Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday 13 January 2024

Linguish Aristocracy: English Aristocracy is a merging of two culturess

 English Aristocracy

Male names
1. Abraham
2. Alan
3. Albert
4. Alexander
5. Alfred
6. Algernon
7. Ambrose
8. Anthony
9. Arthur
10. Augustus
11. Barnabas
12. Bartholomew
13. Basil
14. Benedict
15. Benjamin
16. Bernard
17. Bertram
18. Charles
19. Christopher
20. Clarence
21. Clive
22. Constantine
23. Cornelius
24. Cuthbert
25. Cyril
26. Edmund
27. Edward
28. Edwin
29. Erasmus
30. Felix
31. Francis
32. Frederick
33. Gabriel
34. Geoffrey
35. George
36. Gerard
37. Gervase
38. Gilbert
39. Guy
40. Harold
41. Hector
42. Henry
43. Herbert
44. Horace
45. Horatio
46. Hugh
47. James
48. Jasper
49. John
50. Jonathon
51. Joseph
52. Julius
53. Justin
54. Lancelot
55. Leonard
56. Louis
57. Marcus
58. Marmaduke
59. Matthew
60. Maurice
61. Miles
62. Nathaniel
63. Nicholas
64. Nigel
65. Oliver
66. Pelham
67. Percival
68. Peregrine
69. Peter
70. Phineas
71. Piers
72. Quentin
73. Rafe
74. Ralph
75. Randolph
76. Raphael
77. Reginald
78. Richard
79. Robert
80. Roger
81. Roland
82. Rupert
83. Samuel
84. Sebastian
85. Stephen
86. Sylvester
87. Theodore
88. Thomas
89. Tobias
90. Tristram
91. Valentine
92. Vernon
93. Walter
94. Warren
95. William

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
58 61%    67 70%   36 37%  29 30%      16 16%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
17 17%    19 20%   17 17%    6    6%       13 13%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
28 29%    8   8%      2    2%     37 38%     17 17%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
34 35%   14 14%     1    1%     58 61%     27 28%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
32 33%    7   7%      7     7%     2    2%       6     6%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
70% E:
61% R, A, E:
38% L, R, A, E:
37% I, L, R, A, E:
35% N, I, L, R, A, E: Alan,
33% T, N, I, L, R, A, E:
30% O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E:
29% H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Horatio, Nathaniel,
28% S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E:
20% C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Lancelot, Nicholas, Francis, Hector, Horace, Charles, Clarence, Constantine,
17% D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Richard, Robert, Roland, Sebastian, Theodore, Thomas, Tobias, Tristram, Herbert, Leonard, Albert, Alfred, Ambrose, Barnabas, Basil, Benedict, Benjamin, Bernard, Bertram, Harold, Abraham, Miles,
16% U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Louis, Marcus, Maurice, Samuel, Cornelius, Cuthbert, Edmund, Erasmus, Arthur,
14% P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Rupert, Stephen, Ralph, Randolph, Raphael, Pelham, Peter, Phineas, Piers, Christopher,
13% G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Reginald, Roger, Peregrine, Gabriel, George, Gerard, Gilbert, Algernon, Augustus, Hugh, Nigel,
8% J, G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: James, Jasper, John, Jonathon, Joseph, Julius, Justin,
7% V, W, J, G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Valentine, Vernon, Walter, Warren, William, Oliver, Percival, Gervase, Matthew, Clive, Edward, Edwin, Bartholomew,
6% Y, F, V, W, J, G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Henry, Sylvester, Guy, Anthony, Cyril, Geoffrey, Rafe,
2% X, K, Y, F, V, W, J, G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Frederick, Felix, Alexander, Marmaduke,
1% Q, X, K, Y, F, V, W, J, G, P, U, D, M, B, C, S, H, O, T, N, I, L, R, A, E: Quentin,
0% Z

Conclusion: 0riginating in the E linguistic group. They peak culturally at 17% before declining down to 1%.

Female Names
1. Ada
2. Adela
3. Adeline
4. Agatha
5. Agnes
6. Alexandra
7. Alice
8. Alithea
9. Amabel
10. Ambrosia
11. Amelia
12. Amice
13. Anne
14. Anthea
15. Antonia
16. Arabella
17. Augusta
18. Avice
19. Barbara
20. Beatrice
21. Blanche
22. Camilla
23. Caroline
24. Cassandra
25. Catherine
26. Cecelia
27. Charlotte
28. Christine
29. Cicely
30. Clara
31. Claudia
32. Constance
33. Corinna
34. Cynthia
35. Delia
36. Desdemona
37. Diana
38. Dido
39. Dorothy
40. Drusilla
41. Edith
42. Eleanor
43. Elizabeth
44. Emma
45. Florence
46. Frances
47. Grace
48. Helen
49. Henrietta
50. Isabel
51. Jane
52. Jennifer
53. Joanna
54. Jocelyn
55. Laura
56. Livia
57. Lucretia
58. Lydia
59. Madeline
60. Margaret
61. Marjorie
62. Mary
63. Matilda
64. Maud
65. Meredith
66. Millicent
67. Minerva
68. Miranda
69. Nicola
70. Octavia
71. Oriel
72. Penelope
73. Philippa
74. Phoebe
75. Phyllis
76. Priscilla
77. Prudence
78. Rachel
79. Rebecca
80. Rosamond
81. Sapphira
82. Sarah
83. Sibyl
84. Sophia
85. Sophronia
86. Stephanie
87. Susan
88. Sylvia
89. Theodora
90. Theodosia
91. Venetia
92. Veronica
93. Victoria
94. Virginia
95. Yvonne

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
77 81%    56 58%   53 55%   27 28%     8     8%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
11 11%    31 32%    23 24%   3    3%       6     6%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
25 26%    5    5%     0    0%     40 42%     18 18%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
40 42%    10 10%    0    0%     41 43%     22 23%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
25 26%    10 10%    0     0%    1    1%       10 10%

Z      %
1    1%

Popularity of use
81% A:
58% E, A:
55% I, E, A:
43% R, I, E, A:
42% N, L, R, I, E, A: Anne,
32% C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Cecelia, Clara, Rachel, Alice,
28% O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Corinna, Eleanor, Nicola, Oriel, Caroline,
26% T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Helen, Henrietta, Catherine, Charlotte, Anthea, Antonia, Alithea,
24% D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Delia, Diana, Dido, Edith, Theodora, Ada, Adela, Adeline,
23% S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Sarah, Theodosia, Christine, Constance, Cassandra,
18% M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Madeline, Matilda, Meredith, Millicent, Miranda, Rosamond, Desdemona, Emma, Amelia, Amice, Camilla,
11% B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Isabel, Rebecca, Arabella, Barbara, Beatrice, Blanche, Amabel, Ambrosia,
10% Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Venetia, Veronica, Victoria, Yvonne, Sibyl, Sophia, Sophronia, Stephanie, Sylvia, Sapphira, Penelope, Philippa, Phoebe, Phyllis, Priscilla, Livia, Lydia, Mary, Dorothy, Cicely, Cynthia, Avice, Octavia, Minerva,
8% U, Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Prudence, Susan, Lucretia, Maud, Laura, Claudia, Drusilla,
6% G, U, Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Margaret, Virginia, Augusta, Grace, Agatha, Agnes,
5% J, G, U, Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Marjorie, Jane, Joanna, Jocelyn,
3% F, J, G, U, Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Florence, Frances, Jennifer,
1% Z, X, F, J, G, U, Y, V, P, B, M, S, D, T, H, O, C, N, L, R, I, E, A: Alexandra, Elizabeth,
0% W, Q, K

Conclusion: Female English Aristocracy originate in the A-E-I linguistic subgroup as Irish and Scottish lowland females. They peak at 10% before declining down to 1%.

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