- agayvli
- a-tse-hi
- egwa
- usdi
- osda
- usga astu
- ul-sih-ga
- utsistalu gisgi
- galvladi
- galvadeu
- galvladidla
- eladi
- uhyvdlv
- ugalayai
- digalvgvyi
- udiligvyi
- gvnagei
- sakonige
- wadigei
- atsehi
- unega eusti
- gigagei
- unega
- dalonige
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
21 87% 12 50% 18 75% 3 12% 10 41%
B % C % D % F % G %
0 0% 0 0% 10 41% 0 0% 18 75%
H % J % K % L % M %
4 16% 0 0% 1 4% 12 50% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
5 20% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 9 37%
T % V % W % X % Y %
4 16% 8 33% 2 8% 0 0% 5 20%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
87% A:
75% G, I, A:
50% E, L, G, I, A: Gigagei,
41% U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Eladi,
37% S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Usdi,
33% V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Galvladidla, Galvadev, Galvladi,
20% N, Y, V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Unega, Unega Eusti, Gvnagei, Udiligvyi, digalvgvyi, ugalayai, uhyvdlv, agayvli,
16% T, H, N, Y, V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Atsehi, Utsistalu gisgi, ul-sih-ga, usga astu, a-tse-hi,
12% O, T, H, N, Y, V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Dalonige, Sakonige, osda,
8% W, O, T, H, N, Y, V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A: Wadigei, egwa,
4% K, W, O, T, H, N, Y, V, S, U, D, E, L, G, I, A:
0% B, C, F, H, J, M, P, Q, R, X, Z
50% gigagei (red colour; comet);
41% eladi (bouncing); Quake?, Asteroid hit?.
37% Usdi (thinking, planning);
33% Galvladidla (above, hover); Galvladi (up the mountain);
20% unega (white, limestone, polar bear); Gvnagei (Black People); uhyvdlv (cold wind, from the north); agayvli (old woman named spear-finger, one thousand). They encounter 'Black People' in their migration?
16% Atsehi (green plants); ul-sih-ga (dark sky);
12% Dalonige (orange, golden, yellow, auburn, Carolina grass, asia, malaria); Sakonige (golden eye grass, blue, sky); osda (deer, perch, half-brother;
8% egwa (chestnut, elk, big, continent)
So Spear-finger also named: U'tlun'ta. Kukukut* is the basis for witch and yeti. Here we have Kut(lkuntar). Kut has various meanings: a shamanic ritual, Vagina, fuck, ryme, fire, seal, to cut - Lintar means: horizontal beam. Spear-finger might be some outcast girl they raped in shaman rituals. She comes back with an obsidian knife/spear looking for revenge on the cherokee. Its odd that they encounter her in polar regions rather than the traditional lands of north Carolina. She might be Inuit.
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