Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 30 August 2019

Basic Expert: Narcotics from Fantasy/RPG/Isekai Anime

Narcotics have appeared in fantasy Anime settings just as they have in real world Anime settings. Two recent examples include:

Divine Vine: this vine produces grape which when turned into wine addicts the recipient who drinks the wine compelling them to do anything for a drink. Anyone drinking the wine for the first time and failing a saving throw vs poison (adding/subtracting charisma adjustments) becomes chaotic while addicted. There is no magical cure.
Source: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a Dungeon 1&2)

Fairy Dust: this substance is bulk harvested from thousands of imprisoned faries by a crime syndicate. When consumed in quantity by non-magical entities such as humans the fairy dust turns them into wights under the control of any entity providing them with orders. It is fairy life force (Latena) so consumption affords no saving throw, though a fairy could sacrifice themselves to cure one person of dust contamination. Those regularly exposed detect of magic even after death. They leave traces through physical contact with surfaces, objects, and individuals.
The use of a specialized 'explosive' container that causes the fairy to go critical is described as the fairy dust equivalent of a tactical nuke with a five mile blast radius.
Source: Cop Craft

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