Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Linguistic Archaeology: Thieves' Cant

Here is Thieves' Cant in booklet form. It was published in Dragon Magazine in October 1982 by author Aurelio Locsin. Aurelio Locsin III was born in 1960 and this work in 1982 (Age 23) marks his earliest publishing beginnings. He would go on to write GURPS: Aztecs and numerous other GURPS books for Steve Jackson Games.

 Thieves' Cant? It was a real language having its origins in at least the 1500s. We can actually examine the language for geographical markers to determine its origins. Even if this version is modified by the Author to create a fantasy version with orcs, dwarves, elves, and dragons. We can see it is from a landlocked region. At best it has marsh and a lake, its plains with bordering desert and forest with a mountain, a hill, a city, two towns, some farming. There is smuggling (diamonds, rubies, sapphires, opals) and long inspections. There are thieves and bandits.

Geographical Markers
Usal = Mountain
Lyket = Plains
Kunsal = Hill
Suso = Forest
Ratik = Marsh
Utho = Lake
Akbun = Desert
Kuena = Cave
Eslm = Country

Ku refers to a Hill with a Cave.

Kuena = Cave
Tontyha = Stronghold
Tonlub = Sanctuary
Raiga = ruins
Fysy = Town
Fysos = Shrine
Holyat = City
Ornek = Castle
Hili = Bridge
Kunahin = Crypt
Ror = Dungeon
Iro = Farm
Mybet = Town
Kauhin = Barracks
Kauta = Temple

Ton refers to a Fortress Sanctuary.
Fys is a Town with a Shrine.
(R)O(R) is associated with a Dungeon linking a Castle to a Farm.
Kau is a temple with barracks.
Hi is associated with a Bridge and Barracks.

Updated: a mountain surrounded by a swamp Marsh.

"In Sung Dynasty China, three generations or so before the time of Marco Polo, legend has it that a  mighty band of Robin Hood-like outlaws gathered together to oppose the corrupt and predatory ruling class. There were some 10,000 of these outlaws dwelling on a mountain called Liang Shan P’o, which was protected from attack by a vast marsh whose labyrinthine waterways permitted easy ambush of assailants. The leaders of these “Righteous Robbers” were 36 chieftains who were actually incarnations of 36 stars of Heaven, and 72 subchieftains who were incarnate stars of Earth. An unknown Chinese authur collected the tales of these heroes into one lengthy book, which Pearl S. Buck translated under the title All Men Are Brothers." -the righteous robbers of Liang Shan P'o, Dragon magazine issue 83.

Suddenly the Idea that Thieves Cant was created by the 10,000 Righteous Robbers of Liang Shan P'o from their mountain stronghold is of historical significance.

RATIK is Marsh. In Runes it is a reversed set with symbols for Arrow(AR), (half) a bow(K of KU), and a sword or spear (using TI).

Its correct form should be Ar-K(u)-Ti.

Update 2: Arkuti is a mountain in Nepal.

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