Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Linguistic Map (March 2022 update PDF)

Download the March update PDF here

Dungeon Mastery: The Death Flag


The Death Flag should never see regular use. Rather you save it for the Princess whose affections a PC have not so much spurned because she is an annoying, clinging pest but because she is the Princess.

The Death Flag can be applied to not just people, but places.

Its why the PC might leave their nameless home village at level one only to feel reminiscent at later, much higher levels, and having returned found it wiped off the map, and they the only survivor.

There are six good Death Flags:

1. An Evil NPC has turned Good. Applying this to the Home town is harder, but it might be applied to a mid-tier villain's base. The base burned, the shrine has been cleansed, and the PCs like the place, but its unexpectedly wiped out by a band of Orcs because it is no longer a military Stronghold. It had thanks to the 'heroes' become a power vaccuum.

2. They talk about how they love their friends. Ideal for that home village where a PCs parent used to sit them on their knee and tell tales of his time as a caravan guard. Dad pats you on the back and tells your PC he loves you in an unexpected moment of emotion.

"You take care of yourself lad and remember... Your Mum and Dad love you."

3. They are blindly loyal. So damn loyal that when the BBEG sends in an agent who says send the PCs a letter to lure the PCs to the village or the village burns, they choose option B.

"Tell your Lord that the Villagers of Muddypuddle spit on his God!"

4. They have family photos. These are there to show how great a loss an NPC is going to be. In a medieval fantasy setting where there are no photos this might be relayed to the PCs as a regular supply of stories and anecdotes.  

"Dont touch that. I'm pretty sure its Wolvesbane. My Gran said there is no cure and you would die in horrible pain."

"I look forward to stopping off for some of my Gran's Rosella flower jam."

5. They reach a point of no return. Pushed to their limits of their power against incredible opponent and suddenly the tide turns against them. The NPC Magic-user tosses them the remaining healing potion, and tells the party that they should retreat to a position of safety while the Wizard throws what little he has at the BBEG to give them a moment to escape. Rather than retreat with them, the Wizard shatters his magic staff detonating its tri-Kobold soul core and the explosion disintegrates the NPC and and momentarily wounds the BBEG.

6. They are too good for this world. Mother Anasta has operated the orphanage where the PC grew up. She has raised many orphans to be fine farmers, blacksmiths, (and the disappointing Mercenary that your PC became though she blames Farmer Gowler for filling your PC's head full of Bard's Tales about Adventurers). The local Lord's soldiers have killed her with a slap from a gauntleted hand, turned the orphanage into a local store house for his siezed grain, and the orphans have been taken by the Lord as part of his army and sent off to war with a rival over some percieved insult.

The crap ones exist to spur the PC on with little build up. This is new wife found stuffed in a fridge on the morning after the wedding night. Or the Village the PC grew up in (that one on the bottom of the Player's character sheet that they never visited but just got shown by the BBEG in his surveilance mirrorbeing burned to the ground).

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

2022 Memes: One year in


Ironic that the final episode of Blakes 7 is older than the kids on r/wallstreetbets.

Linguistic Archaeology: when we started Cutting things

 To Cut in almost every language

1. To Cut
2. Om te sny
3. Te presesh
4. mek’uret’i
5. Liqatae
6. Ktrel
7. KBSMBK (azerbaijani)
8. Moztu
9. Rezać
10. Kāṭatē
11. Izrezati
12. Razryazvam
13. Tallar
14. Pagputol
15. Kudula
16. Qiēgē
17. Per Taglià
18. Rezati
19. K řezu
20. At klippe
21. Snijden
22. Tranĉi (esperanto)
23. Lõikama
24. Gupitin
25. Katkaista
26. Couper
27. Snije
28. Cortar
29. *RA (georgian)
30. Schneiden
31. Na kópso
32. Kāpavā māṭē
33. Pou Koupe
34. Don Yanke
35. Oki
36. *HA* (hebrew)
37. kaatana
38. Txiav
39. Vágni
40. Ath klippa
41. Iji bee
42. Untuk memotong
43. A Ghearradh
44. Tagliare
45. Kiru
46. Kattarisalu
47. Kesw
48. kat
49. Gukata
50. jaleuda
51. Kesüü
52. tad
53. Ad secare (latin)
54. Griezt
55. Kirpti
56. Fir ze schneiden
57. Da se ​​namali
58. Manapaka
59. Untuk memotong
60. muṟikkān
61. Biex Aqta
62. Hei Tapahi
63. Kāpaṇē
64. Taslakh
65. hpyat raan
66. Kāṭnu
67. Å kutte
68. PR*L (pashto)
69. B* (persian)
70. Uciąć
71. Kaṭaṇā
72. A tăia
73. Otrezat'
74. Ia tipi
75. A Ghearradh
76. Ho Seha
77. Kucheka
78. kæpīmaṭa
79. Rezať
80. Si loo gooyo
81. Pikeun motong
82. Kukata
83. Att skära
84. Baroi ʙuridan
85. Veṭṭuvataṟku
86. K*PEPGB (tatar)
87. Kōyuṭaku
88. Thī̀ ca tạd
89. Kesmek
90. Vyrizaty
91. K*SY* (uyghur)
92. Kesmoq
93. Cắt
94. I dorri
95. Ukusika
96. tsu shneyden
97. Lati Ge

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
61  63%     49  51%    40  41%   21     21%       28  29%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
5     5%      11  11%     14  14%    1     1%        16   16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
14  14%     4    4%      44  45%     17  17%      16    16%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
22  22%     20  20%     4     4%      31  32%      23  23%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
50  52%     6    6%       1       1%     2      2%       8       8%

Z       %
8    8%

Popularity of use
63% A:
52% T, A:
51% E, T, A:
45% K, E, T, A: Kāṭatē, kat,
41% I, K, E, T, A: A tăia,
32% R, I, K, E, T, A: *RA (georgian)
29% U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Å kutte, Kesüü, Kiru,
23% S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Att skära, Ukusika, Katkaista,
22% N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Kāṭnu, Kaṭaṇā, kaatana,
21% O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Om te sny, Oki,
20% P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Kirpti, Kāpaṇē, Ia tipi, Na kópso, Pou Koupe,
17% L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Kattarisalu, PR*L (pashto), Tagliare, Tallar, Per Taglià, At klippe, Ktrel,
16% M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Kesmek, Lati Ge, kæpīmaṭa, Pikeun motong, Manapaka, Untuk memotong, muṟikkān, Untuk memotong, Gukata, Kāpavā māṭē, Pagputol, Lõikama, Gupitin, mek’uret’i,
14% H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: A Ghearradh, Ho Seha, I dorri, Hei Tapahi, Taslakh, Da se ​​namali, A Ghearradh, Ath klippa, *HA* (hebrew), Te presesh, tad,
11% C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Ad secare (latin), Uciąć, Thī̀ ca tạd, Cắt, Kucheka, Couper, Cortar, Schneiden, Tranĉi (esperanto), To Cut,
8% Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: K*SY* (uyghur), tsu shneyden, Kōyuṭaku, Si loo gooyo, Don Yanke, hpyat raan, Kudula, K řezu, Izrezati, Moztu, Rezać, Otrezat', Rezať, Rezati, Griezt,
6% V, Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Veṭṭuvataṟku, Vyrizaty, Razryazvam, Vágni,
5% B, V, Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Baroi ʙuridan, K*PEPGB (tatar), B* (persian), KBSMBK (azerbaijani),
4% Q, J, B, V, Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Iji bee, jaleuda, Snijden, Snije, Liqatae, Kesmoq, Qiēgē,
2% X, Q, J, B, V, Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Txiav, Biex Aqta,
1% W, F, X, Q, J, B, V, Y, Z, C, H, D, M, G, L, P, O, N, S, U, R, I, K, E, T, A: Fir ze schneiden, Kesw,

Conclusion: originating in the A-T linguistic sub group;

A-T subgroup    sex          dev. Chain                
Hold Portal                         93% (A; T; R; P; O, L)
To Tattoo                            91% (A; T; O)
Rapa Nui           F               85% (A; T; E, I, K, R)
Tahitian             F               85% (A; T; E; I; R)
Tongan              M             85% (A; T; L; E; U, I)
Plateau                               80% (A; T; L; I, P)
Taboo                                  79% (A; T; U; B; I; M; O)
Vomit                                  78% (A; T; U; I; K; O; N)
Efe                   F                  76% (A; T; E; I, O)
To Cut                                  63% (A; T; E; K; I)

The earliest cuts are at 45% with Kāṭatē (bengali), kat (khmer), peaking at 8% before declining down to 1%.

D&D Memes: Wolvesbane is a Fatal Poison


Monday, 28 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that time we created the knife

 Knife in almost every language

1. Knife
2. Mes
3. Thikë
4. bīlawa
5. sikiyn
6. Danak
7. Bıçaq
8. Aiztoa
9. Nož
10. Churi
11. Nozh
12. Ganivet
13. kutsilyo
14. Mpeni
15. Dāo
16. cuteddu
17. Nůž
18. Kniv
19. tranĉilo (esperanto)
20. nuga
21. kutsilyo
22. veitsi
23. couteau
24. coitelo
25. dana
26. Messer
27. machaíri
28. Charī
29. kouto
30. wuka
31. pahi
32. *N (hebrew)
33. chaakoo
34. riam
35. Kés
36. Hnífur
37. Mma
38. Pisau
39. Scian
40. Coltello
41. Naifu
42. piso
43. Cāku
44. Pışaq
45. kabet
46. Icyuma
47. kal
48. Kêr
49. bıçak
50. mid
51. Cultrum (latin)
52. Nazis
53. antsy
54. katti
55. Sikkina
56. Naihi
57. Cākū
58. Khutga
59. dharr
60. Cakku
61. Nóż
62. Faca
63. Cuţit
64. naifi
65. Sgian
66. Thipa
67. Banga
68. *A* (sindhi)
69. Nôž
70. Mindi
71. Cuchillo
72. péso
73. Kisu
74. Kord
75. PYHA* (tatar)
76. Mīd
77. Bıçak
78. Pyçak
79. nizh
80. PY*AQ (uyghur)
81. Pichoq
82. Dao
83. Cyllell
84. Imela
85. meser
86. Ọbẹ
87. Umbese

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
46  53%     20  23%    43  50%   20     23%      22   25%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
8     9%      22  25%     9   10%      5     5%        5      5%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
16  18%     0    0%       25  29%    10  11%      14    16%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
26  25%     11  12%     4      4%     10    11%      19  22%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
17  19%    3    3%        2      2%      0        0        9       10

Z       %
8     9%

Popularity of use
53% A: *A* (sindhi),
50% I, A:
29% K, I, A:
25% N, C, U, K, I, A: *N (hebrew), Cāku, Cākū, Cakku,
23% O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A:
22% S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Kés, Scian, Sikkina, Kisu,
19% T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: katti, Cuţit, Aiztoa, couteau, kouto,
18% H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: chaakoo, Naihi, Thikë, 
16% M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Mes, Mma,
12% P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Thipa, péso, Pisau, piso, Mpeni, pahi,
11% R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Imela, meser, Cuchillo, kal, Kêr, Cultrum (latin), coitelo, Messer, machaíri, Charī, tranĉilo (esperanto), Churi, riam, Coltello,
10% Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Kord, PYHA* (tatar), Mīd, Pyçak, Dao, Cyllell, Mindi, dharr, mid, antsy, Icyuma, dana, Dāo, cuteddu, kutsilyo, sikiyn, Danak,
9% Z, B, Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Nôž, nizh, Nóż, Nazis, Nozh, Nůž, Nož, Ọbẹ, Umbese, Bıçak, kabet, bıçak,
5% F, G, Z, B, Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Faca, naifi, Hnífur, Naifu, Knife, Sgian, Banga, Khutga, nuga,
4% Q, F, G, Z, B, Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: PY*AQ (uyghur), Pichoq, Bıçaq, Pışaq,
3% V, Q, F, G, Z, B, Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: Kniv, veitsi, Ganivet,
2% W, V, Q, F, G, Z, B, Y, D, R, L, P, M, H, T, S, O, E, N, C, U, K, I, A: bīlawa, wuka,
0% X, J

Conclusion: Originating in the A-I linguistic subgroup,

A-I subgroup          Sex       %                Dev. Chain
Sanskrit                     F         93%            (A; I; H, R; M, T)
Shona                        F         93%            (A; I; M, E; U)
Ugaritic                     M        92%            (A; I; M, R; N, Q, U)
Fante                         F         81%            (A; I; B)
Nyakyusa                 M       80%            (A; I; N, E; S)
Arabic num. (0-9)              80%            (A; I; T, S, H)
Gypsy                        M       64%             (A; I; N, E, O; R; L)
Japanese Rivers                 55%            (A; I; O; S, K, U)
Knife                                    53%            (A; I; K; N, C, U)

The earliest partial knife at less than 53% is *A* (sindhi). This is followed by the bandgap from 50%-29%.
At 25% the partial knife *N (hebrew), as well as the earliest complete knives Cāku (kannada), Cākū (marathi), and Cakku (nepali). This is followed by a second bandgap at 23%.
The knife returns at 22% rising to peak in technological spread at 10% before declining down to 2%.

No discernable pattern other than an increasingly regional subgroup.

2022 Memes: The Joker v. Lex Luthor


Sunday, 27 March 2022

D&D Memes: Gas


Linguistic Archaeology: that first grandmother

 Words in almost every language

1. Grandmother
2. Ouma
3. gjyshja
4. sēti āyati
5. jida
6. tatik
7. NBNB (azerbaijani)
8. amona
9. Babulia
10. Dādi
11. Bako
12. baba
13. àvia
14. Lola
15. Agogo aakazi
16. Zǔmǔ
17. Mammone
18. Baka
19. Babička
20. Bedstemor
21. Grootmoeder
22. Avino (esperanto)
23. Vanaema
24. Isoäiti
25. Grand-mère
26. Beppe
27. avoa
28. bebia
29. Oma
30. Giagiá
31. Dādīmā
32. Grann
33. Kaka
34. Kupunawahine
35. *B*A (hebrew)
36. daadee ma
37. yawg
38. Nagymama
39. Amma
40. Nne nne
41. Nenek
42. seanmháthair
43. Nonna
44. Sobo
45. Mbah
46. Ajji
47. Äje
48. yeay
49. Nyirakuru
50. halmeoni
51. Dapîr
52. Çong ene
53. aemtu
54. Avia (latin)
55. Vecmāmiņa
56. Močiutė
57. Groussmamm
58. Bebe
59. muttaśśi
60. Nanna
61. Kuia
62. Ājī
63. Emee
64. aahpwarr
65. Hajura'āmā
66. Bestemor
67. N* (pashto)
68. *B* (persian)
69. Babcia
70. Avó
71. Dādī
72. bunica
73. Babushka
74. Tinamatua
75. Seanmhair
76. Nkhono
77. Ambuya
78. *A* (sindhi)
79. ācci
80. Ayeeyo
81. Abuela
82. Nini
83. Bibi
84. Mormor
85. Biʙijam
86. Pāṭṭi
87. AB* (tatar)
88. Am'mam'ma
89. Yāy
90. Nene
91. Garry ene
92. babusya
93. M*MYSY (uyghur)
94. Buvijon
95. Bà ngoại
96. Nain
97. Umakhulu
98. bobe
99. Ìyá àgbà
100. Ugogo

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
75  75%     29  29%    38  38%   27     27%     19    19%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
28  28%     7    7%       9     9%      0     0%        14    14%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
12  12%     8    8%       14  14%    5      5%        32    32%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
28  28%     4    4%       0      0%     15    15%      13  13%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
12  12%     7    7%       3       3%       0     0%        13  13%

Z       %
2     2%

Popularity of use
75% A: *A* (sindhi),
38% I, A:
32% M, I, A: Am'mam'ma, Amma,
29% E, M, I, A: Emee,
28% N, B, E, M, I, A: Nene, Nain, N* (pashto), Nini, Nne nne, Nanna, NBNB (azerbaijani), Bibi, AB* (tatar), *B* (persian), baba, bebia, *B*A (hebrew), Bebe,
27% O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Nonna, bobe, Mammone, Oma, amona,
19% U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Ouma,
15% R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Mormor,
14% G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Bà ngoại, Ugogo, Groussmamm, Kuia, Giagiá, Grann, Kaka, Nenek, Bako, Baka,
13% Y, S, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Garry ene, babusya, M*MYSY (uyghur), Ìyá àgbà, Yāy, Ambuya, Ayeeyo, Sobo, yeay, Nyirakuru, Nagymama,
12% T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Babushka, Tinamatua, Seanmhair, Nkhono, muttaśśi, Bestemor, seanmháthair, Mbah, aemtu, Isoäiti, sēti āyati, tatik,
9% D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: daadee ma, Dādī, Dādīmā, Grand-mère, Bedstemor, Grootmoeder, Grandmother, Dādi,
8% J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Hajura'āmā, Biʙijam, Ājī, Ajji, Äje, gjyshja, jida,
7% V, C, J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Avó, Buvijon, avoa, Vecmāmiņa, Vanaema, àvia, Avino (esperanto), ācci, Babcia, bunica, Çong ene, Močiutė, Babička, Avia (latin),
5% L, V, C, J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Abuela, Umakhulu, Lola, halmeoni, Babulia,
4% P, L, V, C, J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Dapîr, Pāṭṭi, Beppe,
3% W, P, L, V, C J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: yawg, aahpwarr, Kupunawahine,
2% Z, W, P, L, V, C, J, D, T, H, Y, S, G, K, R, U, O, N, B, E, M, I, A: Agogo aakazi, Zǔmǔ,
0% F, Q, X

Conclusion: Originating in the A-I-M linguistic subgroup,

A-I-M subgroup       sex     %               dev. Chain                         band gap
Detect Magic                    91%             (A; I; M; E; T; G)
Swahili                         F    78%              (A; I; M; N; U)                    ●●●
Grandmother                    75%              (A; I; M; E)
Magic                                 69%              (A; I; M; R, E; H; S, O)
Swahili                        M    66%             (A; I; M; U; K, N)

The earliest partial Grandmother is at less than 75% *A* (sindhi), followed by a bandgap at 38%. The earliest complete grandmother is at 32% with Am'mam'ma (teluga) and Amma (icelandic).
Peak grandmother is at 28%, before declining down through to 2%.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that time we invented the Axe

 Axe in almost every language

1. Axe
2. Byl
3. Sëpatë
4. ākisi
5. fas
6. Kats’in
7. balta
8. Aizkora
9. Siakiera
10. Kuṭhāra
11. Sjekira
12. bradva
13. Destral
14. Ax
15. Nkhwangwa
16. Fǔtóu
17. Sekera
18. Økse
19. Bijl
20. Hakilo (esperanto)
21. Kirves
22. Hache
23. Bile
24. ajakhi
25. Axt
26. Tsekoúri
27. Kuhāḍī
28. Rach
29. *R*N (hebrew)
30. kulhaadee
31. Fejsze
32. Öxi
33. Anyụike
34. Kapak
35. Tuagh
36. Ascia
37. Ono
38. Koḍali
39. pouthaw
40. dokki
41. Bivir
42. khuaan
43. Securis (latin)
44. Sekira
45. Famaky
46. kēāṭāli
47. Toki
48. Kuṟhāḍa
49. Sükh
50. pu sein
51. Ēksa
52. Øks
53. KURA (odia)
54. *B* (Persian)
55. Topór
56. Machado
57. Kuhāṛī
58. Topor
59. Ak
60. Selepe
61. *K* (sindhi)
62. porava
63. Hacha
64. Kampak
65. Shoka
66. Yxa
67. Taʙar
68. Kōṭāri
69. BALTA (tatar)
70. Goḍḍali
71. K̄hwān
72. sokyra
73. Cây rìu
74. Mwyell
75. Izembe
76. AKS (yiddish)
77. Ãke

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
51  67%     23  30%    27   35%   19  25%       16  21%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
10  13%     7    9%       9   11%      4       5%       3      3%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
16  21%     4    5%       38  50%    12  15%        5        6%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
5      6%      9  11%      0      0%      23  30%      22   28%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
15  19%     4    5%       4      5%      5     6%        7      9%

Z       %
3     3%

Popularity of use
67% A:
50% K, A: Ak, *K* (sindhi),
35% I, K, A:
30% R, E, I, K, A: Ãke, *R*N (hebrew),
28% S, R, E, I, K, A: Sekira, Ēksa, AKS (yiddish), ākisi, Siakiera, Sekera,
25% O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Ono, Øks, Økse,
21% H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Kuhāṛī, Shoka, Sükh, Securis (latin), KURA (odia),
19% T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Toki, Kōṭāri, Tsekoúri, Kuṭhāra,
15% L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Hakilo (esperanto), kēāṭāli,
12% B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Taʙar, BALTA (tatar), *B* (Persian), balta, Bile,
11% P, D, B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Topór, Selepe, Topor, Kuṟhāḍa, Koḍali, dokki, kulhaadee, Kapak, Destral, Kuhāḍī, Sëpatë,
9% Y, C, P, D, B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: sokyra, Cây rìu, Ascia, Hacha, Hache, Byl, Rach,
6% X, N, M, Y, C, P, D, B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Öxi, Yxa, Axt, Ax, Axe, khuaan, pu sein, Anyụike, Kats’in, Machado, Kampak,
5% W, V, J, F, X, N, M, Y, C, P, D, B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: K̄hwān, Mwyell, pouthaw, Bivir, porava, bradva, Kirves, Bijl, ajakhi, Sjekira, Fǔtóu, Famaky, fas,
3% Z, G, W, V, J, F, X, N, M, Y, C, P, D, B, L, T, H, U, O, S, R, E, I, K, A: Fejsze, Izembe, Aizkora, Goḍḍali, Tuagh, Nkhwangwa,
0% Q

Conclusion: Originating in the A-K linguistic subgroup;

A-K subgroup        sex        %                dev. Chain                        bandgap
Inuit                        M          83%             (A; K; N, Q, L, S, O)
To Dig                                   78%            (A; K; I; O, E)
Inuit                         F           75%           (A; K; L; I; T, O, S)                    ●
Crow                                      74%            (A; K; R; O; G)
To fuck                                  72%              (A; K; E; I, T)
Axe                                        67%             (A; K; I; R, E)
Ainu Dictionary                  54%            (A; K; N; I; U; M, O)
Dog                                       53%             (A; K; N; U, E; I; O)
Chicken                               50%              (A; K; I; U; N, E)

The earliest known Axe is at 50% with Ak (serbian), and the partial *K* (sindhi), this is followed by a developmental bandgap at 35% before renewed interest in the Axe at 30% with Ãke () and the partial *R*N (hebrew).
Peak axe use is at 5% before declining down through 3%.

Linguistic Archaeology: Examining the Orville's Moclan culture

Mochlan dictionary
1. Moclus (homeworld)
2. Da'klaya (a Moclan astrological system)
3. gomaskah ('first date')
4. ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony)
5. Kodashik ('boyfriend')
6. latchkum (a popular party game)
7. n'kafas (site of the ja'loja)
8. oppsada (a popular beverage)
9. plokta (a breakfast cereal)
10. galashkah (?)
11. me'mek-gadlas (?)
12. fekto (?)
13. roshas (?)
14. bam (?)
15. val (?)
16. Bortus (Second Officer of the Orville)
17. Heveena (Famous Novelist; one of the few female Moclans never to undergo gender reassignment surgery)
18. Gondus Elden (Heveena)
19. Jakohn (Captain of a Moclan Battlecruiser)
20. Kagus (Tribunal advocate)
21. Kaybrak (Minister of Internal Affairs)
22. Klyden (Bortus' mate on board the Orville)
23. Korick (Toren's mate. In March 2420, Korick and Toren secretly took their daughter to a sanctuary for Moclan females, rather than see her forcibly changed to male)
24. Locar (Prodigious engineer specializing in Deflector Screens; also notable as a rare heterosexual male)
25. Mersa (A female Moclan taken by Korick and Toren to the sanctuary)
26. Topa (The child of Bortus and Klyden)
27. Toren (Engineer in the Moclan Science Division)

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
20  74%     6  22%      2    7%      15  55%      5     18%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
3   11%      4  14%       5  66%       2    7%        6     22%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
6   22%      2    7%       14  51%     10  37%      5     18%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
6    22%     3  11%       0     0%      7   25%        12  44%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
6   22%      2    7%       0      0%      0     0%        3     11%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
74% A:
66% D, A:
55% O, D, A:
51% K, O, D, A:
44% S, K, O, D, A:
37% L, S, K, O, D, A:
25% R, L, S, K, O, D, A:
22% T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: galashkah (?), roshas (?), Toren (Engineer in the Moclan Science Division),
18% M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: Gondus Elden (Heveena), Kagus (Tribunal advocate), Mersa (A female Moclan taken by Korick and Toren to the sanctuary), me'mek-gadlas (?), gomaskah ('first date'),
14% C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: latchkum (a popular party game), Locar (Prodigious engineer specializing in Deflector Screens; also notable as a rare heterosexual male), Moclus (homeworld),
11% Y, P, B, C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: Kaybrak (Minister of Internal Affairs), Klyden (Bortus' mate on board the Orville), Da'klaya (a Moclan astrological system), Topa (The child of Bortus and Klyden), bam (?), Bortus (Second Officer of the Orville), oppsada (a popular beverage), plokta (a breakfast cereal),
7% F, V, J, I, Y, P, B, C, M, U, T, N, H, G, E, R, L, S, K, O, D, A: n'kafas (site of the ja'loja), fekto (?), ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony), Jakohn (Captain of a Moclan Battlecruiser), Korick (Toren's mate), val (?), Heveena (Famous Novelist), Kodashik ('boyfriend'),
0% Z, X, W, Q

History of the Moclans
Originating in the A-D linguistic Group.

22% the moclan linguistic group begins to emerge; Unknown words of galashkah (?) and roshas (?).

18% the early moclans rise to a small cultural prominance and begin dating [gomaskah ('first date')]- assumedly rather than immediate marriage it allows for moclans to get to know one another and settle into a prefered relationship; unknown word: me'mek-gadlas (?).

14% a Moclan invented a party game called latchkum which becomes globally popular. The planet undergoes 'unification' under the dominant Mochlan culture as the home world is now called Moclus. Moclus achieved what no one else saw coming- the game, escalating in ever increasing odds for the winner, resulted in naming rights- every one was now Moclan, the Race, Culture, and the Planet was named for the Winner.

11% Further development in culture see the emergence of oppsada (a popular beverage) and plokta (a breakfast cereal). Unknown word: bam (?)

7% For some reason* everyone begins 'holding it in', releasing their urine only annually at n'kafas (site of the ja'loja) in an act of ja'loja (literally 'great release,' a Moclan's annual urination ceremony). Until recently, moclans urinated anywhere they pleased, with greater regularity. unknown words: fekto (?), val (?),

*Though the mochlan fully literate population is much higher than humans who have been forced to outsource weapons development to moclans, the moclans have considered invading human civiilization with their party game latchkum but are concerned humans wont recognize the rights of the winner- or perhaps there is a fear that as most humans spend an excessive amount of time indulging in drinking, party games, and public urination that they might actually loose to humans. 

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Likguistic Archaeology: that time we discovered Milk

 Milk in almost every language

1. Milk
2. Melk
3. Qumështi
4. weteti
5. laban
6. Kat
7. Süd
8. Esne
9. Malako
10. Dudha
11. Mlijeko
12. Mlyako
13. Llet
14. Gatas
15. Mkaka
16. Niúnǎi
17. Latte
18. Mléko
19. Mælk
20. Lakto (esperanto)
21. Piim
22. Maito
23. Lait
24. Molke
25. Leite
26. rdze
27. Milch
28. Gála
29. Dūdha
30. Lèt
31. Madara
32. Waiu
33. H*B (hebrew)
34. doodh
35. Mis
36. Tej
37. Mjólk
38. Mmiri ara
39. susu
40. Bainne
41. Gyūnyū
42. Hālu
43. Süt
44. tukdaohko
45. Amata
46. uyu
47. Şîr
48. nom
49. Lac (latin)
50. Piens
51. Pienas
52. Mëllech
53. Mleko
54. Ronono
55. pāl
56. Ħalib
57. miraka
58. Süü
59. nhoet
60. Lapte
61. Moloko
62. Suasusu
63. Lebese
64. Mukaka
65. K* (sindhi)
66. kiri
67. Mlieko
68. Caano
69. Leche
70. Maziwa
71. Mjölk
72. SACAPGA (tatar)
73. Pālu
74. N̂ảnm
75. Süýt
76. S*T (uyghur)
77. Sut
78. Sữa
79. Llaeth
80. Ubisi
81. milkh
82. Wara

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
37  45%     25  30%    24  29%    17    20%       20  24%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
6     7%       6   7%       7      8%     0     0%        4       4%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
13  16%     4    4%       21  25%    32  39%      29   35%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
12  14%     7    8%       1      1%     7     8%        19  23%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
17  20%     0    0%       4       4%       0     0%        4      4%

Z       %
2     2%

Popularity of use
45% A:
39% L, A:
35% M, L, A:
30% E, M, L, A:
29% I, E, M, L, A:
25% K, I, E, M, L, A: Milk, Melk, Mkaka, Mælk, K* (sindhi)
24% U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Mukaka,
23% S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Mis, susu, Süü, Suasusu, Sữa,
20% T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Mlieko, S*T (uyghur), Sut, Süt, Amata, Mleko, Moloko, Lakto (esperanto), Maito, Lait, Molke, Leite, Lèt, Latte, Mléko, Kat, Malako, Llet,
15% H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Llaeth, milkh, tukdaohko, Hālu,
14% N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: nhoet, N̂ảnm, Bainne, nom, Esne, Niúnǎi,
8% P, D, R, N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Lapte, Pālu, pāl, Piens, Pienas, Madara, doodh, Dūdha, Piim, Süd, Dudha, Ronono, miraka, Şir, kiri, Mmiri ara,
7% C, B, P, D, R, N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Caano, Leche, Ubisi, Lebese, Mëllech, Ħalib, Lac (latin), H*B (hebrew), Milch, laban,
4% W, Y, J, G, C, B, P, D, R, N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Süýt, Wara, SACAPGA (tatar), Mjölk, Gyūnyū, uyu, Tej, Mjólk, Gála, Waiu, Mlijeko, Mlyako, Gatas, weteti,
2% Z, W, Y, J, G, C, B, P, D, R, N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: rdze, Maziwa,
1% Q, Z, W, Y, J, G, C, B, P, D, R, N, H, T, O, S, U, K, I, E, M, L, A: Qumështi,
0% X, V, F

Conclusion: originating in the A-L linguistic subgroup;

A-L subgroup        Sex      %            dev. Chain
Icelandic                  F       80%        (A; L; R, H; T)
Curse                                 68%        (A; L; K; O, N)
Slave                                  65%         (A; L; S; E; O)
Milk                                   45%         (A; L; M; E; I; K; U; S)

Milk is identified at 25% with Milk (english), Melk (dutch), Mkaka (chichewa), Mælk (danish) and the partial K* (sindhi). Use of milk peaks at 20% and 8%, declining down to 1%.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that time we puked our guts out

 To vomit in almost every language

1. To Vomit
2. te braak
3. te Vjella
4. lemasitaweki
5. kay yataqayaa
6. p’skhelu hamar
7. qusmaq
8. Okatzera
9. na vanity
10. Bamana
11. do Povraćanja
12. da povŭrna
13. a Vomitar
14. sa Pagsuka
15. ku Masanzi
16. Ǒutù
17. à Vomit
18. povraćati
19. zvracet
20. at kaste op
21. overgeven
22. al Vomi (esperanto)
23. oksendama
24. magsuka
25. oksentaa
26. vomir
27. spuie
28. gulis areva
29. sich übergeben
30. na káno émmeto
31. Ulaṭī karavī
32. pou Vomi
33. to amai
34. e luai
35. *K*A (hebrew)
36. ulatee hona
37. Kom ntuav
38. Hányni
39. Ath æla
40. Ịgba agbọ
41. Memuntahkan
42. Chun urlacan
43. Vomitare
44. Ōto suru ni wa
45. Kanggo Muntah
46. Vānti māḍalu
47. Quswğa
48. kauot
49. Kuruka
50. tohada
51. Kusuu
52. hak
53. Ad vomitum (latin)
54. Vemt
55. Vemti
56. Zu Erbrechung
57. Da se ​​povraḱa
58. Untuk Muntah
59. charddikkān
60. Biex tirremetti
61. Ki te Ruaki
62. Ulaṭī karaṇē
63. Bööljikh
64. aotaaanhkyinn
65. Ulṭī garna
66. Å spy
67. *LT*BT* (pashto)
68. Wymiotować
69. Vomitar
70. Ulaṭī karana la'ī
71. Să vomite
72. Rvat
73. E Su'i
74. A chur a-mach
75. Da povraća
76. Ho Hlatsa
77. Kurutsa
78. A*T*K* (sindhi)
79. vamanaya kirīmaṭa
80. Zvracať
81. Za bruhanje
82. Inuu matago
83. Pikeun utah
84. Kutapika
85. Att spy
86. Ba qajkunī
87. Vāntiyeṭukka
88. K*PYPGA (tatar)
89. Vānti cēyaḍāniki
90. Ca xāceīyn
91. Kusmak
92. Gusmak üçin
93. Do blyuvoty
94. Q*S* (uyghur)
95. Qusish uchun
96. Để nôn
97. I Chwydu
98. Ukugabha
99. tsu brokh
100. Lati Eebi
101. Ukuphalaza

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
78  78%     33  33%    46  46%   37    37%      47    47%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
13  13%    15  15%     10  10%     0     0%        13  13%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23  23%     5    5%       42  42%    16  16%         32  32%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
36  36%     15  15%    5      5%      33  33%      27    27%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
52  52%     27  27%    5      5%      2     2%         12   12%

Z       %
6     6%

Popularity of use
78% A:
52% T, A:
47% U, T, A:
46% I, U, T, A:
42% K, I, U, T, A: *K*A (hebrew), A*T*K* (sindhi),
37% O, K, I, U, T, A: Ǒutù, kauot,
36% N, O, K, I, U, T, A:
33% R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Kuruka, Ki te Ruaki,
32% M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: na káno émmeto, to amai,
27% V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Å spy, Vomitar, Să vomite, Rvat, E Su'i, Kurutsa, Kusmak, Q*S* (uyghur), Kusuu, Vemt, Vemti, Kom ntuav, Vomitare, à Vomit, al Vomi (esperanto), oksentaa, vomir, To Vomit, a Vomitar,
23% H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: hak, Untuk Muntah, Memuntahkan,
16% L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Ulaṭī karana la'ī, Ho Hlatsa, e luai, ulatee hona, Ath æla, Ulaṭī karavī, Ulaṭī karaṇē,
15% P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Pikeun utah, Kutapika, spuie, pou Vomi, povraćati, at kaste op, p’skhelu hamar, Chun urlacan, A chur a-mach,
13% G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Gusmak üçin, Ukugabha, Inuu matago, Ulṭī garna, Ịgba agbọ, Kanggo Muntah, gulis areva, sich übergeben, overgeven, magsuka, sa Pagsuka, tsu brokh, Lati Eebi, *LT*BT* (pashto), te braak, Bamana,
12% Y, G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Att spy, Vāntiyeṭukka, K*PYPGA (tatar), Vānti cēyaḍāniki, Do blyuvoty, vamanaya kirīmaṭa, Hányni, aotaaanhkyinn, na vanity,
10% D, Y, G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Da povraća, Để nôn, Da se ​​povraḱa, charddikkān, Ad vomitum (latin), Vānti māḍalu, tohada, da povŭrna, oksendama,
6% Z, D, Y, G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Zvracať, Ukuphalaza, zvracet, Zu Erbrechung, Okatzera, ku Masanzi,
5% J, W, Q, Z, D, Y, G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: do Povraćanja, Bööljikh, te Vjella, Za bruhanje, Ba qajkunī, Wymiotować, I Chwydu, Ōto suru ni wa, Quswğa, lemasitaweki, Qusish uchun, kay yataqayaa, qusmaq,
2% X, J, W, Q, Z, D, Y, G, B, P, C, L, H, V, S, M, R, E, N, O, K, I, U, T, A: Biex tirremetti, Ca xāceīyn,
0% F

Conclusion: Originating in the A-T linguistic Subgroup;

A-T subgroup       sex       %           dev. Chain
Hold Portal                      93%        (A; T; R; P; O, L)
To Tattoo                         91%        (A; T; O)
Rapa Nui                 F        85%        (A; T; E, I, K, R)
Tahitian                   F       85%        (A; T; E; I; R)
Tongan                   M       85%        (A; T; L; E; U, I)
Plateau                            80%        (A; T; L; I, P)
Taboo                              79%        (A; T; U; B; I; M; O)
Vomit                               78%        (A; T; U; I; K; O; N)
Efe                          F        76%         (A; T; E; I, O)

Earliest Partial vomit at 42% with *K*A (hebrew) and A*T*K* (sindhi), followed by Ǒutù (chinese) and kauot (khmer) at 37%.
There is a development bandgap at 36%.
Vomiting returns at 33% rising to a peak at 27%, declining down through 2%.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Google Archaeology: Is that a Pyramid in New Mexico?


Its about the right shape and size for a pyramid and that flow down from the top indicates a staircase down the southern side.

Location: 33.846184, -107.314311

Its location is north-east of an area that would have once been wetlands feeding a river that flowed into the Rio Grande.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that time we took shelter

 To shelter in almost every language

1. To Shelter
2. Na Skuiling
3. Për të strehuar
4. wede met’eleya
5. 'iilaa almawaa
6. Apastanel
7. Sığınacaq üçün
8. Aterpetxera
9. U prytulak
10. Āśraẏa
11. Do podslon
12. Al refugi
13. Sa Silungan
14. Ku Shelter
15. Qù duǒcáng
16. À Rifugiu
17. U sklonište
18. Ochránit
19. Til ly
20. Schuilen
21. Al Ŝirmejo (esperanto)
22. Varjupaika
23. Turvakotiin
24. Se mettre à l'abri
25. beskutte
26. Para abrigar
27. tavshesapari
28. Beherbergen
29. Pros Katafýgio
30. Āśraya māṭē
31. Pou abri
32. Zuwa Tsari
33. I Maluhia
34. *MK* (hebrew)
35. panaah dena
36. Rau Chaw Nyob
37. Menedékbe
38. Til skjóls
39. Ka ndoKwikingira
40. berlindung
41. Go Dídean
42. Rifugiarsi
43. Hinansho e
44. ngayomi
45. Āśrayakke
46. Baspanağa
47. tow tichomrok
48. Kwikingira
49. swimteolo
50. Baş kalkalooçu jayga
51. pheu thiphak asai
52. Ad tegimen (latin)
53. Uz Patversmi
54. Į Prieglaudą
55. Zu Ënnerdaach
56. Za da se zasolni
57. Ho fialofana
58. Untuk Berlindung
59. ṣelṭṭaṟilēkk
60. Biex Kenn
61. Ki Whakaruruhau
62. Nivārā karaṇyāsāṭhī
63. Khamgaalakh bairand
64. gayharshoet
65. Āśraya kō lāgī
66. *RPN*T* (pashto)
67. B*P* (persian)
68. Chronić
69. Panāha la'ī
70. La Adăpost
71. V priyut
72. I Malua
73. Gu Fasgadh
74. Ho Shelter
75. PNA* (sindhi)
76. navātænaṭa
77. Do útulku
78. V zavetje
79. Ilaa Hoy
80. Dar cobijo
81. Ka Panyumputan
82. Kwa Makazi
83. Till skydd
84. Ba Panohgoh
85. Taṅkumiṭam
86. PP*T*A (tatar)
87. Āśrayāniki
88. S̄ū̀ thī̀phạk phing
89. Sığınağa
90. Başpena üçin
91. Do Prytulku
92. Boshpana uchun
93. Đến nơi trú ẩn
94. I Lloches
95. Ukuya kwindawo yokuhlala
96. tsu bashitsn
97. Si Koseemani
98. Ukukhosela

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
71  73%     39  40%    58  59%   35    36%       41    42%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
18  18%     11  11%    21  21%     6     6%        24    24%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
31  31%     5    5%       35  36%    36  37%      17    17%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
45  46%     28  28%     2     2%      41  42%      44    45%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
42   43%     8    8%       11    11%     2      2%       20  20%

Z       %
6     6%

Popularity of use
73% A:
59% I, A:
46% N, I, A:
45% S, N, I, A:
43% T, S, N, I, A:
41% R, U, T, S, N, I, A:
40% E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A:
37% L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A:
36% K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: ṣelṭṭaṟilēkk, U sklonište,
31% H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Schuilen, Hinansho e, To Shelter, Ku Shelter, Ho Shelter, Ukukhosela,
28% P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: PNA* (sindhi), PP*T*A (tatar), *RPN*T* (pashto), Panāha la'ī, pheu, Për të strehuar, Apastanel, thiphak asai,
24% G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: S̄ū̀ thī̀phạk phing, Sığınağa, Sa Silungan, Na Skuiling,
21% D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Đến nơi trú ẩn, La Adăpost, Do útulku, panaah dena, Go Dídean, Į Prieglaudą, Do podslon,
20% Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Do Prytulku, Āśrayāniki, Till skydd, gayharshoet, Āśraya kō lāgī, Ilaa Hoy, Āśrayakke, U prytulak, Āśraẏa, Til ly,
18% B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Ba Panohgoh, tsu bashitsn, B*P* (persian), Baspanağa, Untuk Berlindung, berlindung, beskutte, Para abrigar, Beherbergen, Pou abri,
17% M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Taṅkumiṭam, Si Koseemani, Ka Panyumputan, I Malua, Ad tegimen (latin), Khamgaalakh bairand, Menedékbe, ngayomi, I Maluhia, *MK* (hebrew), Āśraya māṭē, Al Ŝirmejo (esperanto), Se mettre à l'abri,
11% W, C, M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: I Lloches, Ukuya kwindawo yokuhlala, Başpena üçin, Boshpana uchun, Ki Whakaruruhau, Chronić, tow tichomrok, Kwikingira, swimteolo, Rau Chaw Nyob, Ka ndoKwikingira, wede met’eleya, 'iilaa almawaa, Ochránit,
8% V, W, C, M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: V priyut, navātænaṭa, Nivārā karaṇyāsāṭhī, Turvakotiin, tavshesapari,
6% Z, F, V, W, C, M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Gu Fasgadh, Kwa Makazi, Zu Ënnerdaach, Za da se zasolni, Ho fialofana, Rifugiarsi, Uz Patversmi, Pros Katafýgio, Zuwa Tsari, Al refugi, À Rifugiu,
5% J, Z, F, V, W, C, M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: V zavetje, Dar cobijo, Til skjóls, Baş kalkalooçu jayga, Varjupaika,
2% X, Q, J, Z, F, V, W, C, M, B, Y, D, G, P, H, K, O, L, E, R, U, T, S, N, I, A: Aterpetxera, Biex Kenn, Qù duǒcáng, Sığınacaq üçün,

Conclusion: Originating in the A-I-N linguistic group;

A-I-N subgroup         sex        %             dev. Chain                 bandgap
Russian                        F         98%         (A; I; N; L; R; E)
Celt                               F         94%         (A; I; N; C; E)                    ●
Gypsy                           F         92%         (A; I; N; L; R; Y)
Maori                           F          90%         (A; I; N; H; E)
Hungarian                  F           86%         (A; I; N; R; L)                    ●
To bathe                                   85%         (A; I; N; E; K, U)
To give birth                          76%         (A; I; N; D; T, E)
African/Oth.              M          73%         (A; I; N; O; M)
To Shelter                               73%         (A; I; N; S; T)
Sumerian                 M&F      70%         (A; I; N; H; S)                    ●
Darkness                                65%         (A; I; N; R; T, E)
Giant                                       64%        (A; I; N; E; G, T)
Spear                                      50%        (A; I; N; O; T, H)

Earliest shelter occurs at 36% with ṣelṭṭaṟilēkk (malayalam), U sklonište (croatian), with Peak shelter at 11%, declining down to 2%.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Basic Expert: Too much of a good thing is... bad?

Apparently too much of anything is bad for you. In fact at a certain point it has 50% chance of killing you.

Poisonous Substance                       DC 10
Water (H2O)                                     90g/kg body weight or
                                                            1cn/lb body weight.
Sodium chloride (table salt)          3g/kg body weight
                                                            1cn/30lb body weight

Ex. Arlo the Torturer pours waterskin (5cn empty/ 30cn full=25cn water) after waterskin of water down your 200lb PC's throat at a 2.5lb of water per waterskin. After eight waterskins full of water your PC requires a DC10 check or he dies.

So how does neutralize poison work if the substance is not poisonous unless the dosage is fatal? Lets say your PC must survive a DC 10 poison check before you can use neutralize poison.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Creature catalogue: The Be'eth

Be'eth: HD: 1*-12*; AC: -10; MV: 60' (20'); AT: 2 Claws + gaze; DA:  1-12d6/1-12d6/Paralysis; SA: F1-F12; NA: 10-100; ML: 10; TT: B; AL: Chaotic; XP: 13xp-1900xp.

Description: These Planar Raiders are a land-dwelling sentient race which has established a presence across the planes. Each weigh between 100lb-1200lb according to HD. They paralyze sentient planar travellers with their paralysis gaze (50' range) on a failed saving throw. Dismembering and consuming sentients they can extract their knowledge of their homeworlds and invade.
Their home plane is terrorized by a horror with 10000HD that the rest do all they can to appease out of a sense of sheer bloody panic.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Our earliest Mother

Mother in almost every language
1. Mother
2. Moeder
3. Nëna
4. Inati
5. Al'umu
6. Mayrik
7. Ana
8. Ama
9. Maci
10. Mā
11. Majko
12. Maĭka
13. Mare
14. Inahan
15. Amayi
16. Mǔqīn
17. Mamma
18. Majka
19. Matka
20. Mor
21. Patrino (esperanto)
22. Ema
23. Inay
24. Äiti
25. Mère
26. Mem
27. Nai
28. *EDA (georgian)
29. Mutter
30. Mitéra
31. Mātā
32. Manman
33. Uwa
34. Makuahine
35. AMA (hebrew)
36. Maan
37. Niam
38. Anya
39. Móthir
40. Nne
41. Ibu
42. Máthair
43. Madre
44. Hahaoya
45. Tāyi
46. Mteay
47. Mama
48. Eomeoni
49. Dê
50. Ene
51. Aem
52. Mater (latin)
53. Māte
54. Motina
55. Mamm
56. Majka
57. RENY
58. Am'ma
59. Omm
60. Whaea
61. Ā'ī
62. Eej ee
63. May may
64. Āmā
65. M*R (pashto)
66. Mãe
67. Māṁ
68. Mamă
69. Tina
70. Màthair
71. Mme
72. Amai
73. MA* (sindhi)
74. Mava
75. Mati
76. Hooyo
77. Modar
78. Am'mā
79. AN* (tatar)
80. Talli
81. Mæ̀
82. Anne
83. Eje
84. Maty
85. M* (urdu)
86. AANA (uyghur)
87. Ona
88. Mẹ
89. Ma
90. Mam
91. Umama
92. Muter
93. Iya

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
69  75%     30  32%    26  28%   12  13%       8      8%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
1     1%      1    1%       5     5%       0    0%        0       0%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
9     9%      5    5%       7     7%      2     2%        62    67%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
21  22%     0    0%       1     1%      16  17%      0       0%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
20  21%     1    1%       2      2%      0     0%        12   13%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
75% A:
67% M, A: Ama, Mā, Mamma, AMA (hebrew), Mama, Mamm, Am'ma, Āmā, Māṁ, Mamă, MA* (sindhi), Am'mā, Ma, Mam, M* (urdu),
32% E, M, A: Mæ̀, Mẹ, Aem, Mãe, Mme, Ema, Mem,
28% I, E, M, A: Ā'ī, Amai,
22% N, I, E, M, A: Anne, AANA (uyghur), AN* (tatar), Maan, Niam, Nne, Ene, Nai, Manman, Nëna, Ana,
21% T, N, I, E, M, A: Tina, Mati, Māte, Äiti, Mātā, Inati,
17% R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Mater (latin), M*R (pashto), Mère, Mitéra, Mare,
13% Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Ona, Iya, Maty, Omm, May may, Motina, RENY, Eomeoni, Tāyi, Mteay, Anya, Mor, Inay, Amayi, Patrino (esperanto),
9% H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Màthair, Hooyo, Máthair, Hahaoya, Móthir, Mother, Inahan,
8% U, H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Umama, Muter, Mutter,
7% K, U, H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Makuahine, Maĭka, Matka, Mayrik,
5% J, D, K, U, H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Modar, Eje, Majka, Eej ee, Dê, Madre, Majka, *EDA (georgian), Majko, Moeder,
2% W, L, J, D, K, U, H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Whaea, Talli, Al'umu, Uwa,
1% V, Q, C, B, W, L, J, D, K, U, H, Y, O, R, T, N, I, E, M, A: Ibu, Mava, Maci, Mǔqīn,
0% Z, X, S, P, G, F

Conclusion: Originating in the A-M linguistic development group:

A-M subgroup      sex         %         dev. Chain                             bandgap
Mask                                  80%      (A; M; K; S; U)
Mother                               75%      (A; M; E; I)
Scot. high fam.                 71%      (A; M, C; E; N; I, R)                       ●
Champion                          71%      (A; M; N; P; I; O)
Papuan                  F           68%      (A; M; E, I; R, N)
Ngoni                    M           66%      (A; M; L; E, I, O, K, N)
Honey                                 52%      (A; M; I; N; E)

Earliest Mother is the developmental peak at 67% with Ama (basque), Mā (bengali), Mamma (corsican), AMA (hebrew), Mama (kinyarwanda), Mamm (Lluxembourgish), Am'ma (malayalam), Āmā (nepali), Māṁ (punjabi), Mamă (Romanian), MA* (sindhi), Am'mā (tamil), Ma (?), Mam (welsh), M* (urdu),
It declines down before peaking again at 13% before declining down to 1%.


Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Mystaran Campaign: Father Cornelius


Vito Cornelius: 7th level Cleric; Neutral, 21hp; Str 7, Int 10, Wis 9, Dex 9, Con 10, Cha 10; fine clothes, boots, belt, pouch, 30gp, hand crossbow (Prod) & 10 bullets (1-4hp), Poison of Sleeping. Father Cornelius has no problem drugging or otherwise rendering unconcious, whom ever in order to do what is right or expedient. He is the senior priest of his obscure religious sect (The Church of Mystara).