is 320 acres. So potentially ten thousand five hundred and sixty bushels of rice. At 50lb grain per bushel, 528,000lb rice.

At 330lb per koku, thats 1,600 koku. A feudal lord was only considered daimyō class when his domain amounted to at least 10,000 koku so our estate here is not that of a feudal lord unless there are rice paddies in the surrounding valleys. But his output could support 1600 people... up until someone sends soldiers to burn the castle, and take the rice.

Location: 34.280589, 136.454409

Linguistic Archaeology: the PIE Pantheon

Protoindoeuropean Pantheon
1. Wat the Mad, Chief of all the Tribes
2. Eos, Goddess of the Dawn
3. Os, God of Men and Demons
4. Kel, Goddess of the Underworld
5. Vanr, God of Fertility
6. Kre, Goddess of Agriculture
7. Stene, God of Thunder
8. Astu, Goddess of Crafts and Towns
9. Tig, God of Sky and War
10. Wei, Goddess of Rainbows
11. Ner, God of Water

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
3     27%     6  54%      2   18%      2   18%        1       9%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0      0%      0     0%      0      0%     0     0%        1       9%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
0       0%     0     0%      2    18%     1     9%        0       0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
3    27%      0     0%      0      0%      2   18%       4     36%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
4    36%      1    9%       2     18%     0     0%        0       0%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
54% E:
36% T, S, E:
18% W, R, K, O, I, T, S, E: Eos (Goddess of the Dawn), Os (God of Men and Demons), Kre (Goddess of Agriculture), Wei (Goddess of Rainbows),
27% N, A, W, R, K, O, I, T, S, E: Ner (God of Water), Stene (God of Thunder), Wat (the Mad, Chief of all the Tribes),
9% V, L, G, U, N, A, W, R, K, O, I, T, S, E: Vanr (God of Fertility), Kel (Goddess of the Underworld), Tig (God of Sky and War), Astu (Goddess of Crafts and Towns),
0% Z, X, Y, P, Q, M, J, H, F, D, C, B

Conclusion: Originating in the E linguistic group... they peak culturally at 18%, with the low point in the middle and again a cultural peak at 9%. That is similar to the Etruscan peak-dip-peak. Wat is not the earliest of the gods despite being the Pantheon Chief of all the Tribes.

Linguistic Archaeology: Lands of the Sea Peoples

 Lands of the Sea Peoples

1. Lukka
2. Denyen
3. Shekelesh
4. Shardana
5. Ekwesh
6. Tjekru
7. Teresh
8. Peleset

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
2    25%      6   75%      0    0%      0     0%         2     25%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0      0%     0     0%      2    25%     0       0%        0       0%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
4    50%      1  12%       4  50%       3   37%        0       0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
2    25%     1  12%       0       0%      3   37%        5    62%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
3   37%      0     0%       1     12%      0     0%        1    12%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
75% E:
62% S, E:
50% H, K, S, E:
37% L, R, T, H, K, S, E: Shekelesh, Teresh,
25% N, D, A, U, L, R, T, H, K, S, E: Shardana, Lukka,
12% W, Y, P, J, N, D, A, U, L, R, T, H, K, S, E: Ekwesh, Peleset, Denyen, Tjekru,
0% Z, X, V, Q, M, G, F, C, I, O

Conclusion: Originating in the E linguistic group;

E group       Sex                 %                      Dev. Chain                        Bandgap
French            F                 89%                  (E; I; A; N; L; R; O; S)
Norman          F                 87%                  (E; A; L; I; N; R)
Cornish           F                 82%                  (E; N; R; A; L)
Iroquois          F                  81%                 (E; N; O; S, H, G, I, A)
Dutch              F                  78%                 (E; A; N; T; I; J)                       T, I
A. Egyptian    F                  77%                 (E; T; N; A; H)
A. Greek         F                  77%                 (E; A; I; O; R, N, H)
Sesotho           F                  76%                  (E; O; N; L; S)
Briton             F                  75%                  (E; N; A; W, R)
Lands of the Sea peoples  75%              (E; S; H, K)
French           M                 70%                  (E; A; I; N; R; L; O)
Nyakyusa       F                 66%                  (E; A, I; U, L; G)
Pict                  F                 64%                   (E; A; I; N; R, D)
Norman         M                 63%                  (E; A; R; N; L)                             L, I
Cornish          M                 60%                  (E; N; A; R; O)
Scot. low fam.                  58%                 (E; R; I, A; N; L)                           S
Scot. high fam. (-Mac/Mc)  58%           (E; A; N; R, I)
Fomorian    M&F?                57%                (E; T, L, A; R, O; C)
Dutch              M                  54%                 (E; R; A; S; I)
PIE Pantheon                    54%                (E; T, S; W, R, K, O, I)
Anglosaxon   M                 52%                 (E; A; R; L; D; N, H, O)               L
Anglosaxon   F                   51%                (E; A; R; L; D; H; N, O)                L
Anglosaxon dictionary     43%                (E; A; R; D; H, I)
Egyptian Hieroglyphs      42%                 (E; H; A; T; S)

The peoples naming these places branch from E at 75% (Briton- early welsh) but they could be early Egyptian words for these places given Hieroglyps are at the bottom of the E linguistic group and female Egyptian linguistic origins are from the E linguistic group at an earlier percentile value.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Cave Paintings & AstroPhysics


What are the odds the people who went and cowered in caves to survive were drawing the solution to how black holes work having reached a peak and fucked up big time? 

Toss some space time in a black hole and you get gravity waves, but the exit from that singularity is in the bottom of a gravity Well defined in dimensions x^n, y^n, and z^n as opposed to x, y, and z.

And what is in this universal bubble, is also in the other direction...

Its not as if we will need to shelter in another cave as a consequence of playing with black holes when we can work out how to retract higher dimensional information into the singularity and retract gravity waves into it.

Linguistic Archaeology: Tolkiens Elves & Dwarves


Tolkien's Elves & Dwarves PDF

Fits tightly in a single PDF...

Monday, 22 August 2022

Google Archaeology: The Fortress on Ute Mountain


An oddly elongated terrain rise counter to the mountain slope around it is visible on the south face. 

Location: 36.931615, -105.682151

Its always fun to see a massive ancient fortress with five metre (16ft) thick walls. It could be garden terracing

Linguistic Archaeology: that first Snake

 Snake in almost every language

1. Snake
2. Slang
3. Gjarpër
4. ibabi
5. thueban
6. Odz
7. *P (assamese)
8. Katari
9. ilan
10. Sa
11. Sugea
12. Zmiaja
13. Sāpa
14. Zmija
15. Zmiya
16. Serp
17. Bitin
18. Njoka
19. Shé
20. Serpente
21. Guja
22. Had
23. Slange
24. harufa
25. S* (dogri)
26. Serpento (esperanto)
27. Madu
28. Dã
29. Ahas
30. Käärme
31. Serpe
32. gveli
33. Schlange
34. Fídi
35. Mbói
36. Koulèv
37. Maciji
38. Nahesa
39. N* (hebrew)
40. saanp
41. Nab
42. Kígyó
43. Snákur
44. Agwo
45. Uleg
46. Ular
47. nathair
48. Hebi
49. ula
50. Hāvu
51. Jılan
52. psa
53. Inzoka
54. baem
55. Snek
56. Mar (kurmanji kurdish)
57. *AR (sorani kurdish)
58. ngu
59. Serpens (latin)
60. Čūska
61. Nyoka
62. Gyvatė
63. Omusota
64. Schlaang
65. *P (maithili)
67. pāmp
68. Nakahi
69. Rul
70. Mogoi
71. myaway
72. Sarpa
73. Bofa
74. SANP (pashto)
75. MAR (persian)
76. Wąż
77. Cobra
78. Sapa
79. Machaqway
80. Şarpe
81. Zmeya
82. Gata
83. S* (sanskrit)
84. Noga
85. Noha
86. NANG (sindhi)
87. sarpayā
88. kača
89. Serpiente
90. oray
91. Orm
92. Mor
93. Pāmpu
94. ELAN (tatar)
95. Pāmu
96. Ngū
97. TD* (tigrinya)
98. Yılan
99. Akeylan
100. OW* (twi)
101. QANP (urdu)
102. YILAN (uyghur)
103. Ilon
104. Con rắn
105. Neidr
106. Inyoka
107. shlang
108. Ejo

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
74  69%     28  26%    24  22%   22    20%       18  16%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
8     7%       7    6%      6     5%       3    2%        18   16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
14  13%     8    7%       15  14%    18   16%      21   19%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
40  37%     20  18%     2      1%      26  24%      29  27%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
10   9%      4      3%       5      4%     0      0%        12  11%

Z       %
6     5%

Popularity of use
69% A:
37% N, A: N* (hebrew),
26% S, N, A: Sa, S* (dogri), S* (sanskrit),
25% E, S, N, A:
24% R, E, S, N, A: *AR (sorani kurdish),
22% I, R, E, S, N, A:
20% O, I, R, E, S, N, A:
19% M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Orm, Mor, MENARANA, MAR (persian), Mar (kurmanji kurdish),
18% P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: pāmp, Sarpa, SANP (pashto), Serpens (latin), *P (maithili), Sapa, Şarpe, saanp, psa, Sāpa, Serp, Serpe, *P (assamese),
17% L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: ELAN (tatar), Ilon, ilan,
16% G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Ngū, shlang, Noga, NANG (sindhi), ngu, Mogoi, Slange, Uleg, Slang, Sugea, Ular, Rul, Pāmpu, Pāmu, ula,
13% K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Nakahi, Noha, Snákur, Snek, Ahas, Käärme, Nahesa, Snake, Shé,
11% Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Yılan, Akeylan, YILAN (uyghur), Inyoka, sarpayā, oray, Kígyó, Nyoka,
10% T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: nathair, Serpiente, Gata, Omusota, Serpento (esperanto), Katari, Serpente,
7% J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: baem, Ejo, Jılan, Hebi, Mbói, Nab, Bitin, Njoka, Guja, Gjarpër, ibabi, thueban,
6% C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: kača, Con rắn, Schlaang, Cobra, Čūska, Schlange, Maciji,
5% Z, D, C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: TD* (tigrinya), Zmeya, Neidr, Madu, Dã, Inzoka, Zmija, Zmiya, Had, Zmiaja, Odz,
4% W, Z, D, C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Wąż, OW* (twi), Agwo, myaway,
3% V, W, Z, D, C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Hāvu, Gyvatė, Koulèv, gveli,
2% F, V, W, Z, D, C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: Fídi, Bofa, harufa,
1% Q, F, V, W, Z, D, C, J, B, T, Y, K, H, G, U, L, P, M, O, I, R, E, S, N, A: QANP (urdu), Machaqway,
0% X

Conclusion: Originating in the A-N-S subgroup;

A-N-S subgroup                    %             dev. Chain
Japanese honorifics           85%         (A; N; S; K, I)
Snake                                    69%          (A; N; S; E; R)
Sun                                        53%          (A; N; S; E; O; U)

The earliest partial snake is at 37% with N* (hebrew). The earliest Snake is Sa (bambara) at 26% along with the partials S* (dogri) and S* (sanskrit). There is an apparent bandgap at 25% with another partial snake at 24% with *AR (sorani kurdish) and again a bandgap from 22%-20% before the snake returns at 19%. Interest in snakes peaking at 16% before declining down to 1%.

There seems to be a deep relationship between the Snake and the Sun (A-N-S-E). There might even be myths equating to that relationship. 

Friday, 19 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Bamboo

 Bamboo in almost every language

1. Bamboo
2. bamboes
3. bambu
4. yek’erikeha
5. alkhayzaran
6. bambuk
7. Bambú
8. Banbua
9. Bām̐śa
10. Bambus
11. Kawayan
12. mkhere
13. Zhúzi
14. Bambù
15. valhoamaheve
16. *S (dogri)
17. Bamboe
18. Bambuo (esperanto)
19. Bambusest
20. Bambou
21. bambuk’i
22. Bambus
23. Bampoú
24. Vānsa
25. Banbou
26. ʻOhe
27. BMB*K (hebrew)
28. baans
29. Xyoob
30. Bambusz
31. bambusreyr
32. Achara
33. ngwo
34. Take
35. pring
36. Bidiru
37. Bambwk
38. ryssaei
39. Umugano
40. daenamu
41. Saz (kurmanji kurdish)
42. BA*B* (sorani kurdish)
43. maiphai
44. Bambuss
45. Bambukas
46. Emiwemba
47. *S (maithili)
48. volotsangana
49. Buluh
50. muḷa
51. Bāmbū
52. Khuls
53. warr
54. Bām̐sa
55. Baambuu
56. BANS (pashto)
57. BAMB* (persian)
58. Bānsa
59. Ofe
60. BANS (sindhi)
61. uṇa bambu
62. Awi
63. Mwanzi
64. Bamʙuk
65. Mūṅkil
66. BAMB* (tatar)
67. Veduru
68. Mị̂p̄hị̀
69. *M* (tigrinya)
70. BANQ (urdu)
71. BAMB* (uyghur)
72. Cây tre
73. Bambŵ
74. Ngoqalo
75. Oparun
76. Uqalo

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
58  77%     14  18%    12  16%   16    21%       31  41%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
41  54%     2    2%       3      4%      1     1%        5      6%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
9    12%      0     0%    13  17%     9     12%       40  53%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
19   25%     5    6%       3      4%      12  16%      21  28%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
3      4%      4    5%       8     10%      1     1%        7       9%

Z       %
5     6%

Popularity of use
77% A:
54% B, A: BA*B* (sorani kurdish),
53% M, B, A: BAMB* (persian), BAMB* (tatar), *M* (tigrinya), BAMB* (uyghur),
41% U, M, B, A: Bāmbū, Baambuu, bambu, Bambú, Bambù,
28% S, U, M, B, A: Bambuss, *S (maithili), Bām̐sa, *S (dogri), Bambus, Bām̐śa, Bambus,
25% N, S, U, M, B, A: Bānsa, BANS (sindhi), uṇa bambu, Banbua, baans, BANS (pashto),
21% O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Bamboe, Bambuo (esperanto), Bambou, Banbou, Bamboo,
18% E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: bamboes,
17% K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Bambukas, Bamʙuk, BMB*K (hebrew), bambuk,
16% R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: bambuk’i,
12% L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Mūṅkil, Buluh, muḷa, Khuls, mkhere, ʻOhe,
10% W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Awi, Bambŵ, Emiwemba, warr, Bambwk,
9% Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: bambusreyr, ryssaei, yek’erikeha, Kawayan,
6% Z, P, G, Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Mị̂p̄hị̀, Oparun, maiphai, Mwanzi, Saz (kurmanji kurdish), Umugano, ngwo, pring, Bambusz, Zhúzi, Bampoú, alkhayzaran,
5% V, Z, P, G, Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: valhoamaheve, Vānsa,
4% T, Q, D, V, Z, P, G, Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Uqalo, Ngoqalo, BANQ (urdu), Bidiru, daenamu, Veduru, Take, volotsangana, Bambusest,
2% C, T, Q, D, V, Z, P, G, Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Achara, Cây tre,
1% X, F, C, T, Q, D, V, Z, P, G, Y, W, L, H, R, I, K, E, O, N, S, U, M, B, A: Xyoob, Ofe,
0% J,

Conclusion: originating in the A-B subgroup;

A-B subgroup        Sex         %             Dev. Chain
Bamboo                               77%          (A; B; M; U; S)
Efe                           M          53%          (A; B; I, O, U, M)

The earliest bamboo is less than 54% with the partial BA*B* (sorani kurdish). Peaking at 6% before declining down to 1%.

Space Memes: The Moon has a bug problem


Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Basic Expert: Inheriting Falhaven Manor


For those DMs looking for a Residence to inherit... Falhaven Manor. I created it back around 2014.

You can pretty much just roll up wandering monsters as you go.

A Distant Relative to mix things up...

Ruyth Falhaven: Magic-user; Chaotic (Good); level 1; 6hp; AC9; Str 6, Int 14, Wis 10, Dex 9, Con 17, Cha 15; equipment- Spellbook (Read Magic, Sleep), Club (1d6), knife (1d3), clothes, belt, shoes, rope.
Background: Last member of the Actual Falhaven Family. She will be a tad concerned to find she has living relatives to compete for title to the estate. Especially if they are murderous mercenaries.

Monday, 15 August 2022

Google Archaeology: update on that ship under Dundee Beach


Watermark of ship in sand on its side.

Location: -12.7365183, 130.3558537

I commented on it back in 2017.

Here it stands out a bit better...

Here is a map from the report on the bronze swivel cannon found in the mud just down the beach. Not far off.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Iroquoi Male Culture

 Male Iroquoi Names

Name                             meaning

1. Canajoharie             Great boiling pot
2. Deganawida            Two river currents flowing together
3. Erielhonan               Long tail
4. Garakonthie            Moving sun
5. Gawasowaneh         Big snow snake
6. Gyantwaka             One who plants
7. Hadawako             Shaking snow
8. Hiawatha                He who combs, He who makes rivers  
9. Ho-sa-gowwa        Handsome boy
10. Onondakai              Destroy Town
11. Onas                      Quill, Pen
12. Onontio                  Big Mountain
13. Sachem                   Paramount chief
14. Sagayendwarahton   Old Smoke
15. Sheauga                   Raccoon
16. Shenandoah             Deer
17. Shikellamy              He who causes it to be light,  Enlightener
18. Teeyeehogrow       Double life
19. Thayendanegea     Two sticks bound together for strength, He who places two bets.
20. Wáhta                   Maple tree

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %        I       %      O       %        U         %
18  90%     12  60%     8    40%     12   60%       1      5%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0     0%      2    10%      6   30%      0     0%        9    45%

H       %      J       %       K       %      L       %        M         %
15  75%     1    5%       5      25%     2    10%        2     10%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
12  60%     0     0%      0      0%      5   25%        8    40%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
8   40%      0      0%       9     45%     0      0%       5    25%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
90% A:
75% H, A:
60% N, O, E, H, A:
45% W, G, N, O, E, H, A:
40% T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Gawasowaneh (Big snow snake), Hiawatha (He who combs, He who makes rivers), Ho-sa-gowwa (Handsome boy), Onas (Quill, Pen), Onontio (Big Mountain), Shenandoah (Deer), Wáhta (Maple tree),
30% D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Deganawida (Two river currents flowing together),
25% Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Teeyeehogrow (Double life), Thayendanegea (Two sticks bound together for strength, He who places two bets.), Sagayendwarahton (Old Smoke), Gyantwaka (One who plants), Onondakai (Destroy Town), Hadawako (Shaking snow), Garakonthie (Moving sun),
10% M, L, C, Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Shikellamy (He who causes it to be light,  Enlightener), Sachem (Paramount chief), Erielhonan (Long tail),
5% J, U, M, L, C, Y, R, K, D, T, S, I, W, G, N, O, E, H, A: Sheauga (Raccoon), Canajoharie (Great boiling pot),
0% Z, X, V, Q, P, F, B

Conclusion: Originating in the A-H linguistic subgroup,

A-H subgroup        sex        %          dev. Chain                   bandgap
Arabic                       F         95%       (A; H; I; R; S)
Cherokee                 F          92%       (A; H; I, E; K)
Iroquoi                     M        90%        (A; H; N, O, E)
Tibetan Clans                     75%        (A; H; S, N, M, K, U)

A-H-E subgroup
Hebrew                   F          91%        (A; H; E; R; I)
Other Am.              M          89%        (A; H; E; O; K)                     G

They begin around 40% with a cultural peak. Here is a Big Mountain, Big Snow Snake (avalanche?), Maple Trees, Deer. That sounds like Canada. But there is Ho-sa-gowwa (handsome boy) who sounds vaguely japanese. And Hiawatha (one who makes rivers) sounds like irrigation farming. So maybe an ancient japanese colony/explorers in Canada?

At 30% it culturally drops. And they migrate to the place where two rivers flow into each other.

At 25% we have the second cultural peak with a Moving Sun (?), Shaking Snow (earthquake?), and a town (large urban centre) destroyed. Are we looking at an asteroid/comet hit wiping out a population?

At 10% we have the first sign of a Chief of everyone. And then there is this guy: Shikellamy (He who causes it to be light,  Enlightener). We have the L linguistic group showing up out of nowhere with Light (*LA*) is a marker for the L-A-I subgroup just like the time they migrated into the Sumerian culture.

5% here we have Racoon and boiling pot. It must have been a bad day for you to boil up racoon.

L-A-I linguistic Subgroup
Evidence              Definition                                                         Marker Source
MELAMMU          Bright, awe inspiring luminosity                     Sumerian
• Absorbed into Sumerians at 20% (~4,300BC)?
SHIKELLAMY      He who causes it to be light,  Enlightener      Iroquoi
• Absorbed into Iroquoi at 10% (~2,000BC)?

Projected L-A-I subgroup Dictionary
• E*LAM (light)

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Public Domain: Airman Andor v. Andor and Rogue One

Looks like Disney is plundering public domain comics for Star Wars characters and story material.

Airman Andor

Airman Andor is a policeman assigned as a "traffic cop in space". His spacecraft is designated as Patrol Craft Double-Z. Infatuated with detective fiction of the 20th century, he dreams of one day leaving the force. He goes on a disturbance report in Number 10, Vector 2 living quarters. Inside, he finds an aged man and a young blonde woman named Kyt. The oldster tells Andor that Kyt is his maid, and he caught her looking for his treasure map.

Kyt tells Andor the old man beats her and is not long for life, saying she deserves the treasure. As Andor is talking to Kyt, the old man whips her with an "electric whip". Andor shoots and kills the man, citing a charge of resisting arrest.

Kyt is shocked at the shooting. Andor lives out the "old private-eye yarns" and kisses her. He says he wouldn't want to see her live in prison, preferring to take her and find the treasure. The passion between the two turns to love. Andor submits his resignation, citing the man's resisting arrest. His resignation is accepted.

Kyt and Andor travel in a space rocket to where the treasure map leads; the asteroid Klaxon. On the journey, Kyt writes in her diary, refusing to let Andor see her private thoughts. Landing on the asteroid, the pair find two crystal pillars mentioned on the map. Andor uses his knife to open a bottle of celebratory burgundy. Kissing Kyt after drinking the burgundy, Andor kills her with his knife. His head begins to swim, owing to effects of Kyt's lipstick. He realizes Kyt poisoned him with her lipstick. He knocks her diary off the table. Written in it is her plans to use his affections to retrieve the treasure and the fact that she never was in love with him.

StarWars Andor is a guy who infiltrates the Empire, and becomes a Traffic Cop in Space... I'm assuming there is going to be a girl who manipulates him for her own ends as she convinces him to Abandon his life in the Empire, convincing him to kill some Official, and run off in search of some secret treasure (Kyber crystals maybe?) only for him to kill her before she kills him...

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: defining the Hand

Hand in almost every language
1. Hand
2. Dora
3. iji
4. kuff
5. DZerrk
6. Ampara
7. AL (azerbaijani)
8. Bolo
9. Eskua
10. Ruka
11. Hāta
12. rŭka
13. mà
14. Kamot
15. Dzanja
16. Shǒu
17. manu
18. Hånd
19. aiythila
20. H* (dogri)
21. Mano (esperanto)
22. Käsi
23. Asi
24. Kamay
25. Main
26. Hân
27. Man
28. kheli
29. Chéri
30. Po
31. Hātha
32. Men
33. Hannu
34. lima
35. JD (hebrew)
36. haath
37. Tes
38. Kéz
39. Hönd
40. Aka
41. Ima
42. Tangan
43. Lámh
44. Mano
45. Te
46. Kai
47. Qol
48. dai
49. Ukuboko
50. son
51. An
52. Dest (kurdish kurmanji)
53. *ST (kurdish sorani)
54. Kol
55. mu
56. Manus (latin)
57. Roka
58. Loboko
59. Ranka
60. Omukono
61. Raka
62. TANAN (malagasy)
63. Idejn
64. Ringa
65. Kut
66. Gar
67. laat
68. Harka
69. *S (pashto)
70. DST (persian)
71. Ręka
72. Mão
73. Hatha
74. Maki
75. Mână
76. Lima
77. H* (Sanskrit)
78. Làmh
79. Seatla
80. Letsoho
81. Ruoko
82. H* (sindhi)
83. Gacan
84. Leungeun
85. Mkono
86. Dast
87. K*L (tatar)
88. Ceyyi
89. Mụ̄x
90. *D (tigrinya)
91. Voko
92. El
93. Nsa
94. HATH (urdu)
95. Q*L (uyghur)
96. Qo'l
97. Tay
98. Llaw
99. Isandla
100. hant
101. Ọwọ

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
57  57%     16  16%    18  18%   21    21%       15  15%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
2     2%      3    3%       14  14%     1     1%        5        5%

H       %      J       %       K       %      L       %        M         %
22  22%     4    4%       27    27%    19  19%       21   21%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
27  27%      2    2%       3     3%      14   14%     16  16%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
21  21%     1    1%        2       2%      1     1%        4      4%

Z       %
3     3%

Popularity of use
57% A:
27% K, N, A: Aka, An,
22% H, K, N, A: Hân, H* (Sanskrit), H* (sindhi), H* (dogri),
21% M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Mână, Mkono, Mão, Mano, Mano (esperanto), Man, mà, Kamot, HATH (urdu), Hāta, Hatha, Hātha, haath, Hāta, hant, TANAN (malagasy),
19% L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Làmh, K*L (tatar), Loboko, Kol, Lámh, AL (azerbaijani),
18% I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Maki, Lima, laat, Ima, Kai, lima, Main,
16% S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: El, Nsa, Seatla, Letsoho, *ST (kurdish sorani), *S (pashto), son, Tes, Te, Men, kheli, Käsi, Asi,
15% U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Omukono, Kut, mu, Manus (latin), Shǒu, manu, Hannu, Eskua,
14% R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: *D (tigrinya), Isandla, Dast, Ruoko, Raka, DST (persian), Harka, Ręka, Roka, Ranka, Dest (kurdish ), dai, Hånd, Hönd, rŭka, Hand, Dora, Ruka,
5% G, R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Gar, Leungeun, Ringa, Tangan,
4% Y, J, G, R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Idejn, Tay, aiythila, Kamay, JD (hebrew), iji,
3% Z, Q, C, Y, J, G, R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Q*L (uyghur), Qo'l, Gacan, Ceyyi, Dzanja, Chéri, Qol, DZerrk, Kéz,
2% W, P, B, Z, Q, C, Y, J, G, R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Llaw, Ọwọ, Ampara, Bolo, Po, Ukuboko,
1% X, V, F, W, P, B, Z, Q, C, Y, J, G, R, D, U, S, E, I, L, M, O, T, H, K, N, A: Mụ̄x, Voko, kuff,

Conclusion: originating in A linguistic group (insufficient data for further separation).
Earliest Hand is at 27% with Aka (igbo) and An (krio). Rising to a peak at 14% before declining down to 1%.

Dont you just despise a non result...

Basic Expert: Bottom of the Well


While the Adventurers are enjoying the Tavern, an odd rumbling sound is heard, and after a few moments a sink hole opens beneath the Tavern dropping the building and its occupants down an shaft.

Dice Check: Dwarves can recognize the noise as a cave subsidence on a wisdom check.

PCs will find themselves down the bottom of the shaft in a deep pool of water, in a cave (Area 1).

Any Dwarf recognizing the sound has enough time to grab hold of their backpack of equipment.

A side profile dungeon map. Area 10 is the rubble of the tavern blocking the shaft, onto which rock collapses sealing them in. Any equipment not in posession of a dwarf is tangled in the rubble here.

Some supplies fall to Area 1:
• Wineskin, full
• 50' rope
• Small Hammer
• Lantern, half full
• Silver Dagger
• Potion of Healing
• Tinderbox
• 10' pole
• Pouch (empty)
• (4) iron spikes
• A Wooden chair

An Adventure you can stat up...

World Building: Dyson Spheres, their construction, and Relics

 In Relics (an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation) they encounter a Dyson sphere. It raised a few questions...

Question: What would illuminate a dyson sphere at high noon on all surface area?

Answer: The central star. This would involve something like thermal energy transfering to the outer surface by metals or alloys or ceramics that alter the frequency of the light. Platinum absorbs UV and gives off visible light. This process might be usable through similar process to convert infrared energy into visible light emission.

Question: Where to get its construction material?

Answer: The Star. It gives off protons. A machine swarm capable of weaving a lattice from threads of Protons would over time build up a structure that has an earth gravity, and is a few metres thick, because its a woven proton cloth, light can pass through it (introducing another answer to how is it illuminated). Eventually the builders might show up to take up residence when the star is sufficiently depleted of mass and brightness.

Question: How does it survive solar radiation inequality?

Answer: The swarm actively targets solar flare material ejected from the sun as an opportunity to collect building material. The nanomachine swarm likely functions in close proximity to the star until its proton fiber is fully spooled, and weaves a web section of cloth to sail back to the shell to connect its patch to the patchwork quilt. This offers a different alternative to building material efficiency and use. The swarm itself was built using the planetary material of the solar system, but the swarm uses the protons of the star to weave the dyson sphere material.

Is that sufficient?

Friday, 5 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: That time we learned to Spit

 To Spit in almost every language

1. To Spit
2. Om te spoeg
3. Për të pështyrë
4. lemetifati
5. 'an yabsiq
6. T’k’el
7. *B* (assamese)
8. Ukax Thuqhuñawa
9. TUPURMAK (azerbaijani)
10. KA*AFISE* (bambara)
11. Txu egiteko
12. Pliavać
13. Thutu
14. Plyuya
15. Per escopir
16. Sa Pagluwa
17. Ku lavula
18. Tǔ
19. À Sputà
20. Pljunuti
21. Na plivat
22. At spytte
23. Kraĉi (esperanto)
24. Be Woaɖe Ta
25. Dumura
26. Sylkeen
27. Cracher
28. Para Cuspir
29. dapurtkheba
30. Spucken
31. Ftýno
32. Oescupi haguã
33. Thūṅkavuṁ
34. Pou krache
35. Tofa
36. E kuha
37. *JR*K (hebrew)
38. thookana
39. To Nplas
40. Köpni
41. Ath spýta
42. Ịgbasa ọnụ mmiri
43. Tapno Agtupra
44. Meludah
45. Sputare
46. Tsubawohaku
47. Kanggo ngidoni
48. Uguḷuvudu
49. Tükirw
50. daembi staoh tukmeat
51. Gucira amacandwe
52. *A* (konkani)
53. chim-eul baetda
54. TFKR*N (sorani kurdish)
55. Tükürüü
56. thom noalai
57. Ad Sputo (latin)
58. Uz spļaut
59. Mpo na Kobwakela nsoi
60. Spjauti
61. Okufuuwa Amalusu
62. Zu Spitzen
63. Da plukaš
64. Untuk meludah
65. tuppān
66. Biex Bżiq
67. Ki Tuha
68. Thuṅkaṇē
69. Nulimakh
70. tan tway htway raan
71. Thuknu
72. Å spytte
73. Tufuutti
74. SPK*L (pashto)
75. TFKRDN (persian)
76. pluć
77. Cuspir
78. Thukaṇa la'ī
79. Escupir
80. A scuipa
81. Plevatʹ
82. Ia Fenu
83. *A* (sanskrit)
84. Go Marela Mare
85. Ho Mathe
86. A*LAE* (sindhi)
87. keḷa gæsīmaṭa
88. Pľuť
89. Pljuvati
90. Si loo tufiyo
91. Escupir
92. Pikeun nyiduh
93. Kutema mate
94. Att spotta
95. Tuf kardan
96. Tuppuvataṟku
97. T*EPEPD* (tatar)
98. Um'mivēyuṭaku
99. T̄h̀m n̂ảlāy
100. *M*E (tigrinya)
101. Ku Tshwutela
102. Tükürmek
103. Tüýkürmek
104. Sɛ Wɔteɛteɛm
105. Plyuvaty
106. TH*KNE (urdu)
107. T*R* (uyghur)
108. Tupurish
109. Để nhổ
110. I Boeri
111. Ukutshica
112. tsu shpayen
113. Lati tutọ
114. Ukukhafula

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
70  61%    48  42%     40  35%   26    23%       65  57%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
10   8%      16  14%    16  14%     10   8%        10    8%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
32  28%     4    3%      44  38%     34  30%      25    22%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
32  28%     45  39%     3     2%      29  25%      40  35%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
69  61%     10  8%       11     9%      3     2%        16  14%

Z       %
3     2%

Popularity of use
61% T, A: *A* (konkani), *A* (sanskrit),
57% U, T, A: Tǔ,
42% E, U, T, A:
39% P, E, U, T, A:
38% K, P, E, U, T, A:
35% S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: À Sputà,
30% L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: SPK*L (pashto), A*LAE* (sindhi), Pľuť, T’k’el,
28% N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Thukaṇa la'ī, TH*KNE (urdu), tuppān, Ki Tuha, Thuṅkaṇē, Thuknu, Thutu, E kuha,
25% R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: T*R* (uyghur), Tupurish, Sputare, Tükürüü,
23% O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Att spotta, Lati tutọ, thookana, To Nplas, Köpni, To Spit,
22% M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: *M*E (tigrinya), Tükürmek, Ho Mathe, Kutema mate, Untuk meludah, Nulimakh, TUPURMAK (azerbaijani), thom noalai,
14% Y, C, D, M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Để nhổ, Ukutshica, tsu shpayen, Tuf kardan, T*EPEPD* (tatar), Tüýkürmek, Escupir, Pikeun nyiduh, T̄h̀m n̂ảlāy, Ad Sputo (latin), Da plukaš, Å spytte, Ath spýta, Meludah, Cracher, Para Cuspir, Spucken, Pou krache, Escupir, A scuipa, pluć, Cuspir, At spytte, Kraĉi (esperanto), Dumura, Sylkeen, Plyuya, Për të pështyrë, Per escopir,
9% W, Y, C, D, M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Ku Tshwutela, Sɛ Wɔteɛteɛm, Mpo na Kobwakela nsoi, tan tway htway raan, Tükirw,
8% V, G, F, B, W, Y, C, D, M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Ia Fenu, Si loo tufiyo, Tufuutti, TFKRDN (persian), Tofa, KA*AFISE* (bambara), Okufuuwa Amalusu, Ftýno, Ukukhafula, lemetifati, TFKR*N (sorani kurdish), Go Marela Mare, keḷa gæsīmaṭa, Kanggo ngidoni, Uguḷuvudu, Gucira amacandwe, Ịgbasa ọnụ mmiri, Tapno Agtupra, Sa Pagluwa, Oescupi haguã, Om te spoeg, Um'mivēyuṭaku, Plyuvaty, Tuppuvataṟku, Thūṅkavuṁ, Plevatʹ, Na plivat, Ku lavula, Pliavać, chim-eul baetda, I Boeri, daembi staoh tukmeat, Tsubawohaku, Be Woaɖe Ta, dapurtkheba, *B* (assamese),
3% J, V, G, F, B, W, Y, C, D, M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Pljunuti, Pljuvati, *JR*K (hebrew), Spjauti,
2% Z, X, Q, J, V, G, F, B, W, Y, C, D, M, O, R, N, H, L, S, I, K, P, E, U, T, A: Zu Spitzen, Biex Bżiq, Uz spļaut, Ukax Thuqhuñawa, Txu egiteko, an yabsiq,

Conclusion: Unresolved at A/T, The earliest incomplete are *A* (konkani), *A* (sanskrit), at less than 61%.
At 57% the earliest complete spit is Tǔ (chinese). This is followed by a bandgap from 42%-38%.
Rising from 35% to a peak at 14%, dropping back at 9%, then peaking at 8% before declining down to 2%.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Mystaran Campaign: Impact Craters and Impact Caverns


It's because the impact of the meteor in southern Glantri that we now need to consider the prospect of a deep cavern having formed far below the great crater. For now it will be uninhabitable, but the idea that far in Mystara's future that cavern will become home to life different to life on the surface means that Adventure is to be had.

Likewise, there should be a cavern below Meteor Crater in Arizona. And if it is found to contain an ecosystem, that opens the possibility for life or even water to be found deep beneath craters on the Moon and even Mars.


Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Black and White

Black in almost every language
1. Black
2. Swart
3. E zezë
4. t’ik’uri
5. aswad
6. Sev
7. Ch'iyara
8. Qara
9. Finman
10. Beltza
11. Čorny
12. Kālō
13. Crno
14. Cherno
15. Negre
16. Itom
17. Wakuda
18. Hēisè de
19. Neru
20. Černá
21. Sort
22. kalhu
23. zwart
24. Nigra (esperanto)
25. Must
26. YIB* (ewe)
27. Itim
28. Musta
29. Noire
30. Noir
31. Negro
32. shavi
33. Schwarz
34. Mávros
35. Hũ
36. Kāḷō
37. Nwa
38. Baki
39. ʻeleʻele
40. *H*R (hebrew)
41. kaala
42. Dub
43. Fekete
44. Svartur
45. Nangisit
46. Hitam
47. Dubh
48. Nera
49. Nero
50. Kuro
51. ireng
52. Kappu
53. khmaw
54. Umukara
55. geom-eunsaeg
56. Blak
57. Reş (kurmanji kurdish)
58. R* (sorani kurdish)
59. Kara
60. dam
61. nigreos (latin)
62. Melns
63. Moindo
64. Juoda
65. Obuddugavu
66. Schwaarz
67. Crnoto
68. Mainty
69. kaṟupp
70. Iswed
71. Pango
72. Dum
73. Khar
74. aanaatraung
75. Gurraacha
76. T*R (pashto)
77. M*KY (persian)
78. Czarny
79. Preta
80. Preto
81. Kālā
82. Yana
83. Negru
84. Chernyy
85. Lanu uliuli
86. Ntsho
87. Crn
88. Nhema
89. KAR* (sindhi)
90. kalu
91. čierna
92. Črna
93. Madow
94. Negra
95. Hideung
96. Nyeusi
97. Svart
98. Sijoh
99. Karuppu
100. Кара
101. Nalupu
102. S̄īdả
103. *M (tigrinya)
104. Ntima
105. Siyah
106. Gara
107. Tuntum
108. chornyy
109. QYAH (urdu)
110. QARA (uyghur)
111. Qora
112. Màu đen
113. Du
114. Mnyama
115. shvarts
116. Dudu

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
66  57%     30  26%    26  22%   26    22%       31    26%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
6      5%     14  12%    17    15%    2      1%       14  12%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23  20%     2    1%       23  20%    13  11%      20   17%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
39  33%     8     6%      4      3%      52   45%     25  21%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
23  20%     7    6%       10      8%     0      0%       13  11%

Z       %
6     5%

Popularity of use
57% A:
45% R, A: R* (sorani kurdish),
33% N, R, A:
26% E, U, N, R, A: Neru, Nera,
22% O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Noire, Noir, Nero,
21% S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Reş (kurmanji kurdish),
20% T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Kara, Khar, T*R (pashto), Ntsho, KAR* (sindhi), Kuro, Kappu, Sort, t’ik’uri, Hũ, *H*R (hebrew),
17% M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: *M (tigrinya), Ntima, Tuntum, Mainty, Nhema, Hitam, Umukara, Must, Itim, Musta, Itom,
15% D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Màu đen, Du, Dudu, Iswed, Dum, S̄īdả, dam, Moindo, Hēisè de,
12% G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Negra, Hideung, Gara, aanaatraung, Gurraacha, Negru, nigreos (latin), Obuddugavu, Nangisit, ireng, geom-eunsaeg, Nigra (esperanto), Negro, Negre, čierna, Črna, Crn, Černá, Crnoto, Crno, Cherno,
11% Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: chornyy, Mnyama, Nyeusi, Siyah, Yana, M*KY (persian), Chernyy, Ch'iyara, Čorny, Lanu uliuli, kalu, Kālā, kaala, Melns, Kāḷō, ʻeleʻele, Kālō, kalhu,
8% W, Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: khmaw, Madow, Wakuda, Nwa, Swart, aswad,
6% V, P, W, Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Karuppu, Кара, Nalupu, Preta, Preto, kaṟupp, Pango, Svart, shvarts, Svartur, shavi, Sev,
5% Z, B, V, P, W, Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Czarny, Blak, Schwaarz, Dub, Dubh, Schwarz, Mávros, Baki, zwart, YIB* (ewe), Beltza, Black, E zezë,
4% Q, Z, B, V, P, W, Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: QYAH (urdu), QARA (uyghur), Qora, Qara,
1% J, F, Q, Z, B, V, P, W, Y, L, G, C, D, M, T, K, H, S, O, I, E, U, N, R, A: Juoda, Sijoh, Finman, Fekete,
0% X

Conclusion: originating in the A-R-N linguistic subgroup,

A-R-N subgroup         sex          %           dev.chain                  bandgap
SE. Aboriginal              F           90%       (A; R; N; I, L)                    I
Indian                           M           87%      (A; R; N; H; I)
S.E. Aboriginal            M           83%      (A; R; N; I; M)                   L
Armenian                     M           75%      (A; R; N; S, H)
Green (colour)                          57%      (A; R; N; I; E; L)
Black (colour)                           57%      (A; R; N; U; E)

The earliest partial black is at 45% with R* (sorani kurdish). This is followed by a bandgap at 33%.
The earliest complete black is at 26% with Neru (corsican) and Nera (feminine italian). This rises to a peak at 12% before declining down to 1%

White in almost every language
1. White
2. Wit
3. E bardha
4. nech’i
5. abyad
6. Spitak
7. B* (assamese)
8. Janq'u
9. Ağ
10. Jɛman
11. Zuria
12. Biely
13. Sādā
14. Bijelo
15. Byalo
16. Blanc
17. Puti
18. Choyera
19. Báisè
20. Biancu
21. Bijela
22. Bílý
23. hvid
24. hudhu
25. Blanka (esperanto)
26. Valge
27. Ɣi
28. Valkoinen
29. Blanche
30. Wyt
31. Branco
32. tetri
33. Weiß
34. áspro
35. Morotĩ
36. Saphēda
37. Blan
38. Fari
39. Keʻokeʻo
40. *BN (hebrew)
41. saphed
42. Dawb
43. fehér
44. Hvítur
45. Ọcha
46. Puraw
47. Putih
48. Bán
49. Bianca
50. Bianco
51. Shiro
52. Biḷi
53. Aq
54. S
55. Cyera
56. hayansaeg
57. Wayt
58. Spî (kurmanji kurdish)
59. SQ* (sorani kurdish)
60. Ak
61. sikhav
62. album (latin)
63. Balts
64. Mpembe
65. Baltas
66. Kyeeru
67. Wäiss
68. Belo
69. AHR (maithili)
70. fotsy
71. veḷḷa
72. Abjad
73. Mā
74. Pāṇḍharā
75. Var
76. Tsagaan
77. aahpyauuraung
78. Sētō
79. Hvit
80. D* (odia)
81. Adii
82. SPEN (pashto)
83. SFYD (persian)
84. Biały
85. Branca
86. Branco
87. Ciṭā
88. Yuraq
89. alb
90. Belyy
91. Lanu pa'epa'e
92. Geal
93. Tšhweu
94. beo
95. Bosoeu
96. Chena
97. A* (sindhi)
98. sudu
99. Bela
100. Caddaan
101. Blanca
102. Blanco
103. Bodas
104. Nyeupe
105. Vit
106. Safed
107. Veḷḷai
108. BELYY (tatar)
109. Telupu
110. S̄ī k̄hāw
111. Basa
112. Beyaz
113. Fitaa
114. Bilyy
115. QFYD (urdu)
116. EAQ (uyghur)
117. Oq
118. Trắng
119. Gwyn
120. Mhlophe
121. vays
122. funfun
123. Emhlophe

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
72  59%     43  35%    37  30%   22    18%      19   15%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
40  32%     17  13%     17  13%    18   14%      8      6%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23  18%     3    2%       7     5%      31  25%        6       4%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
29    23%   17  13%     7       5%     22   18%      28  22%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
21  17%     11  9%      11       9%      0      0%     23  18%

Z       %
2     1%

Popularity of use
59% A: A* (sindhi),
35% E, A:
33% B, E, A: B* (assamese),
30% I, B, E, A:
25% L, I, B, E, A: Biḷi, alb, Bela,
23% N, L, I, B, E, A: Blan, *BN (hebrew), Bán,
22% S, N, L, I, B, E, A: S, SPEN (pashto), Basa, Báisè,
18% R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Belo, beo, Byalo, Shiro, AHR (maithili), Bilyy, BELYY (tatar), Belyy, Biely, Biały, Bílý,
17% T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Balts, Baltas, Sētō, tetri,
15% U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: album (latin), Bosoeu,
14% F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Fitaa, funfun, fehér, fotsy, Fari,
13% P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Nyeupe, Telupu, Lanu pa'epa'e, Spî (kurmanji kurdish), Pāṇḍharā, saphed, Putih, Saphēda, áspro, Puti, Bodas, Safed, sudu, Caddaan, D* (odia), Adii, SFYD (persian), Sādā, hudhu, E bardha, abyad, Blanca, Blanco, Branca, Branco, Ciṭā, Chena, Bianca, Bianco, Cyera, Ọcha, Biancu, Blanche, Blanc, Branco, Choyera, nech’i,
9% W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Wäiss, Tšhweu, Wayt, Dawb, Puraw, Wyt, Weiß, White, Wit, Veḷḷai, vays, Vit, Var, Hvit, veḷḷa, Ɣi, Valkoinen, Hvítur, hvid,
6% G, W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Trắng, Gwyn, Tsagaan, aahpyauuraung, Geal, Valge, hayansaeg, Ağ,
5% K, Q, G, W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: QFYD (urdu), EAQ (uyghur), Oq, SQ* (sorani kurdish), Yuraq, Aq, Kyeeru, S̄ī k̄hāw, Ak, sikhav, Spitak, Keʻokeʻo, Blanka (esperanto),
4% M, K, Q, G, W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Mhlophe, Emhlophe, Mpembe, Mā, Morotĩ,
2% J, M, K, Q, G, W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Bijela, Abjad, Jɛman, Bijelo, Janq'u,
1% Z, J, M, K, Q, G, W, V, P, D, C, F, U, T, R, O, H, Y, S, N, L, I, B, E, A: Zuria, Beyaz,
0% X

Conclusion: Originating in the A-E linguistic subgroup,

A-E subgroup                sex         %           dev. Chain                       bandgap
To gather to speak                      88%        (A; E; U; I; L; T)
To Observe                                   82%        (A; E; R, I; S, N)
Balinise                       M&F?      70%        (A; E; K, N)
To Harvest                                   69%        (A; E; I, T; O)
A. Egyptian                   M            63%        (A; E; N; H; U) E, H
White (colour)                            59%        (A; E; B; I)
Oar                                               54%        (A; E; O; R; I; S; U)

The earliest is at less than 59% with the partial A* (sindhi). This is followed by a bandgap at 35%. Another partial occurs at 33% with B* (assamese) followed by a second bandgap at 30%.
The earliest full White occurs at 25% with Biḷi (kannada), alb (romanian), Bela (slovenian), rising to a peak at 13% and down to 1%. Does Interest in the colour white post Ancient Egyptians equate to White limestone Pyramids or just white plaster?