Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Free Stuff: A Tactical Wall


A Tactical Wall would be a set of Armoured, bullet proof Lockers on rollers with operator control handles that can be pushed down a school hallway providing cover for police as they go door to door searching for armed assailants.

I'm sure I could have patented this and got a dollar in personal income from every Tactical Wall sold to a School across the USA...


Dave Arneson: Redoing DA3 City of the Gods (Part 3)


The Grey Gnome Inn

The only place in City of the Gods with Rooms to Rent. Right now its kind of Full but the PCs can sleep above the barn with the two stable hands for 10cp a night. And Horses can be stabled for 100cp a night.

The Inn actually located half a mile from the main cluster of huts near the southern end of the lake used as a water supply.

Old News: the Carrington Event of 1859

My interest in this began as an idea where we could transmit a radio signal that might be used to self-detonate munitions and thus put an end to conflicts so down the Carrington Event rabbit hole I looked.

You probably heard about the Carrington Event, read about it, or watched a youtube video, so you probably are aware that on a 1st-2nd September peak in the solar cycle, a lot of electrical systems around the technology using world absorbed electromagnetic radiation from a solar flare sufficient to cause electrical fires across telegraph systems world wide.

These events were tied to solar flares identified as sunspots by Richard Carrington and also Richard Hodgson. Given the onesidedness of who it got named after, I'm surprised it wasn't called a 2R (2-Richard) Event.

What you probably dont know is what happened elsewhere in that same September. I found this little bit of information in an old newspaper:

"...terrible explosion in September, 1859, when seventeen persons lost their lives at a percussion-cap factory."

"[Kynoch Works (a Percussion-cap manufacturers) experienced] a Catastrophic explosion at the company on September 27th, killing 19 of its 70 employees including children, gravely injuring many others, devastating the factory and damaging the surrounding area."

Kynoch Works were a munitions manufacturer in Birmingham.

The prospect of the vast stockpile of fragile ammunition, and explosive compounds and propellants in bullets, grenades, bombs, rockets, missiles, and even some nukes which fire a bullet into a plutonium core to trigger criticality self-detonating in another Carrington Event becomes a problem. From Military Armories, fragile fertilizer stockpiles, even that random American citizen with his doomsday scenario stockpile of weapons, bullets and bombs could wind up leaving a crater in a suburb.

On the upside, it means that an Alien Fleet will probably trigger a geostorm to take out all your weapons before landing troops. Finally a Sci-fi reality check.

Short Fiction: the Orville - Hard Words

 Part 6: Hard Words

"Kelly," Laura felt a lot more comfortable in the bathrobe than being naked, and it was great to see Kelly. Laura looked out the window of Kelly's office at the stars and shook her head and turning to look at Kelly behind her desk with a little Kermit the Frog, smiled. "There are Stars out there."

"Yes Laura," Kelly turned from looking at Gordon Malloy and John LaMarr to looking at the hologram of Laura Huggins now somehow standing in her office in Kelly's white bathrobe and took a deep breath and nodded several times at the girl from Albany. "Those are real Stars."

"Can someone explain to me how Laura Huggins, hologram from Albany..." Laura walked over to Kelly's desk and picked up Kermit the frog to examine it forcing Kelly Grayson to reach out to retrieve it from the holographic hands of Laura Huggins intent on returning it to its place only to hold Laura's hands in hers. Laura felt flesh and blood warm. " now Laura Huggins, flesh and blood alive and standing in my office?"

"I know that." Gordon and John were cut off by Laura Huggins. "We were in that bar where Gordon said I was a hologram of the real Laura."

"And then he had me touch a silver metal that flowed into my hands making me feel a bit weird." Laura looked in the direction of Gordon Malloy who smilled at her and nodded, John LaMarr next to him staring at her. "And when I asked him what happened he said I should think of it like a hard light upgrade to my hologram."

"And I thought he was just pranking me about being a hologram," Laura looked from Gordon to Kelly again. "but when we left the bar my clothing vanished."

"Thanks Laura," Kelly got to her feet and stole back Kermit the Frog, guiding Laura backwards to a sofa, and out of reach of the antique Kermit the Frog that had been passed down Ed Mercer's family for centuries. "That gave me a sane person's perspective of what happened."

"Now," Captain Kelly Grason turned her gaze on Gordon Malloy. "By silver metal I assume Laura means the Kaylon stuff Isaac used to fix you?"

"Yes." Of course it was the Kaylon magic metal. Kelly hated being right. She waited for Gordon to finish confessing to his part in this as Kelly looked at Laura in amazement. "John had gathered up the remaining metal and had it on his desk in Engineering and was feeling frustrated by not understanding how it works and I thought I would get us a change of scenery on the holodeck."

"Okay," Kelly held up a finger to pause Gordon from speaking further and activated comms. "Isaac, please come to my office."

"Lieutenant Gordon Malloy," Kelly Grayson returned her attention to Gordon who immediatly breathed in and stood at attention. Kelly pointed at the door to her office. Laura was impressed that Kelly Grayson wielded that kind of respect for her position. "Twenty-four hour shift on the bridge starting now."

"Yes..." Gordon Malloy hadn't even gotten sleep after the last twenty-four hour shift and he realy didn't want to abandon Laura to the prodding and probing of Isaac but he had no choice. He looked at Laura for a moment. "...right away Captain."

Kelly Grayson waited until Gordon Malloy had removed himself from the room.

"Chief Engineer John LaMarr," Until Captain Grayson spoke his name he had been at the fringe of this conversation, but now he was balls deep in it. He starred at Kelly as she again sat down at the desk and watched as she tapped a mid finger against the back of her other hand as rested them on "I take it you have concerns about Gordon?"

"Some Captain," John LaMarr looked at Laura on the sofa who stared intently at the pair before returning his attention to Captain Grayson. "I don't even know how he could have thought to add that Kaylon metal to Laura's hologram or that it would give her a flesh and blood body."

"Captain," Isaac entered through the door to the Captain's ready room and found his attention drawn to the strange glowing life form sitting on the couch. His sensors could see that she exhibited all the hallmarks of being a flesh and blood human except that she had an unbelievably high photonic energy state. He paused as the strange lifeform responded with at his presence. He could not bring himself to look away. "You wish to see me?"

"Is that?" Laura got to her feet and walked toward the person in the odd suit of armour that looked like a robot with a smile at the idea they were all pranking her. "Gordon is that you?"

"That is Isaac, a Kaylon." Kelly thought introductions were in order. "Isaac, this is Laura Huggins, a holographic human."

"Kaylon?" Laura was realizing that the Suit of armour was in fact not Gordon and stepped back. "You mean like the liquid metal Gordon used to turn my hologram into flesh and blood?"

"This..." At the information provided by the entity identified as Laura Huggins, Isaac turned in surprise and looked at Captain Kelly Grayson and Chief Engineer John LaMarr. " most unexpected."

Chief Engineer John LaMarr said what they were all thinking: "And then some."

Monday, 30 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: Global Linguistic Map update


LA-GLM June 2022 update


Linguistic Archaeology: the Planet Mars

 Mars in almost every language

1. Mars
2. marisi
3. kawkab almiriykh
4. Marte
5. Марс
6. Maṅgala
7. Mart
8. Huǒxīng
9. Marso (esperanto)
10. Marss (estonian)
11. marsi
12. Áris
13. Mas (hatian creole)
14. MAD*M (hebrew)
15. mangal grah
16. Kasei
17. php preahangkear
18. hwaseong (korean)
19. dauaangkhan (lao)
20. Marsas (lithuanian)
21. MARSA (malagasy)
22. Marikh
23. ceāvva
24. Angarag (mongolian)
25. aain gar gyaoh
26. MR* (pashto)
27. Magala
28. *CL*H (sanskrit)
29. M* (sindhi)
30. an̆gaharu (sinhala)
31. Mirihi (swahili)
32. Mirrix (tajik)
33. Aṅgārakuḍu (telugu)
34. Dāw xạngkhār (thai)
35. M* (urdu)
36. Sao Hoả (vietnamese)
37. Mawrth (welsh)
38. I-Mars (zulu)

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
31  83%     5    13%    11   29%   4       10%      4     10%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
1     2%      3     8%      4    10%     0     0%        12    32%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
13  35%     0    0%       7   18%     4   10%        22     59%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
11  29%     2    5%       0     0%      23  62%       12  32%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
3     8%      1    2%       4      10%      3     8%        2      5%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
83% A:
62% R, A:
59% M, R, A: MR* (pashto), M* (sindhi), M* (urdu),
35% H, M, R, A:
32% S, G, H, M, R, A: Mars, Marss, Mas, Marsas, MARSA,
29% N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: Mirihi (swahili), I-Mars (zulu), marisi, Áris, Angarag,
18% K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: Marikh,
13% E, K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: Kasei,
10% W, L, D, U, O, E, K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: Aṅgārakuḍu (telugu), Sao Hoả (vietnamese), an̆gaharu (sinhala), Magala, hwaseong, dauaangkhan, MAD*M (hebrew), mangal grah, Maṅgala, Marso (esperanto), marsi,
8% X, T, C, W, L, D, U, O, E, K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: Dāw xạngkhār (thai), Mawrth (welsh), *CL*H (sanskrit), Mirrix (tajik), Mart, Huǒxīng, Marte,
5% Y, P, X, T, C, W, L, D, U, O, E, K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: php preahangkear, aain gar gyaoh, Марс,
2% V, B, Y, P, X, T, C, W, L, D, U, O, E, K, N, I, S, G, H, M, R, A: kawkab almiriykh, ceāvva,
0% Z, Q, J, F

Conclusion: Originating in the A-R linguistic subgroup;

A-R subgroup           sex          %       Dev. Chain              bandgap
A-R Subgroup
Mars                                         83%   (A; R; M; H)
Waterfall                                  80%   (A; R; S)
North                                        55%   (A; R; O, E; N)

A-R-I subgroup
To Talk                                    76%   (A; R; I; T)
Phoenician               M            66%   (A; R; I; S, H)                   E
Walls                                        63%   (A; R; I; E; T, O)
Eagle                                        57%   (A; R; I; L; G)

A-R-E subgroup
To Burn                                   66%   (A; R; E; N, I)
Scot. Low                 M            62%   (A; R; E; I; N, L)            O, H
Road                                        57%   (A; R; E; T; D)
Copper                                    55%   (A; R; E; M)

A-R-N subgroup
SE. Ab.                      F             90% (A; R; N; I, L)                  I
Indian                       M             87% (A; R; N; H; I)
S.E. Ab.                    M             83% (A; R; N; I; M)                  L
Armenian                 M           75% (A; R; N; S, H)
Green (colour)                       57% (A; R; N; I; E; L)

A-R-O subgroup
Tree                                       60%    (A; R; O; E; T)
Hungarian                M           58%   (A; R; O; L; E)
Wheel                                     51%   (A; R; O; L; K)

A-R-D subgroup
Dragon                                   77%   (A; R; D; N; K)
Germanic               M             43%   (A; R; D; N; I; L)
Germanic               F             42%    (A; R; D; I; L; N)

The earliest Mars are partials at 59% with MR* (pashto), M* (sindhi), and M* (urdu). 35% we get a bandgap, followed by a return in interest in Mars at 32% with Mars (Latin), Marss (estonian), Mas (hatian creole), Marsas (lithuanian), MARSA (malagasy).
Peak interest is at 10%, followed by a decline down to 2%.

Imagine ownership based on who first named it: The mineral rights of Mars owned by the Hungarian males, Armenian males, Indian males, South East Australian Aboriginals, Lowland Scot males by virtue of a shared linguistic ancestry.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Short Fiction: the Orville - The Magician's Secret Sauce

 Part 5: The Magician's Secret Sauce

"You look solid," Chief Engineer John LaMarr contemplated the silver glob that he had collected from the floor of the shuttle bay as he relaxed in a seat in Engineering. "But somehow you are a liquid."

"And you look like a metal," LaMarr turned the container that now separated him from direct physical contact with the Kaylon substance and looked up at Lieutenant Gordon Malloy approaching, "But somehow you have the ability to instantly become living tissue with nothing more than the presence of living tissue to guide you."

"That's Artificial Intelligence for you my friend," They were surrounded by a holographic recreation of the ship's Bar filled with holographic duplicates of the deceased crew living their off duty lives in the background. Gordon sat down at the table with two glasses of Alcohol placing one of them on the table for LaMarr and lifting the other to his lips for his own consumption. "Just when you think you have it all figured out..."

"Just when you are sure its only ever going to be a killer Robot out to get you," John LaMarr watched as Gordon lifted the container and examined it. "It snaps its fingers and suddenly it's holding a rose."

"Or more likely it snaps off your fingers," John LaMarr took the container of the Kaylon substance back from Gordon Malloy's less than delicate hands and placed it back down on the table. "With the wet end paints the picture of the rose in your blood as you bleed out on the ground screaming."

"From a piece of the puzzle," John LaMarr took a sip of his drink and stared at the man in front of him. A man that had been regrown from the silver glob. It was almost Artificial intelligence-like... No. What if... It was precisely artificial intelligence-like? "It filled in the missing pieces."

"What if that is Kaylon Brain material?" LaMarr contemplated the idea that the substance, confronted with a massive genetic data sample it proceeded to take the DNA algorithm and the partial sample of Malloy's head and create a whole new body. The rose bloomed. "Raw Kaylon brain material?"

"Dude," Gordon Malloy shook his head at the connect-the-dots reveal inherent in John LaMarr's words. "You realize you are suggesting I am an algorithm shaping raw Kaylon brain fluid to my will."

"Holy Shit." John LaMarr leapt back from the thing pretending to be his friend and watched Cthulu-Gordon exhale in disappointment at the sight of a friend now so terrified of the Cosmic Horror he had become in his eyes, the momentary love of looking on the light fantastic dying in John LaMarr as his brain decided that what wasn't sitting in front of him was his friend. "'re not Gordon Malloy."

"Sit down John." That was definatly not something Gordon Malloy would say. Gordon Malloy was never that assertive. Or as computationally fast that he would have intuited and put into words precisely what John had realized yet not spoken aloud. "Its going to be okay."

"I would rather not." What ever this thing in front of him was, it knew it wasn"t Gordon Malloy. Would it kill him to prevent exposure? John LaMarr took several deep breaths. "And you and I both know this isn't going to be okay."

"You think so?" Cthulu-Gordon rubbed his fingers together. "Watch the Magician snap his fingers."

"Computer." Gordon smiled at John LaMarr. "Transfer in Laura Huggin's hologram."

"Gordon Malloy?" The memory of a woman whose time had long past appeared. Laura looked about the bar and spotted Gordon's friend John LaMarr who was looking at her in surprise. "John LaMarr? Where is this place?"

"Laura," Gordon Malloy smiled at the sight of the woman he loved. "We are on board the Starship Orville."

"I don't understand." Laura Huggins walked to a window and looked out at holographic stars. "Is this some kind of theme bar?"

"Not Really." John LaMarr watched as the thing pretending to be Gordon Malloy picked up the sample of Kaylon Brain fluid and walked toward the confused hologram. "The real Laura recorded her life on her phone and put it in the Time Capsule in Albany in 2015."

"That time capsule was opened in the far future, and using a computer I turned your... her files into a hologram of the original Laura." Gordon waited until she looked at him. "You are a hologram."

"I'm..." Laura thought it ridiculous. Try as she might, she couldn't remember how she got here. "...a hologram."

"It could be worse," John LaMarr interjected a personal criticism. "You could be made of Kaylon Brain juice."

"Ignore John," Gordon Malloy smiled at the moment of human behaviour as he took Laura's hand in his own. "He's not keen on bringing your girlfriend to work day on account of not having a girlfriend."

"And now..." Gordon touched Laura's hand to the Kaylon Brain juice and it absorbed into her holographic form. Gordon looked at John. "...the light fantastic."

"What...?" Laura felt a little odd. "Gordon? What was that?"

"Think of it as a hard-light upgrade." Gordon indicated the exit to the holographic bar filled with ghosts at which Laura headed for the exit. "Now if you would like a tour of the Starship?"

"Gordon this is so weird," Laura, her holographic form now solid, exited the holographic suite with Gordon Malloy holding her hand at which her holographic clothing vanished leaving her naked. "Oh my god!"

"Captain Grayson could you bring a bathrobe to the Holographic Suite?" John LaMarr followed the pair out into the rest of the starship. As insane as this was, the thing pretending to be Gordon Malloy was going to be a problem. "We have a situation."

Note: looks like the Gods of Genocide get pushed back even further.

Friday, 27 May 2022

Dave Arneson: Redoing DA3 City of the Gods (part 2)


Furthest from the settlement is a pair of giant openings known as the Great Caverns. They each slope gently up and inward to a narrow opening to an inner spherical cavern hundreds of feet in diameter. 

Further in on the opposite side of these caverns is a tunnel. These are the particle accelerators that feed the combustion chambers. They are fifty feet wide and lined with magnetic particle accelerator field magnets which are strong enough even shut down to pull metal to them, weapons, armour, objects, even iron from blood (-1 Constitution/round). These lead to the antimatter reactors of the ship.

In the ceiling of the spherical caverns is a smaller particle accelerator feed line for firing exotic particles into the antimatter for detonation.

Its highly radioactive here causing deformities and mutations on a save vs. deathray per round or die at -4 penalty.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: West (direction)

 West in almost every language

1. West
2. Wes
3. Perëndimi
4. mi‘irabi
5. algharb
6. Arevmutk
7. P*M (assamese)
8. Inti jalant tuqinkir jaqinaka
9. QBRB (azerbaijani)
10. *L*BIFE (bambara)
11. Mendebaldea
12. Zachad
13. Paścima
14. Zapad
15. Oest
16. Kasadpan
17. Kumadzulo
18. Xīfāng
19. Ovest
20. Západ
21. vest
22. hulhan'gu
23. P*M (dogri)
24. Westen
25. Okcidenta (esperanto)
26. Läänes
27. Ɣetoɖoƒe
28. Kanluran
29. Länteen
30. Ouest
31. Oeste
32. dasavleti
33. dytiká
34. Kuarahyreike gotyo
35. Lwès
36. Yamma
37. Komohana
38. M*B (hebrew)
39. pashchim
40. Sab hnub poob
41. nyugat
42. Vestur
43. Laud nga
44. Barat
45. thiar
46. Nishi
47. Kulon
48. Batıs
49. khanglich
50. A*A (konkani)
51. seojjog
52. Rojava (kurmanji kurdish)
53. R*A*A (sorani kurdish)
54. Batış
55. tauaentok
56. Occidentalis (latin)
57. Rietumi
58. Wɛsti
59. Vakarai
60. P*M (maithili)
61. Andrefana
62. paṭiññāṟ
63. Punent
64. Te uru
65. Chhim lam
66. Baruun
67. aanout
68. Dhihaa
69. L* (pashto)
70. Zachód
71. Pachama
72. Sisifo
73. P*M (sanskrit)
74. Iar
75. Bodikela
76. Bophirimela
77. A* (sindhi)
78. baṭahira
79. Zahod
80. Galbeed
81. Magharibi
82. Väst
83. *APB (tajik)
84. Mēṟku
85. K*NBATY* (tatar)
86. Vesṭ
87. Tawạntk
88. M* (tigrinya)
89. Vupela-dyambu
90. Batı
91. Günbatar
92. AT*E*A* (twi)
93. Zakhid
94. M*B (urdu)
95. DERB (uyghur)
96. G'arbiy
97. hướng Tây
98. Gorllewin
99. eNtshona
100. merb
101. Oorun
102. Entshonalanga

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
65  64%     40  39%    33  32%   23    22%       23  22%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
25  24%     6    5%       20  19%     4     3%        15   14%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
22  21%     3    2%       15   14%    21  20%      23     22%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
31  30%     17  16%     2       1%     29  28%      24   23%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
38  37%    10    9%       7      6%      1      <1%      8      7%

Z       %
7     6%

Popularity of use
64% A: A*A (konkani), A* (sindhi),
39% E, A:
37% T, E, A: AT*E*A* (twi),
32% I, T, E, A: Iar,
30% N, I, T, E, A:
28% R, N, I, T, E, A: R*A*A (sorani kurdish),
24% B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Batı, Barat,
23% S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Batıs, Batış,
22% U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Rietumi, Te uru, Baruun, aanout, Oorun, Ouest, M*B (urdu), merb, M* (tigrinya), mi‘irabi, M*B (hebrew), Oest , Oeste,
21% H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: baṭahira, eNtshona, thiar, Nishi,
20% L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Läänes, Länteen, L* (pashto), *L*BIFE (bambara),
19% D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Dhihaa, DERB (uyghur), Mendebaldea,
16% P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: P*M (dogri), Sab hnub poob, P*M (assamese), Perëndimi, Bophirimela, *APB (tajik), P*M (sanskrit), P*M (maithili), paṭiññāṟ, Punent,
14% K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Bodikela, Mēṟku, Kulon, tauaentok, Komohana, Kanluran, Kasadpan, Günbatar, Entshonalanga, Galbeed, Magharibi, hulhan'gu, Laud nga, algharb,
9% V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Vakarai, Vestur, Ovest, vest, dasavleti, Arevmutk, Väst, Vesṭ,
7% Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: G'arbiy, hướng Tây, K*NBATY* (tatar), Vupela-dyambu, dytiká, Kuarahyreike gotyo, nyugat, Yamma,
6% Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Zahod, Zakhid, Zachód, Kumadzulo, Západ, Zachad, Zapad, Tawạntk, Gorllewin, Wɛsti, Westen, Lwès, West, Wes,
5% C, Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Chhim lam, Pachama, Occidentalis (latin), khanglich, Paścima, pashchim, Okcidenta (esperanto),
3% F, C, Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Sisifo, Andrefana, Ɣetoɖoƒe,
2% J, F, C, Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: seojjog, Rojava (kurmanji kurdish),
1% Q, J, F, C, Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Inti jalant tuqinkir jaqinaka, QBRB (azerbaijani),
<1% X, Q, J, F, C, Z, W, Y, V, K, G, P, D, L, H, U, M, O, S, B, R, N, I, T, E, A: Xīfāng,

Conclusion: originating in the A-E-T linguistic Subgroup;

A-E-T subgroup       sex           %               dev. Chain
Etruscans               M&F         68%            (A; E; T; L; U)
West (direction)                      64%            (A; E; T; I; N; R)
To Weave                                 61%            (A; E; T; N; U)

The earliest known west are partials at 64% with A*A (konkani) and A* (sindhi). This is follwed by a bandgap at 39%,
Another partial occurs at 37% with AT*E*A* (twi), and then the first complete West at 32% with Iar (scots gaelic) followed by another bandgap at 30%.
Renewed interest in the West direction occurs at 28% with R*A*A (sorani kurdish), rising to a peak at 14% before dropping away to again peat at 6% before declining down to less than 1%.

Did the early Etruscans give out directions to where they were from to the people they met or were they interested in something west of where they were?

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: locating East

 East in almost every language

1. East
2. Oos
3. Lindja
4. misirak’i
5. sharq
6. Arevelk
7. *B (assamese)
8. Aka
9. SBRQ (azerbaijani)
10. K*R* (bambara)
11. Ekialdea
12. Uschod
13. Pūrba
14. Istok
15. iztok
16. Est
17. Sidlangan
18. Kum'mawa
19. Dōngfāng
20. Este
21. Istočno
22. Východní
23. Øst
24. irumathi
25. *RB (dogri)
26. Oosten
27. Oriento (esperanto)
28. Ida
29. Ɣedzeƒe
30. Silangan
31. Itään
32. Leste
33. aghmosavleti
34. Ost
35. Anatolí
36. Kóva
37. Pūrva
38. Lès
39. Gabas
40. Ka hikina
41. MPRH (hebrew)
42. poorv
43. Sab hnub tuaj
44. Keleti
45. Austur
46. Daya
47. Timur
48. Oirthear
49. Azuma
50. wetan
51. Şığıs
52. khangkaet
53. Iburasirazuba
54. A* (konkani)
55. dongjjog
56. Ist
57. Rohilat (kurmanji kurdish)
58. *RE*T (sorani kurdish)
59. Çıgış
60. tauaenook
61. orientem (latin)
62. Austrumi
63. Rytai
64. Ebuvanjuba
65. Osten
66. *R* (maithili)
68. kiḻakk
69. Lvant
70. Rawhiti
71. Khawchhak
72. Züün
73. aashae
74. Baha
75. *T* (pashto)
76. Wschód
77. Pūraba
78. Anti
79. Vostok
80. Sase
81. Ear
82. Bohlabela
83. Botjhabela
84. Mabvazuva
85. A* (sindhi)
86. nægenahira
87. východ
88. vzhod
89. Bari
90. Wétan
91. Mashariki
92. Öst
93. Şarq
94. Kiḻakku
95. K*NHYGY* (tatar)
96. Tūrpu
97. Thiṣ̄ tawạnxxk
98. M* (tigrinya)
99. Vuxeni
100. Doğu
101. Gündogar
102. A*UEE (twi)
103. Skhidnyy
104. M* (urdu)
105. *ERQ (uyghur)
106. Phía đông
107. Dwyrain
108. Bucala ngasekhohlo
109. mzrkh
110. Ila-oorun
111. EMpumalanga

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
64  58%     31  28%    40  36%    31    28%      24   21%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
15  13%     8    7%       16   14%     2      1%      16  14%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
27   24%     5    4%       23  20%    19  17%      15   13%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
32  29%     8    7%       4       3%     34  30%       38  34%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
38  34%     14  12%     8       7%      2     1%        7       6%

Z       %
8     7%

Popularity of use
58% A: A* (konkani), A* (sindhi),
36% I, A:
34% T, S, I, A: Ist, *T* (pashto),
30% R, T, S, I, A: *R* (maithili),
29% N, R, T, S, I, A: ATSINANANA, Anti, Itään,
28% O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Sase, Ear, Öst, *RE*T (sorani kurdish), Osten, East, Oos, Est, Este, Øst, Oosten, Oriento (esperanto), Ost,
24% H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Oirthear, aashae,
21% U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Austur, A*UEE (twi),
20% K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Ka hikina, tauaenook, Aka, K*R* (bambara), Istok,
17% L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Kiḻakku, Ila-oorun, kiḻakk, Keleti, Rohilat (kurmanji kurdish), Anatolí, Lès, Leste, Ekialdea,
14% D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Doğu, Gündogar, nægenahira, Şığıs, khangkaet, Sidlangan, Silangan, Ida,
13% M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: M* (tigrinya), M* (urdu), Mashariki, orientem (latin), Austrumi, MPRH (hebrew), Timur, misirak’i, irumathi, Bohlabela, Bari, Baha, *RB (dogri), Gabas, *B (assamese),
12% V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Lvant, Vostok, aghmosavleti, Kóva, Arevelk,
7% Z, W, P, C, V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: vzhod, mzrkh, Mabvazuva, Züün, Azuma, Iburasirazuba, iztok, Wschód, Wétan, Rawhiti, Khawchhak, Kum'mawa, wetan, Phía đông, EMpumalanga, Pūraba, Tūrpu, Pūrba, Pūrva, poorv, Çıgış, Bucala ngasekhohlo, Uschod, Istočno,
6% Y, Z, W, P, C, V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Skhidnyy, Dwyrain, východ, K*NHYGY* (tatar), Daya, Rytai, Východní,
4% J, Y, Z, W, P, C, V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Ebuvanjuba, Botjhabela, Sab hnub tuaj, dongjjog, Lindja,
3% Q, J, Y, Z, W, P, C, V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: SBRQ (azerbaijani), Şarq, sharq, *ERQ (uyghur),
1% F, X, Q, J, Y, Z, W, P, C, V, M, B, D, G, L, K, U, H, O, E, N, R, T, S, I, A: Thiṣ̄ tawạnxxk, Vuxeni, Dōngfāng, Ɣedzeƒe,

Conclusion: originating in the A-I linguistic Subgroup;

A-I subgroup             Sex        %               dev. Chain
Sanskrit                       F         93%            (A; I; H, R; M, T)
Shona                          F         93%            (A; I; M, E; U)
Ugaritic                       M        92%            (A; I; M, R; N, Q, U)
Fante                           F         81%            (A; I; B)
Nyakyusa                    M        80%            (A; I; N, E; S)
Arabic num. (0-9)                 80%            (A; I; T, S, H)
Gypsy                             M       64%             (A; I; N, E, O; R; L)
East (direction)                     58%             (A; I; T, S; R)
Knife                                       53%            (A; I; K; N, C, U)

The earliest partial East is at less than 58% with A* (konkani) and A* (sindhi). This is followed by a bandgap at 36% and then interest in the East direction returns at 34% with Ist (krio) and *T* (pashto).
This interest peaks at 7% decIining down to 1%.

Short Fiction: the Orville - The Spear of an Indifferent God

 Part 4: The Spear of an Indifferent God

"Halstead? What's going on?" Leel Halstead ignored the voice of Chief Newton as he watched the silver spear vanish from sight into the Star. And then every piece of starship in this disposal yard at the edge of Union space in orbit around that Star began falling toward the point of the spear had impacted the Stellar mass until even the Space Station accelerated forward.

Technician Halstead was instantly thrown away from the console until the force exerting acceleration reached him and pulled him directly at Star in the Ops observation window. His strange fall slowed until his acceleration matched that of the station.

"Computer, Emergency Counter-thrust now!" The Star flared to a terrifying brightness and then imploded in on its wound until every ounce of plasma from its surface flowed into that opening and vanished from sight. The precarious nature of Leel Halstead's personal situation was made all the worse by the safety systems of the station applying a calculated counter-thrust to the ungodly force he alone was now witness to as he fell with the station.
Suddenly he no longer matched its acceleration, and out of reach of any hand hold as the station alarm sounded, Leel impacted on the unyielding glass of the Ops observation window, a shuttle from the Shuttle bay, along with a corpse in medical green accelerating toward the Star the last thing he saw.


"No." Despite the horror of her failure Claire Finn felt relief when Captain Mercer's medpod slipped from her hands, its terrible weight no longer tearing her muscles from their bones. She could only watch as Captain Mercer's medpod impacted against the now shuttered Shuttle Bay and she now searched for her Sons. There beyond the medical team crushed to death by the chaos that had impacted the Space Station stood Alara Kitan with a solid grip on the two medpods containing Ty and Marcus. "Thank God."

Claire exhaled with utter exhaustion and considerable relief at the welcome sight and collapsed into unconciousness.

Alara left Ty and Marcus near the lift and moved quickly across the shuttle bay to the remaining shuttlecraft and found a single medical officer crushed to death against the wall by the station shuttle. As she dragged the shuttle off the broken form of Ester Janeel, Alara completed her head-count. She had lost the station's entire medical team. The dying would now die and the injured, uncared for, lay.

"Alara to anyone who can stand..." Alara Kitan checked the medpod containing Captain Mercer and found it no longer functional, though the Captain was still somehow alive. First things first. Deliver Ty and Marcus to Medbay. "Report to the shuttle bay."

"I have four injured, one confirmed deceased, and two missing." The lift opened and the unconcious and scalded body of Chief Engineer Corlis Newton revealed itself. Alara Kitan checked the Chief's body and finding him still alive, propped him up in the corner of the lift making room for the two functioning medpods. "Make that five injured. One deceased, two missing."

"Medbay." The lift moved away from the shuttle bay. "Ops what the hell happened?"

"Ops, are you there?" After it became apparent that Ops was not going to respond any time soon, Alara closed her eyes at the prospect of even more dead station wide. "Someone check on Ops."

"Lieutenant Malloy," Kelly opened her eyes at the sound of Isaac's voice. "Captain Grayson is recovering."

"Awesome!" A bare chested Gordon Malloy stepped into Kelly's field of vision. "How are you doing Captain?"

"Your body is..." Kelly Grayson smiled that the horror show of Gordon's head on a Kaylon body was gone and she placed her hand on Lieutenant Malloy's chest to see if this was real. "...back to normal."

"Yeah, Isaac grew me a new one." Gordon laughed and nodded as he added his hands to hers. "It has all the Bells and Whistles. I'll let you take it for a ride later if you want."

"Isaac?" Captain Greyson's voice caught the attention of the sole remaining Kaylon in the Universe as Kelly extracated her hand from Malloy's grasp. "Is Lieutenant Malloy fit for duty?"

"Yes Captain Grayson," Isaac touched a metal finger to Gordon Malloy's cheek and watched it regain colour once he removed it. Gordon turned his head and mouthed the word 'dude' at Isaac for the unexpected physical contact. "He is perfectly healthy."

"Good." Kelly pointed at the only naked guy in the Medbay. "You. Uniform. Bridge. Twenty-four hour shift."

"Aww..." Lieutenant Gordon Malloy put his flirting on hold. "...Captain."

"Don't 'Aww...Captain' me Lieutenant Malloy." Kelly indicated the exit and Gordon walked naked out into the hallway and headed for his quarters. Kelly smiled. "Flirting with Command comes with consequences."

"So Isaac..." Kelly focused her attention on the Kaylon standing next to her with curiosity. "...explain to me how you grew Lieutenant Malloy a new body."

Note: On to Part 5... The Gods of Genocide

Monday, 23 May 2022

Short Fiction: The Orville - Sargass9

 Part 3: Sargass9

"Captain?" Claire struggled to her feet and made her way to the body slumped against the shuttle controls, pulled her medical scanner from a pocket and examined his still form. The scan indicated he was alive. "Oh thank God."

An alarm sounded as the FTL Shuttle craft grazed the edge of a Star altering course slightly and dragged a massive trail of its hydrogen into space while the Star underwent a change in its orbital dynamics that would now see it pass through Krill Space in less than a year at faster than light, having abandoned its planetary system.

"Oh God that was close." Claire focused on the reality of her situation. The Shuttle was still travelling at FTL in an unplotted course. "Okay."

"I hope you wake up soon." Doctor Finn dragged the unconcious Captain off the shuttle controls and confined him upright with the seat harness before sitting in the other seat and searching the controls for the one she needed. "Lets see... I need to disengage FTL."

"That one." Claire touched the controls but the shuttle failed to respond to her request. Was the computer interface damaged? "No. No. No."

"Um...option b?" Claire maneuvered Captain Mercer's arm and touched the interface with his hand causing the shuttle to slow from FTL. They were on a course headed for a nearby Star that now loomed large in the window. The shuttle systems went dark. Claire exhaled. "Of course."


Sargass9 was a space station located in orbit around a star where numerous severely damaged and old starships from across the Union were placed for disposal and salvage. It had for the last year been under construction by a team led by Chief Engineer Newton and not even Conflict with the Kaylon had shown up at their doorstep. Their systems registered the unexpected arrival of a Union Shuttle.

"I'm up." The alarm desperatly wanted the attention of Corlis Newton and he reached for the station communications panel. "What is it?"

"Sorry to wake you Chief but a Union shuttle just dropped out of FTL close to the Star..." The voice of Security Chief Alara Kitan was concerned at the sitiation. "...and their systems powered down."

"Powered down?" Newton wiped the back of his thumb into the corner of his eye to remove something annoying him. "I take it that means you havn't been able to raise them on Coms?"

"They're dead in the water Chief." An exhausted Alara yawned. "I dispatched a shuttle to retrieve them before they enter the Star's gravity Well. And the medical unit is on Stand by."

"All right Alara, I'll be right there." Newton attempted to sit up only to hit his head on the top bunk for the three hundreth time in a year causing pain. He touched a hand to the side of his forehead and felt blood. "God... damn it."


"Thank you who ever you are," Claire Finn felt relief at the sight of the rescue shuttle waving at the crew of the other shuttle. The shuttle pilot held up four fingers and indicated a thumbs up at which Claire shook her head and responded with one finger and a thumbs up. "I hope you understand that means three are in a bad way."

The rescue shuttle turned and activated its tractor beam for towing pulling the dead shuttle away from the Star.


"Captain Ed Mercer," As soon as the technician in Shuttle bay began identifying the shuttle passengers Alara leapt from her seat in OPs and ran to the lift on the opposite side of the room. "Doctor Claire Finn, Marcus Finn, Ty Finn."

"Shuttle bay Now!" The lift sealed and moved sideways out to the shuttle bay. "Faster!"

"Chief Newton, the passengers on the shuttle are Captain Mercer, Doctor Finn, and her sons." The lift seemed to be at a crawl as it headed for the shuttle bay. "I'm in the lift headed for the shuttle bay."


"Understood." Corlis Newton pulled on his jacket as he rushed down the hallway from the habitat section toward the nearest lift, his morning coffee in one hand. "I'll be right behind you."

"Technician Halstead, you there?" Newton sipped his coffee as he reached the lift. "What was that about communications jamming?"

"We just lost contact with Union Spac..." Halstead paused and stared out the OPs window at the Star where a bright spear was piercing straight through the Star. "My God, what is that?"

"Halstead? What's going on?" The moment that Chief Newton was on the lift and the doors sealed he felt the station undergo acceleration in one direction, the artificial gravity in the elevator struggled to resist. His hot morning coffee hit him in the chest with the force of a hammer and he blacked out.


"Claire, what happened out there?" Alara's voice drew Doctor Finn's attention to the woman getting off the lift and she was overcome with relief at the sight of a friend. The station suddenly accelerated sideways and shuttles and personnel were thrown sideways. Alara resisted the force of acceleration intercepting Claire Finn's children as their medpods were thrown in her direction. Alara looked about for Claire and spotted her trying to desperately stop Captain Mercer's medpod exiting through the forcewall into space. "Computer seal the shuttle bay."

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Dave Arneson: Re-doing DA3 City of the Gods


A burning ember is seen falling from the sky. This is depicted in religious art from the time period. Ideal for the module cover art.

The city itself, partly buried, is now overlooked by a slowly developing village on the pushed up earthen mound exploiting a lake formed partly by the water from the shattered aquifer and fed by a stream from a drain from a base of a nearby hill of metal. A mile away a small lake that glows in the dark sits between two hills where miners chip away at large exposed gold deposits.

Linguistic Archaeology: finding South

 South in almost every language

1. South
2. Suid
3. Jug
4. debubi
5. janub
6. Harav
7. *S (assamese)
8. Aynacha
9. CBNUB (azerbaijani)
10. Worodugu
11. Hegoaldea
12. Paŭdniovy
13. Dakṣiṇa
14. yug
15. Sud
16. Habagatan
17. Kumwera
18. Nán
19. Sudu
20. Jižní
21. Syd
22. dhekunu
23. zuiden
24. Suda (esperanto)
25. Lõuna
26. Anyiehe
27. Timog
28. Etelä
29. Súd
30. Sur
31. samkhreti
32. Süden
33. Nótos
34. Ñemby
35. Sid
36. Kudu
37. Ka hema
38. *R*M (hebrew)
39. dakshin
40. Sab qab teb
41. Déli
42. Suthur
43. Ndịda
44. Abagatan
45. Selatan
46. Theas
47. Minami
48. Kidul
49. Oñtüstik
50. khangotbaung
51. Amajyepfo
52. namjjog
53. Sawt
54. Başûr (kurmanji kurdish)
55. BA*R (sorani kurdish)
56. Tüştük
57. phaktai
58. Meridionalis (latin)
59. Dienvidi
60. Sude
61. Pietų
62. Sawusi
63. ATSIMO (malagasy)
64. tekk
65. Nofsinhar
66. Tonga (maori)
67. Chhim
68. Ömnöd
69. taung
70. Sør
71. Kibba
72. *L (pashto)
73. J*B (persian)
74. Południe
75. Sul
76. Dakhaṇa
77. Qulla
78. Saute
79. Deas
80. Borwa
81. Chamhembe
82. *K* (sindhi)
83. dakuṇu
84. Juh
85. Koonfur
86. Kusini
87. söder
88. çanuʙ
89. Teṟku
90. K*NB* (tatar)
91. Tı̂
92. D* (tigrinya)
93. Dzonga
94. Güneş ışığı
95. Günorta
96. ANAAFO* (twi)
97. Pivdenʹ
98. A*B* (urdu)
99. CEN*B (uyghur)
100. janubiy
101. Phía nam
102. De
103. Mazantsi
104. drum
105. Guusu
106. INingizimu

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
50  47%     28  26%    34  32%   24     22%      45  42%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
19  18%     6    5%       32  30%    4     3%        16    15%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
18  17%     8    7%       21  20%    11  10%      18     17%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
46  43%     7     6%       2      1%     18  17%       36  34%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
23  21%     4    3%       5      4%       0     0%        8      7%

Z       %
5     4%

Popularity of use
47% A:
43% N, A: Nán,
42% U, N, A:
34% S, U, N, A: *S (assamese),
32% I, S, U, N, A:
30% D, I, S, U, N, A: Sudu, Suda (esperanto), Súd, Sid, Ndịda, D* (tigrinya), Sud, Suid,
26% E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Sude, Deas, De, Süden,
22% O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A:
21% T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Saute, Tı̂, Nótos,
20% K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: *K* (sindhi), dakuṇu, Kusini, Teṟku, Oñtüstik, Tüştük, tekk, Kudu, Dakṣiṇa,
18% B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: K*NB* (tatar), A*B* (urdu), debubi, Kibba,
17% R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: söder, drum, Başûr (kurmanji kurdish), BA*R (sorani kurdish), Sør, *R*M (hebrew), Suthur, Sur, samkhreti, ATSIMO (malagasy), Ömnöd, Ka hema, Minami, Theas, Dakhaṇa, dakshin, dhekunu, South,
15% G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Güneş ışığı, Günorta, Guusu, taung, Tonga (maori), Abagatan, khangotbaung, Habagatan, Timog,
10% L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Hegoaldea, Sul, *L (pashto), Meridionalis (latin), Selatan, Kidul, Déli, Lõuna, Etelä,
7% J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Juh, janubiy, J*B (persian), namjjog, Jug, janub, Ñemby, Syd, Anyiehe, yug,
6% P, J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Południe, Phía nam, phaktai, Pietų,
5% C, P, J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: çanuʙ, CEN*B (uyghur), Chhim, Chamhembe, Aynacha, CBNUB (azerbaijani),
4% Z, W, C, P, J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Mazantsi, INingizimu, zuiden, Dzonga, Jižní, Sawusi, Borwa, Worodugu, Kumwera, Sawt,
3% F, V, Z, W, C, P, J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Koonfur, ANAAFO* (twi), Amajyepfo, Nofsinhar, Dienvidi, Pivdenʹ, Harav, Paŭdniovy,
1% Q, F, V, Z, W, C, P, J, Y, L, G, R, M, H, B, K, T, O, E, D, I, S, U, N, A: Sab qab teb, Qulla,
0% X

Conclusion: originating in the A-N-U linguistic subgroup;

A-N-U subgroup          Sex            %                  dev. Chain
The Moon is a Bow                     89%              (A; N; U; E)
Tibetan                        M&F?        50%              (A; N; U; I; E)
South                                            47%              (A; N; U; S; I)

Earliest complete South is at 43% with Nán (chinese), followed by a bandgap at 42%.
At 34% *S (assamese), followed at 32% with a bangap.
At 30% there is Sudu (corsican), Suda (esperanto), Súd (frisian), Sid (hatian creole), Ndịda (igbo), D* (tigrinya), Sud (catalan), and Suid (afrikaans).
At 26% are Sude (lingala), Deas (scots gaelic), De (welsh) and Süden (german).
Another bandgap occurs at 22% before use of the South directional begins to develop widely at 21% rising to a peak at 17% before declining to 1%.

Friday, 20 May 2022

Short Fiction: the Orville - Horror Movie

Part 2: Horror Movie

 "Captain Grayson on the Bridge." Kelly paused at the threshold to the Bridge disturbed by the still new rank attatched to her name by Lieutenant Malloy's voice coming from a head on a Kaylon equivalent of a Stick forcing her to avert her eyes from the horror that was Gordon. "Oh my god you totally looked away."

"No I didn't look away." Kelly couldnt bring herself to make eye contact with Gordon and looked about the bridge. "I'm just... looking around for any signs of damage to the bridge that might have been missed."

"Oh... okay," Gordon Malloy took his station at the Helm forcing Kelly to avert her gaze awkwardly elsewhere on the bridge. "I think there is still some blood in the carpeting from when the fragment of Kaylon wreckage punched through the hull, decapitated me and crushed my body into the floor just in front of the Captain's chair."

"Oh God." Kelly placed a hand over her mouth and, bolting from her seat, fled down the hall to the Captain's ready room holding in vomit only to discover the repair crew still attempting to separate Malloy's bodily remains from a piece of metal. "Ogh...od."

"Yeah..." the sound of Kelly vomiting on the floor of the ready room in the distance reached the ears of the bridge crew and Gordon looked at Bortus. "She is totally freaked out by it."

"It is..." Bortus looked away from Kaylon-Gordon and surpressing an unexpected wave of nausea, focused his attention on his console. "...understandable."

"Oh my god..." Gordon stared accusingly at Bortus who now refused to break eye contact with his console. "You looked away too."

"I did not." Bortus pushed a button on his console and it made Beep noise. "I am focused on my work."

"Sure you are..." Gordon breathed in through non-existant lungs and got up to go check on the Captain. "And FYI... even I know that beep sound is for the button that doesn't do anything."

"Actually," Bortus was unsurprised that Lieutenant Gordon Malloy did not know what that button was for. "It is for requesting the senior medical officer to the Bridge."

"Realy?" Gordon shook his head at the new information that inserted itself in his brain. "I guess that explains why Doctor Finn kept showing up whenever I pushed it."

"Um..." Gordon remembered something important. " realize that Doctor Finn isn't onboard and Isaac is the only Medical Officer we have right now don't you?"

"I am..." Bortus stared out the display window at the debris field that was once the Kaylon homeworld, now reduced to a shredded wasteland of metal scrap with a few pulverized bone fragments from its subterranean graveyards mixed in. Something caught his interest and he logged it in to the task list of things for the maintenance drones to retrieve for delivery to the shuttle bay as salvage. "...quite aware."

"Captain." Isaac appeared in the hallway next to the barely concious body of Captain Grayson who was now being supported by a maintenance technician who had stepped over Malloy's corpse to lift Kelly from the pool of her own vomit she had collapsed in and assessed the scene. "Perhaps you should accompany me to medical."

"Okay..." Captain Kelly Grayson passed out.

"What..." Chief Engineer LaMarr examined the ancient cylindrical pod that occupied a space on the shuttle bay floor. The metal looked Kaylon. "...have we here?"

"Chief Engineer LaMarr to Isaac," John LaMarr scanned the two metre long object without touching it. "We pulled in something unusual."

"Could you meet me..." LaMarr uploaded the Scans to Isaac's system. " the Shuttle Bay?"

"I will come immediatly." Came the reply. "Do not make physical contact with the Object."

"Sure..." Chief Engineer John LaMarr was mesmerized by its seamless perfection. "What ever you say."

"My apologies Captain," Isaac, the Captain in his arms, changed directions for the shuttle bay. "we must divert to the shuttle bay immediatly."

"Lieutenant Malloy," Isaac entered a lift with the Captain in his arms and directed it to the shuttle bay. "Your presence will be required in the shuttle bay immediatly."

"Sure Isaac." Gordon Malloy looked at Bortus. "I wonder what that is all about."

"Who knows." Bortus was jealous at all the attention being garnered on Lieutenant Malloy. "Perhaps it is the going away party for your Body."

"I'll let you know how it goes." Gordon Malloy exited the Bridge and spotted the rest of his body through the open doorway to the Ready Room. It was still impaled on a piece of the planet Kaylon and a technician had broken out a laser Saw and was removing a leg. "Nope. Not my Funeral."

"There goes my plan to have an open casket." Lieutenant Malloy shook his head as he entered the lift and directed it to the shuttle bay. "At this rate it'll look more like a serial killer's gift basket."

"Chief Engineer LaMarr," Isaac exited the lift into the Shuttle bay with the Captain in his arms. "Would you hold the Captain for me?"

"Sure," John LaMarr stepped away from the Kaylon artefact and took the weight of Captain Grayson from Isaac. "What's wrong with her?"

"She saw Lieutenant Malloy's headless corpse in the ready room." Isaac examined the artefact. It was just what he needed. "She did not take it well."

"Yeah," the sight of Gordon's head on a Kaylon body still lingered in John's memory. "I could see how that might be disturbing."

"So guys..." Kaylon-Gordon exited the lift into the shuttle bay. "...what's the sitch?"

"Lieutenant Malloy," Isaac looked at Kaylon-Gordon and knew what he needed to do. "If you would assist me."

"Sure Isaac," Gordon walked past John LaMarr with the unconcious Captain in his arms and stood next to Isaac. "What do you need?"

"If you dont mind," Isaac pulled Gordon's head from the top of the Kaylon body that kept it alive and plunged it through the surface of the Kaylon pod as though it were made of liquid metal. "That should do."

"What the hell?" John LaMarr, the unconcious Captain in his arms, turned away at the sight of Gordon Malloy's head being separated violently from it's Kaylon body. "Some warning please."

"I assure you," Isaac watched as the surface of the now liquid metal pod imploded, pouring into itself to reveal that Lieutenant Malloy's head now had a fully grown body. "The speed was necessary."

"Lieutenant Malloy." The eyes of a very naked Gordon Malloy snapped open in shock, his body breathing with a new set of lungs. "Excellent... it was successful." 

Note: lets call this one Horror movie.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: The time we discovered North

 North in almost every language

1. North
2. Noord
3. Veriu
4. semēni
5. shamal
6. Hyusisayin
7. A*R* (assamese)
8. Alaya
9. Şimal
10. Saheli
11. Ipar
12. Poŭnač
13. Uttara
14. Sjever
15. sever
16. nord
17. Amihanan
18. Kumpoto
19. Běi
20. Nordu
21. Sjeverno
22. Severní
23. uthuru
24. PFM (dogri)
25. noorden
26. Nordo (esperanto)
27. Põhja
28. Dziehe
29. Hilaga
30. pohjoinen
31. Noard
32. Norte
33. chrdiloeti
34. Norden
35. Vóreios
36. Yvatévo
37. Nò
38. Arewa
39. Ke akau
40. *F*N (hebrew)
41. uttar
42. Északi
43. Northur
44. Ugwu
45. Amianan
46. Utara
47. Thuaidh
48. Kita
49. Lor
50. Soltüstik
51. khangcheung
52. Amajyaruguru
53. A*R (konkani)
54. bugjjog
55. *T (krio)
56. Bakûr
57. BAK*R (kurdish)
58. Tündük
59. neu
60. Septentrionalis (latin)
61. Ziemeļi
62. Norde
63. Šiaurė
64. Amambuka
65. A*R*S (maithili)
67. vaṭakk
68. Tramuntana
69. Te Taitokerau
70. Hmar
71. Khoid
72. myawwat u
73. Kaaba
74. *M*L (pashto)
75. Północ
76. Chincha
77. Matu
78. ATR (sanskrit)
79. Tuath
80. Leboa
81. Leboya
82. Mawodzanyemba
83. AC* (sindhi)
84. uturu
85. Severná
86. Waqooyi
87. Kalér
88. Kaskazini
89. Norr
90. Şimol
91. Vaṭakku
92. TON* (tatar)
93. Uttaraṁ
94. Thiṣ̄ h̄enụ̄x
95. G* (tigriya)
96. N'walungu
97. Kuzey
98. Demirgazyk
99. Atifi
100. Pivnichnyy
101. *M* (urdu)
102. *YMAL (uyghur)
103. Shimoliy
104. Phía bắc
105. Gogledd
106. Mantla
107. tsfun
108. Ariwa
109. Enyakatho

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
60   55%    36  33%    34   31%   36    33%     34    31%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9      8%      8    7%      13   12%     4      3%       9       8%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23   21%     6    5%     20   18%    21   19%      23    21%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
35  32%     10  9%       1     <1%    44   40%      19   17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
33  30%     12  11%     7       6%      1    <1%      14  12%

Z       %
7     6%

Popularity of use
55% A:
40% R, A: A*R* (assamese), A*R (konkani),
33% O, E, R, A:
32% N, O, E, R, A: Nò, Norr,
31% U, I, N, O, E, R, A: neu,
30% T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: ATR (sanskrit), uturu, TON* (tatar), uttar, Utara, *T (krio), Uttara, Norte,
21% M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Uttaraṁ, *M* (urdu), Tramuntana, Hmar, Matu, Amihanan, Amianan, Northur, Tuath, uthuru, North,
19% L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: *M*L (pashto), Mantla, Lor,
18% K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Khoid, Kalér, Te Taitokerau, Ke akau, Kita,
17% S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Šiaurė, A*R*S (maithili), Şimol, Soltüstik, Şimal, Saheli, semēni, shamal,
12% Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: *YMAL (uyghur), Shimoliy, Enyakatho, Hyusisayin, Norde, Norden, Tündük, Thuaidh, Noard, noorden, Nordo (esperanto), Nordu, nord, Noord, Alaya,
11% V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Severná, Vaṭakku, AVARATRA, vaṭakk, Severní, Vóreios, Yvatévo, sever, Veriu,
9% P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Kumpoto, Septentrionalis (latin), Ipar,
8% G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: G* (tigriya), Gogledd, Leboa, Leboya, Kaaba, Bakûr, BAK*R (kurdish), Amambuka, Běi, Hilaga,
7% C, G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Pivnichnyy, Phía bắc, Północ, Chincha, AC* (sindhi), chrdiloeti, khangcheung, Poŭnač,
6% Z, W, C, G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: N'walungu, Kuzey, Demirgazyk, Ariwa, Mawodzanyemba, Kaskazini, Ziemeļi, myawwat u, Északi, Ugwu, Arewa, Dziehe,
5% J, Z, W, C, G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: pohjoinen, Amajyaruguru, Põhja, Sjeverno, Sjever, bugjjog,
3% F, J, Z, W, C, G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Atifi, tsfun, PFM (dogri), *F*N (hebrew),
<1% Q, X, F, J, Z, W, C, G, B, P, V, Y, D, S, K, L, M, H, T, U, I, N, O, E, R, A: Waqooyi, Thiṣ̄ h̄enụ̄x,

Conclusion: originating in the A-R linguistic subgroup;

A-R subgroup                 %                 Dev. Chain
Waterfall                        80%             (A; R; S)
North                              55%             (A; R; O, E; N)

The earliest partial North occur at less than 41% with A*R* (assamese) and A*R (konkani), followed by a bandgap at 33%.
Interest in North returns at 32% with Nò (haitian creole) and Norr (swedish), rising to peak interest in North at 12% before declining down to <1%.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Short Fiction: The Orville - Math and Aftermath

Part 1: Math and Aftermath

"Bortus, our child is endangered by this continuing conflict with the Kaylon." Klyden sat on the couch and stared defiantly at Bortus. "I will therefore be relocating to Mochlas with our Son."

"Now is not the time." Bortus pulled on his uniform and headed towards the exit to their private quarters. "We will discuss it tonight when I return."

Klyden watched the entertainment system viewscreen and waited for Bortus to depart. The screen flicked off and Klyden relaxed before digging out the hidden headset.

"You have reached BE21 Technical Support," Klyden focused on the Job at hand and bought up the autocue list. "please quote your MT system error code."

"S-O-1-1-2-A." Came the voice on the line and Klyden recognized it as the Shield Oscillator error code for overheating of the shield oscillator from excessive use at random frequencies. "You are currently experiencing overheating due to rapid cycling of your Shield Oscilator."

"If this is in ongoing combat you may eject the oscillator at a frequency highpoint and quickly replace it with a cold shield oscillator preventing shield collapse."


I'll give that a try." Chief LaMarr quickly disconnected from tech support and ejected the Shield Oscillator for a cold replacement oscillator module at the high point in frequency modulation and the shields failed to collapse. "Yeah, that did the job. Thanks."


Captain Edward Mercer struggled to achieve escape velocity from the imploding Kalon homeworld. The shuttle engines were, the computers assured him, at FTL despite being at a crawl through space-time. Kaylon vessels were struggling to hold their position let alone target the shuttle. The glitter of energy beams curved downward into the maelstrom. Right now every craft above this world-eater was casting a dark energy shadow equal to its mass. As long as that matched, they could at least hold their position. When it did not, death became a certainty.

"Well its official," Captain Mercer added the dark energy shadow being cast by the shuttle to that of the Kaylon battle cruiser by moving behind it and the colossal war machine crumpled instantly and was pulled in. "I'm going to prison for Genocide."

"Today, I'm okay if you burn down half the galaxy," Doctor Claire Finn held her still and unconcious sons tightly to her. "I'll save my regrets for tomorrow."

"You say that now Doctor Finn but..." Something went to critical on the control board. "Nope. No. No. No. Shit."

"Okay..." the shuttle was dying and there were no more Kaylon battle cruisers within range to steal mass from. Ed stared at the Orville closing on their position. "We may have a problem."

"Anything I can help you with?" Claire Finn understood the precarious nature of their situation. She squeezed her children tighter. It had been a reckless decision to go to the Kaylon homeworld. To endanger the crew just to rescue Marcus and Ty. "I just..."

"No Doctor it's... fine," There was now no way they could shut down the FTL drives on the shuttle and enter the shuttle bay of the Orville. He stared at the Doctor squeezing the life from her children and looked back at the Orville. They could steal just enough mass from the Orville to escape if they slipped over the hull. Ed adjusted the angle of the shuttle, pointing it away from the Orville shuttle bay. "I'm just doing the Math."

"Who...?" Kelly Grayson stared down at the prone and unconcious form of Bortus, her hands soaked with the injured Moclan's blood. The Crowd above her fighting pit cheering the name Ke-le repeatedly. "Now... which one of you hungry bastards wants a piece?"

"Fas..." The distorted voice of Isaac behind her startled Kelly and she turned to look at the Mechanoid. "...c...i...n...a...t...i...n...g."

"Isaac?" The mechanoid melted away with a solar flare before Kelly could reach for him. "Isaac!"

"I...c?" Kelly, struggling to breath, woke to find Isaac, otherwise dormant, standing over her bed, the tentacles of connection wires down her throat, up her nose, and in her ears. And she pulled them out, the pain of detatching felt like hooks ripping from her inside flesh. "What the fuck?"

"Captain," The voice of Bortus came at her from a corner. "Are you all right?"

""Bortus?" Kelly was overcome with a sense of confusion. "What the hell is happening?"

"We have lost." Kelly looked out the window at a ruinous debris field of smashed Kalon ships as Bortus continued his oratory. "We are Lost."

"The Kalon homeworld..." It didn't look like they had lost. The head of a Kaylon bumped against the window before drifting away. It looked like they had ended the conflict. "What happened to it?"

"The Kaylon are destroyed." Isaac's voice reminded Kelly that he was still in the room. "The Kaylon Genocide is full circle at the hands of Captain Kelly Grayson..."

"Captain?" Bortas had refered refered to her as Captain, and now Isaac. Kelly laughed. "They don't promote Commanders guilty of Genocide to Captain."

"You are correct Captain Grayson," Isaac illuminated the injured Bortas, and began to probe his orifices with his tentacled collection of sensors. "However, Violet protocol requires the Commander to be promoted to Captain irrespective of legal stature in event that the Ship and crew are at a distance from home beyond their capacity to return in their expected lifetime and are without a Captain."
"Without a Captain?" Her thoughts jumped to Ed, Claire, Marcus and Ty. "What happened to the shuttle?"

"Captain Mercer was unable to safely enter the shuttle bay." Kelly closed her eyes at Isaac's explanation. "My scans indicate the shuttle Drive was at FTL when we crossed through their dark energy shadow."

"Did..." Kelly didn't realy want the answer. "...they come through with us."

"Fortunately they did not." Isaac retracted his probes from Bortus putting an end to the Moclan's suffering at Isaac's not so tender medical care. "I am done Commander Bortus."

"Unlike the Orville..." Isaac returned his attention to Captain Grayson. "...the shuttle would not have survived the experience."

"And what about you two?" Kelly focused on Bortus. "How are you going?"

"I will... live." Isaac interjected himself into the conversation. "Commander Bortus has sustained lung damage."

"Oh God!" Kelly lunged at Bortus and embraced him in an akward hug and looked at Isaac. "How bad is it?"

"I should be able to regenerate his lung tissue damage..." Isaac set aside his contemplation of the probability that Claire had perished. "...on the grounds he gives up smoking."

"Jesus Bortus..." Kelly was happy the crisis was minor and released her death grip on the living corpse of Commander Bortus. "I thought you stopped."

"From my cold..." Bortus whispered the words in her direction. "...dead hands."

"Okay." There was only one thing for it. "Isaac delete Cigarettes from the Orville synthesizers database."

"Yes Captain." Isaac focused on connecting to ship systems for a moment. "Cigarettes have been deleted."

"You have made an enemy today..." Bortus got to his feet and walked out taking his tears with him. "Tyrant!"

"Isaac?" Captain Kelly Grayson refocused her priorities and got to her feet. "How is the Orville and the rest of the crew?"

"Ninety-eight crew deceased Captain." Isaac placed a metal hand on Captain Grayson's shoulder. "Unfortunately I was able to re-attach Lieutenant Malloy's head."

"Huh..." Kelly was taken aback by the unfamiliar levity. "You made a joke."

"Yes Captain Grayson." Isaac offered Kelly her Uniform, and she only now realized she was naked. "I thought it appropriate."

"It wasn't..." A Kaylon body sporting the head of Lieutenant Malloy appeared in the doorway. " the slightest."

"Oh fuck." Kelly pulled on her clothing, her first Captaincy had just become a horror movie.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Google Archaeology: The Tongan Plateau


A-T-L subgroup     sex       %          dev chain
Tongan                     M       85%      (A; T; L; E; U, I)
Plateau                               80%       (A; T; L; I, P)

Question: Is there a plateau on Tonga where they might have resided? 

Answer: not on the main Island of Tonga, but a Plateau is a dominant feature of the nearby Island of Eua.

Site of Interest: The Square Mound.
Location: -21.364128, -174.930853
Description: square mound (250m×250m)

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Short Fiction: Bethany Blake

Title: Blue Light Special - Bethany Blake

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh... Blake." Her name was Caroline Thomas. Blake was the Asshole she was having sex with on the hood of a Camero. You get the picture. This is the Origin of Bethany Blake. Me.

The location is a little more significant to that story. Welcome to Jackson's Hole. Yeah, that fuckin Hole. And... three. Two. One.

A blue light bathed Jackson's Hole.

"What..." Blake's latest contribution to the Cheerleader population was cut short as he halted his penetration of Caroline Thomas and looked down hill in the direction of Jackson's Hole now drowning in a blue light from the sky. "...the fuck?" 
The car seemed to block the worst of it. Blake, craning to get a better view was decapitated by the light, his headless corpse flopping down across Caroline Thomas before she lost conciousness.

"Blake?" Caroline woke in pain from being tossed aside like yesterday's drunk cheerleader. This time however Blake's Camero was wrapped around a Boulder, the trees that once covered this side of Jackson's Hole were defoliated and snapped and a blanket of ash made everything Moon-like. A transport helicopter sat in the ash as men in hazmat carried someone into its depths only for it to be engulfed in a blue fire and the Bluejay to unleash her fury. Caroline watched the Blue bird retrieve something from a distant hill and fly away.

Yeah, that was the Bluejay's origin story passing by my own. Mine? Well the Power developed differently for me. I can see into the past of my own existance. Its not so much a memory as a participation sport. Its no good to me at the moment because I'm that tiny fucking egg inseminated by Blake's most aggressive swimmer. I'll just clock forward five years.
A child sat in a nappy on a carpeted floor, her hair a tangled, sickly ash just like Jackson's hole all those years ago. Yeah thats me. Hold on.
The Child turned her head to stare at her mother passed out drunk having lost her job, and opening her mouth to smile at no one in particular, spoke:
"You are going to enjoy this bit." The child Bethany Blake retrieved her mother's smart phone, cracked the password, flipped from flight mode to mobile data, and brought up the internet browser. "A computer game company is currently being shorted by a predator firm."
"A bunch of wanabee investors on reddit are suddenly buying shares in it." Bethany transfered a little old lady's life savings into a million share purchase and dumped half when they had trippled in value returning the borrowed funds and a small profit bonus. "I just borrowed from a little old lady with a mortgage. She will be happy it got paid off a couple decades early."
"It costs the company billions because they didnt see it coming."
Bethany transfered the surplus funds into her mother's account providing her with further incentive to get drunk. "And Me? Well... I make it worse."
"I had a job helping the elderly refinance their mortgages." Bethany flipped off the data and returned to flight mode. "I noticed a few hadn't changed their passwords in a couple decades so I reached back and made a few thousand financial decisions on their behalf."
"Screw those stock shorting bastards. They have it coming." Bethany Blake aged twenty, phone in her hand, halted outside a New York Pizza restraunt allowing a family to exit. "I'm going to get a pizza."
"I happen to like this restraunt." Bethany stepped to the counter and handed a precise amount to cover the cost, her phone positioned as though she was actually having a conversation with someone on it. "One Deep pan Garlic prawn."

"I'm working my way through their pizza list." Bluejay smashed through the wall of the Restraunt, telekinetic talons grappling her opponent. "...Fuck."

"Anyway..." Bethany is holding a modified glock as she stands in the alley across the street. "Yeah, thats where Bluejay killed me."
"But not this time." When Bluejay arrives to acost the Bethany outside the Pizza restaurant Bethany empties her hundred round clip glock on full auto into the back of the Bluejay drawing her attention. "Over here cunt."

"As I was saying before I was crudely interupted," Bethany sat in the restaurant eating a pizza heavy in black olives. "This particular restaurant has the best pizza in New York."
"You have probably noticed something odd there." Bethany inserted a bullet cut from a blue sapphire, and encased in a sabot into the Remington rifle, and targeting the Blue jay now brutalizing a Bethany Blake in an alleyway, fired collapsing her into the ground. "It wasn't just a hand full of civilians gaining super powers that night in Jackson's Hole."

"It was also ordinary stuff that seemed to just absorb the energy." A tenage Bethany Blake stood on a night covered hillside overlooking Jackson's Hole and pulled a blue glowing gemstone from the dirt and smiled. "Turns out some of them can hurt Bluejays."

Friday, 6 May 2022

Linguistic Archaeology: that first Cave (a redo)

 Cave in almost every language

1. Cave
2. Grot
3. Shpella
4. washa
5. kahif
6. K’arandzav
7. Mağara
8. Haitzuloa
9. Piačora
10. Guhā
11. Pećina
12. peshtera
13. cova
14. Langob
15. Phanga
16. Dòngxué
17. Grotta
18. Špilja
19. Jeskyně
20. Hule
21. Kaverno (esperanto)
22. Koobas
23. yungib
24. Luola
25. Grotte
26. amokvabuli
27. Höhle
28. Spílaio
29. Guphā
30. Kogo
31. Ana
32. M* (hebrew)
33. gufa
34. Qhov tsua
35. Barlang
36. Hellir
37. Ọgba
38. Gua
39. uaimh
40. Dōkutsu
41. guwa
42. Guhe
43. Üñgir
44. roungophnom
45. Ubuvumo
46. dong-gul
47. Şikeft
48. Üngkür
49. thoa
50. Caverna (latin)
51. Ala
52. Urvas
53. Höhl
54. Peštera
55. guha
56. Agui
57. guu
58. Hule
59. *R (pashto)
60. Jaskinia
61. Peşteră
62. Peshchera
63. Uamh
64. Pećina
65. Lehaha
66. *A* (sindhi)
67. guhāva
68. Jaskyňa
69. jama
70. Godka
71. Cueva
72. Pango
73. *OP (tajik)
74. Kukai
75. MBGAPB (tatar)
76. T̄ĥả
77. Gowak
78. pechera
79. AO*K*R (uyghur)
80. G'or
81. Hang
82. Ogof
83. Umqolomba
84. heyl
85. iho apata
86. Umgede

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
58  68%     23  27%    18  21%   31    36%       31   36%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9   10%      8    9%       5     5%      4     4%       33    38%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
27  31%     5    5%       13   15%    18   21%      11   12%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
18   21%     18  21%     2     2%      21  24%      15   17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
13  15%     10  11%      3      3%      1     1%        4      4%

Z       %
2     2%

Popularity of use
68% A: *A* (sindhi),
38% G, A:
36% U, O, G, A: Gua, guu,
31% H, U, O, G, A: Guhe, guha, Guhā,
27% E, H, U, O, G, A:
24% R, E, H, U, O, G, A: *R (pashto), G'or,
21% P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Hang, iho apata, Pango, *OP (tajik), Hule, Lehaha, Üñgir, Ala, Höhl, Agui, Phanga, Hule, Luola, Höhle, Guphā, Ana, Hellir,
17% S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Shpella, Spílaio,
15% K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Kukai, T̄ĥả, AO*K*R (uyghur), Peštera, Peşteră, Üngkür, thoa, Grotte, Kogo, Grotta, peshtera, Grot,
12% M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: M* (hebrew), uaimh, Mağara, roungophnom, Uamh,
11% V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Urvas, guhāva, Kaverno (esperanto),
10% B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Ubuvumo, MBGAPB (tatar), Barlang, Ọgba, Koobas, amokvabuli, Langob,
9% C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Cueva, pechera, Peshchera, Pećina, Caverna (latin), Pećina, cova, Piačora, Cave,
5% D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Umgede, jama, Godka, Jaskinia, Dōkutsu, dong-gul, Špilja,
4% Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Ogof, heyl, Jaskyňa, yungib, gufa, Jeskyně, kahif, Şikeft,
3% W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: guwa, Gowak, washa,
2% Z, Q, W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Qhov tsua, Umqolomba, Haitzuloa, K’arandzav,
1% X, Z, Q, W, Y, F, D, J, C, B, V, M, K, T, S, P, N, L, I, R, E, H, U, O, G, A: Dòngxué,

Conclusion: the Cave originates in the A-G linguistic subgroup;
The earliest partially identified cave is at less than 68% with *A* (sindhi),
Followed by a bandgap at 38%.
At 36% the earliest identified caves are Gua (indonesian) and guu (myanmar) followed at 31% with Guhe (kannada), guha (malayalam), and Guhā (bengali). We might conclude the earliest shared cave might have been named Gu* and it's likely located in South East Asia.

A second bandgap occurs at 27% and then caves again become popular at 24% with *R (pashto) and G'or (uzbek). The discovery of caves rises to a peak at 21% before declining down to 1%.