Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday, 29 September 2023

Board With Games: Edo Sewer Crawl prototype


Painted by hand a hundred cards in black. And half with prototype artwork. So fifty cards should be sufficient for a test play of #edosewercrawl. Got to love a#sewercrawl game.

Putting this in Public Domain.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Star Trek: That Time Portal Brad Boimler got Portaled through


This is a Time portal written in Ancient Naussican on it...

Pretty cut and dried then. Nope. Not even slightly. It's a possibility lens. You see a supernova occur in the future. So you fire antimatter torpedoes into the star that is going to go supernova. You keep doing that until the star stops going supernova. Hey Presto you are now in an alt reality where the supernova doesnt happen. A pocket reality you created. You can now hide in that reality.

The Orions come from the Orion star cluster where Betelgeuse is likely to go supernova (If it hasn't already).  If the Orions had studied it, they might have realized they could use it to create an alt reality from which they could come and go where they prevented the Betelgeuse supernova. Boiler passing through that portal traps the Orions in the future where Tendi is a member of starfleet.

The Hobus Supernova can be considered a possible exit attempt by a civilization using such a device. Having prevented the supernova and isolated in their system they have chosen to exit back into reality at a point where they create the supernova. The rest of the civilization in still in the alt reality using a lens to stay in that reality while an unmanned probe exits into our reality triggering the supernova that will 'destroy the galaxy'.

Where would such a civilization be going? To a universe where humans dont exist? An antimatter universe? What happens if their lens fails? Do they get trapped in a wormhole that exits as a for between Cardassian space and the Gamma Quadrant and get worshiped as gods? Are they the Q?

Linguistic Archaeology: GLM October 2023


GLM October 2023

Monday, 25 September 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Blood


Blood in almost every language
1. Blood
2. Bloed
3. Gjak
4. demi
5. dum
6. Aryun
7. *H (assamese)
8. Wila
9. qan
10. Joli
11. Odola
12. Kroŭ
13. Rakta
14. Krv
15. Krŭv
16. Sang
17. Dugo
18. Magazi
19. Xuè
20. Sangue
21. Krev
22. Blod
23. Ley
24. L* (dogri)
25. Sango (esperanto)
26. Veri
27. Ʋu
28. siskhli
29. Blut
30. Aíma
31. Tuguy
32. Lōhī
33. San
34. Jini
35. Koko
36. DM (hebrew)
37. khoon
38. Ntshav
39. Vér
40. Blóth
41. Ọbara
42. Dara
43. Darah
44. Fuil
45. Chi
46. getih
47. chheam
48. Amaraso
49. RC* (konkani)
50. pi
51. Blcd
52. Xwîn (kurmanji kurdish)
53. *N (sorani kurdish)
54. Kan
55. Leuod
56. Sanguis (latin)
57. Asinis
58. Makila
59. Kraujas
60. Omusaayi
61. Blutt
62. ra
63. raktham
64. Demm
65. Toto
66. Thisen
67. Tsus
68. sway
69. Ragata
70. Dhiiga
71. *ENH (pashto)
72. *N (persian)
73. Krew
74. Khūna
75. Yawar
76. Sânge
77. Krov'
78. R* (sanskrit)
79. Madi
80. Mali
81. Ropa
82. RT (sindhi)
83. Lē
84. kri
85. Dhiig
86. Sangre
87. Damu
88. Xun
89. Irattam
90. KAN (tatar)
91. Raktaṁ
92. Leụ̄xd
93. DM (tigrinya)
94. Ngati
95. Gan
96. Mogya
97. Krov
98. *N (urdu)
99. *N (uygur)
100. Qon
101. Máu
102. Gwaed
103. Igazi
104. Ẹjẹ

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
45 43%    21 20%   27 26%  21 20%      22 21%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
8    7%     4   3%       20 19%   1  <1%       18 17%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
14 13%    5   4%      20 19%   20 19%     17  16%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
26 25%    2   1%      2     1%    27 26%      15 14%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
15 14%    8   7%      6     5%     3    2%       7     6%

Z      %
2    1%

Popularity of use
43% A:
26% R, I, A: ra, R* (sanskrit),
25% N, R, I, A: *N (sorani kurdish), *N (persian), *N (urdu), *N (uygur),
21% U, N, R, I, A: Ʋu,
20% O, E, U, N, R, I, A:
19% K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Lē, kri, KAN (tatar), Koko, Dara, Darah, Kan, Leuod, L* (dogri), Odola, Kroŭ,
17% G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Dugo, Gan,
16% M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: DM (tigrinya), Máu, Makila, Demm, DM (hebrew), Amaraso, demi, dum, Aíma, Madi, Mali, Damu,
14% S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Raktaṁ, Ngati, Irattam, Toto, Tsus, Ragata, RT (sindhi), Rakta, Sânge, Sangre, San, Sanguis (latin), Asinis, Sangue, Sango (esperanto), Sang,
13% H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Khūna, Dhiig, Dhiiga, *ENH (pashto), Thisen, siskhli, Lōhī, khoon, getih, raktham, *H (assamese),
7% V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Krov', Krov, Ntshav, Vér, Krev, Veri, Krv, Krŭv, Blutt, blut, Blóth, Ọbara, Blod, Blood, Bloed,
6% Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Omusaayi, Mogya, Ley, Tuguy, Aryun,
5% W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, R, I, A: Yawar, Gwaed, Krew, Wila, sway,
4% J, W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Kraujas, Ẹjẹ, Joli, Jini, Gjak,
3% C, J, W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: RC* (konkani), Blcd, Chi, chheam,
2% X, C, J, W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Xun, Leụ̄xd, Xuè, Xwîn (kurmanji kurdish),
1% Z, Q, P, X, C, J, W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Qon, Igazi, pi, Ropa, qan, Magazi,
<1% F, Z, Q, P, X, C, J, W, Y, V, B, H, S, T, M, G, K, D, L, O, E, U, N, R, I, A: Fuil,

Conclusion: originating in the A linguistic group, 26%-21% before a bandgap at 20%, peaking at 14% thend dropping through 13% before peaking at 7% before declining down to <1%.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: The Koala


Koala in indigenous Australian languages

1. GUULA (Birrbay (Biripi), Guringay (Gringai), Warrimay (Worimi))
2. GULAWAYN (Birrbay (Biripi), Guringay (Gringai), Warrimay (Worimi))
3. ‍BARRANDHANG (Wiradjuri)
4. GURABAAN (Wiradjuri)
5. NAAGUN (Wiradjuri)
6. GINAAGUN (Wiradjuri)
7. ‍BOROBI (Yugambeh)
8. DOOMBEARPEE (Quandamooka)
9. DUMIRRIPI (Quandamooka)
10. GOALA (Gubbi Gubbi (Kabi Kabi))

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
8  80%     1 10%      3 30%    3  30%       6   60%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
4   40%    0   0%      3  30%     0    0%       7   70%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
1   10%    0   0%      0    0%     3  30%      2     20%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
5   50%    2  20%     0     0%    5  50%       0    0%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
0    0%     0   0%      1   10%     0     0%      1  10%

Z      %
0   0%

Popularity of use
80% A:
70% G, A:
60% U, G, A:
50% N, R, U, G, A: NAAGUN (Wiradjuri),
40% B, N, R, U, G, A: GURABAAN (Wiradjuri),
30% L, D, O, I, B, N, R, U, G, A: GINAAGUN (Wiradjuri), BOROBI (Yugambeh), GOALA (Gubbi Gubbi (Kabi Kabi)), GUULA (Birrbay (Biripi), Guringay (Gringai), Warrimay (Worimi)),
20% P, M, L, D, O, I, B, N, R, U, G, A: DUMIRRIPI (Quandamooka),
10% Y, W, H, E, P, M, L, D, O, I, B, N, R, U, G, A: GULAWAYN (Birrbay (Biripi), Guringay (Gringai), Warrimay (Worimi)), BARRANDHANG (Wiradjuri), DOOMBEARPEE (Quandamooka),
0% Z, X, V, T, S, Q, K, J, F, C

Conclusion:  Originating in the A-G linguistic subgroup;

A-G subgroup                                      %           Dev. Chain
Koala in indigenous languages     80%      (A; G; U; R, N)
Cave                                                  68%       (A; G; O, U)

The earliest is NAAGUN (Wiradjuri) at 50%. Rising to a peak at 30% before declining at 20% and then rising at 10%. That Cave originates in this same linguistic subgroup is interesting.

The prospect that our first cave could be in Australia or populated by Australian indigenous migrating north into Asia becomes a possibility.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Exit Vector: One for the Road...

I keep trying to walk away.  I would promise this will be my last time...

Linguistic Archaeology: Something Bright

 Bright in almost every language

1. Bright
2. Helder
3. E ndritshme
4. biruhi
5. satie
6. Paytsarr
7. A*L (assamese)
8. Llijkiri
9. Parlaq
10. Manamanalen
11. Distiratsua
12.  Jarkaja
13. Ujjbala
14. F* (bhojpuri)
15. Svijetao
16. Yarŭk
17. Lluminós
18. Wowala
19. Míngliàng de
20. Jasný
21. Lyse
22. aligadha
23. *m* (dogri)
24. Brila (esperanto)
25. Hele
26. Klẽ
27. Maliwanag
28. Kirkas
29. Brillante
30. Brillant
31. nateli
32. Hell
34. Overa
35. Tējasvī
36. Mai haske
37. Mālamalama
38. B*JR (hebrew)
39. chamakadaar
40. Ci ntsa iab
41. Fényes
42. Björt
43. Na-egbuke egbuke
44. Naraniag
45. Terang
46. Geal
47. Luminosa
48. Luminoso
49. Akarui
50. padhang
51. Braiṭ
52. Jarqın
53. phlu
54. Umucyo
55. AH* (konkani)
56. balg-eun
57. Brayt
58. Ronî (kurmanji)
59. R*NAK (sorani)
60. Jarık
61. sodsai
62. Splendida (latin)
63. Gaišs
64. Pole
65. Ryškus
66. Kitangaala
67. Svetlo
68. FM* (maithili)
69. mamirapiratra
70. thilakkamullathu
71. Maramarama
72. Eng
73. Gerelt
74. toutp
75. Ujyālō
76. Lys
77. Ifaa
78. R*ANH (pashto)
79. R*N (persian)
80. Jasny
81. Brilhante
82. Camakadāra
83. kanchay
84. luminos
85. yarkiy
86. Malamalama
87. A* (sanskrit)
88. Gile
89. Phadimago
90. E kganyang
91. R*N (sindhi)
92. dīptimat
93. Svetlý
94. Iftiimin
95. Caang
96. Mkali
97. Ljus
98. Duraxşon
99. Pirakācamāṉa
100. *Y (tatar)
101. Prakāśavantamaina
102. S̄ẁāng
103. *H (tigrinya)
104. Vangama
105. Parlak
106. Ightagty
107. Hann
108. Yaskravyy
109. R*N (urdu)
110. Yorqin
111. Sáng
112. Disglair
113. Eqaqambileyo
114. Hel
115. Imọlẹ
116. Okugqamile

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
75 65%    32 27%   48 41%  22 19%      19 16%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
14 12%    7   6%      14 12%   5     4%      24  20%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
21 18%    13 11%   24 20%    46 40%    30   26%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
43 37%    14 12%    5    4%     45 39%     30 26%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
27 23%    8   6%      3     2%     1  <1%      20  17%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
65% A: A* (sanskrit),
41% I, A:
40% L, I, A: A*L (assamese),
39% R, L, I, A:
37% N, R, L, I, A: R*N (sindhi), R*N (urdu), R*N (persian),
27% E, N, R, L, I, A:
26% M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Maramarama, Malamalama, Manamanalen, *m* (dogri), Mālamalama,
23% T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: satie, nateli,
20% K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Mkali, Sáng, Eng, Gerelt, Gile, Gaišs, Kitangaala, Naraniag, Terang, Geal, R*NAK (sorani), Klẽ, Kirkas,
19% O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Imọlẹ, Ronî (kurmanji),
18% H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Hel, *H (tigrinya), Hann, R*ANH (pashto), Hell, Mai haske, AH* (konkani), Hele,
17% Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: *Y (tatar), Ightagty, yarkiy, E kganyang, Lys, Lyse,
16% U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: thilakkamullathu, luminos, Ryškus, Luminosa, Luminoso, Akarui, Yarŭk, Lluminós,
12% P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Parlak, Disglair, dīptimat, Phadimago, Brilhante, toutp,  Pole, mamirapiratra, sodsai, Splendida (latin), balg-eun, Brayt, padhang, Braiṭ, phlu, LAMPRÓS, Na-egbuke egbuke, Brillante, Brillant, aligadha, Brila (esperanto), Distiratsua, Míngliàng de, Bright, Helder, E ndritshme, biruhi, Paytsarr,
11% J, P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Ujyālō, Jasny, Ljus, Björt, Jarık, Jasný, B*JR (hebrew), Llijkiri, Jarkaja, Ujjbala,
6% C, V, J, P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Caang, Pirakācamāṉa, Camakadāra, kanchay, chamakadaar, Ci ntsa iab, Umucyo, Vangama, Yaskravyy, Svetlý, Prakāśavantamaina, Svetlo, Tējasvī, Svijetao, Overa,
4% Q, F, C, V, J, P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Eqaqambileyo, Okugqamile, Iftiimin, Yorqin, FM* (maithili), Ifaa, F* (bhojpuri), Fényes, Parlaq, Jarqın,
2% W, Q, F, C, V, J, P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: S̄ẁāng, Wowala, Maliwanag,
<1% X, W, Q, F, C, V, J, P, D, B, U, Y, H, O, K, G, T, M, S, E, N, R, L, I, A: Duraxşon,
0% Z

Conclusion: Originating in the A-I-L linguistic subgroup,;

A-I-L subgroup                         Sex          %        Dev. Chain
Yao                                              F           80%      (A; I; L; E; S)
Finnish                                       F           69%       (A; I; L; R; N; E; M)
Bright                                                       65%       (A; I; L; R; N; E; S)
Glass                                                        57%      (A; I; L; S; E; K)

That first Bright thing encountered is closely related to Finnish females. The earliest full bright thing is at 26% with Maramarama (maori), Malamalama (samoan), Manamanalen (bambara), *m* (dogri), and Mālamalama (hawaiian).
The Bright things peak at 12% before declining down to less than 1%.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Exit Vector: third time lucky?

This blog got choked when someone flagged it as a spam site unnoticed by me for an unknowable amount of time. So... sorry if you didn't get to see it.

I'm sure Google Terms of Service will surrender ownership of it all to the public domain eventually.

D&D is now an online macrotransaction game with no future D&D books in the physical form. That looses those kids sitting around the dining room table. My D&D books went to relatives- whose mom has no time for books but told me having a bible wards off evil. We are headed for a barbarous age that only communist dictatorship and mandatory doctorate education can end

Going blind sucks. I put my last six boxes of books on the side of the road hoping someone would get them. Books on maths, engineering, VLSI chip design, electronics, poetry, rocket science, musket rifles and the secret of gunpowder making and fireworks. For four days before they were picked up as trash.

I shall suffer no pain
at humanity's end, 
They lived their turn,
and died in their cave.

Cover Art: Return of the King


A long dead king wakes up in the desert and goes home...

Linguistic Archaeology: the secret of Ink

 Ink in almost every language

1. Ink
2. Bojë
3. k’elemi
4. habr
5. T’anak
6. Tinta
7. Mürəkkəb
8. čarnila
9. Kāli
10. mastilo
11. inki
12. Mòshuǐ
13. inkoust
14. blæk
15. *n* (dhivehi)
16. inkt
17. inko (esperanto)
18. tint
19. muste
20. encre
21. inket
22. melani
23. Tinte
24.  meláni
25. Śāhī
26. lank
27. tawada
28. DJ* (hebrew)
29. aaeeenake
30. inc
31. blek
32. dúch
33. inchiostro
34. Inku
35. Śāyi
36. sïya
37. tuk thnam
38. *e (konkani)
39. ingkeu
40. mirkeb (kurmanji kurdish)
41. R*NC (sorani kurdish)
42. sıya
43. muk
44. atramentum (latin)
45. encre
46. rašalas
47. yinki
48. Tënt
49. ranomainty
50. dakwat
51. mashi
52. linka
53. waituhi
54. Śā'ī
55. *n (manipuri)
56. bekh
57. mhain
58. Masī
59. blekk
60. inkii
61. RNG (pashto)
62. J*ER (persian)
63. atrament
64. Si'āhī
65. cerneală
66. chernila
67. vaitusi
68. M* (sanskrit)
69. Enke
70. MS (sindhi)
71. tīnta
72. črnilo
73. khad
74. mangsi
75. wino
76. bläck
77. sijoh
78. Mai
79. CY* (tatar)
80. Sirā
81. H̄mụk
82. DBM (tigrinya)
83. mürekkep
84. syýa
85. chornylo
86. QYAHY (urdu)
87. QIYAH (uyghur)
88. siyoh
89. mực
90. i-inki
91. uyinki

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
40 44%    25 27%   46 51%  11 12%      16 17%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
10 11%    12 13%   6    6%     0     0%      3      3%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
19 21%    5   5%      31 34%    17 18%    22   24%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
43 47%    1   1%       2    2%    20 22%      21 23%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
18 20%    1   1%      4    4%      0    0%       12 13%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
51% I:
47% N, I: *n* (dhivehi), *n (manipuri),
44% A, N, I:
34% K, A, N, I: Ink, inki, inkii, i-inki,
27% E, K, A, N, I: aaeeenake, *e (konkani), Enke,
24% M, E, K, A, N, I: M* (sanskrit), Mai,
23% S, M, E, K, A, N, I: Masī, MS (sindhi), Śā'ī,
22% R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: Sirā,
21% H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: mhain, Si'āhī, Śāhī, mashi,
20% T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: atrament, tīnta, inkt, tint, inket, Tinte, Tënt, T’anak, Tinta,
18% L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: rašalas, linka, meláni, lank, melani, Kāli, k’elemi,
17% U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: Inku, tuk thnam, muk, atramentum (latin), H̄mụk, muste,
13% Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: syýa, mực, uyinki, CY* (tatar), cerneală, chernila, Śāyi, sïya, encre, yinki, R*NC (sorani kurdish), sıya, encre, inc, čarnila,
12% O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: chornylo, siyoh, ranomainty, črnilo, inko (esperanto), inchiostro, Mòshuǐ, inkoust, mastilo,
11% B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: blekk, bläck, bekh, blek, mirkeb (kurmanji kurdish), Mürəkkəb, blæk, habr,
6% D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: khad, DBM (tigrinya), dúch,
5% J, D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: J*ER (persian), sijoh, Bojë, DJ* (hebrew),
4% W, J, D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: waituhi, wino, dakwat, tawada,
3% G, W, J, D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: RNG (pashto), mangsi, ingkeu,
2% Q, G, W, J, D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: QYAHY (urdu), QIYAH (uyghur),
1% V, P, Q, G, W, J, D, B, O, Y, C, U, L, T, H, R, S, M, E, K, A, N, I: vaitusi, mürekkep,
0% Z, X, F

Conclusion: The discovery of ink is in the I linguistic group. Peaking in use at around 13% before declining down to 1%. One would think it significant enough to identity an ancient document. Or its use in tattoo body art.