Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Friday, 6 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that first Cave (a redo)

 Cave in almost every language

1. Cave
2. Grot
3. Shpella
4. washa
5. kahif
6. K’arandzav
7. Mağara
8. Haitzuloa
9. Piačora
10. Guhā
11. Pećina
12. peshtera
13. cova
14. Langob
15. Phanga
16. Dòngxué
17. Grotta
18. Špilja
19. Jeskyně
20. Hule
21. Kaverno (esperanto)
22. Koobas
23. yungib
24. Luola
25. Grotte
26. amokvabuli
27. Höhle
28. Spílaio
29. Guphā
30. Kogo
31. Ana
32. M* (hebrew)
33. gufa
34. Qhov tsua
35. Barlang
36. Hellir
37. Ọgba
38. Gua
39. uaimh
40. Dōkutsu
41. guwa
42. Guhe
43. Üñgir
44. roungophnom
45. Ubuvumo
46. dong-gul
47. Şikeft
48. Üngkür
49. thoa
50. Caverna (latin)
51. Ala
52. Urvas
53. Höhl
54. Peštera
55. guha
56. Agui
57. guu
58. Hule
59. *R (pashto)
60. Jaskinia
61. Peşteră
62. Peshchera
63. Uamh
64. Pećina
65. Lehaha
66. *A* (sindhi)
67. guhāva
68. Jaskyňa
69. jama
70. Godka
71. Cueva
72. Pango
73. *OP (tajik)
74. Kukai
75. MBGAPB (tatar)
76. T̄ĥả
77. Gowak
78. pechera
79. AO*K*R (uyghur)
80. G'or
81. Hang
82. Ogof
83. Umqolomba
84. heyl
85. iho apata
86. Umgede

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
58  68%     23  27%    18  21%   31    36%       31   36%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9   10%      8    9%       5     5%      4     4%       33    38%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
27  31%     5    5%       13   15%    18   21%      11   12%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
18   21%     18  21%     2     2%      21  24%      15   17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
13  15%     10  11%      3      3%      1     1%        4      4%

Z       %
2     2%

Popularity of use
68% A: *A* (sindhi),
38% G, A:
36% U, O, G, A: Gua, guu,
31% H, U, O, G, A: Guhe, guha, Guhā,
27% E, H, U, O, G, A:
24% R, E, H, U, O, G, A: *R (pashto), G'or,
21% P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Hang, iho apata, Pango, *OP (tajik), Hule, Lehaha, Üñgir, Ala, Höhl, Agui, Phanga, Hule, Luola, Höhle, Guphā, Ana, Hellir,
17% S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Shpella, Spílaio,
15% K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Kukai, T̄ĥả, AO*K*R (uyghur), Peštera, Peşteră, Üngkür, thoa, Grotte, Kogo, Grotta, peshtera, Grot,
12% M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: M* (hebrew), uaimh, Mağara, roungophnom, Uamh,
11% V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Urvas, guhāva, Kaverno (esperanto),
10% B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Ubuvumo, MBGAPB (tatar), Barlang, Ọgba, Koobas, amokvabuli, Langob,
9% C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Cueva, pechera, Peshchera, Pećina, Caverna (latin), Pećina, cova, Piačora, Cave,
5% D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Umgede, jama, Godka, Jaskinia, Dōkutsu, dong-gul, Špilja,
4% Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Ogof, heyl, Jaskyňa, yungib, gufa, Jeskyně, kahif, Şikeft,
3% W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: guwa, Gowak, washa,
2% Z, Q, W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Qhov tsua, Umqolomba, Haitzuloa, K’arandzav,
1% X, Z, Q, W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Dòngxué,

Conclusion: the Cave originates in the A-G linguistic subgroup;
The earliest partially identified cave is at less than 68% with *A* (sindhi),
Followed by a bandgap at 38%.
At 36% the earliest identified caves are Gua (indonesian) and guu (myanmar) followed at 31% with Guhe (kannada), guha (malayalam), and Guhā (bengali). We might conclude the earliest shared cave might have been named Gu* and it's likely located in South East Asia.

A second bandgap occurs at 27% and then caves again become popular at 24% with *R (pashto) and G'or (uzbek). The discovery of caves rises to a peak at 21% before declining down to 1%.

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