Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Examining the Orville's Moclan culture

Mochlan dictionary
1. Moclus (homeworld)
2. Da'klaya (a Moclan astrological system)
3. gomaskah ('first date')
4. ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony)
5. Kodashik ('boyfriend')
6. latchkum (a popular party game)
7. n'kafas (site of the ja'loja)
8. oppsada (a popular beverage)
9. plokta (a breakfast cereal)
10. galashkah (?)
11. me'mek-gadlas (?)
12. fekto (?)
13. roshas (?)
14. bam (?)
15. val (?)
16. Bortus (Second Officer of the Orville)
17. Heveena (Famous Novelist; one of the few female Moclans never to undergo gender reassignment surgery)
18. Gondus Elden (Heveena)
19. Jakohn (Captain of a Moclan Battlecruiser)
20. Kagus (Tribunal advocate)
21. Kaybrak (Minister of Internal Affairs)
22. Klyden (Bortus' mate on board the Orville)
23. Korick (Toren's mate. In March 2420, Korick and Toren secretly took their daughter to a sanctuary for Moclan females, rather than see her forcibly changed to male)
24. Locar (Prodigious engineer specializing in Deflector Screens; also notable as a rare heterosexual male)
25. Mersa (A female Moclan taken by Korick and Toren to the sanctuary)
26. Topa (The child of Bortus and Klyden)
27. Toren (Engineer in the Moclan Science Division)

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
20  74%     6  22%      2    7%      15  55%      5     18%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
3   11%      4  14%       5  66%       2    7%        6     22%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
6   22%      2    7%       14  51%     10  37%      5     18%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
6    22%     3  11%       0     0%      7   25%        12  44%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
6   22%      2    7%       0      0%      0     0%        3     11%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
74% A:
66% D, A:
55% O, D, A:
51% K, O, D, A:
44% S, K, O, D, A:
37% L, S, K, O, D, A:
25% R, L, S, K, O, D, A:
22% T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: galashkah (?), roshas (?), Toren (Engineer in the Moclan Science Division),
18% M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: Gondus Elden (Heveena), Kagus (Tribunal advocate), Mersa (A female Moclan taken by Korick and Toren to the sanctuary), me'mek-gadlas (?), gomaskah ('first date'),
14% C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: latchkum (a popular party game), Locar (Prodigious engineer specializing in Deflector Screens; also notable as a rare heterosexual male), Moclus (homeworld),
11% Y, P, B, C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: Kaybrak (Minister of Internal Affairs), Klyden (Bortus' mate on board the Orville), Da'klaya (a Moclan astrological system), Topa (The child of Bortus and Klyden), bam (?), Bortus (Second Officer of the Orville), oppsada (a popular beverage), plokta (a breakfast cereal),
7% F, V, J, I, Y, P, B, C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: n'kafas (site of the ja'loja), fekto (?), ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony), Jakohn (Captain of a Moclan Battlecruiser), Korick (Toren's mate), val (?), Heveena (Famous Novelist), Kodashik ('boyfriend'),
0% Z, X, W, Q

History of the Moclans
Originating in the A-D linguistic Group.

22% the moclan linguistic group begins to emerge; Unknown words of galashkah (?) and roshas (?).

18% the early moclans rise to a small cultural prominance and begin dating [gomaskah ('first date')]- assumedly rather than immediate marriage it allows for moclans to get to know one another and settle into a prefered relationship; unknown word: me'mek-gadlas (?).

14% a Moclan invented a party game called latchkum which becomes globally popular. The planet undergoes 'unification' under the dominant Mochlan culture as the home world is now called Moclus. Moclus achieved what no one else saw coming- the game, escalating in ever increasing odds for the winner, resulted in naming rights- every one was now Moclan, the Race, Culture, and the Planet was named for the Winner.

11% Further development in culture see the emergence of oppsada (a popular beverage) and plokta (a breakfast cereal). Unknown word: bam (?)

7% For some reason* everyone begins 'holding it in', releasing their urine only annually at n'kafas (site of the ja'loja) in an act of ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony). Until recently, moclans urinated anywhere they pleased, with greater regularity. unknown words: fekto (?), val (?),

*Though the mochlan fully literate population is much higher than humans who have been forced to outsource weapons development to moclans, the moclans have considered invading human civiilization with their party game latchkum but are concerned humans wont recognize the rights of the winner- or perhaps there is a fear that as most humans spend an excessive amount of time indulging in drinking, party games, and public urination that they might actually loose to humans. 

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