Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 2 August 2024

Linguistic Archaeology: Tintin's Syldavia

 Tintin's Syldavian

1. bätczer (better)
2. blaveh (stay)
3. bûthsz (boat)
4. dascz (the)
5. döszt (thirst)
6. fläsz (bottle)
7. forwotzen (forbidden)
8. güdd (good)
9. eih (he)
10. ek (I)
11. ihn (in)
12. kar (king)
13. khoujchz (coach)
14. kzommet (come)
15. micz (with)
16. muskh (courage)
17. nietz (not)
18. omhz (us)
19. wertzragh (slow down)
20. werkhven (work)

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
6  30%     9 45%      4 20%    5  25%       4    20%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
3  15%     4 20%      3  15%     2 10%       2   10%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
9   45%    1   5%      5  25%     2 10%       4    20%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
4   20%    0   0%       0    0%    5  25%        5   25%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
7  35%     2 10%      3   15%    0    0%        0     0%

Z      %
12 60%

Popularity of use
60% Z:
45% H, E, Z:
35% T, H, E, Z:
30% A, T, H, E, Z:
25% S, R, K, O, A, T, H, E, Z: ek (I), kar (king),
20% N, M, C, U, I, S, R, K, O, A, T, H, E, Z: eih (he), ihn (in), kzommet (come), micz (with), muskh (courage), nietz (not), omhz (us),
15% W, D, B, N, M, C, U, I, S, R, K, O, A, T, H, E, Z: bätczer (better), bûthsz (boat), dascz (the), döszt (thirst),
10% V, L, G, F, W, D, B, N, M, C, U, I, S, R, K, O, A, T, H, E, Z: wertzragh (slow down), werkhven (work), fläsz (bottle), forwotzen (forbidden), güdd (good), blaveh (stay),
5% J, V, L, G, F, W, D, B, N, M, C, U, I, S, R, K, O, A, T, H, E, Z: khoujchz (coach),
0% X, Y, P, Q

Originating in the 'Z' linguistic group.
T looks like its ruled by 
History of Syldavia
25% Kar is First 'King' of Syldavia (K linguistic group)
20% Cultural Peak
15% boats in use, cultural decline
10% Bottle (containers), fast travel, second cultural rise
5% Coach travel, cultural decline

A Z linguistic group dominated by K linguistic group at its beginning. A king names Kar who is of Japanese female linguistic origin.

If we look at the Z value from japanese female names we get Kazumi and Kazuko (amongst others).

3% Z, C, R, N, Y, E, T, H, S, M, U, A, I, O, K: Zanako, Suzuko, Suzune, Shizu, Kazumi, Kazuko, Izuko, Asuza, 

So... peoples who have travelled far from home.  And at this point they lack D, G, L, B, P, Q. 0% P, Q is a shared linguistic shortfall.

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