Memories of Connor's Adventures
Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Monday, 29 April 2019
Bad Astronomy: That Wagonwheel beyond Proxima Centauri
So what can we see with our wagon wheel? The best I can say is the small object in orbit is something close to Rubidium by its colour. Rubidium is apparently common in cores of stars that have swelled to form Red Giants. So at some point our Red Giant got eaten by its companion leaving a Rubidium Core. Given the short lived decay time on most Rubidium this is Rubidium-87.
Now it amounts to a y class dwarf orbiting a White Dwarf.
The Ring and spokes are formed as gravitational harmonics. Where the mass is low (the harmonic nodes) the mass of the central star is sufficient to pull ring material into the star. Eventually these harmonics should separate out into globular clusters and form planets Orbiting the central star.
What will happen to the Rubidium core? With a 4.9 x 10^10 year decay rate we can expect it to persist for three times the current age of the Universe.
Even if it becomes building material in the solar system, as opposed to pulled into that feeder star.
I suppose Life in that solar system got wiped out by the red giant...
Update: identifying our binary star (4 May, 2019)
Star LP145-141, 2MASS J11454297-6450297
Description White Dwarf
Right Ascension 11h 45m 42.9205s
Declination -64° 50' 29.459"
Distance 15.11 LY
The Hubble undertook a survey and found LP145-141 to be a White dwarf with no apparent partners, but having spotted this stellar by lensing over the edge of Proxima Centauri the y class companion may have been otherwise non-visible. We know it is behind and below Proxima (at a greater declination than -62° 40' 46.1631"), and left of Proxima (less than the right ascension of 14h 29m 42.94853s). And its a white dwarf (fourth from our star beyond Sirius b, Procyon b, Van Maanen's Star).
Update (5th october 2019):
Roche limit is the orbital radius of that ring on the wagon wheel.
is the radius of the primary,
is the density of the primary, and
is the density of the satellite.
White dwarf density: 1 x 109 kg/m3
Thats like 1,000,000 g/cubic centimetre
Assuming the ring is iron from a stellar core inside the roche limit of the white dwarf, Stellar core collapse being at 1010 g/cc.
Then d= 0.0271539677 × 0.01Rs = 0.0002715397 RSolar
It seems a tad close for the apparent distance from the white dwarf but not necessarily the distance from the ring to the orbiting rubidium core acting on it.
Sunday, 28 April 2019
Bad Astronomy: About pollution...
Its six am, and this is the night sky looking south over Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia (April 29, 2019). There should be stars, but there havnt been stars for over a year. Pollution has screwed Astronomy for those of us who consider the ability to see the stars in the sky from our home a fundamental human right.
I'm still pissed off about it.
I'm still pissed off about it.
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
Linguistic Archaeology: Hebrew Names of the Po subgroup
P, o subgroup
Female Male
Zonda Zomier
Zoleen Ziph
Zippora Zion
Ziona Zephan
Ziahon Zenoa
Zhalore Zebulon
Zephath Zaccheo
Zeph Zabulon
Zelpha Yosef
Zelotes Yonatan
Zarephath Yonas
Zanoah Yitro
Yovela Yaphet
Yoninah Yanoach
Yona Yakov
Yoana Yago
Yavonna Yadon
Tzofit Yaakov
Tzippa Volf
Tziporah Tov
Tova Tomer
Tora Tobias
Tobit Tivon
Tivona Temo
Talor Solomon
Soshannah Simpson
Shobi Simon
Sharon Shylock
Shalom Shimon
Seraphina Shiloh
Sammy-jo Seraphim
Salome Samson
Saloma Saloman
Rishona Rouvin
Rimona Roni
Raphaella Roman
Peninah Rishon
Peliah Raphael
Paz Pontus
Ozora Phinneaus
Orpah Pau
Oralee Palti
Oprah Pallu
Oma Oz
Ofira Ozip
Odera Osaze
Odele Ornice
Odeda Orly
Noemi Orli
Neorah Oren
Naomi Oralee
Moselle Omri
Moria Omar
Mahola Oma
Lois Oded
Liora Obadiah
Leora Noy
Kochava Noah
Josie Noadiah
Josephine Nimrod
Jordan Moses
Jora Mordecai
Jonina Mattison
Joelle Mario
Jobey Lot
Joaquina Leor
Joan Kobe
Joakima Kabos
Hepziba Joshua
Giuseppina Joseph
Gayora Jordan
Endora Joram
Eleora Jonathan
Efrosini Jonas
Dorrit John
Dodie Joel
Derora Jody
Deborah Job
Bo Joachim
Arnon Jethro
Apphia Jaron
Ahmose Japhet
Abbellonna Ioan
Sex A % E % I % O % U %
F 65/83 78% 35/83 42% 32/83 38% 70/83 84% 2/83 2%
M 62/111 55% 36/111 32% 39/111 35% 95/111 85% 12/111 10%
Sex B % C % D % F % G %
F 6/83 7% 0/83 0% 9/83 10% 3/83 3% 2/83 2%
M 11/111 9% 10/111 9% 14/111 12% 1/111 1% 6/111 5%
Sex H % J % K % L % M %
F 27/83 32% 11/83 13% 1/83 1% 21/83 25% 12/83 14%
M 29/111 26% 14/111 12% 5/111 4% 23/111 20% 29/111 26%
Sex N % P % Q % R % S %
F 29/83 34% 18/83 21% 1/83 1% 31/83 37% 17/83 20%
M 39/111 35% 17/111 15% 0/111 0% 30/111 27% 31/111 27%
Sex T % V % W % X % Y % Z %
F 11/83 13% 5/83 6% 0/83 0% 0/83 0% 7/83 8% 18/83 21%
M 18/111 16% 7/111 6% 1/111 1% 0/111 0% 14/111 12% 12/111 10%
Male names by popularity of use
85% {O}
55% {A, o} Ao
35% {N, i, a, o} Ian, Ioan,
32% {E, n, i, a, o}
27% {S, r, e, n, i, a, o} Isis, Os, Ra, Sean, Aaron, Arion, Arnon, Oren, Roni,
26% {H, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Neorah, Amon, Amos, Hosea, Mario, Moses, Noah, Oma, Omar, Omri, Rishon, Roman, Samson, Shimon, Simon,
20% {L, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Israel, Leor, Oralee, Orli, Saloman, Shiloh, Solomon,
16% {T, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Ta-, Sta-, Aristotle, Eliot, Lot, Mattison, Temo, Tomer,
15% {P, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Po-, Agrippa, Ephraim, Palti, Raphael, Seraphim, Simpson,
12% {D, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Jor-el, Admon, Adon, Edom, Japhet, Jaron, Jethro, Jody, Joel, John, Jonas, Jonathan, Joram, Jordan, Joseph, Nimrod, Noadiah, Noy, Obadiah, Oded, Orly, Yadon, Yaphet, Yitro, Yonas, Yonatan,
10% {Z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Zod, Zeus, Alphaeus, Alphus, Joshua, Osaze, Ozip, Oz, Pallu, Pau, Phinneaus, Pontus, Zephan, Zenoa, Zephan, Zion, Ziph, Zomier,
9% {B, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Hector, Connor, Absolom, Acacio, Bartholomew, Benson, Boaz, Carpus, Enoch, Ichabod, Joachim, Job, Mordecai, Ornice, Shylock, Tobias, Yanoach, Zabulon, Zaccheo, Zebulon,
6% {V, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Dov, Rouvin, Tivon, Tov,
5% {G, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Giacomo, Gideon, Giuseeppe, Goliath, Yago,
4% {K, g, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Kal-el, Clark, Kabos, Kobe, Yaakov, Yakov,
1% {F, w, k, g, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Volf, Yosef,
0% {X, q}
Female names by popularity of use
84% {O}
78% {A, o}
42% {E, a, o}
38% {I, e, a, o} Io,
37% {R, i, e, a, o} Ra,
34% {N, r, i, e, a, o} Ioan, Arnon,
32% {H, n, r, i, e, a, o} Noah, Neorah,
25% {L, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Helen, Helena, Oralee, Liora, Leora, Eleora,
21% {P, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Po-, Penelope, Zoleen, Zippora, Ziona, Ziahon, Zhalore, Zeph, Zelpha, Zanoah, Raphaella, Peninah, Peliah, Paz, Ozora, Orpah, Oprah, Apphia,
20% {S, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Israel, Sean, Isis, Soshannah, Sharon, Seraphina, Rishona, Lois,
14% {M, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Moses, Moria, Shalom, Salome, Saloma, Rimona, Oma, Noemi, Naomi, Moselle, Mahola, Ahmose, Amhose,
13% {J, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Ta-, Sta-, Athena, Zephath, Zelotes, Zarephath, Tzippa, Tziporah, Tora, Tobit, Talor, Josie, Josephine, Jora, Jonina, Joelle, Joan,
10% {D, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Zonda, Odera, Odele, Odeda, Jordan, Endora, Dorrit, Dodie, Derora,
8% {Y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Yoninah, Yona, Yoana, Sammy-jo, Jobey,
7% {B, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Bo, Hepzibah, Shobi, Deborah, Abbellonna,
6% {V, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Yovela, Yavonna, Tova, Tivona,
3% {F, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Tzofit, Ofira, Efrosini,
2% {G, u, f, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Goliath, Gaia, Giuseppina, Gayora,
1% {K, q, g, u, f, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Kochava, Joakima, Joaquina,
0% {C w, x}
The Exodus Markers Sta- and Ta- appear at the same time as Aristotle's Athenian culture. The name of Lot emerged in the Exodus, not earlier. So its earlier timeframe is questionable.
More importantly we now know Kal-el will always live in the shadow of Zod and Jor-el whose names are more widely known and Zod lives in Jor-el's shadow setting up a life long popularity contest.
Female Male
Zonda Zomier
Zoleen Ziph
Zippora Zion
Ziona Zephan
Ziahon Zenoa
Zhalore Zebulon
Zephath Zaccheo
Zeph Zabulon
Zelpha Yosef
Zelotes Yonatan
Zarephath Yonas
Zanoah Yitro
Yovela Yaphet
Yoninah Yanoach
Yona Yakov
Yoana Yago
Yavonna Yadon
Tzofit Yaakov
Tzippa Volf
Tziporah Tov
Tova Tomer
Tora Tobias
Tobit Tivon
Tivona Temo
Talor Solomon
Soshannah Simpson
Shobi Simon
Sharon Shylock
Shalom Shimon
Seraphina Shiloh
Sammy-jo Seraphim
Salome Samson
Saloma Saloman
Rishona Rouvin
Rimona Roni
Raphaella Roman
Peninah Rishon
Peliah Raphael
Paz Pontus
Ozora Phinneaus
Orpah Pau
Oralee Palti
Oprah Pallu
Oma Oz
Ofira Ozip
Odera Osaze
Odele Ornice
Odeda Orly
Noemi Orli
Neorah Oren
Naomi Oralee
Moselle Omri
Moria Omar
Mahola Oma
Lois Oded
Liora Obadiah
Leora Noy
Kochava Noah
Josie Noadiah
Josephine Nimrod
Jordan Moses
Jora Mordecai
Jonina Mattison
Joelle Mario
Jobey Lot
Joaquina Leor
Joan Kobe
Joakima Kabos
Hepziba Joshua
Giuseppina Joseph
Gayora Jordan
Endora Joram
Eleora Jonathan
Efrosini Jonas
Dorrit John
Dodie Joel
Derora Jody
Deborah Job
Bo Joachim
Arnon Jethro
Apphia Jaron
Ahmose Japhet
Abbellonna Ioan
Sex A % E % I % O % U %
F 65/83 78% 35/83 42% 32/83 38% 70/83 84% 2/83 2%
M 62/111 55% 36/111 32% 39/111 35% 95/111 85% 12/111 10%
Sex B % C % D % F % G %
F 6/83 7% 0/83 0% 9/83 10% 3/83 3% 2/83 2%
M 11/111 9% 10/111 9% 14/111 12% 1/111 1% 6/111 5%
Sex H % J % K % L % M %
F 27/83 32% 11/83 13% 1/83 1% 21/83 25% 12/83 14%
M 29/111 26% 14/111 12% 5/111 4% 23/111 20% 29/111 26%
Sex N % P % Q % R % S %
F 29/83 34% 18/83 21% 1/83 1% 31/83 37% 17/83 20%
M 39/111 35% 17/111 15% 0/111 0% 30/111 27% 31/111 27%
Sex T % V % W % X % Y % Z %
F 11/83 13% 5/83 6% 0/83 0% 0/83 0% 7/83 8% 18/83 21%
M 18/111 16% 7/111 6% 1/111 1% 0/111 0% 14/111 12% 12/111 10%
Male names by popularity of use
85% {O}
55% {A, o} Ao
35% {N, i, a, o} Ian, Ioan,
32% {E, n, i, a, o}
27% {S, r, e, n, i, a, o} Isis, Os, Ra, Sean, Aaron, Arion, Arnon, Oren, Roni,
26% {H, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Neorah, Amon, Amos, Hosea, Mario, Moses, Noah, Oma, Omar, Omri, Rishon, Roman, Samson, Shimon, Simon,
20% {L, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Israel, Leor, Oralee, Orli, Saloman, Shiloh, Solomon,
16% {T, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Ta-, Sta-, Aristotle, Eliot, Lot, Mattison, Temo, Tomer,
15% {P, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Po-, Agrippa, Ephraim, Palti, Raphael, Seraphim, Simpson,
12% {D, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Jor-el, Admon, Adon, Edom, Japhet, Jaron, Jethro, Jody, Joel, John, Jonas, Jonathan, Joram, Jordan, Joseph, Nimrod, Noadiah, Noy, Obadiah, Oded, Orly, Yadon, Yaphet, Yitro, Yonas, Yonatan,
10% {Z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Zod, Zeus, Alphaeus, Alphus, Joshua, Osaze, Ozip, Oz, Pallu, Pau, Phinneaus, Pontus, Zephan, Zenoa, Zephan, Zion, Ziph, Zomier,
9% {B, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Hector, Connor, Absolom, Acacio, Bartholomew, Benson, Boaz, Carpus, Enoch, Ichabod, Joachim, Job, Mordecai, Ornice, Shylock, Tobias, Yanoach, Zabulon, Zaccheo, Zebulon,
6% {V, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Dov, Rouvin, Tivon, Tov,
5% {G, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Giacomo, Gideon, Giuseeppe, Goliath, Yago,
4% {K, g, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Kal-el, Clark, Kabos, Kobe, Yaakov, Yakov,
1% {F, w, k, g, v, b, c, z, u, d, j, y, p, t, l, h, m, s, r, e, n, i, a, o} Volf, Yosef,
0% {X, q}
Female names by popularity of use
84% {O}
78% {A, o}
42% {E, a, o}
38% {I, e, a, o} Io,
37% {R, i, e, a, o} Ra,
34% {N, r, i, e, a, o} Ioan, Arnon,
32% {H, n, r, i, e, a, o} Noah, Neorah,
25% {L, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Helen, Helena, Oralee, Liora, Leora, Eleora,
21% {P, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Po-, Penelope, Zoleen, Zippora, Ziona, Ziahon, Zhalore, Zeph, Zelpha, Zanoah, Raphaella, Peninah, Peliah, Paz, Ozora, Orpah, Oprah, Apphia,
20% {S, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Israel, Sean, Isis, Soshannah, Sharon, Seraphina, Rishona, Lois,
14% {M, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Moses, Moria, Shalom, Salome, Saloma, Rimona, Oma, Noemi, Naomi, Moselle, Mahola, Ahmose, Amhose,
13% {J, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Ta-, Sta-, Athena, Zephath, Zelotes, Zarephath, Tzippa, Tziporah, Tora, Tobit, Talor, Josie, Josephine, Jora, Jonina, Joelle, Joan,
10% {D, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Zonda, Odera, Odele, Odeda, Jordan, Endora, Dorrit, Dodie, Derora,
8% {Y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Yoninah, Yona, Yoana, Sammy-jo, Jobey,
7% {B, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Bo, Hepzibah, Shobi, Deborah, Abbellonna,
6% {V, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Yovela, Yavonna, Tova, Tivona,
3% {F, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Tzofit, Ofira, Efrosini,
2% {G, u, f, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Goliath, Gaia, Giuseppina, Gayora,
1% {K, q, g, u, f, v, b, y, d, j, t, m, s, p, z, l, h, n, r, i, e, a, o} Kochava, Joakima, Joaquina,
0% {C w, x}
The Exodus Markers Sta- and Ta- appear at the same time as Aristotle's Athenian culture. The name of Lot emerged in the Exodus, not earlier. So its earlier timeframe is questionable.
More importantly we now know Kal-el will always live in the shadow of Zod and Jor-el whose names are more widely known and Zod lives in Jor-el's shadow setting up a life long popularity contest.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Dungeon Mastery: The Big Bad...
The direct cause of much of the world's ills, the Big Bad exerts a force across the story arc during which there will be numerous confrontations, their presence driving the plot. In the end they are too powerful.
The Big bad works through minions through the story arc, and employs Dragon level protection. They function at the Mythos level, rather than the story level and can be considered non-threats simply because they are functioning well beyond the level of the PCs.
Mort: Normal Human; Chaotic; 6hp; AC9; Str 7, Int 13, Wis 14, Dex 9, Con 8, Cha 16; equipment: Normal clothing, eyepatch of non-detection, shoes; Background: Mort (Moart Kumkuar the First), having accidentally become aware of plane travel thanks to an evil wizard whom he killed, has become The ruler of Atlantis. He has used the tech of the city to reach across planes and abduct alternate reality versions of the Woman he loves to reside in his city. He is currently manipulating events across multiple realities.
The Big bad works through minions through the story arc, and employs Dragon level protection. They function at the Mythos level, rather than the story level and can be considered non-threats simply because they are functioning well beyond the level of the PCs.
Mort: Normal Human; Chaotic; 6hp; AC9; Str 7, Int 13, Wis 14, Dex 9, Con 8, Cha 16; equipment: Normal clothing, eyepatch of non-detection, shoes; Background: Mort (Moart Kumkuar the First), having accidentally become aware of plane travel thanks to an evil wizard whom he killed, has become The ruler of Atlantis. He has used the tech of the city to reach across planes and abduct alternate reality versions of the Woman he loves to reside in his city. He is currently manipulating events across multiple realities.
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Game of Thrones: Fate of the Characters
There is in the fates of the characters the great fairy tales that humans tell. The princess at the top of a tower reached by a warrior wearing climbing hooks for claws on hand and foot. A witch-queen who dwells in an inaccessible tower. The witch who inspects boats to ensure they are safe for the bear warriors to travel on. The prince and his elder diviner/guide who journey over land on a quest that takes them to war. A warrior taken as a child who returns to his people a man only to be considered a foreign barbarian and locked in a labyrinthian dungeon. A Comet/supernova/burning arrow heralding the birth of the chosen one. The burning of the tower/library of knowledge as humanity is thrown into darkness. Children under a curse to be trapped in a beastly form. A smith who crafts legendary weapons. A dwarf who delivers a black spear to a warrior to slay a giant boar god. A man swallowed by a great god of the sea while travelling over its waters. A warrior slays a dragon in a cave liberating the land.
All these tales are the fates of the characters in game of thrones (or are meant to be).
Update (22 April): forget the stuff above. I now suspect Brandon Stark is sacrificing them all for some of that 'greater good'. What will win the war? How about Uniting everyone south of the Twins after the tale of the complete anihilation of the north after their heroic last stand spreads becoming a rallying cry?
All these tales are the fates of the characters in game of thrones (or are meant to be).
Update (22 April): forget the stuff above. I now suspect Brandon Stark is sacrificing them all for some of that 'greater good'. What will win the war? How about Uniting everyone south of the Twins after the tale of the complete anihilation of the north after their heroic last stand spreads becoming a rallying cry?
You likely watched the movie '300' (Battle of Thermopoli). Like that. Jamie Lanister should throw him from the battlements if thats the case.
Monday, 15 April 2019
Mystaran Campaign: The Cathedral burns
The timbers of thirteen thousand oak trees that make up the cathedral structure catch fire and burn. Smoke rises over the capital of Specularum as the populace can only watch as the Church of Karameikos burns, its once towering central spire toppling.
Religious artefacts, artworks and books are lost forever.
Religious artefacts, artworks and books are lost forever.
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Planet X: the one I didnt notice
So what do we call this unusual little moon? Hoth?
Note(15 April): An Albedo of 0.12 rates as worn Asphalt implying this carbon rich planet passed very close to the sun. The entire range of albedo for it could be as low as 0.08 for conifers to 0.18 for deciduous trees. Fresh Asphalt would be much darker down at 0.04 Albedo. At least we know it hasnt been close to the sun recently. So if this is an indicator of time away from the sun, then perhaps the planet X group will pass up through the solar plane between us and the sun in about seventy five years.
![]() |
Albedo 0.2 |
![]() |
Albedo 0.19 |
![]() |
Albedo 0.18 |
![]() |
Albedo 0.12 |
And there is our dark little moon. The temperature range makes it practically habitable.
Saturday, 13 April 2019
Star Trek: A petition for a Captain Pike Era spinoff
Here is a startrek petition to create a Captain Pike series.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Game of Thrones: Arya Stark's Destiny
Arya Stark will survive the invasion of the White Walkers granted refuge from the fall of Winterfell with her Direwolf Nymeria She will be drawn out into the Open, perhaps becoming a Muse to Samwell Tarley the Scribe, telling the scribe her story. Unfortunately Sam and companion Gilly have been replaced by the faceless men and they mean to kill her.
Adventure Scenarios: Two adventures using public domain art
Basic Adventure: The House of Edgehill
Its garden maze has various magical fountains such as the Pillar of Ducks which guards the entrance to the maze.
And the Stone Candle which guards the exit leading into the ruins of the house.
The house is home to Goblins who attack intruders.
In the Torture chamber/dungeons beneath the house a holy symbol belonging to the Hermit who told you of the treasure along with a Magic sword, magic Dagger and magic battle axe are yours.
Expert Adventure: The Crimes of Grindelwald
The path follows the River up into the Mountains.
The Glaciers fill the great fissures that divide the mountains.
The Expedition seeks a cave in the cold mountains overlooking the Glacier.
Deep in the Cave the adventurers find the Treasure Ship of Grindelwald.
Objects in Motion: The Black Knight Sattelite
The 'Black Knight Sattelite' was spotted from the Space Shuttle and identified as a thermal blanket but people being people decided it was an alien sattelite.
A quick sampling of its colours and we get...
Pale yellow-white sits between:
So... what did NASA coat their thermal blanket in?
A quick sampling of its colours and we get...
Pale yellow-white sits between:
- Chromium hydroxide
- Manganate (iv)
Pale Violet:
- Unidentified...
Pale Green:
- Iron (ii)
So... what did NASA coat their thermal blanket in?
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Board with Games: The Royal Game of Ur
Something to play with the kiddies...
Looks like you need four black 1d4s and some liquid paper/nail polish to paint a point on each of the dice. And lets throw in seven monster tokens because we need to D&D up this game.
Looks like dice combinations are:
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Result 0 1 2 3 4
Chance 1 4 6 4 1
To modernize the game we need:
1. For dice we need a 16-sided dice with the numbers 0-4: 1x0, 4x1, 6x2, 4x3, and 1x4. This is sixteen triangles, eight associated with each pole of the dice.
2. For Game pieces, we need seven monster tokens or miniature figures for each player.
High tech version
A steel board on a flip axis and magnetic figurines means one player per side. When a like magnetic pole interacts through the board it causes the player to fall from the underside of the board.
Update (11 April 2019): A Gameboard
Lets add the gameboard to your dungeon. Encountering the game causes the PC to fragment into seven parts. The PC must fight an opposite Alignment mirror entity or rival PC to get all seven parts of themselves to the exit. Movement of pieces is controlled by dice rolls (using 4d4 as not sure where to get a 1d16 with appropriate weights). Victor keeps alignment. Looser must change alignment (or be trapped in the game).
Monday, 1 April 2019
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