Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 29 July 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: The United States of America


That would be a serious undertaking... but we know where it is. It has a less than 2% fully literate population, religious fundamentalism, innequality, a poorly educated ruling class, and is enjoying progressive decline as the global resources that have given its middle class populace a way of life that enjoyed 29 acres per person in supporting resources on a planet at 1 acre per person (contributing to global innequality) are being increasingly redirected elsewhere, collapse would be innevitable. 

China on the other hand is as a communist state functioning at half an acre per person.

So what is the most likely point of conflict? Australia. At an Equal share of one acre per person Australia is at about the land territory share of Tasmania. That means Mainland Australia belongs to someone else.

The USA needs land and resources to continue with its Capitalism works world-view, and Australia is already in the process of being absorbed culturally and through Military alliance by the USA. It's not going to Reduce its resource burning way of life and embrace Communism. It will always need more... And the America First policy is an increasingly popular opinion amongst its Elites and fundamentalist population.

The Chinese on the other hand are Descended from Indigenous Australian females of the north west Australia, and having migrated north have likely done so repeatedly over the last sixty thousand years depleting local resources. They being the core of human migration out of Africa could argue that equality of territory and resources is obligatory in the United Nations pushing the wealthier nations into a future of unethical conflict for more than their resource share.

The only way to stop that is make a Doctorate education mandatory for every US citizen (And all the others on this planet) by directing immediatly half its defence budget to doctorate education of its military, who will then teach the rest of the population, ban religion, restrict freedoms (to life confinement to an acre, or a shipping container sized single occupancy apartment so you can enjoy living in the only city, and nationalize all corporate assets and the wealth of billionaires and hand it to SpaceX who would need to be declared the Government of Mars (under God-emperor Elon Musk) so they can commit to Mars colonization while Communism is imposed on the humans of Earth.

The Doctorate population can be rewarded with a seat for life in parliament combined with an obligation to teach others to a doctorate level.

Change needs to happen now.

P.S. If the world immediatly halts the harvesting of forest to stop ocean level rise, the USA has less than ten years of pulpable forest to provide its citizens with toilet paper. 

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