Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Humans Fuck Yeah: Need a Xeno for your fiction?


A small, hairless, red-horned hominid species from the Alpha Centauri Binary System Who achieved a degree of Technological dominance sufficient to allow them to colonize both the Alpha Centauri Star Systems, and were sending probes to the Proxima System when they detected human signals from Earth. From what they have seen of Humanity, they are increasingly terrified that the violent and warlike anarchy over four light-years away will one day turn their monstrous brutality to the nXIX.
They extract protiens and other nutrients from 'Pril', a sweet fungi common to their homeworld. It now grows in orbiting Agricultural stations and sleeper ships moving colonists to the adjacent star of their Star Systems.
They wear a protective clothing made from tree-sap resin similar to silk from silk-worms. 'Ret' is a traditional plant resin that is farmed not only for clothing, but for all manour of construction- from armour, and housing construction, to even the solar sails of their ships.
They have large, dark compound eyes that see in the UV spectrum and red horns growing from the sides of their heads that flush red with emotions such as hostility. Their skin is otherwise pale, a remnant of their nocturnal species.

Dictionary of the nXIX
1. Ret (tree resin used in various manufacturing)
2. Pril (sweet, protien rich fungi)
3. nXIX (sentient hominid space faring race of the Alpha Centauri System).
4. Uush-nnn (a derogatory term for humans meaning 'something undesired')
5. Kuk (a sound made by clearing throat. Usually used as a non-spoken affirmation, also used as an order when commanding others to move)
6. UuX (a non-spoken grunt made as a signal of distress at the sight of injury or death of another- the horns of the nXIX will go pale as their skin colour)
7. Hnnn (a hostile vocalization-  horns flushing red if particularly pissed off)

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Linguistic Archaeology: The Lenap before At-Lendh-ies

 Pre-History of the Lenap

45% Counting down from Three.
• Nacha (three);

43% They are at this time 100% H linguistic Group. Count reaches Two. They are coastal, and involved in the harvest of Muscles and Clams as food. Crow (a word originating from the A-K linguistic subgroup to the north) and Eight (a word originating in the T linguistic group to the south).
• Nischa (Two),
• Ehes (Muscle, Clam),
• Nischasch (Seven),
• Achsin (Rock, Stone),
• Chaasch (Eight),
• Ahas (Crow),
• Chans (Brother, Elder Brother),
• Nechasin (Careful One),

40% They encounter Ground Squirrels and Chipmunks for the first time. Linguistic group blurs at this point as A and S use rise to equal to H.
• Anicus (Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, Chipmunk),

37% They are at this time 88% H linguistic group as it becomes dominant. Arrows are in use. Putting this at around 18,000BC? Deer are available as a food source. The region they are in has White Cedar trees. Wood is gathered for various uses including fuel for fires.
• Ilau (Valor, Man of Valor)
• Linchen (Wind, West Wind)
• Natachtu (Wood Gatherer)
• Litchen (Thinker),
• Nechit (Third),
• Tschitani (Stronger),
• Etschihillat (Mediator),
• Ehalluchsit (Mighty and Powerful One),
• Nihillatchi (Free One, to Be One’s Own Person),
• Helleniechsin (Indian Language, One Who Speaks),
• Tatchen (Little One),
• Nitis (Companion),
• Tschutti (Comrade),
• Achtu (Deer),
• Talala (Cedar, White Cedar Tree),
• Alluns (Arrow),

At 33% a great journey is undertaken...

Linguistic Archaeology: Clams


Clams & Muscles in almost every language
1. Clam
2. molusqe
3. kilami
4. hadia
5. Kakghamort
6. *M (Assamese)
7. Almeja
8. Kclcn
9. Txirla
10. Maliusk
11. Klyāma
12. Školjka
13. Mida
14. Cloïssa
15. Há
16. Škeble
17. Musling
18. *LM* (dhivehi)
19. C* (dogri)
20. Tweekleppig schelpdier
21. Konko (esperanto)
22. Karp
23. kabibe
24. Simpukka
25. Palourde
26. Ameixa
27. Muschel
28. Achiváda
29. Klēma
30. Paloud
31. CDP* (hebrew)
32. klaim
33. Kagyló
34. Samloka
35. Kerang
36. Mollusco
37. Hamaguri
38. Klām
39. Klem
40. ktam
41. *M (konkani)
42. daehab
43. Klam
44. Sedef (kurmanji kurdish)
45. KPA* (sorani kurdish)
46. hony
47. Gliemenes
48. Palome
49. Moliuskas
50. Klamm
51. Mida
52. C* (maithili)
53. Mpihady Lavaka
54. Arzella
55. Cram
56. Klĕma
57. khyasaa
58. gone
59. Musling
60. Kilaam
61. KLEM (pashto)
62. PDF (persian)
63. Małż
64. Molusco
65. Kalaima
66. scoică
67. Mollyusk
68. Ui
69. *M (sanskrit)
70. Clach
71. KLM (sindhi)
72. klæm
73. Mussla
74. molljusk
75. Kiḷām
76. H̄xy
77. C*M (tigrinya)
78. deniz tarağı
79. gysgyç
80. molyusk
81. KLYM (urdu)
82. Yên tĩnh
83. Kilamu

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
49 59%    21 25%   27 32%  18 21%     19  22%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2    2%     15 17%    11 13%   2    2%       11 13%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
13 15%    2   2%      36 44%    48 58%    47   57%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
8    9%      10 11%   1    1%     10 11%      23 27%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
5    5%     2   2%       1    1%     3    3%       11 14%

Z      %
3    3%

Popularity of use
59% A:
58% L, A:
57% M, L, A: *M (Assamese), *LM* (dhivehi), *M (konkani), *M (sanskrit)
44% K, M, L, A: Klam, Klamm, KLM (sindhi), Klām,
32% I, K, M, L, A: Kilaam, Kalaima, Kiḷām, kilami, klaim,
27% S, I, K, M, L, A:
25% E, S, I, K, M, L, A: KLEM (pashto), klæm, Klĕma, Klēma, Klem,
22% U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Mussla, Kilamu, Ui, Maliusk,
21% O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Moliuskas, Samloka,
17% C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: scoică, C*M (tigrinya), Molusco, C* (maithili), C* (dogri), Mollusco, Cloïssa, Kclcn, Clam,
15% H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Muschel, Clach, Há,
14% Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: molyusk, KLYM (urdu), khyasaa, Klyāma, Mollyusk,
13% G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Mida, gysgyç, Kagyló, hadia, Mida,
11% R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Mpihady Cram, KPA* (sorani kurdish), Palome, Paloud, CDP* (hebrew), Hamaguri, Karp, Simpukka, Palourde,
9% N, R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: gone, Musling, hony, Gliemenes, Konko (esperanto), Kerang, Musling,
5% T, N, R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Kakghamort, Yên tĩnh, ktam,
3% Z, X, T, N, R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: H̄xy, deniz tarağı, Arzella, Małż, Ameixa, Txirla,
2% B, F, V, J, Z, X, T, N, R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: Sedef (kurmanji kurdish), PDF (persian), Škeble, kabibe, molljusk, Školjka, Almeja, Achiváda, Lavaka,
1% W, Q, B, F, V, J, Z, X, T, N, R, P, G, D, Y, H, C, O, U, E, S, I, K, M, L, A: molusqe, Tweekleppig schelpdier,

Conclusion: Originating in the A-L-M subgroup.
A-L-M subgroup           Sex         %        Dev. Chain
• Clam                             59%     (A; L; M; K; I; S)
• Milk                               45%     (A; L; M; E; I; K; U; S)
Notes: US

Partial Clams at 57% with the earliest full clams at 44%-32% (during which K, L, M are 100%). A bandgap occurs at 27% before returning at 25%. Popularity peaks at 17%, 11%, and 2% before declining down at 1%.

Friday, 26 January 2024

Linguistic Archaeology: Lenap Dictionary (part 3)

 Popularity of Use

74% A:

64% N, A:

63% E, N, A:

58% I, E, N, A:

56% H, I, E, N, A:

45% C, H, I, E, N, A: Nacha (Three),

43% S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Nischa (Two), Ehes (Muscle, Clam), Nischasch (Seven), Achsin (Rock, Stone), Chaasch (Eight), Ahas (Crow), Chans (Brother, Elder Brother), Nechasin (Careful One),

40% U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Anicus (Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, Chipmunk),

37% T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Ilau (Valor, Man of Valor), Linchen (Wind, West Wind), Natachtu (Wood Gatherer), Litchen (Thinker), Nechit (Third), Tschitani (Stronger), Etschihillat (Mediator), Ehalluchsit (Mighty and Powerful One), Nihillatchi (Free One, to Be One’s Own Person), Helleniechsin (Indian Language, One Who Speaks), Tatchen (Little One), Nitis (Companion), Tschutti (Comrade), Achtu (Deer), Talala (Cedar, White Cedar Tree), Alluns (Arrow),

33% W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Memeu (Woodcock), Wisaweu (Yellow), Chesimus (Younger Brother), Wsihuwen (Winner), Wiechcheu (Wolf), Wulelemi (Wonderful One), Metellen (Ten), Wilawi (Valuable One), Welauchsit (Well Behaved), Wawulamallessin (Well, He Who Is Always Well), Wuliechsin (Speaks Plainly, One Who Speaks Plainly or Pronounces Well), Eenhawachtin (Satisfies, One Who Satisfies Others), Nemen (Sees, He Who Sees), Witahemui (Service), Meschatamen (Remembers, He Who Remembers), Alachimuin (Rests, He Who Rests), Acheweli (Necessary), Wachtschu (Mountain), Machelensin (Minded, High-Minded One), Meteu (Medicine Man), Mihillusis (Man, Old Man), Elauwit (Hunter), Nimawanachen (Journey, One Who Prepares for a Great Journey), Wulilisseu (Kind One), Wunita (Knows, One Who Knows How), Lehellechemhaluwet (Life, One Who Gives Life), Wannessin (Forgetful One), Wilawilihan (Generous One), Wulamehelleu (Gentle One), Wulihan (Good, He Who Does Good for Others), Awullsu (Good One), Eluwilissit (Gracious One), Macheu (Great), Wulamallessin (Happy One), Nimenees (Hawk, Fish Hawk), Witscheman (Helpful One), Mamalis (Deer, Young Deer), Natenummen (Discerning One), Allum (Dog), Allumes (Dog, Little Dog), Amimi (Dove), Wulenensin (Dresses Well, One Who Dresses Well), Wulilaweman (Comforts, One Who Comforts), Amemens (Child), Lachauweleman (Concerned, He Who Is Concerned), Awullsu (Fine One), Netami (First), Wschimuin (Flies, One Who Flies), Chesimus (Brother, Younger Brother), Achewen (Bushy, a Bush), Wdallemunsit (Cattle Owner), Nimat (Brother), Elemussit (Away, He Who Goes Away), Amoe (Bee), Wulilissin (Behaves, He Who Behaves Well), Wulit (Best), Awehhelleu (Bird), Wawulauchsin (Blamelessly, He Who Lives Blamelessly), Tschimalus (Bluebird), Ichauweleman (Advantage, One Who Gives Advantage Unto Others),

26% O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Ahoweli (Willful), Wowoatammowino (Wise Man), Nechochwen (Walks, He Who Walks Alone), Amoe (Wasp), Aschowin (Swimmer), Memsochet (Traveler), Nechochwen (Travels, He Who Travels Alone), Tschitanissohen (Strengthens, One Who Strengthens), Achewon (Strong One), Wowoatam (Skillful One), Wulamoc (Speaks, He Who Speaks Truly), Achewon (Spiritual One), Allouchsit (Mighty One), Atschimolehan (Relates, One Who Relates), Ahoaltuwi (Loving One), Lenno (Man), Lennotit (Man, Little Man), Natoochton (Inquiring One), Menantschiwon (Left-Handed One), Wulisso (Handsome One), Lauchsoheen (Happy, He Who Makes Others Happy), Muchomes (Grandfather), Newo (Four), Wulalowe (Fox, Black Fox), Mos (Elk), Ahoatam (Esteemed One), Awonn (Fog, Mist), Mowichleu (Dove, Wild Dove), Nihillasohen (Delivers, One Who Delivers), Atschimolsin (Counselor), Witatschimolsin (Counsels, One Who Holds Council), Oleleu (Bullfrog), Amocholes (Canoe, Little Canoe), Anatschiton (Cares, One Who Cares), Wulalowe (Black Fox), Amochol (Boat), Olsittam (Believer), Ahotasu (Beloved), Witatschimolsin (Adviser), Nechoha (Alone, One Who Is Alone),

25% G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Wulalogewagan (Work, One Who Does Good Work), Achowalogen (Worker, Hard Worker), Ganschelalogen (Wonders, One Who Does Great Wonders), Achgameu (Wide One), Nuwingi (Willing One), Wulamoewaganit (Truthful One), Gischileu (True, He Who Has Proven True), Nagatamen (Trusted, One Who Can Be Trusted), Nageuchsowagan (Trustworthy One), Genamuwi (Thankful One), Achowalogen (Toiler), Wewingtonheet (Talker), Mantowagan (Spiritual, One Who Has Spiritual Power), Clamhattenmoagan (Steady One), Achsinnigeu (Stony), Wulantowagan (Spirits, He Who Has Good Spirits), Tangetto (Small One), Guhn (Snow), Amangiechsin (Speaker, Loud Speaker), Tschitgussin (Silent One), Nachgohuman (Sings, One Who Sings), Guttasch (Six), Allogagan (Serves, He Who Serves), Wihungen (Sacrifices, One Who Sacrifices), Nagatamen (Reliable One), Alachimoagan (Restless One), Achgiguwen (Noisy One), Longachsiss (Nephew), Gattati (Near), Amiga (Long One), Achgettemagelo (Merciful One), Elogamgussit (Messenger), Tgauchsu (Mild One), Gischihan (Makes, He Who Makes), Glistam (Listener), Achgiguwen (Lively One), Segauchsin (Lives Long, One Who Lives Long), Amangi (Large One), Langoma (Kinsman), Weuchsowagan (Knowledge, One Who Has Knowledge), Gettemagelensit (Humble One), Tangitehewagan (Humility, One Who Has Humility), Achgiguwen (Jocular One), Nageuchsin (Hopeful One), Meechgalanne (Hawk), Achginchen (Hears, One Who Hears Well), Amangi (Great One), Gawi (Groundhog), Tgauchsin (Good-Natured One), Genamuwi (Grateful One), Guttgennemen (Gives, One Who Gives Back), Niganit (Foremost One), Elangomat (Friend), Tgauchsin (Friendly One), Nosogamen (Follower), Tschitanigachen (Firm One), Gihim (Encourages, One Who Encourages), Gischachsummen (Enlightens, One Who Enlightens), Tschitanigachen (Established, One Who Is Established), Guntschitagen (Exhorts, One Who Exhorts), Machtagen (Fighter), Gischihan (Creates, One Who Creates With Hands), Gischeleman (Creates, One Who Creates With Mind), Ganschiechsin (Cries, One Who Cries Aloud), Nageuchsowagan (Confidence, One Who Has Confidence), Sachgachtoon (Cook), Gattamen (Desires, One Who Desires), Gischitehen (Determined One), Lungwamen (Dreamer), Winginamen (Delights, One Who Delights), Gentgeen (Dancer), Manachewagan (Cutter of Wood), Tschitanissowagan (Capable One), Anatschihuwewagan (Cautious One), Achgameu (Broad), Wewingtonheet (Babbler, One Who Is a Babbler), Gawi (Badger), Amangi (Big), Nguttitehen (Agrees, He Who Agrees), Tschitanessoagan (Authority, One Who Has Authority),

24% K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Ktschillachton (Truth, Speaker of the Truth), Kiwikaman (Visitor), Kschochwen (Walker, Fast Walker), Nhakeuchsin (Trusts, One Who Trusts), Leke (True, He Who Is True), Kschihillen (Swiftly, He Who Goes Swiftly), Achgeketum (Teacher), Waskeu (Thin One), Lekhiket (Writer), Skattek (Zealous One), Tschikenum (Turkey), Achgook (Snake), Kuwewanik (Squirrel, Red Squirrel), Memekis (Sheep), Nutemekiset (Shepherd), Elittonhink (Sermon), Allogagan Nehellatank (Servant of the Lord), Lattoniken (Searches, One Who Searches), Lekhiket (Secretary), Elachtoniket (Seeker), Leke (Loyal One), Assisku (Mud, Clay), Tschisgokus (Robin), Kschamehhellan (Runner, Fast Runner), Achgiiki (Mocking, Jesting), Klamhattenamin (Mind, One of Calm Mind), Gilkissin (Laughing One), Takachsin (Leader), Alloku (Lean), Kschikan (Knife), Laktschehellan (Jumps, One Who Jumps), Allohakasin (Instructs, One Who Instructs), Anhoktonhen (Interpreter), Kittakima (King, Great King), Nutiket (Guard), Kichkinet (Guide), Kittan (Great River), Kittahikan (Great Sea), Asgask (Green), Kaak (Goose, Wild Goose), Kigischgotum (Grasshopper), Woakus (Fox, Gray Fox), Menhakehhamat (Gardener), Achtschinkhalan (Forceful One), Hakihet (Farmer), Tschitanek (Fast One), Wetochwink (Father, One Who Is a Father), Keechen (Few Times), Amangamek (Fish Names Fish, Large Fish), Kikehuwet (Cures, One Who Cures), Kikehuwet (Doctor), Gegekhuntschik (Elected One), Gegekhuntschik (Chosen, One), Kschiechek (Clean One), Achgumhok (Cloud), Taleka (Crane), Allowat Sakima (Chief, Mighty Chief), Elikus (Ant), Segachtek (Ardent One), Wingolauchsik (Cheerful), Sakima (Chief), Mehokhokus (Cedar, Red Cedar Tree), Klamhattenamin (Calm-Minded One), Mechmauwikenk (Camper), Wikhetschik (Builder), Wischiki (Busy One), Skahenso (Boy), Sukachgook (Black Snake), Kschiechelensin (Blameless One), Tskennak (Bird, Blackbird), Sukeu (Black), Sukamek (Black Fish), Elgigunkhaki (Big, One Who Is Big and Wide), Wihhinachk (Birch Tree), Kschiechgochgihillen (Bleed, One Who Bleeds Fast),

21% P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Wapsu (White), Lippoe (Wise One), Luppoewagan (Witty One), Papaches (Woodpecker), Netopalis (Warrior), Wewoapisak (Watchman), Kschiechpecat (Water, Clear Water), Chuppecat (Water, Deep Water), Klampeechen (Water, Still Water), Pesoop (Waits, He Who Waits), Pemsit (Walker), Apensuwi (Useful One), Pallikteminak (Unlucky One), Tulpe (Turtle), Gachpees (Twin), Pennauweleman (Thoughtful One), Nipahwochwen (Traveler, Night Traveler), Mawachpo (Treasurer), Epit (There, One Who Is There), Alappiechsin (Talker, Fast Talker), Wulaptonen (Speaks, He Who Speaks Favorably), Tschepsit (Stranger), Lachpiechsin (Speaker, Fast Speaker), Happachpoon (Saddle), Pehachpamhangik (Sailor, or Seafarer), Gispuin (Satisfied One), Ganschapuchk (Rock, Big Rock), Apatschin (Returns, He Who Returns), Pawallessin (Rich Man), Schachachgapewi (Righteous One), Sipo (River), Pischk (Night Hawk), Peschgonk (Nine), Pechotschigalit (Neighbor), Tachpachiwi (Modest One), Pichpemmetonhet (Minister), Welapensit (Lucky One), Gachpallan (Lifesaver), Aspenummen (Lifts, One Who Lifts Up), Ksinachpin (Leisure, One Who Is at Leisure), Achpamsin (Hiker), Schachachgapewi (Honest One), Gattopuin (Hungry One), Pischk (Hawk, Night Hawk), Pachsiwi (Half), Wapantpeu lenno (Gray-Headed One), Lachpikin (Grows, One Who Grows Fast), Epigachint (Foundation), Gagiwanantpehellan (Giddy One), Palenachtchegit (Fifth), Sasappis (Firefly, Lightning Bug), Wulowachtauwoapin (Farsighted One), Lippoe (Experienced One), Tschetschpi (Different One), Lilchpin (Diligent One), Pohonasin (Drum Beater), Woapalanne (Eagle, Bald Eagle), Ahowoapewi (Endurance, He Who Has Endurance), Apensuwi (Enjoyable One), Mawachpo (Collector), Apatschin (Comes Back, He Who Comes Back), Kschippehellen (Current, Strong Current), Atenkpatton (Fireman), Palenach (Five), Wipungweu (Brown), Amatschipuis (Buzzard, Turkey Buzzard), Woapiminschi (Chestnut Tree), Pilapeu (Boy, Big Boy), Pilawetit (Boy, Little Boy), Ganschapuchk (Boulder), Hattape (Bow -as in bow and arrow), Welapensit (Blessed One), Schiwapew (Blue), Klakaptonaganall (Amusing One), Kittaptonen (Assures, One Who Assures), Woapalanne (Bald Eagle), Moschakantpeu (Bald-Headed One), Wulowachtauwoapin (Beyond, He Who Looks Beyond), Kikape (Bachelor), Apatschin (Back, One Who Comes Back), Witawematpanni (Assistant), Witawematpanni (Aids, One Who Aids), Topi (Alder Tree), Achpineen (Abode, Residence), Pakantschiechen (Accomplished One), Pommissin (Afoot, He Who Goes Afoot),

7% D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Pendamen (Understanding One), Wundchenneu (West), Achowelendam (Thinker, Deep Thinker), Apuelendam (Thinks, One Who Thinks Easily), Nendawen (Torch Carrier), Memhallamund (Trader), Amendchewagan (Stubborn One), Uschuwelendam (Sorrowful One), Schind (Spruce Tree), Damaskus (Muskrat), Amandamuwi (Sensitive One), Memhallamund (Merchant), Wulelendam (Merry One), Wulelendam (Joyful One), Nendawagan (Lamp), Nendawen (Lamp Carrier), Gelackelendam (Funny One), Wdee (Heart), Witschindin (Helper), Asgalendam (Impatient One), Tindeuchen (Fire Maker), Wendamen (Fisherman), Allowelendam (Esteemed, One Who Is Highly Esteemed), Wdallowelemuwi (Excellent One), Glakelendam (Excited One), Klakelendam (Extravagant One), Apendamen (Enjoys, One Who Enjoys), Mamchachwelendam (Endures, He Who Endures Pain), Kittlelendamwagan (Earnest One), Apuelendam (Easily, One Who Thinks Easily), Ksinelendam (Easy One), Tepelendam (Contented One), Wdehiwi (Cordial One), Wimachtendienk (Brotherhood), Andhanni (Bull Frog), Ksinelendam (Carefree One), Gendatehundin (Carpenter), Awelendam (Certain, One Who Is Certain), Achgindamen (Book Reader), Witschindin (Assists, One Who Assists), Papenauwelendam (Attention, One Who Gets Attention), Nachgundin (Agreeable One),

5% Q, D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Giskhaquen (Woodcutter), Achpequot (Wounded One), Sanquen (Weasel), Quekolis (Whippoorwill), Sakquelendamen (Troubled, the Troubled One), Achpiquon (Violin Player), Gunaquot (Tall One), Wiquihillau (Tired One), Wulaptonaelchukquonk (Speaks, One Who Advocates Our Cause), Allanque (Star), Quis (Son), Achpoques (Mouse), Sakquelendam (Sad One), Woaphokquawon (Hair, Gray Hair), Allquepi (Hat, Cap), Tsquall (Frog), Woaphokquawon (Gray Hair), Esquande (Door), Nutschisquandawet (Doorkeeper), Quilawelensin (Doubtful One), Gischquik (Day), Chitquen (Deep Water), Ehachquink (Clothing), Taquatschin (Cold One), Machque (Bear), Ktemaque (Beaver), Mehokquiman (Bird, Redbird), Akquiwan (Blanket), Nanatschitaquik (Business Manager), Nianque (Cat, Wildcat),

3% J, Q, D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Ajanhelendam (Unconcerned One), Wulapejuwagan (Upright One), Japeechen (River, One Who Is Along the River, Bank, or Shore), Haschawije (Square One), Najundam (Load, One Who Carries a Load), Nenajunges (Horse), Nenajungeshammen (Horseback Rider), Wulapeju (Just One), Wulapeju (Honorable One), Ajanhelendam (Indifferent One), Ajapeu (Buck, deer), Sisilija (Buffalo), Ajummen (Buys, One Who Buys), Japeechen (Along the Bank), Wachejeu (Bright),

2% X, J, Q, D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Elgixin (Worthy One), Wulinaxin (Looks, One Who Looks Fine), Wischixin (Nimble One), Machelemuxit (Honored One), Gegachxis (Lizard), Wipunxit (Gray), Langomuwinaxin (Friendly Looking One), Wischixin (Exerts, One Who Exerts Himself), Wischixin (Active One), Lachxowilenno (Captain),

1% Y, B, X, J, Q, D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Mbi (Water), Achpateuny (Wind, East Wind), Bischik (Sure One), Ngutteleneyachgat (Single One), Blaknik (Squirrel, Flying Squirrel), Nischeneyit (Second), Bihilewen (Hoarse, One Who Is Hoarse), Neweleneyit (Fourth), Kikeyjumhet (Elder), Achibis (First Aid, He Who Gives First Aid), Achgikbi (Elm Tree), Gebtschaat (Clown), Gegeyjumhet (Chief, Head Chief), Tuney (Bearded One), Kikey (Aged One), Bambil (Book),

<1% Z, Y, B, X, J, Q, D, P, K, G, O, W, M, T, L, U, S, C, H, I, E, N, A: Zelozelos (Cricket), Mizin (Eater),

0% V, R, F

Conclusion: They are in the Atlantis subgroup...  

A-N-E subgroup    sex       %             dev. Chain                    cultural band gap
At-lendh-eis                        96%          (A; N; E; I; T)
Delaware                M         94%          (A; N; E; O; M, K, H)               U
To Journey                         76%          (A; N; E; R; T; I; O; U)
Lenap Dictionary                74%          (A; N; E; I; H; C)
To Circumcise                    70%          (A; N; E; I; R; T; U; K)
The Moon                           70%          (A; N; E; M, L; U, I)
Great Stone                        63%          (A; N; E; R; T; I; L)
Sky                                       53%          (A; N; E; S; I; M; L; U; H)

Linguistic Archaeology: Lenap Dictionary (part 2)

 Lenap Dictionary (Section 2)

1. Achpamsin (Hiker)
2. Bihilewen (Hoarse, One Who Is Hoarse)
3. Schachachgapewi (Honest One)
4. Wulapeju (Honorable One)
5. Machelemuxit (Honored One)
6. Nageuchsin (Hopeful One)
7. Nenajunges (Horse)
8. Nenajungeshammen (Horseback Rider)
9. Gettemagelensit (Humble One)
10. Tangitehewagan (Humility, One Who Has Humility)
11. Gattopuin (Hungry One)
12. Elauwit (Hunter)
13. Asgalendam (Impatient One)
14. Helleniechsin (Indian Language, One Who Speaks)
15. Ajanhelendam (Indifferent One)
16. Natoochton (Inquiring One)
17. Allohakasin (Instructs, One Who Instructs)
18. Anhoktonhen (Interpreter)
19. Achgiguwen (Jocular One)
20. Nimawanachen (Journey, One Who Prepares for a Great Journey)
21. Wulelendam (Joyful One)
22. Laktschehellan (Jumps, One Who Jumps)
23. Wulapeju (Just One)
24. Wulilisseu (Kind One)
25. Kittakima (King, Great King)
26. Langoma (Kinsman)
27. Kschikan (Knife)
28. Weuchsowagan (Knowledge, One Who Has Knowledge)
29. Wunita (Knows, One Who Knows How)
30. Nendawagan (Lamp)
31. Nendawen (Lamp Carrier)
32. Amangi (Large One)
33. Gilkissin (Laughing One)
34. Takachsin (Leader)
35. Alloku (Lean)
36. Ksinachpin (Leisure, One Who Is at Leisure)
37. Menantschiwon (Left-Handed One)
38. Lehellechemhaluwet (Life, One Who Gives Life)
39. Gachpallan (Lifesaver)
40. Aspenummen (Lifts, One Who Lifts Up)
41. Glistam (Listener)
42. Tatchen (Little One)
43. Achgiguwen (Lively One)
44. Segauchsin (Lives Long, One Who Lives Long)
45. Gegachxis (Lizard)
46. Najundam (Load, One Who Carries a Load)
47. Amiga (Long One)
48. Wulinaxin (Looks, One Who Looks Fine)
49. Ahoaltuwi (Loving One)
50. Leke (Loyal One)
51. Welapensit (Lucky One)
52. Gischihan (Makes, He Who Makes)
53. Lenno (Man)
54. Lennotit (Man, Little Man)
55. Mihillusis (Man, Old Man)
56. Etschihillat (Mediator)
57. Meteu (Medicine Man)
58. Memhallamund (Merchant)
59. Achgettemagelo (Merciful One)
60. Wulelendam (Merry One)
61. Elogamgussit (Messenger)
62. Ehalluchsit (Mighty and Powerful One)
63. Allouchsit (Mighty One)
64. Tgauchsu (Mild One)
65. Klamhattenamin (Mind, One of Calm Mind)
66. Machelensin (Minded, High-Minded One)
67. Pichpemmetonhet (Minister)
68. Achgiiki (Mocking, Jesting)
69. Tachpachiwi (Modest One)
70. Wachtschu (Mountain)
71. Achpoques (Mouse)
72. Assisku (Mud, Clay)
73. Ehes (Muscle, Clam)
74. Damaskus (Muskrat)
75. Gattati (Near)
76. Acheweli (Necessary)
77. Pechotschigalit (Neighbor)
78. Longachsiss (Nephew)
79. Pischk (Night Hawk)
80. Wischixin (Nimble One)
81. Peschgonk (Nine)
82. Achgiguwen (Noisy One)
83. Atschimolehan (Relates, One Who Relates)
84. Nagatamen (Reliable One)
85. Meschatamen (Remembers, He Who Remembers)
86. Alachimoagan (Restless One)
87. Alachimuin (Rests, He Who Rests)
88. Apatschin (Returns, He Who Returns)
89. Pawallessin (Rich Man)
90. Schachachgapewi (Righteous One)
91. Sipo (River)
92. Japeechen (River, One Who Is Along the River, Bank, or Shore)
93. Tschisgokus (Robin)
94. Ganschapuchk (Rock, Big Rock)
95. Kschamehhellan (Runner, Fast Runner)
96. Wihungen (Sacrifices, One Who Sacrifices)
97. Happachpoon (Saddle)
98. Sakquelendam (Sad One)
99. Pehachpamhangik (Sailor, or Seafarer)
100. Gispuin (Satisfied One)
101. Eenhawachtin (Satisfies, One Who Satisfies Others)
102. Lattoniken (Searches, One Who Searches)
103. Nischeneyit (Second)
104. Lekhiket (Secretary)
105. Elachtoniket (Seeker)
106. Nemen (Sees, He Who Sees)
107. Amandamuwi (Sensitive One)
108. Elittonhink (Sermon)
109. Allogagan Nehellatank (Servant of the Lord)
110. Allogagan (Serves, He Who Serves)
111. Witahemui (Service)
112. Nischasch (Seven)
113. Memekis (Sheep)
114. Nutemekiset (Shepherd)
115. Tschitgussin (Silent One)
116. Ngutteleneyachgat (Single One)
117. Nachgohuman (Sings, One Who Sings)
118. Guttasch (Six)
119. Wowoatam (Skillful One)
120. Tangetto (Small One)
121. Achgook (Snake)
122. Guhn (Snow)
123. Quis (Son)
124. Uschuwelendam (Sorrowful One)
125. Lachpiechsin (Speaker, Fast Speaker)
126. Amangiechsin (Speaker, Loud Speaker)
127. Wulaptonen (Speaks, He Who Speaks Favorably)
128. Wulamoc (Speaks, He Who Speaks Truly)
129. Wulaptonaelchukquonk (Speaks, One Who Advocates Our Cause)
130. Wuliechsin (Speaks Plainly, One Who Speaks Plainly or Pronounces Well)
131. Wulantowagan (Spirits, He Who Has Good Spirits)
132. Achewon (Spiritual One)
133. Mantowagan (Spiritual, One Who Has Spiritual Power)
134. Schind (Spruce Tree)
135. Haschawije (Square One)
136. Blaknik (Squirrel, Flying Squirrel)
137. Anicus (Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, Chipmunk)
138. Kuwewanik (Squirrel, Red Squirrel)
139. Allanque (Star)
140. Clamhattenmoagan (Steady One)
141. Achsin (Rock, Stone)
142. Achsinnigeu (Stony)
143. Tschepsit (Stranger)
144. Tschitanissohen (Strengthens, One Who Strengthens)
145. Achewon (Strong One)
146. Tschitani (Stronger)
147. Amendchewagan (Stubborn One)
148. Bischik (Sure One)
149. Kschihillen (Swiftly, He Who Goes Swiftly)
150. Aschowin (Swimmer)
151. Wewingtonheet (Talker)
152. Alappiechsin (Talker, Fast Talker)
153. Gunaquot (Tall One)
154. Achgeketum (Teacher)
155. Metellen (Ten)
156. Genamuwi (Thankful One)
157. Epit (There, One Who Is There)
158. Waskeu (Thin One)
159. Litchen (Thinker)
160. Achowelendam (Thinker, Deep Thinker)
161. Apuelendam (Thinks, One Who Thinks Easily)
162. Nechit (Third)
163. Pennauweleman (Thoughtful One)
164. Nacha (Three)
165. Wiquihillau (Tired One)
166. Achowalogen (Toiler)
167. Nendawen (Torch Carrier)
168. Memhallamund (Trader)
169. Memsochet (Traveler)
170. Nipahwochwen (Traveler, Night Traveler)
171. Nechochwen (Travels, He Who Travels Alone)
172. Mawachpo (Treasurer)
173. Sakquelendamen (Troubled, the Troubled One)
174. Leke (True, He Who Is True)
175. Gischileu (True, He Who Has Proven True)
176. Nagatamen (Trusted, One Who Can Be Trusted)
177. Nhakeuchsin (Trusts, One Who Trusts)
178. Nageuchsowagan (Trustworthy One)
179. Ktschillachton (Truth, Speaker of the Truth)
180. Wulamoewaganit (Truthful One)
181. Tschikenum (Turkey)
182. Tulpe (Turtle)
183. Gachpees (Twin)
184. Nischa (Two)
185. Wulapejuwagan (Upright One)
186. Apensuwi (Useful One)
187. Ajanhelendam (Unconcerned One)
188. Pendamen (Understanding One)
189. Pallikteminak (Unlucky One)
190. Ilau (Valor, Man of Valor)
191. Wilawi (Valuable One)
192. Achpiquon (Violin Player)
193. Kiwikaman (Visitor)
194. Pesoop (Waits, He Who Waits)
195. Pemsit (Walker)
196. Kschochwen (Walker, Fast Walker)
197. Nechochwen (Walks, He Who Walks Alone)
198. Netopalis (Warrior)
199. Amoe (Wasp)
200. Wewoapisak (Watchman)
201. Mbi (Water)
202. Kschiechpecat (Water, Clear Water)
203. Chuppecat (Water, Deep Water)
204. Klampeechen (Water, Still Water)
205. Sanquen (Weasel)
206. Welauchsit (Well Behaved)
207. Wawulamallessin (Well, He Who Is Always Well)
208. Wundchenneu (West)
209. Quekolis (Whippoorwill)
210. Wapsu (White)
211. Achgameu (Wide One)
212. Ahoweli (Willful)
213. Nuwingi (Willing One)
214. Achpateuny (Wind, East Wind)
215. Linchen (Wind, West Wind)
216. Wsihuwen (Winner)
217. Lippoe (Wise One)
218. Wowoatammowino (Wise Man)
219. Luppoewagan (Witty One)
220. Wiechcheu (Wolf)
221. Wulelemi (Wonderful One)
222. Ganschelalogen (Wonders, One Who Does Great Wonders)
223. Natachtu (Wood Gatherer)
224. Memeu (Woodcock)
225. Giskhaquen (Woodcutter)
226. Papaches (Woodpecker)
227. Wulalogewagan (Work, One Who Does Good Work)
228. Achowalogen (Worker, Hard Worker)
229. Elgixin (Worthy One)
230. Achpequot (Wounded One)
231. Lekhiket (Writer)
232. Wisaweu (Yellow)
233. Chesimus (Younger Brother)
234. Skattek (Zealous One)

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
363 74% 311 63% 288 58% 131 26%  200 40%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
7    1%     222 45% 36    7%   0     0%      127 25%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
275 56% 17    3%    118 24% 182 37%  164 33%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
315 64% 104 21% 28    5%    0      0%    213 43%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
182 37% 0    0%     166 33%  14    2%      9    1%

Z      %
2   <1%

Continued in part 3.