Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday 17 February 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: creating using indetermanant datasets

 P A R T   T W O   -   I N D E T E R M A N A N T   D A T A S E T S

Its a real pain when your dataset cannot be resolved sufficiently to identify its relationship to a single linguistic group or to subgroups. You can get this where your dataset is rediculously small, but you can get it with any size dataset if these are real cultural trends.

20 Random Orc Names
1. Bbhlgg
2. Nloilg
3. Rllng
4. Rbkmg
5. Oolgibrbbgml
6. Hilghr
7. Obglhk
8. Gglbgm
9. Bhhllh
10. Igkrbiblobl
11. Loomeg
12. Iihki
13. Mhbbhoblge
14. Rrnlln
15. Rgkgr
16. Ggigroolblo
17. Bonrlh
18. Orrelo
19. Obegio
20. Iohggggmb

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
0    0%     4 20%      8 40%    11 55%      0     0%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
11 55%   0   0%      0   0%      0   0%        15 75%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
8  40%     0   0%      5  25%    15 75%      6    30%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
4  20%     0   0%      0    0%     10 50%      0      0%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
0    0%     0    0%      0    0%     0    0%       0      0%

Z      %
0   0%

Popularity of Use
75% L, G:
55% B, O, L, G:
50% R, B, O, L, G: Ggigroolblo,
40% H, I, R, B, O, L, G: Bbhlgg, Hilghr, Bhhllh,
30% M, H, I, R, B, O, L, G: Gglbgm, Iohggggmb, Oolgibrbbgml,
25% K, M, H, I, R, B, O, L, G: Rbkmg, Obglhk, Igkrbiblobl, Iihki, Rgkgr,
20% N, E, K, M, H, I, R, B, O, L, G: Nloilg, Rllng, Rrnlln, Bonrlh, Orrelo, Obegio, Loomeg, Mhbbhoblge,
0% Z, W, X, Y, P, Q, S, J, C, D, F, T, V, U, A

Here we have L and G as equally dominant values. And oddly as result of random chance of rolling dice. It makes it difficult to differentiate the group to G or L specifically. Some of these names have -g as suffix. This is like the Vanog tribe. There are two with G- prefix. Like the Grilth tribe. The Kobblekem dont use G. And there are five names that fall in this category. The Ubirgh have *g* value in tribe names. While we cant differentiate to seperate groups, we can divide individual tribes and tribe names. Of Orcs. That provides some setting development. The culture rises toward a cultural peak.

Tribe: Vanog
Common Names: Bbhlgg, Nloilg, Rllng, Rbkmg, Loomeg. (G dominant)

Tribe: Grilth
Common Names: Ggigroolblo, Gglbgm. (G, L, B dominant)

Tribe: Kobblekem
Common Names: Bhhllh, Iihki, Rrnlln, Bonrlh, Orrelo. (L dominant)

Tribe: Ubirgh
Common Names: Iohggggmb, Oolgibrbbgml, Obglhk, Igkrbiblobl, Rgkgr, Obegio, Hilghr, Mhbbhoblge (G dominant).
Note: *g* is the name form.

So there we have a bunch of Orcs and individuated to specific tribes. We cant realy pin them down, though A-L and L-A are their limits.

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