Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 12 January 2024

Linguistic Archaeology: English Aristocracy family names

English Aristocrat Family Names
1. Addington
2. Alanbrooke
3. Aldersey
4. Alford
5. Allenby
6. Althorp
7. Amcotts
8. Arbuthnot
9. Armytage
10. Ashcombe
11. Asher
12. Asquith
13. Auden
14. Bainbridge
15. Balfour
16. Bankes
17. Barrett
18. Basing
19. Beale
20. Beaufort
21. Beck
22. Bedford
23. Belton
24. Bentham
25. Beverley
26. Bicknell
27. Bingley
28. Birkbeck
29. Bladen
30. Blake
31. Blois
32. Bolle
33. Boothroyd
34. Bowes
35. Bradford
36. Bremner
37. Breville
38. Britten
39. Brodhurst
40. Brooke
41. Broughton
42. Buchan
43. Burnaby
44. Bushby
45. Buxtead
46. Buxton
47. Caldwell
48. Carden
49. Carrick
50. Castlemaigne
51. Caversham
52. Chamberlain
53. Chambers
54. Charrington
55. Chartres
56. Chase
57. Chesham
58. Chetwynd
59. Chichester
60. Clarence
61. Cleverdon
62. Clive
63. Clowes
64. Cloyne
65. Cochrane
66. Congreve
67. Courage
68. Courteney
69. Crawford
70. Crichton
71. Cross
72. Cunningham
73. Curzon
74. Dacre
75. Dale
76. Dalison
77. Damerel
78. Darby
79. Darcy
80. Darnford
81. Dartrey
82. Dashwood
83. Davenant
84. de Blois
85. de Lisle
86. de Ville
87. Delamere
88. Devereux
89. Dewey
90. Dilhorne
91. Drax
92. Durham
93. Dyncott
94. Eastham
95. Edwards
96. Elliott
97. Englefield
98. Erskine
99. Eyre
100. Fairbairn
101. Fairfax
102. Fanthorpe
103. Farquhar
104. Farrington
105. Foulkes
106. Fiennes
107. Fitzclarence
108. Fitzherbert
109. Fitzroy
110. Fleming
111. Follett
112. Foxlowe
113. Freeman
114. Gainsborough
115. Gale
116. Gascoigne
117. Gatacre
118. Gillett
119. Girling
120. Goddard
121. Godwin
122. Gosling
123. Grant
124. Graves
125. Greaves
126. Greenwood
127. Gresham
128. Greville
129. Guy
130. Haddington
131. Hall
132. Hamilton
133. Hanson
134. Hardcastle
135. Harford
136. Hargreaves
137. Harmsworth
138. Harrington
139. Hart
140. Harworth
141. Haughton
142. Hawley
143. Hazlehurst
144. Heathcote
145. Henry
146. Herbert
147. Hindmarsh
148. Holcombe
149. Holloway
150. Holmes
151. Holroyd
152. Howard
153. Howell
154. Hunt
155. Huxley
156. Hyndford
157. Irving
158. James
159. Keen
160. Kemble
161. Kingscote
162. Kingsford
163. Knight
164. Labrune
165. Lainshaw
166. Lambert
167. Landon
168. Langley
169. Latymer
170. Lawrence
171. Le Strange
172. Leigh
173. Leith
174. Liddell
175. Linsey
176. Longleat
177. Loring
178. Lovell
179. Lumley
180. Lyle
181. Lyon
182. Malmesbury
183. Manley
184. March
185. Marchmain
186. Marion
187. Marles
188. Marshall
189. Mellish
190. Mayne
191. Mellish
192. Mellor
193. Merivale
194. Middlemas
195. Mieville
196. Montague
197. Montgomery
198. Montmorency
199. Morgan
200. Morse
201. Mosley
202. Mostyn
203. Mowbray
204. Musgrove
205. Napier
206. Naylor
207. Nelthorpe
208. Newell
209. Norbury
210. Norman
211. Oaksey
212. Oliphant
213. Ormond
214. Otley
215. Pagnell
216. Pavey
217. Peake
218. Pelham
219. Pember
220. Penney
221. Pepys
222. Percy
223. Petrie
224. Pitcairn
225. Pole
226. Pond
227. Poyntz
228. Priestley
229. Purnell
230. Purves
231. Quaife
232. Quicke
233. Radcliffe
234. Rait
235. Ramsay
236. Randall
237. Rathbone
238. Ravensdale
239. Reading
240. Reardon
241. Redfearn
242. Remington
243. Rendlesham
244. Revesby
245. Rhodes
246. Richmond
247. Riddell
248. Ridgway
249. Rivers
250. Rochester
251. Rodel
252. Rooke
253. Ross
254. Rowe
255. Roxhythe
256. Russell
257. Ruthven
258. Rycroft
259. Salter
260. Sandeman
261. Sarsfield
262. Scarborough
263. Scott
264. Scrutton
265. Segrave
266. Selwood
267. Severn
268. Seward
269. Shelton
270. Sherborne
271. Sheringham
272. Sherman
273. Sidney
274. Silverdale
275. Smallwood
276. Somerville
277. Spencer
278. Spottiswood
279. St Clair
280. St John
281. Stafford
282. Stainforth
283. Standish
284. Stanhope
285. Stark
286. Steed
287. Steele
288. Stokes
289. Straker
290. Streatfield
291. Stuart
292. Swann
293. Talbot
294. Tarleton
295. Temple
296. Tennant
297. Thorburn
298. Thornicroft
299. Tindal
300. Tofte
301. Townley
302. Travers
303. Tresham
304. Turner
305. Twynam
306. Umfraville
307. Urquhart
308. Vercoe
309. Vere
310. Waite
311. Waldegrave
312. Walmesley
313. Walsham
314. Ward
315. Waring
316. Waters
317. Webster
318. Weir
319. Wellesley
320. Weston
321. Whately
322. Whitbread
323. Whitmore
324. Wilding
325. Willard
326. Windermere
327. Woburn
328. Woodham
329. Woodruff
330. Woolcombe
331. Worthington
332. Wrenn
333. Wrotham
334. Wroxley
335. Wyndham
336. Valmere
337. Yarborough

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
182 54% 217 64%  101 29%  140 41%   49 14%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
64 18%    61 18%   84 24%    37 10%     56 16%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
98 29%    2 <1%     23   6%    129 38%   77 22%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
141 41%  26 7%      5    1%    197 58%   112 33%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
114 33% 34 10%    55 16%    9     2%       62 18%

Z      %
6    1%

Popularity of use
64% E:
58% R, E:
54% A, R, E:
41% N, O, A, R, E:
38% L, N, O, A, R, E: Beale, Belton, Bolle, Clarence,
33% T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Morse, Ross, Salter, Steele, Tarleton, Tennant, Cross, Barrett,
29% I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Rait, Elliott, Britten, Blois,
28% H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Shelton, Hall, Hanson, Hart, Leith, Chartres, Chase, Chichester, Cochrane, Crichton, Asher,
24% D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Sidney, Standish, Steed, Tindal, Randall, Reardon, Rhodes, Riddell, Rodel, Landon, Liddell, Dacre, Dale, Dalison, de Blois, de Lisle, Dilhorne, Carden, Bladen,
22% M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Tresham, Sandeman, Sherman, Norman, Ormond, Rendlesham, Marion, Marles, Marshall, Mellish, Mellish, Mellor, Middlemas, Hindmarsh, Holmes, Hamilton, Delamere, Eastham, Damerel, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chesham, Bentham, Bremner, Amcotts, Ashcombe,
18% Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: SaintClair, Talbot, Sherborne, Scott, Richmond, Rochester, Rathbone, Otley, Ramsay, Mosley, Mostyn, Naylor, Mayne, Montmorency, March, Marchmain, Linsey, Lyle, Lyon, Manley, Holroyd, Latymer, Lambert, Heathcote, Henry, Herbert, Holcombe, Hardcastle, Dyncott, Eyre, Darby, Darcy, Dartrey, Boothroyd, Cloyne, Aldersey, Allenby,
16% W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Twynam, Waite, Walmesley, Walsham, Ward, Waring, Waters, Webster, Weir, Wellesley, Weston, Whately, Whitbread, Whitmore, Wilding, Willard, Windermere, Woodham, Woolcombe, Worthington, Wrenn, Wrotham, Wyndham, Townley, Rowe, Sheringham, Smallwood, Swann, Selwood, Seward, Remington, Ridgway, Reading, Newell, Mowbray, Montgomery, Morgan, Longleat, Loring, Le Strange, Leigh, Langley, Gale, Gascoigne, Gatacre, Gillett, Girling, Goddard, Godwin, Gosling, Grant, Greenwood, Gresham, Haddington, Harrington, Howard, Howell, Lainshaw, Lawrence, Holloway, Harworth, Hawley, Harmsworth, Castlemaigne, Charrington, Bowes, Caldwell, Bingley, Bainbridge, Basing, Armytage, Addington, Chetwynd, Clowes, Dewey, Edwards, Dashwood,
14% U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Woodruff, Yarborough, Turner, Woburn, Stuart, Thorburn, Norbury, Scarborough, Scrutton, Russell,  Malmesbury, Montague, Lumley, Hunt, Labrune, Guy, Haughton, Gainsborough, Cunningham, Durham, Courage, Courteney, Brodhurst, Broughton, Buchan, Burnaby, Bushby, Arbuthnot, Auden,
10% V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Waldegrave, Valmere, Umfraville, Vercoe, Vere, Travers, Tofte, Streatfield, Thornicroft, Stafford, Stainforth, Silverdale, Somerville, Segrave, Severn, Sarsfield, Ruthven, Rycroft, Revesby, Rivers, Ravensdale, Redfearn, Musgrove, Radcliffe, Merivale, Mieville, Hyndford, Irving, Lovell, Harford, Hargreaves, Graves, Greaves, Greville, Fanthorpe, Farrington, Fiennes, Fleming, Follett, Freeman, Englefield, Fairbairn, Davenant, de Ville, Darnford, Congreve, Crawford, Cleverdon, Clive, Bradford, Breville, Beverley, Beaufort, Bedford, Balfour, Alford, Caversham,
7% P, V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Stanhope, Temple, Spencer, Spottiswood, Pagnell, Pavey, Pelham, Pember, Penney, Pepys, Percy, Petrie, Pitcairn, Pole, Pond, Priestley, Purnell, Purves, Oliphant, Napier, Nelthorpe, Althorp,
6% K, P, V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Stokes, Straker, Stark, Peake, Rooke, Oaksey, Keen, Kemble, Kingscote, Kingsford, Knight, Foulkes, Carrick, Erskine, Blake, Brooke, Birkbeck, Beck, Bicknell, Alanbrooke, Bankes,
2% X, K, P, V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Wroxley, Roxhythe, Fairfax, Foxlowe, Huxley, Buxtead, Buxton, Devereux, Drax,
1% Q, Z, X, K, P, V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: Urquhart, Quaife, Quicke, Poyntz, Fitzclarence, Fitzherbert, Fitzroy, Hazlehurst, Farquhar, Curzon, Asquith,
<1% J, Q, Z, X, K, P, V, F, U, W, G, Y, B, C, M, D, H, I, T, S, L, N, O, A, R, E: SaintJohn, James,

Conclusion: Originating in the E linguistic group at 64%,

They rise to a cultural Peak at 16% (prior to the appearance of the Stuarts who emerge at 14%) declining to a momentary peak at 10% before they decline down to less than 1%. 

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