Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday 19 April 2021

Mystaran Campaign: The Gourd of Storms


The Gourd of Storms has all the appearance of a water gourd with a dark red rope around its mid.

Opened, and a storm will pour forth creating a storm front along 10d10 miles that will travel at a windspeed of 1d100 miles per hour.

Lightning strikes from the storm are at 20d6.

Use: 3/day

AC2021 Thaumont 25: A late Storm 

Location: Karameikos, Continent of Brun.

Description: a storm rolls down from the mountains in northern Karameikos. The storm front extending from beyond riverfork keep to Dimitrov misses the Capital of Specularum but powerful lightning at the centre of the storm front strikes Threshold, Highforge, Verge, Rifflain, Trees in Radlebb Wood, and heads south-south-west toward the Westron Road.

Whats going on? A villain armed with the gourd of storms has unleashed a storm on Karameikos. Stone and metal Structures in the affected areas will have 10% chance of being struck by lightning for 20d6 damage.

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