Memories of Connor's Adventures
Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Art Folio: Dwarven War-Chief
The Marble Throne,
Forgotten with its hall.
His ancient crown,
An iron helm waits.
For would-be heroes,
Dwarf-hill calls.
-The Challenge of Dwarf-hill
Forgotten with its hall.
His ancient crown,
An iron helm waits.
For would-be heroes,
Dwarf-hill calls.
-The Challenge of Dwarf-hill
Monday, 29 June 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Rockhome Dwarven
Dwarf English
Ats Axe
Bahr Sun
Bal Tan
Barr Yellow/Blonde
Belf Noisy
Bif Nimble
Blys Blood/Red
Bof Stout/Husky
Bol Crater/Hole
Bomb Huge/Fat
Buhr Fire
Buhrad Gold
Dal Valley
Dar War-chief/Sergeant
Den Stone/Rock
Dor Impressive/Wondrous
Dorf Slow/Ponderous
Dotar Parent/Family head
Dul Low/Deep
Dulgardar Governor/Mayor
Dwal Hill/Hillock
Dwarf Dwarf
Eft Top/Mountain-top
Est Eye
Eve High
Evedar Captain
Evedotar Clan head
Far Wrecker/Ruiner
Fil Dusk
Fotar Father
Ful West/Western
Gar Home
Gardar King
Garr Safe
Gil Noon
Glo Big
Gon Bigger
Gor Biggest
Ghyr Solid/Sound/Thick
Hra Green
Hrak Chain/Shackles
Hraken Convict/Prisoner
Hrap Frog
Hrodar Games/Competition
Hrokar Dangerous/Treacherous/Shifting
Hruk Granite
Hrum Sloping/Slanted
Hur Cave
Hurgon Cavern
Hwyr Bellows/the wind
Jhyr Orange Colour
Kagyar Immortal patron of dwarves
Karats Great-axe/Battle Axe
Karodar Battle/War
Karr Death/Name of Immortal Thanatos
Ker Tooth/Fang
Klint Shining/Flashing/Fiery
Klist Sparkling/Flashing/Icy
Kon Dawn
Kor Gray
Kres Teeth/Fangs
Krey Speaker/Senator
Kroten Slung/Worn on back
Kuld North/Northern
Kur Black
Larodar Wandering/Meandering
Larodin Minister
Lhyn Straight/Flat/Linear
Lhyr Smooth
Lin Moon/Month
Mak Broken/Ruined
Motar Mother
Mor Pond
Mur Lake
Na Cutting with an edge
Nar Cut/Incision/Wound
No Clever/Sharp mind
Nor Cut/Damaged
Norden Jagged/Notched
Or Gravel
Puhn Hammer
Pyr Purple
Rad Iron
Radas Marble
Rak Citadel/Castle/Fortress
Rasdar General (noun)
Rast Mountain
Rutar Hand
Sann East/Eastern
Sar South/Southern
Sarkrey Ambassador
Shyld Shield
Skyr Forge/Smithy
Smag Smoke/Smokey
Stahl Blue (Specific)
Styr Blue (in general)
Syhar Moon
Syr Silver/White
Syth Quiet
Tar Beard
Thor Variant of Tor
Thra Glassy-Smooth/Mannered personality
Thro Oily smooth/coniving personality
Tor Strong/Enduring/Hard/Hardened
Tordar Nobleman
Toren Worker
Torrad Steel/Hardened Iron
Warf From/Born from/Made of
Whar Pitiless
Wyr Empty/Hollow/Hungry
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
52 47% 14 12% 7 6% 32 29% 13 11%
B % C % D % F % G %
11 10% 0 0% 26 23% 11 10% 12 10%
H % J % K % L % M %
25 22% 1 <1% 21 19% 22 20% 5 4%
N % P % Q % R % S %
15 13% 2 1% 0 0% 75 68% 20 18%
T % V % W % X % Y %
22 20% 3 2% 6 5% 0 0% 17 15%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of Use
68% R:
47% A, R:
29% O, A, R: Or,
23% D, O, A, R: Rad, Dor, Dar,
22% H, D, O, A, R: Hrodar, Hra,
20% T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Torrad, Tordar, Tor, Thro, Thra, Thor, Tar,
Larodar, Dotar, Dal,
19% K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Rak, Kor, Karr, Karodar, Hrokar, Hrak,
18% S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Stahl, Sar, Rast, Rasdar, Radas, Karats,
15% Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Syth, Syr, Syhar, Styr, Skyr, Shyld,
13% N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Sann, Nor, No, Nar, Na, Lhyn,
12% E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Sarkrey, Norden, Kroten, Krey,
Kres, Ker, Hraken, Est, Den,
11% U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Rutar, Kur, Kuld, Hur, Hruk,
10% G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Kagyar, Hurgon,
Ghyr, Gor, Gon, Glo, Garr, Gardar, Gar, Ful, Fotar, Far, Eft,
Dulgardar, Dorf, Buhrad, Buhr, Bol, Bof, Blys, Belf, Barr, Bal,
6% I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Lin, Larodin, Klist,
Klint, Gil, Fil, Bif,
5% W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Wyr, Whar,
Warf, Hwyr, Dwarf, Dwal,
4% M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Smag, Mur,
Mor, Motar, Mak, Hrum, Bomb,
2% V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Evedotar,
Evedar, Eve,
1% P, V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Pyr,
Puhn, Hrap,
<1% J, P, V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Jhyr,
0% C, Q, X, Z
Linguistic development/History of the Rockhome Dwarves:
At 29% they discover Gravel.
At 23% Iron, Impressive/Wonderous, Warchief/Sargeant.
Here we have the Wonderous/Impressive Discovery of Iron, and the first authority figure Warchief/Sargeant.
Technological Progress:
• Iron
22% The colour Green is discovered, and Games/competition.
20% Parent/family head develops as a secondary authority figure. They wander/meander, and the Dwarves find they reside in/discover a valley. Two dialects developed Thor being a variant of Tor meaning hardened/Strong/Hard. Glassy-smooth, Oily-smooth so oil and glass and assessment of personalities. Authority figure of a Nobleman, and Steel/hardened Iron discovered.
Technological Progress:
• Glass Making/Natural Glass
• Oil
• Hardened Iron/Steel-making (method: cold-folding? Of oil and/or silica into iron)
Possible Locations:
• The Valley (dal)
• The Green Valley (hra-dal)
19% something Dangerous/Trecherous/shifting is encountered. Citadel/Castle/Fortress built or encountered. Chains/shackles. Battle/war, gray, death/name of immortal thanatos.
Possible locations:
• The Gray Fortress (Kor-rak)
• The Fortress of Death/Thanatos (Rak-karr)
• The Fortress of Chains (Rak-hrak)
• The War/Battle Fortress (Karodar-rak)
• The War-Fortress of Thanatos (Karodar-rak-karr)
• The Fortress (Rak)
• The Shifting War-Fortress of Thanatos (hrokar-karodar-rak-karr)
Possible Spiritual Concepts:
• The Chains/Shackles of Death/Thanatos (hrak-karr)
• The Gray Chains of Thanatos (kor-hrak-karr)
• The War-Chains of Thanatos (karodar-hrak-karr)
• The Treacherous Chains of Thanatos (hrokar-hrak-karr)
• Thanatos Worship (Karr)
18% the first Axe is forged. Great-Axe/Battle Axe. Linguistic development of Noun (General), discovery of Marble (stone type).
Possible Locations:
• The Mountain (rast)
• The Gray Mountain (kor-rast)
15% Smooth, Blue, Moon, Quiet, Smithy, Shield-making
Blue Moon Smithy develops Shield-making.
13% Dawn, East (Isle of Dawn? Dawn/sunrise to the east), Straight/flat, cut, damaged, cut with edge, clever (knife?)
12% jagged, stone, eye, Ambassador, Prisoner, teeth/fangs, (something) worn on back, Speaker/Senator.
11% hand, northern, Black, deep, granite, cave
Group/Individual name:
• Black-Hand (kur-rutar)
• Granite-hand (hruk-rutar)
• Deep Cave (dul-hur)
• North Cave (kuld-hur)
10% Cavern, Kagyar, Mountain-top, Slow, Governor, Father, Wrecker, West, Safe, thick, Big, Bigger, Biggest, Home, King, Gold, Fire, Crater/hole, Noisy, Sun, Tan, Blond, Red,
Significant linguistic development, Kagyar Worship (immortal of Dwarves).
Political Authority: King
Gold Discovered.
Blood-Red Granite.
Asteroid Descriptors: Big Crater, Bigger Fire, Biggest Cavern, Noisy, Sun-tan. The noisy mountain-top and biggest fire forming the great crater are seen in the West. Is this a previous incident forming the Broken Lands or foreeing the future?
• Home-Cavern (Gar-Hurgon/Hurgon-gar) formed West in the Broken Lands.
6% Dusk, Nimble, Noon, Month/Moon, Minister (governmental bureacracy), Sparkling/Fiery, Shining/Icy
5% Dwarf, hill, Bellows/wind, pitiless, born from, empty/hungry
Bellows invented.
• Dwarf-hill (dwarf-dwal/dwal-dwarf)
4% Smokey, Fat (Tallow?/Smoked Fat/Bacon lard), Sloping (Detect Sloping Passage Skill developed), Lake, Mother, Pond, Ruined/Broken.
New Food:
• Smoke Fat (smag-bomb)
New Species:
• Lake-Mother (mur-motar)
2% High, Captain, Clan-head
1% hammer, Purple, Frog
Hammer invented.
New Species:
• Purple Frog (pyr-hrap/hrap-pyr?)
The Purple Frog is harvested for its Dye colour (Giant Toad?).
<1% The orange colour invented.
Update: pre-BC1800
Possible locations:
• The Gray Fortress (Kor-rak)
• The Fortress of Death/Thanatos (Rak-karr)
• The Fortress of Chains (Rak-hrak)
• The War/Battle Fortress (Karodar-rak)
• The War-Fortress of Thanatos (Karodar-rak-karr)
• The Fortress (Rak)
• The Shifting War-Fortress of Thanatos (hrokar-karodar-rak-karr)
A % E % I % O % U %
7 100% 0 0% 0 0% 4 57% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 3 42% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 28% 0 0% 7 100% 0 0% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 7 100% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
100% A, K, R: Rak,
57% O, A, K, R: kor-rak
42% D, O, A, K, R: Karodar-rak, Karodar-rak-karr
28% H, D, O, A, K, R: hrokar-karodar-rak-karr, Rak-hrak
Most likely:
1. The Fortress (of Thanatos)
2. The Gray Fortress (of Thanatos)
Possible Spiritual Concepts
• The Chains/Shackles of Death/Thanatos (hrak-karr)
• The Gray Chains of Thanatos (kor-hrak-karr)
• The War-Chains of Thanatos (karodar-hrak-karr)
• The Treacherous Chains of Thanatos (hrokar-hrak-karr)
• Thanatos Worship (Karr)
A % E % I % O % U %
5 100% 0 0% 0 0% 3 60% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 1 20% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
4 80% 0 0% 5 100% 0 0% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 100% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
100% K, A, R: Karr,
80% H, K, A, R: hrak-karr,
60% O, H, K, A, R: Kor-Hrak-karr, hrokar-hrak-karr,
20% D, O, H, K, A, R: Karodar-hrak-karr,
Most likely:
1. Thanatos Worship
2. The Chains of Thanatos
Least likely:
1. The War-chains of Thanatos
Any Dwarf wearing shackles/chains is likely to be a worshiper of the Immortal Thanatos.
Dwarf Worshiper/cleric of Thanatos
Weapon: chain whip range: 5'+1'/level; damage: 1d6.
Notes for BC2300: The Gray Fortress of Thanatos is located in what will become Rockhome enslaving the Dwarves to his worship... the survivors of the revolt retreat from the valley to the Mountain where they begin forging Great Axes and Shields. The battle to liberate the dwarves costs many lives.
Ats Axe
Bahr Sun
Bal Tan
Barr Yellow/Blonde
Belf Noisy
Bif Nimble
Blys Blood/Red
Bof Stout/Husky
Bol Crater/Hole
Bomb Huge/Fat
Buhr Fire
Buhrad Gold
Dal Valley
Dar War-chief/Sergeant
Den Stone/Rock
Dor Impressive/Wondrous
Dorf Slow/Ponderous
Dotar Parent/Family head
Dul Low/Deep
Dulgardar Governor/Mayor
Dwal Hill/Hillock
Dwarf Dwarf
Eft Top/Mountain-top
Est Eye
Eve High
Evedar Captain
Evedotar Clan head
Far Wrecker/Ruiner
Fil Dusk
Fotar Father
Ful West/Western
Gar Home
Gardar King
Garr Safe
Gil Noon
Glo Big
Gon Bigger
Gor Biggest
Ghyr Solid/Sound/Thick
Hra Green
Hrak Chain/Shackles
Hraken Convict/Prisoner
Hrap Frog
Hrodar Games/Competition
Hrokar Dangerous/Treacherous/Shifting
Hruk Granite
Hrum Sloping/Slanted
Hur Cave
Hurgon Cavern
Hwyr Bellows/the wind
Jhyr Orange Colour
Kagyar Immortal patron of dwarves
Karats Great-axe/Battle Axe
Karodar Battle/War
Karr Death/Name of Immortal Thanatos
Ker Tooth/Fang
Klint Shining/Flashing/Fiery
Klist Sparkling/Flashing/Icy
Kon Dawn
Kor Gray
Kres Teeth/Fangs
Krey Speaker/Senator
Kroten Slung/Worn on back
Kuld North/Northern
Kur Black
Larodar Wandering/Meandering
Larodin Minister
Lhyn Straight/Flat/Linear
Lhyr Smooth
Lin Moon/Month
Mak Broken/Ruined
Motar Mother
Mor Pond
Mur Lake
Na Cutting with an edge
Nar Cut/Incision/Wound
No Clever/Sharp mind
Nor Cut/Damaged
Norden Jagged/Notched
Or Gravel
Puhn Hammer
Pyr Purple
Rad Iron
Radas Marble
Rak Citadel/Castle/Fortress
Rasdar General (noun)
Rast Mountain
Rutar Hand
Sann East/Eastern
Sar South/Southern
Sarkrey Ambassador
Shyld Shield
Skyr Forge/Smithy
Smag Smoke/Smokey
Stahl Blue (Specific)
Styr Blue (in general)
Syhar Moon
Syr Silver/White
Syth Quiet
Tar Beard
Thor Variant of Tor
Thra Glassy-Smooth/Mannered personality
Thro Oily smooth/coniving personality
Tor Strong/Enduring/Hard/Hardened
Tordar Nobleman
Toren Worker
Torrad Steel/Hardened Iron
Warf From/Born from/Made of
Whar Pitiless
Wyr Empty/Hollow/Hungry
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
52 47% 14 12% 7 6% 32 29% 13 11%
B % C % D % F % G %
11 10% 0 0% 26 23% 11 10% 12 10%
H % J % K % L % M %
25 22% 1 <1% 21 19% 22 20% 5 4%
N % P % Q % R % S %
15 13% 2 1% 0 0% 75 68% 20 18%
T % V % W % X % Y %
22 20% 3 2% 6 5% 0 0% 17 15%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of Use
68% R:
47% A, R:
29% O, A, R: Or,
23% D, O, A, R: Rad, Dor, Dar,
22% H, D, O, A, R: Hrodar, Hra,
20% T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Torrad, Tordar, Tor, Thro, Thra, Thor, Tar,
Larodar, Dotar, Dal,
19% K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Rak, Kor, Karr, Karodar, Hrokar, Hrak,
18% S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Stahl, Sar, Rast, Rasdar, Radas, Karats,
15% Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Syth, Syr, Syhar, Styr, Skyr, Shyld,
13% N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Sann, Nor, No, Nar, Na, Lhyn,
12% E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Sarkrey, Norden, Kroten, Krey,
Kres, Ker, Hraken, Est, Den,
11% U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Rutar, Kur, Kuld, Hur, Hruk,
10% G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Kagyar, Hurgon,
Ghyr, Gor, Gon, Glo, Garr, Gardar, Gar, Ful, Fotar, Far, Eft,
Dulgardar, Dorf, Buhrad, Buhr, Bol, Bof, Blys, Belf, Barr, Bal,
6% I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Lin, Larodin, Klist,
Klint, Gil, Fil, Bif,
5% W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Wyr, Whar,
Warf, Hwyr, Dwarf, Dwal,
4% M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Smag, Mur,
Mor, Motar, Mak, Hrum, Bomb,
2% V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Evedotar,
Evedar, Eve,
1% P, V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Pyr,
Puhn, Hrap,
<1% J, P, V, M, W, I, G, F, B, U, E, N, Y, S, K, T, L, H, D, O, A, R: Jhyr,
0% C, Q, X, Z
Linguistic development/History of the Rockhome Dwarves:
At 29% they discover Gravel.
At 23% Iron, Impressive/Wonderous, Warchief/Sargeant.
Here we have the Wonderous/Impressive Discovery of Iron, and the first authority figure Warchief/Sargeant.
Technological Progress:
• Iron
22% The colour Green is discovered, and Games/competition.
20% Parent/family head develops as a secondary authority figure. They wander/meander, and the Dwarves find they reside in/discover a valley. Two dialects developed Thor being a variant of Tor meaning hardened/Strong/Hard. Glassy-smooth, Oily-smooth so oil and glass and assessment of personalities. Authority figure of a Nobleman, and Steel/hardened Iron discovered.
Technological Progress:
• Glass Making/Natural Glass
• Oil
• Hardened Iron/Steel-making (method: cold-folding? Of oil and/or silica into iron)
Possible Locations:
• The Valley (dal)
• The Green Valley (hra-dal)
19% something Dangerous/Trecherous/shifting is encountered. Citadel/Castle/Fortress built or encountered. Chains/shackles. Battle/war, gray, death/name of immortal thanatos.
Possible locations:
• The Gray Fortress (Kor-rak)
• The Fortress of Death/Thanatos (Rak-karr)
• The Fortress of Chains (Rak-hrak)
• The War/Battle Fortress (Karodar-rak)
• The War-Fortress of Thanatos (Karodar-rak-karr)
• The Fortress (Rak)
• The Shifting War-Fortress of Thanatos (hrokar-karodar-rak-karr)
Possible Spiritual Concepts:
• The Chains/Shackles of Death/Thanatos (hrak-karr)
• The Gray Chains of Thanatos (kor-hrak-karr)
• The War-Chains of Thanatos (karodar-hrak-karr)
• The Treacherous Chains of Thanatos (hrokar-hrak-karr)
• Thanatos Worship (Karr)
18% the first Axe is forged. Great-Axe/Battle Axe. Linguistic development of Noun (General), discovery of Marble (stone type).
Possible Locations:
• The Mountain (rast)
• The Gray Mountain (kor-rast)
15% Smooth, Blue, Moon, Quiet, Smithy, Shield-making
Blue Moon Smithy develops Shield-making.
13% Dawn, East (Isle of Dawn? Dawn/sunrise to the east), Straight/flat, cut, damaged, cut with edge, clever (knife?)
12% jagged, stone, eye, Ambassador, Prisoner, teeth/fangs, (something) worn on back, Speaker/Senator.
11% hand, northern, Black, deep, granite, cave
Group/Individual name:
• Black-Hand (kur-rutar)
• Granite-hand (hruk-rutar)
• Deep Cave (dul-hur)
• North Cave (kuld-hur)
10% Cavern, Kagyar, Mountain-top, Slow, Governor, Father, Wrecker, West, Safe, thick, Big, Bigger, Biggest, Home, King, Gold, Fire, Crater/hole, Noisy, Sun, Tan, Blond, Red,
Significant linguistic development, Kagyar Worship (immortal of Dwarves).
Political Authority: King
Gold Discovered.
Blood-Red Granite.
Asteroid Descriptors: Big Crater, Bigger Fire, Biggest Cavern, Noisy, Sun-tan. The noisy mountain-top and biggest fire forming the great crater are seen in the West. Is this a previous incident forming the Broken Lands or foreeing the future?
• Home-Cavern (Gar-Hurgon/Hurgon-gar) formed West in the Broken Lands.
6% Dusk, Nimble, Noon, Month/Moon, Minister (governmental bureacracy), Sparkling/Fiery, Shining/Icy
5% Dwarf, hill, Bellows/wind, pitiless, born from, empty/hungry
Bellows invented.
• Dwarf-hill (dwarf-dwal/dwal-dwarf)
4% Smokey, Fat (Tallow?/Smoked Fat/Bacon lard), Sloping (Detect Sloping Passage Skill developed), Lake, Mother, Pond, Ruined/Broken.
New Food:
• Smoke Fat (smag-bomb)
New Species:
• Lake-Mother (mur-motar)
2% High, Captain, Clan-head
1% hammer, Purple, Frog
Hammer invented.
New Species:
• Purple Frog (pyr-hrap/hrap-pyr?)
The Purple Frog is harvested for its Dye colour (Giant Toad?).
<1% The orange colour invented.
Update: pre-BC1800
Possible locations:
• The Gray Fortress (Kor-rak)
• The Fortress of Death/Thanatos (Rak-karr)
• The Fortress of Chains (Rak-hrak)
• The War/Battle Fortress (Karodar-rak)
• The War-Fortress of Thanatos (Karodar-rak-karr)
• The Fortress (Rak)
• The Shifting War-Fortress of Thanatos (hrokar-karodar-rak-karr)
A % E % I % O % U %
7 100% 0 0% 0 0% 4 57% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 3 42% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 28% 0 0% 7 100% 0 0% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 7 100% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
100% A, K, R: Rak,
57% O, A, K, R: kor-rak
42% D, O, A, K, R: Karodar-rak, Karodar-rak-karr
28% H, D, O, A, K, R: hrokar-karodar-rak-karr, Rak-hrak
Most likely:
1. The Fortress (of Thanatos)
2. The Gray Fortress (of Thanatos)
Possible Spiritual Concepts
• The Chains/Shackles of Death/Thanatos (hrak-karr)
• The Gray Chains of Thanatos (kor-hrak-karr)
• The War-Chains of Thanatos (karodar-hrak-karr)
• The Treacherous Chains of Thanatos (hrokar-hrak-karr)
• Thanatos Worship (Karr)
A % E % I % O % U %
5 100% 0 0% 0 0% 3 60% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 1 20% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
4 80% 0 0% 5 100% 0 0% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 100% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
100% K, A, R: Karr,
80% H, K, A, R: hrak-karr,
60% O, H, K, A, R: Kor-Hrak-karr, hrokar-hrak-karr,
20% D, O, H, K, A, R: Karodar-hrak-karr,
Most likely:
1. Thanatos Worship
2. The Chains of Thanatos
Least likely:
1. The War-chains of Thanatos
Any Dwarf wearing shackles/chains is likely to be a worshiper of the Immortal Thanatos.
Dwarf Worshiper/cleric of Thanatos
Weapon: chain whip range: 5'+1'/level; damage: 1d6.
Notes for BC2300: The Gray Fortress of Thanatos is located in what will become Rockhome enslaving the Dwarves to his worship... the survivors of the revolt retreat from the valley to the Mountain where they begin forging Great Axes and Shields. The battle to liberate the dwarves costs many lives.
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Gypsy Tribe Names
Gypsy tribe names
1. Argintari
2. Ashkali
3. Atchefalaya
4. Aurari
5. Banjara
6. Bashalde
7. Belcher
8. Beticos
9. Beyash
10. Bijeli
11. Blidari
12. Bosha
13. Calé
14. Chergari
15. Chingianes
16. Chivute
17. Churara
18. Ciganos
19. Costorari
20. Cutitari
21. Dangerfield
22. Djambas
23. Dom
24. Domari
25. Domba
26. Erlide
27. Erlije
28. Ferari
29. Gabori
30. Gelderari
31. Gitans
32. Grastari
33. Helebi
34. Herari
35. Hungaros
36. Jenische
37. Kabudji
38. Kalderasa
39. Kalderash
40. Kale
41. Kantarai
42. Karaci
43. Kirpachi
44. Kobzari
45. Kopanari
46. Kotorara
47. Kovachi
48. Kurbat
49. Laieshi
50. Lalleri
51. Lautari
52. Lingurari
53. Lom
54. Lomari
55. Lombardi
56. Lovara
57. Lowari
58. Lowbey
59. Ludar
60. Ludari
61. Luli
62. Luri
63. Machvaya
64. Mango
65. Manouche
66. Manouches
67. Mechkari
68. Mestere-Lacatuchi
69. Nawar
70. Netotsi
71. Nuri
72. Omstreifere
73. Padureani
74. Piemontesi
75. Potcovari
76. Quinquilleros
77. Quinquis
78. Reizigers
79. Resande
80. Rlia
81. Rom
82. Romanichal
83. Romnichal
84. Romnichel
85. Romungro
86. Rudari
87. Rudars
88. Salahori
89. Sfirnari
90. Shoshoraya
91. Sinti
92. Sitari
93. Spoitoresele
94. Tinker
95. Ursari
96. Vatrashi
97. Xoraxai
98. Xoraxane
99. Yeniches
100. Yevkos
101. Zingaros
102. Zlatari
103. Zott
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
74 71% 39 37% 69 66% 40 38% 23 22%
B % C % D % F % G %
17 16% 25 24% 17 16% 5 4% 15 14%
H % J % K % L % M %
30 29% 5 4% 16 15% 38 36% 20 19%
N % P % Q % R % S %
29 28% 5 4% 2 1% 58 56% 39 37%
T % V % W % X % Y %
24 23% 7 6% 3 2% 2 1% 5 4%
Z %
5 4%
Popularity of use
71% A:
66% I:
56% R:
39% H:
38% O:
37% S, E: Herari,
36% L: Salahori, Rlia, Lalleri, Laieshi,
28% N: Netotsi,
24% C: Calé,
23% T: Sitari, Sinti, Omstreifere, Costorari,
22% U: Ursari, Nuri, Luri, Luli, Lautari, Cutitari, Churara, Aurari,
19% M: Romnichel, Romnichal, Romanichal, Rom,
Mestere-lacatuchi, Manouches, Manouche, Lomari, Lom,
16% D, B: Rudars, Rudari, Resande, Ludari, Ludar, Lombardi,
Helebi, Erlide, Domba, Domari, Dom, Bosha, Blidari,
Beticos, Belcher,
15% K: Tinker, Mechkari, Kurbat, Kotorara, Karaci, Kantarai,
Kale, Kalderash, Kalderasa, Ashkali,
14% G: Romungro, Mango, Lingurari, Hungaros, Grastari, Gitans,
Gelderari, Gabori, Ciganos, Chingianes, Chergari, Argintari,
6% V: Vatrashi, Lovara, Kovachi, Chivute,
4% Y, Z, P, J, F: Zott, Zlatari, Zingaros, Yevkos, Yeniches,
Spoitoresele, Shoshoraya, Sfirnari, Potcovari, Piemontesi,
Padureani, Machvaya, Reizigers, Kopanari, Kobzari,
Kirpachi, Kabudji, Jenische, Ferari, Erlije, Dangerfield,
Bijeli, Beyash, Banjara, Atchefalaya,
2% W: Nawar, Lowbey, Lowari, Djambas,
1% X, Q: Xoraxane, Xoraxai, Quinquis, Quinquilleros,
Conclusion: Herari (37%) is the earliest tribe name.
We see massive tribe growth (+25 tribes) occuring at 4%, and continuing growth of tribes even at 1%. As a culture they are approaching extinction.
Update (27-June 2020): Wikipedia has this to say...
Their Origin Story:
1. Argintari
2. Ashkali
3. Atchefalaya
4. Aurari
5. Banjara
6. Bashalde
7. Belcher
8. Beticos
9. Beyash
10. Bijeli
11. Blidari
12. Bosha
13. Calé
14. Chergari
15. Chingianes
16. Chivute
17. Churara
18. Ciganos
19. Costorari
20. Cutitari
21. Dangerfield
22. Djambas
23. Dom
24. Domari
25. Domba
26. Erlide
27. Erlije
28. Ferari
29. Gabori
30. Gelderari
31. Gitans
32. Grastari
33. Helebi
34. Herari
35. Hungaros
36. Jenische
37. Kabudji
38. Kalderasa
39. Kalderash
40. Kale
41. Kantarai
42. Karaci
43. Kirpachi
44. Kobzari
45. Kopanari
46. Kotorara
47. Kovachi
48. Kurbat
49. Laieshi
50. Lalleri
51. Lautari
52. Lingurari
53. Lom
54. Lomari
55. Lombardi
56. Lovara
57. Lowari
58. Lowbey
59. Ludar
60. Ludari
61. Luli
62. Luri
63. Machvaya
64. Mango
65. Manouche
66. Manouches
67. Mechkari
68. Mestere-Lacatuchi
69. Nawar
70. Netotsi
71. Nuri
72. Omstreifere
73. Padureani
74. Piemontesi
75. Potcovari
76. Quinquilleros
77. Quinquis
78. Reizigers
79. Resande
80. Rlia
81. Rom
82. Romanichal
83. Romnichal
84. Romnichel
85. Romungro
86. Rudari
87. Rudars
88. Salahori
89. Sfirnari
90. Shoshoraya
91. Sinti
92. Sitari
93. Spoitoresele
94. Tinker
95. Ursari
96. Vatrashi
97. Xoraxai
98. Xoraxane
99. Yeniches
100. Yevkos
101. Zingaros
102. Zlatari
103. Zott
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
74 71% 39 37% 69 66% 40 38% 23 22%
B % C % D % F % G %
17 16% 25 24% 17 16% 5 4% 15 14%
H % J % K % L % M %
30 29% 5 4% 16 15% 38 36% 20 19%
N % P % Q % R % S %
29 28% 5 4% 2 1% 58 56% 39 37%
T % V % W % X % Y %
24 23% 7 6% 3 2% 2 1% 5 4%
Z %
5 4%
Popularity of use
71% A:
66% I:
56% R:
39% H:
38% O:
37% S, E: Herari,
36% L: Salahori, Rlia, Lalleri, Laieshi,
28% N: Netotsi,
24% C: Calé,
23% T: Sitari, Sinti, Omstreifere, Costorari,
22% U: Ursari, Nuri, Luri, Luli, Lautari, Cutitari, Churara, Aurari,
19% M: Romnichel, Romnichal, Romanichal, Rom,
Mestere-lacatuchi, Manouches, Manouche, Lomari, Lom,
16% D, B: Rudars, Rudari, Resande, Ludari, Ludar, Lombardi,
Helebi, Erlide, Domba, Domari, Dom, Bosha, Blidari,
Beticos, Belcher,
15% K: Tinker, Mechkari, Kurbat, Kotorara, Karaci, Kantarai,
Kale, Kalderash, Kalderasa, Ashkali,
14% G: Romungro, Mango, Lingurari, Hungaros, Grastari, Gitans,
Gelderari, Gabori, Ciganos, Chingianes, Chergari, Argintari,
6% V: Vatrashi, Lovara, Kovachi, Chivute,
4% Y, Z, P, J, F: Zott, Zlatari, Zingaros, Yevkos, Yeniches,
Spoitoresele, Shoshoraya, Sfirnari, Potcovari, Piemontesi,
Padureani, Machvaya, Reizigers, Kopanari, Kobzari,
Kirpachi, Kabudji, Jenische, Ferari, Erlije, Dangerfield,
Bijeli, Beyash, Banjara, Atchefalaya,
2% W: Nawar, Lowbey, Lowari, Djambas,
1% X, Q: Xoraxane, Xoraxai, Quinquis, Quinquilleros,
Conclusion: Herari (37%) is the earliest tribe name.
We see massive tribe growth (+25 tribes) occuring at 4%, and continuing growth of tribes even at 1%. As a culture they are approaching extinction.
Update (27-June 2020): Wikipedia has this to say...
The Harari people (Arabic: هراري, Harari: ሐረሪ), also called Geyusu (Harari: ጌይኡሱእ) ("People of the City") are an ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa. Members traditionally reside in the walled city of Harar, situated in the Harari Region of eastern Ethiopia. They speak Harari, a member of the Ethiopian Semitic language group within the Afroasiatic family.The Herari (Harari) were the Gypsy (Geyusu) tribe. They are the People of the City. That city being Harar in Ethiopia.
Their Origin Story:
The ancestors of the Hararis moved across the Bab-el-Mandeb, entering the shores of north Somalia, producing a Semitic population among Cushites and Hamites in what would become Harar...That taking place prior to the 10th century.
Friday, 26 June 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Sumerian Pantheon
Sumerian Gods & Goddesses
Male pantheon
2. UTU
3. AN
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 45% 3 27% 7 63% 0 0% 5 45%
B % C % D % F % G %
1 9% 0 0% 3 27% 0 0% 2 27%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 18% 0 0% 2 18% 3 27% 3 27%
N % P % Q % R % S %
6 54% 0 0% 0 0% 2 18% 2 18%
T % V % W % X % Y %
2 18% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
2 18%
Popularity of use
63% I:
54% N, I:
45% A, U, N, I: Nanna, An,
27% M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Enlil,
18% G, S, R, K, H, T, Z, M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Ishkur, Gilgamesh,
Enki, Dumuzid, Dumuzi, Utu, Ninurta, (Tiamat)
9% B, G, S, R, K, H, T, Z, M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Lugalbanda,
0% O, C, F, J, P, Q, V, W, X, Y:
Conclusion: growth similar to female pantheon but with two peaks (one major cultural peak) but two declines. Notice Tiamat and Bahamut can only be constructed with the Male alphabet if it has Sumerian origins.
Female pantheon
1. KI
Popularity by use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 55% 1 11% 8 88% 0 0% 3 33%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3 33%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 22% 0 0% 2 22% 3 33% 1 11%
N % P % Q % R % S %
7 77% 0 0% 0 0% 1 11% 4 44%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 11%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity by use
88% I:
77% N, I:
55% A, N, I: Inanna,
44% S, A, N, I:
33% U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ninsun, Ninlil, Ningal,
22% H, K, U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ki,
11% E, M, R, Y, H, K, U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ninsumun, Ereshkigal,
Ninhursag, Nanaya,
0% O, B, C, D, F, J, P, Q, T, V, W, X, Z (0% Tiamat, Bahamut)
Conclusion: Here we have two (three with two collapses but trending growth over all) cultural development peaks for the female Sumerian pantheon. Tiamat and Bahamut were creations of the Male linguistic group. Its possible that this is meant to denegrate the female Pantheon.
Male religious language doesnt share B, D, T, Z with females. Dumuzid, Dumuzi, Utu, and then Lugalbanda can be considered Male Secretive linguistic factions.
Female language doesnt share Y with males. Nanaya is a Female Secretive linguistic faction.
Male pantheon
2. UTU
3. AN
Popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 45% 3 27% 7 63% 0 0% 5 45%
B % C % D % F % G %
1 9% 0 0% 3 27% 0 0% 2 27%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 18% 0 0% 2 18% 3 27% 3 27%
N % P % Q % R % S %
6 54% 0 0% 0 0% 2 18% 2 18%
T % V % W % X % Y %
2 18% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
2 18%
Popularity of use
63% I:
54% N, I:
45% A, U, N, I: Nanna, An,
27% M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Enlil,
18% G, S, R, K, H, T, Z, M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Ishkur, Gilgamesh,
Enki, Dumuzid, Dumuzi, Utu, Ninurta, (Tiamat)
9% B, G, S, R, K, H, T, Z, M, L, D, E, A, U, N, I: Lugalbanda,
0% O, C, F, J, P, Q, V, W, X, Y:
Conclusion: growth similar to female pantheon but with two peaks (one major cultural peak) but two declines. Notice Tiamat and Bahamut can only be constructed with the Male alphabet if it has Sumerian origins.
Female pantheon
1. KI
Popularity by use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 55% 1 11% 8 88% 0 0% 3 33%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3 33%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 22% 0 0% 2 22% 3 33% 1 11%
N % P % Q % R % S %
7 77% 0 0% 0 0% 1 11% 4 44%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 11%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity by use
88% I:
77% N, I:
55% A, N, I: Inanna,
44% S, A, N, I:
33% U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ninsun, Ninlil, Ningal,
22% H, K, U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ki,
11% E, M, R, Y, H, K, U, G, L, S, A, N, I: Ninsumun, Ereshkigal,
Ninhursag, Nanaya,
0% O, B, C, D, F, J, P, Q, T, V, W, X, Z (0% Tiamat, Bahamut)
Conclusion: Here we have two (three with two collapses but trending growth over all) cultural development peaks for the female Sumerian pantheon. Tiamat and Bahamut were creations of the Male linguistic group. Its possible that this is meant to denegrate the female Pantheon.
Male religious language doesnt share B, D, T, Z with females. Dumuzid, Dumuzi, Utu, and then Lugalbanda can be considered Male Secretive linguistic factions.
Female language doesnt share Y with males. Nanaya is a Female Secretive linguistic faction.
Space Cadet: Horror on the Lunar Gateway

As your ship approaches you notice that the ISS-Lunar Gateway transfer vehicle Ares is in a semideployed condition at the end of the Canada Arm, and its docking point (Area 5) is exposed to space- fully vented.
Investigating Lunar Gateway
1- The main core is apparently cold and devoid of life. Investigation of the storage cabinets in this area reveals two space suits are missing. There is a fault in an electrical box that causes 2hp electrical surge to the individual turning on the lights. The backups work fine. Once the backups are switched on, the airlock in area 5 can be repressurized.
2- the storage transhab has six lockers. They contain emergency food, and a few CO2 scrub filters. One is locked. The locked locker contains one of the four sample containers that were brought on board by Randolf Mush. The container has lunar dust with a yellow tinge in it. A mineralogy check DC 20 will identify Uranium Oxide mixed in the lunar dust. Anyone opening the container is exposed to 6hp lung damage.
3- the AG farm has various vegetables growing hydroponically, the foliage heavily overgrown, a window looking out to space. A chemical imbalance has disseminated a hallucinogen in this AG farm that causes 3hp damage to those searching this area. Charisma check is required or the PC sees a missing Astronaut outside the cupola snarling at them without a space suit helmet on, before crawling out of sight on the outside of the Lunar Gateway.
4- the habitat transhab looks disturbed, as though food and scraps were scattered. There is a slow leak here. If spending an hour here the PC undergoes 6hp damage from impact as the hatch from area 1 blows in for injury.
5- this is the airlock to the Ares and spacewalk operations. There is a space suit in a locker. It has a hole which causes 2hp damage as you attempt to pressurize up.
6- Randolf Mush is in the Ares, traumatized by the events on board, the hallucinogen causing them to act violently. Randolf attacks a PC scratching for 1 hp.
Where are the others? Lieutenant Hains was sucked out the airlock due to a cycling error. The other is crawling around on the outside of the ISS without a spacesuit. The Mush mining group found Life in a deep lunar cave and it zombied a crewman who broke the sample container.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Predicting Collapse: Psyco-history and moving forward
As a concept psyco-history is basically the capacity to see whats coming based on how it went in the past. How did it go in the past? It went badly. If there is anything we can learn from the past its that cultural participation requires every citizen to participate freely. Political, cultural equality. These are vital.
The Peaks in civilizations are created by multicultural inclusiveness. A place where everyone is included. When that stops, civilization declines. Because as that culture is controlled by less and less people it heads towards a singularity that ends in debris of change in possibility. Every civilization reaches the point where the language spoken is spoken by one percent of the populace, where the culture of that civilization is shaped by one percent of the populace. Where wealth is in the hands of one percent of the populace. Where control of resources is in the hands of one percent of the populace. The decisions are made by fewer and fewer until they are no longer made.
Then civilization ends.
Take this pandemic. People are having mental breakdowns because 'God has come for the Sodomites', the Crows are flocking to Wuhan, and this is the end of humanity. Well, no, its not. Fourty thousand years ago we entered a period of heavy asteroid bombardment that descimated whatever civilizations might have existed, and that went on for twenty thousand years, the sea levels dropped two hundred metres (600+ feet) and the winter got cold, and droughty. And at the end of that twenty thousand years, during which humanity struggled to survive, it huddled in caves. Twenty thousand years followed the twenty thousand years before it, and sea levels rose two hundred metres and some tribes survived, while others lay down in their caves and died.
That wasnt the mercy of God that got us through a fourty thousand year long shitshow, it was our humanity. Civility was rebuilt, while a few once again developed a taste for civilizations founded on a thrones of skulls. Because of course they do.
Moving Forward
How do we move forward? We could resort to mandatory cultural participation. Some previous civilizations were short lived because men and women failed in communication and a shared language development. We would need to make sure that there are no cultural divides. That participation is mandatory and equally and easily accessible.
But what if thats the wrong choice? What if we need to make it harder? What if humanity needs to be earned? This is of course an invalid opinion simply because at superposition all life is the same life and religion and evolution as valid opinions as toilet paper. But what if we need to make it harder to qualify for humanity? What would we need to do to bring that about?
As a concept psyco-history is basically the capacity to see whats coming based on how it went in the past. How did it go in the past? It went badly. If there is anything we can learn from the past its that cultural participation requires every citizen to participate freely. Political, cultural equality. These are vital.
The Peaks in civilizations are created by multicultural inclusiveness. A place where everyone is included. When that stops, civilization declines. Because as that culture is controlled by less and less people it heads towards a singularity that ends in debris of change in possibility. Every civilization reaches the point where the language spoken is spoken by one percent of the populace, where the culture of that civilization is shaped by one percent of the populace. Where wealth is in the hands of one percent of the populace. Where control of resources is in the hands of one percent of the populace. The decisions are made by fewer and fewer until they are no longer made.
Then civilization ends.
Take this pandemic. People are having mental breakdowns because 'God has come for the Sodomites', the Crows are flocking to Wuhan, and this is the end of humanity. Well, no, its not. Fourty thousand years ago we entered a period of heavy asteroid bombardment that descimated whatever civilizations might have existed, and that went on for twenty thousand years, the sea levels dropped two hundred metres (600+ feet) and the winter got cold, and droughty. And at the end of that twenty thousand years, during which humanity struggled to survive, it huddled in caves. Twenty thousand years followed the twenty thousand years before it, and sea levels rose two hundred metres and some tribes survived, while others lay down in their caves and died.
That wasnt the mercy of God that got us through a fourty thousand year long shitshow, it was our humanity. Civility was rebuilt, while a few once again developed a taste for civilizations founded on a thrones of skulls. Because of course they do.
Moving Forward
How do we move forward? We could resort to mandatory cultural participation. Some previous civilizations were short lived because men and women failed in communication and a shared language development. We would need to make sure that there are no cultural divides. That participation is mandatory and equally and easily accessible.
But what if thats the wrong choice? What if we need to make it harder? What if humanity needs to be earned? This is of course an invalid opinion simply because at superposition all life is the same life and religion and evolution as valid opinions as toilet paper. But what if we need to make it harder to qualify for humanity? What would we need to do to bring that about?
Predicting Collapse: Foundation hits TV
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Dungeon Mastery: Subsidence in Dungeons
An easy to read pdf on subsidence in dungeons and how to use it... with sample dungeon.
You can download it from Vaults of Pandius here.
You can download it from Vaults of Pandius here.
Creature Catalogue: Blue Jelly
Blue Jelly
Hit Dice: 1-40*
Armour Class: 9
Move: see description
Attacks: 1d20 lightning bolts
Damage: as hitpoints
No. Appearing: 1 (1d100)
Save As: Fighter L1-L10
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: U (J)
Alignment: Neutral
Description: The Blue Jelly is an almost transparent blue jello often found in Deep Caverns or blue dragon lairs where it can absorb lightning breath weapons. It will if failing a morale check as a consequence of anyone coming near unleash a lightning bolt up to 150' range. Blue Dragons will deploy the Blue Jelly and let it absorb lightning bolt breath weapons like a battery to serve as guardians. Absorbing more than twenty lightning bolts will cause a blue jelly to explode creating 20 jellies of 1HD up to 1d100' distance from the original. Wizards might seek out blue Jellies and use them in experiments or in dungeons. Fire is the only way to kill a blue jelly.
Legend has it there is an Immortal 40HD jelly in some ancient cavern that can absorb any spell and unleash that magic as a lightning bolt.
Hit Dice: 1-40*
Armour Class: 9
Move: see description
Attacks: 1d20 lightning bolts
Damage: as hitpoints
No. Appearing: 1 (1d100)
Save As: Fighter L1-L10
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: U (J)
Alignment: Neutral
Description: The Blue Jelly is an almost transparent blue jello often found in Deep Caverns or blue dragon lairs where it can absorb lightning breath weapons. It will if failing a morale check as a consequence of anyone coming near unleash a lightning bolt up to 150' range. Blue Dragons will deploy the Blue Jelly and let it absorb lightning bolt breath weapons like a battery to serve as guardians. Absorbing more than twenty lightning bolts will cause a blue jelly to explode creating 20 jellies of 1HD up to 1d100' distance from the original. Wizards might seek out blue Jellies and use them in experiments or in dungeons. Fire is the only way to kill a blue jelly.
Legend has it there is an Immortal 40HD jelly in some ancient cavern that can absorb any spell and unleash that magic as a lightning bolt.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: Hebrew Names
A. Male Names
1. Aaron2. Abiah
3. Abraham
4. Adiel
5. Adonia
6. Adoniyahu
7. Adrial
8. Aharon
9. Amiel
10. Amnon
11. Amos
12. Amoz
13. Ariel
14. Arnon
15. Assaf
16. Avi
17. Avinoam
18. Avishai
19. Avital
20. Avner
21. Avraham
22. Avram
23. Azaria
24. Azriel
25. Barach
26. Ben
27. Benjamin
28. Binjamin
29. Binyamin
30. Boaz
31. Chaim
32. Chanan
33. Chaniel
34. Chanoch
35. Dan
36. Daniel
37. Dar
38. David
39. Dishon
40. Dothan
41. Eban
42. Efraim
43. Efron
44. Ehud
45. Elazar
46. Eli
47. Eliaz
48. Elihu
49. Elika
50. Eliyahu
51. Elkan
52. Enosh
53. Ephraim
54. Ephron
55. Esai
56. Ethan
57. Evron
58. Ez
59. Gavriel
60. Gidon
61. Giladi
62. Gur
63. Guy
64. Hadar
65. Haim
66. Hanan
67. Haniel
68. Hanoch
69. Herschel
70. Hevel
71. Hiram
72. Hod
73. Ikabod
74. Ira
75. Isaac
76. Itzik
77. Jacob
78. Japheth
79. Jarah
80. Jareb
81. Javen
82. Jeriel
83. Joachim
84. Kaleb
85. Kalev
86. Kemuel
87. Kenan
88. Kolya
89. Laban
90. Lael
91. Leo
92. Levi
93. Malachai
94. Malcham
95. Malki
96. Mattaniah
97. Meir
98. Menachem
99. Menashya
100. Mered
101. Meshulam
102. Micah
103. Micha
104. Michael
105. Mikel
106. Mordechai
107. Moshe
108. Moshel
109. Nadav
110. Naim
111. Namir
112. Natan
113. Nechemiah
114. Nethaniel
115. Nimrod
116. Nissim
117. Noach
118. Oded
119. Omar
120. Omri
121. Oren
122. Peretz
123. Pinchas
124. Racham
125. Rafael
126. Rephaia
127. Resheph
128. Reuel
129. Reuben
130. Reuven
131. Rishon
132. Ron
133. Ruben
134. Salomon
135. Saul
136. Seth
137. Shalmai
138. Shalom
139. Shaul
140. Shemaria
141. Shemuel
142. Shiloh
143. Shimon
144. Shlomo
145. Shmuel
146. Telem
147. Temen
148. Tom
149. Tovi
150. Tzalmon
151. Tzuriel
152. Tzvi
153. Uriel
154. Uzi
155. Uzziel
156. Yaakov
157. Yakov
158. Yamin
159. Yaphet
160. Yarden
161. Yared
162. Yaron
163. Yehiel
164. Yehoshua
165. Yehuda
166. Yehudi
167. Yeriel
168. Yishmael
169. Yisrael
170. Yitzchak
171. Yitzhak
172. Yochanan
173. Yonah
174. Yosef
175. Zadkiel
176. Zadok
177. Zakur
178. Ze’ev
179. Zebulon
180. Zechariah
181. Zelman
182. Zohar
183. Zuriel
184. Zvi
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
120 65% 88 47% 83 45% 54 29% 26 14%
B % C % D % F % G %
16 8% 24 13% 27 14% 5 2% 5 2%
H % J % K % L % M %
74 40% 9 4% 17 9% 61 33% 57 30%
N % P % Q % R % S %
63 34% 8 4% 0 0% 59 32% 32 17%
T % V % W % X % Y %
20 10% 21 11% 0 0% 0 0% 25 13%
Z %
26 14%
Popularity of Use
65% A:
47% E, A:
45% I, E, A:
40% H, I, E, A:
34% N, H, I, E, A: Hanan
33% L, N, H, I, E, A: Haniel, Eli, Lael,
32% R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Ariel, Ira,
30% M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Mikel, Naim, Namir, Hiram, Meir, Haim, Amiel
29% O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Omar, Omri, Oren, Ron, Aaron, Aharon, Leo, Arnon, Amnon,
17% S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Salomon, Shalmai, Shalom, Shemaria, Shiloh, Shimon, Shlomo, Rishon, Nissim, Moshe, Moshel, Enosh, Esai, Amos,
14% Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Uzi, Uzziel, Zelman, Zohar, Zuriel, Shmuel, Uriel, Shaul, Shemuel, Saul, Reuel, Ruben, Meshulam, Nimrod, Oded, Hod, Mered, Ez, Hadar, Eliaz, Elihu, Azaria, Azriel, Dan, Daniel, Dar, Dishon, Ehud, Elazar, Adiel, Adonia, Adrial, Amoz,
13% Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Yamin, Yarden, Yared, Yaron, Yehiel, Yehoshua, Yehuda, Yehudi, Yeriel, Yishmael, Yisrael, Yochanan, Zechariah, Yonah, Noach, Racham, Nechemiah, Mordechai, Micah, Micha, Michael, Menachem, Menashya, Malachai, Malcham, Isaac, Hanoch, Herschel, Eliyahu, Chaim, Chanan, Chaniel, Chanoch, Adoniyahu,
11% V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Ze’ev, Zvi, Nadav, Reuven, Hevel, Levi, Evron, David, Avi, Avinoam, Avishai, Avner, Avraham, Avram,
10% T, V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Telem, Temen, Tom, Tovi, Tzalmon, Tzuriel, Tzvi, Seth, Natan, Nethaniel, Ethan, Mattaniah, Dothan, Avital,
9% K, T, V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Zadkiel, Zadok, Zakur, Yitzchak, Yitzhak, Yaakov, Yakov, Itzik, Kalev, Kemuel, Kenan, Kolya, Malki, Elika, Elkan,
8% B, K, T, V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Reuben, Zebulon, Kaleb, Laban, Ikabod, Barach, Ben, Binyamin, Boaz, Eban, Abiah, Abraham,
4% P, J, B, K, T, V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Yaphet, Resheph, Peretz, Pinchas, Rephaia, Jacob, Jarah, Japheth, Jareb, Javen, Jeriel, Joachim, Benjamin, Binjamin, Ephraim, Ephron,
2% F, G, P, J, B, K, T, V, Y, C, Z, D, U, S, O, M, R, L, N, H, I, E, A: Rafael, Yosef, Gavriel, Gidon, Giladi, Gur, Guy, Efraim, Efron, Assaf,
0% Q, W, X
1. Aberah
2. Abigail
3. Abishag
4. Abital
5. Adah
6. Agiah
7. Aholibamah
8. Aksah
9. Anah
10. Asenath
11. Atarah
12. Athaleya
13. Azubah
14. Baara
15. Basemath
16. Bashemath
17. Bathsheba
18. Bathshua
19. Beulah
20. Bilhah
21. Cozbi
22. Deborah
23. Delilah
24. Dinah
25. Ednah
26. Eglah
27. Elisheba
28. Eprathah
29. Esther
30. Hadassah
31. Hagar
32. Hamutal
33. Hannah
34. Havvah
35. Helah
36. Hephzibah
37. Hodesh
38. Hoglah
39. Huldah
40. Jochebed
41. Judith
42. Kerenhappuch
43. Keturah
44. Keziah
45. Leah
46. Maacah
47. Mahalath
48. Mahlah
49. Marah
50. Martha
51. Mary
52. Matred
53. Meheytabel
54. Merab
55. Michal
56. Milkah
57. Miriam
58. Naamah
59. Naarah
60. Naomi
61. Nehushta
62. Noah
63. Orpah
64. Peninnah
65. Rachel
66. Rahabiah
67. Rebekah
68. Reumah
69. Rhoda
70. Rizpah
71. Ruth
72. Salome
73. Sarah
74. Sarai
75. Seuyah
76. Sheerah
77. Shekhem
78. Shelomith
79. Shemariyah
80. Shiprah
81. Shoshana
82. Shuah
83. Tabitha
84. Tamar
85. Taphath
86. Timna
87. Tirzah
88. Vashti
89. Yael
90. Yedidah
91. Yerusha
92. Yeshosheba
93. Zarah
94. Zebidah
95. Zeruah
96. Zillah
97. Zilpah
98. Zipporah
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
90 91% 42 42% 33 33% 15 15% 13 13%
B % C % D % F % G %
25 25% 6 6% 13 13% 0 0% 5 5%
H % J % K % L % M %
84 85% 2 2% 7 7% 25 25% 25 25%
N % P % Q % R % S %
12 12% 10 10% 0 0% 34 34% 24 24%
T % V % W % X % Y %
23 23% 2 2% 0 0% 0 0% 5 5%
Z %
11 11%
Popularity of Use
91% A:
85% H, A:
42% E, H, A:
34% R, E, H, A:
33% I, R, E, H, A:
25% B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Rahabiah, Miriam, Merab, Marah,
Mahlah, Leah, Helah, Bilhah, Baara, Aberah,
24% S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Sheerah, Sarai, Sarah, Elisheba,
23% T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Tamar, Tabitha, Martha, Mahalath,
Esther, Bathsheba, Bashemath, Basemath, Atarah, Abital,
15% O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Shelomith, Salome, Aholibamah,
13% U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Shuah, Ruth, Rhoda,
Reumah, Matred, Huldah, Hodesh, Hamutal, Hadassah,
Delilah, Deborah, Beulah, Bathshuda, Adah,
12% N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Timna, Shoshana, Noah,
Nehushta, Naomi, Naarah, Hannah, Ednah, Dinah, Asenath,
11% Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Zillah, Zeruah, Zebidah, Zarah, Tarzah, Azubah,
10% P, Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Zipporah, Zilpah,
Taphath, Shiprah, Rizpah, Peninnah, Orpah, Hephzibah,
7% K, P, Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Shekhem, Rebekah,
Milkah, Keziah, Keturah, Aksah,
6% C, K, P, Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Rachel, Michal,
Maacah, Kerenhappuch, Cozbi,
5% G, Y, C, K, P, Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Yeshosheba,
Yerusha, Dedidah, Yael, Shemariyah, Seuyah, Meheytabel,
Mary, Hoglah, Hagar, Eglah, Athaleya, Agiah, Abishag, Abigail,
2% V, J, G, Y, C, K, P, Z, N, U, D, O, T, S, B, L, M, I, R, E, H, A: Judith,
Jochebed, Havvah,
0% F, X, Q, W
Earliest Female Hebrew names (25% group)
1. Rahabiah
2. Miriam
3. Merab
4. Marah
5. Mahlah
6. Leah
7. Helah
8. Bilhah
9. Baara
10. Aberah
Popularity of Use (25% group)
A % E % I % O % U %
10 100% 4 40% 3 30% 0 0% 0 0%
B % C % D % F % G %
5 50% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
7 70% 0 0% 0 0% 4 40% 4 40%
N % P % Q % R % S %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 6 60% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of Use (25% group)
100% A:
70% H, A:
60% R, H, A:
50% B, R, H, A: Baara,
40% E, L, M, B, R, H, A: Aberah, Helah, Leah, Mahlah, Marah,
30% I, E, L, M, B, R, H, A: Bilha, Miriam, Rahabiah,
0% O, U, C, D, F, G, J, K, N, P, Q, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
Conclusion: Amongst those women of the 25% group, The mother of the Hebrew lineage is Baara (Baara containing the Assyrian 'double letter': aa), First male Hebrew name is Hanan (34%). These predating all others in the Hebrew groups.
Baara (25%) has more in common with Aaron (29%) which also comes with the Assyrian 'double letter' (aa) putting them at the same historical timeframe.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Linguistic Archaeology: the Seas and Oceans of Greyhawk
Seas & Oceans of greyhawk
1. Azure
2. Gearnat
3. Oljatt
4. Aerdi
5. Solonor
6. Icy
7. Dramidj
Popularity by use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 71% 3 42% 3 42% 2 28% 1 14%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 1 14% 2 28% 0 0% 1 14%
H % J % K % L % M %
0 0% 2 28% 0 0% 2 28% 1 14%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 28% 0 0% 0 0% 5 71% 1 14%
T % V % W % X % Y %
2 28% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 14%
Z %
2 28%
Popularity of use
71% A, R:
42% E, I, A, R:
28% O, D, J, L, N, T, Z, E, I, A, R: Oljatt, Aerdi,
14% U, C, G, M, S, Y, O, D, J, L, N, T, Z, E, I, A, R: Azure, Gearnat,
Solonor, Icy, Dramidj,
0% B, F, H, K, P, Q, V, W, X
Conclusion: the earliest named seas are Oljatt and Aerdi at 28% both in the south east of the greyhawk map. This is the origin of the sea-peoples of greyhawk. The Seas of *A*.
The remaining seas are at 14% implying extensive exploration during a later age of navigation.
Once again, Q is not amongst the known alphabet for geographical locations. Its likely that Q is not part of the greyhawk alphabet.
1. Azure
2. Gearnat
3. Oljatt
4. Aerdi
5. Solonor
6. Icy
7. Dramidj
Popularity by use
A % E % I % O % U %
5 71% 3 42% 3 42% 2 28% 1 14%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 1 14% 2 28% 0 0% 1 14%
H % J % K % L % M %
0 0% 2 28% 0 0% 2 28% 1 14%
N % P % Q % R % S %
2 28% 0 0% 0 0% 5 71% 1 14%
T % V % W % X % Y %
2 28% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 14%
Z %
2 28%
Popularity of use
71% A, R:
42% E, I, A, R:
28% O, D, J, L, N, T, Z, E, I, A, R: Oljatt, Aerdi,
14% U, C, G, M, S, Y, O, D, J, L, N, T, Z, E, I, A, R: Azure, Gearnat,
Solonor, Icy, Dramidj,
0% B, F, H, K, P, Q, V, W, X
Conclusion: the earliest named seas are Oljatt and Aerdi at 28% both in the south east of the greyhawk map. This is the origin of the sea-peoples of greyhawk. The Seas of *A*.
The remaining seas are at 14% implying extensive exploration during a later age of navigation.
![]() |
The Sea-Farers of the Isles |
Friday, 19 June 2020
Dungeon Mastery: A Local Campaign Map
Location Key
1. Clayface Keep was built from mud bricks. The small fortress is squat, and consists of a collection of buildings backed against the inside of a twenty feet thick mud brick wall that is fifteen feet high. Atop the walls facing out over water are assorted Balista It is a garrison for twenty crossbowmen under the command of Crothar Ironweave, a Dwarf.
2. Midden is a Fishing Village (Pop. 40 fishermen and families) with a dozen small boats and a few workshops dedicated to barrel making, and salt making. The only Church is tended by an old Cleric who doesnt allow alcohol in the village, which is why its sold two miles away at Black Dog Tavern walking an hour, and at Ester's Dock up the River Wyndam where it forks with the River Olyvandr. The locals are normal humans with human prejudices.
3. Black Dog Tavern is a hive of scum and villany where villagers and travellers go for a Red Ale. The structure sits on a raised dias of mud brick and heavy pine timber logs. It loiters atop the hill with a view of the village, fortress, and outlying farms.
The Tavern is run by Black Dog Tobin, a semi-retired Bandit. He can sell PCs adventuring equipment at a high price.
4. Mutton's Mill is a flour mill wheel on the river Mutton. Its owned by the Fortress who tax the grain at the mill. It operational seasonally. When grain is reaped and threshed and bagged, its moved to the mill for turning into flour. The road from the keep heads up the river valley to a farming district is pretty much independant of this region's influence though they trade produce for salt and fish.
5. Esther's dock is located at the fork in the rivers Wyndam and Olyvandr. Its a stone dock extending out into the river allowing small riverboats. There is a shack where the widow Esther dwells, and brews potato alcohol which she sells in small clay jugs. A trail leads up to the old keep on a nearby hill.
6. The old Mine is located in the side of the hill south east of the Village Midden. Its mineworks were abandoned because it was no longer worth mining- the presence of monsters, and the low acailability of minerals. There is a bricked up tunnel that the miners decided not to explore because it accesses caverns where they encountered a giant spider.
7. The caves are an ancient quarry that broke through into a network of narrow crawls, tunnels, and chimneys that travel all the way to the dungeons beneath the abandoned keep on the hill above it which the stone from the quarry was used to build.
8. The old Keep is far more sturdy than the crumbling mudbrick monstrosity known as Clayface Keep. Its made of stone rather than mud brick. There is a well shaft that drops into subterranean caves- originally used as a disposal.
9-14. The farms rotate crops producing mostly grain and beans.
9. Janko's Farm is a timber cabin with earthen cellars full of potatoes. While he ships his wheat and potatoes to the mill to supply the fortress, he is the supplier of potatoes to Esther's Dock where its used to make alcohol.
10. Karlea's Farm is rotating barley and beans, but he is secretly lifting potatoes from Janko's Farm during crop season and storing them to survive.
11. Arov's farm is growing corn and bean simultaneously allowing better cropping than wheat and bean rotation. Arov sells his corn to the Black Dog Tavern to make alcohol.
12. Quinto's Field is a goat grazing field owned by Harlan Quinto, a villager who turns goatmilk into cheese. He doesnt live outside the village, the timber building on his field has a tun used to store milk as it is turned into cheese.
13. Hel's Altar is an ancient altarstone in the ruins of a long crumbled five hundred year old monastary. There are crypts somewhere beneath the ruins.
14. Karde's Farm rotates wheat and beans. Karde likes to avoid folks as much as possible.
1. Clayface Keep was built from mud bricks. The small fortress is squat, and consists of a collection of buildings backed against the inside of a twenty feet thick mud brick wall that is fifteen feet high. Atop the walls facing out over water are assorted Balista It is a garrison for twenty crossbowmen under the command of Crothar Ironweave, a Dwarf.
2. Midden is a Fishing Village (Pop. 40 fishermen and families) with a dozen small boats and a few workshops dedicated to barrel making, and salt making. The only Church is tended by an old Cleric who doesnt allow alcohol in the village, which is why its sold two miles away at Black Dog Tavern walking an hour, and at Ester's Dock up the River Wyndam where it forks with the River Olyvandr. The locals are normal humans with human prejudices.
3. Black Dog Tavern is a hive of scum and villany where villagers and travellers go for a Red Ale. The structure sits on a raised dias of mud brick and heavy pine timber logs. It loiters atop the hill with a view of the village, fortress, and outlying farms.
The Tavern is run by Black Dog Tobin, a semi-retired Bandit. He can sell PCs adventuring equipment at a high price.
4. Mutton's Mill is a flour mill wheel on the river Mutton. Its owned by the Fortress who tax the grain at the mill. It operational seasonally. When grain is reaped and threshed and bagged, its moved to the mill for turning into flour. The road from the keep heads up the river valley to a farming district is pretty much independant of this region's influence though they trade produce for salt and fish.
5. Esther's dock is located at the fork in the rivers Wyndam and Olyvandr. Its a stone dock extending out into the river allowing small riverboats. There is a shack where the widow Esther dwells, and brews potato alcohol which she sells in small clay jugs. A trail leads up to the old keep on a nearby hill.
6. The old Mine is located in the side of the hill south east of the Village Midden. Its mineworks were abandoned because it was no longer worth mining- the presence of monsters, and the low acailability of minerals. There is a bricked up tunnel that the miners decided not to explore because it accesses caverns where they encountered a giant spider.
7. The caves are an ancient quarry that broke through into a network of narrow crawls, tunnels, and chimneys that travel all the way to the dungeons beneath the abandoned keep on the hill above it which the stone from the quarry was used to build.
8. The old Keep is far more sturdy than the crumbling mudbrick monstrosity known as Clayface Keep. Its made of stone rather than mud brick. There is a well shaft that drops into subterranean caves- originally used as a disposal.
9-14. The farms rotate crops producing mostly grain and beans.
9. Janko's Farm is a timber cabin with earthen cellars full of potatoes. While he ships his wheat and potatoes to the mill to supply the fortress, he is the supplier of potatoes to Esther's Dock where its used to make alcohol.
10. Karlea's Farm is rotating barley and beans, but he is secretly lifting potatoes from Janko's Farm during crop season and storing them to survive.
11. Arov's farm is growing corn and bean simultaneously allowing better cropping than wheat and bean rotation. Arov sells his corn to the Black Dog Tavern to make alcohol.
12. Quinto's Field is a goat grazing field owned by Harlan Quinto, a villager who turns goatmilk into cheese. He doesnt live outside the village, the timber building on his field has a tun used to store milk as it is turned into cheese.
13. Hel's Altar is an ancient altarstone in the ruins of a long crumbled five hundred year old monastary. There are crypts somewhere beneath the ruins.
14. Karde's Farm rotates wheat and beans. Karde likes to avoid folks as much as possible.
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Random NPC: Tharndol aka The Black Monk
The Black Monk: Cleric L6; Chaotic; 21hp; AC5 ; Str 9, Int 15, Wis 11, Dex 10, Con 15, Cha 5; Cloak of Protection+2, leather armour, Holy Symbol, Club(1d6), belt, pouch, clothes, boots, Bundle of Firewood; 330cn Weight, MV 120' (40'), Height 4'7"; spells- 1st Detect Magic ×2, 2nd Know Alignment, 3rd Striking, 4th Sticks to Snakes.
Tharndol is socially awkward so avoids talking. Instead he employs the PCs to inspect ruins in payment for potions they find. He is under a curse making his skin ash-dark and remove curse doesnt seem to work. He appears to be a travelling monk with a load of firewood.
Tharndol is socially awkward so avoids talking. Instead he employs the PCs to inspect ruins in payment for potions they find. He is under a curse making his skin ash-dark and remove curse doesnt seem to work. He appears to be a travelling monk with a load of firewood.
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