Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Linguistic Archaeology: The Zapotec Pantheon

Names from Zapotec mythology

1. Batman
2. Beydo
3. Cocijo
4. Cociyo
5. Copichja
6. Copijcha
7. Coque Nexo
8. Coquee Laa
9. Coqueelaa
10. Coquenexo
11. Coqui Bezelao
12. Coqui Huani
13. Coqui Nexo
14. Coqui Xee
15. Coquie Laa
16. Coquinexo
17. Corichacozee
18. Cosana
19. Coxana
20. Cozaana
21. Cozichacozee
22. Dios Murciélago
23. Dubdo
24. Gobicha
25. Gocio
26. Huichaana
27. Huichana Dao
28. Huichana Quiag Lao
29. Kedo
30. Locio
31. Loçio
32. Lociyo
33. Mbaz
34. Mbeydo
35. Mdi
36. Mdozin
37. Mse
38. Ndan
39. Ndo'yet
40. Ndoyet
41. Ndozin
42. Ndubdo
43. Nohuichaana
44. Nohuichana
45. Pichana Gobeche
46. Pichanto
47. Piquete Ziña
48. Pítao Copícha
49. Quiabelagayo
50. Quíe Beloo Gaayo

Alphabet by popularity of use
A          %          E          %          I             %            O           %            U           %
29        58%      22        44%     32          64%       43         86%       21         42%

B          %          C          %          D             %            F           %            G           %
11         22%    33         66%     13            26%      0            0%          7            14%

H          %          J          %          K             %            L           %            M           %
14         28%     3          6%        1              2%         11         22%        6            12%

N          %          P          %          Q             %            R           %            S           %
22        44%      6         12%       14          28%         1           2%          2          4%

T          %          V          %          W             %            X           %            Y           %
5          10%      0           0%        0             0%          6           12%        7           14%

Z          %
8           16%

Popularity of Use
86% O:
66% C, O:
64% I, C, O:
58% A, I, C, O:
44% N, E, A, I, C, O:
42% U, N, E, A, I, C, O:
28% H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Nohuichana, Nohuichaana,
         Huichaana, Coqui Huani,
26% D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndan, Huichana Dao,
22% B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndubdo, Loçio, Locio, Dubdo,
         Coquie Laa, Coqueelaa, Coquee Laa,
16% Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndozin, Cozichacozee,
        Cozaana, Coqui Bezelao,
14% G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Quíe Beloo Gaayo,
         Quiabelagayo, Lociyo, Huichana Quiag Lao, Gocio, Gobicha,
         Cociyo, Beydo,
12% M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O:
         Pichana Gobeche, Mse, Mdozin, Mdi, Mbeydo, Mbaz,
         Coxana, Coquinexo, Coqui Xee, Coqui Nexo, Coquenexo,
         Coque Nexo, Batman
10% T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O:
         Pítao Copícha, Piquete Ziña, Pichanto, Ndoyet, Ndo'yet,
6% J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Copijcha,
      Copichja, Cocijo,
4% S, J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Cosana,
2% R, K, S, J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O:
       Dios Murciélago, Kedo, Corichacozee,

28% Earliest known Gods appear as Nohuichana, Nohuichaana (goddess of Creation)- her partner cozaana actually appears much later, Huichaana (a variation on nohuichaana), and Coqui Huani (god of light entertainment). So the initial Zapotec Pantheon is the Goddess of Creation and the God of Humor.

26% the variations on the creator goddess continue to spread, but now Ndan (sea god/goddess - gender unknown) appears.

22% we get pantheon growth with Ndubdo (god of corn), Loçio (god of unpleasant weather), Locio(ditto), Dubdo(corn), Coquie Laa (god of wealth/red food colouring), Coqueelaa(ditto), Coquee Laa(ditto), thus we see the Agricultural pantheon development.

16% Ndozin (god of death, justice, night, and messenger of the sea god), Cozichacozee (god of war), Cozaana (a new 'creator god' now paired with the initial creator goddess), Coqui Bezelao (god of death) appear. Looks like the peaceful times have ended,

Largest Pantheon Growth occurs during the 14%-12% period.

Spanish arrive at 2% (with Dios Murciélago-spanish batman) not quite ending further cultural development- R is absorbed from the Spanish resulting in Corichacozee (god of war). Kedo (evil god of death- suddenly the god of death is evil, likely caused by christian influence).

28% The first Gods of the Zapotec

  1. Nohuichana
  2. Nohuichaana
  3. Huichaana
  4. Coqui Huani
Alphabet by popularity of use
A          %          E          %          I             %            O           %            U           %
4          100%     0          0%       4            100%       3           75%        4           100%

B          %          C          %          D             %            F           %            G           %
0           0%        4          100%    0              0%         0            0%         0            0%

H          %          J          %          K             %            L           %            M           %
4           100%   0          0%        0             0%          0            0%         0              0%

N          %          P          %          Q             %            R           %            S           %
4           100%    0           0%       1              25%       0            0%          0            0%

T          %          V          %          W             %            X           %            Y           %
0           0%        0          0%        0               0%         0             0%         0          0%

Z          %
0           0%

Popularity of use
100% A, I, U, C, H, N: Huichaana,
75% O, A, I, U, C, H, N: Nohuichana, Nohuichaana,

25% Q, O, A, I, U, C, H, N: Coqui Huani,

0% E, B, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, P, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

Conclusion: At 100% Huichaana is the initial form of the creation goddess, the No- Prefix later added by 75% of the population suggesting a population division with significant adoption of the New Prefix. 
25% The god of light entertainment is a late appearance entity (either child/lover of the creator goddess, or a new local god in use by 25% of the over all linguistic group - though its by 33% of the new 75% group).

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Coronavirus Memes: we failed as gods to engineer cat girls

Art Folio: The Old Mill

In the distance a decaying timber windmill seems to creak and groan under the slightest breeze.

Lockdown Awesome: Some Supermarionation

I think this is going to be our 2020 TV series...

Exploring Greyhawk: A bunch of Migrations

Migration Groups
Mountain-folk (Dwarves)
River-folk (Halflings)
Swamp-folk (Gnomes)
Forest-folk (Elves)

Black Wash: Two very different Windmills

Here is an MBF kitbuild Windmill by Black Magic Craft.

Here is a Windmill by Bardcraft.

The big difference is cost and time. The Bardcraft scratchbuild is probably the superior option in time, uniqueness, and definatly cost.

 Off hand I have the materials (foam and wood) needed to create a windmill sitting in a minis materials box with an airbrush. I might give it a go in the future.

You should check out both youtube channels.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Short Fiction: City of the Gods (Ch1)

Chapter 1 - The Wolf and the Camel

"You want to go to the Holy City?" The old man rubbed the cheek of his camel and nodded with toothy grin at the idea of this rural hick running around the Holy City. "They dont just let anyone in."
"You need to be blessed by the Light of the Merciless One or..." He obviously lacked the Black Skin that was caused by the long years beneath the unrelenting light of the Merciless Sun so they would need to Mine some Ice. "...hauling Ice."
"Or Metal." The young pale pulp hiding under the hood of spider-silk smiled in return. "But to do that we need a holy seal which we can only get in..."
"The Holy City." Metal. By Kulon's Frosty Tits, that was a long journey... suicidal even, given the swarms of creatures that nested in the ancient ruins beyond Bkuzos on the far side of the Great Escarpment. "Actually, You might not need to go to the Holy City for a seal."
"How is that old man?" The Pup's words were a cruel estimation of his age.
"I can get us a holy seal." The old man contemplated returning to the place his father had died fifty years ago. "How are you with Ice scimitars?"
"I can use one." The young pup raised a cloth-wrapped tool which, freed of its oil-cloth revealed itself to be a burnished metal ice cutter. "We mining ice?"
"No," The old man pulled a similar tool from the camel pack. "Scorpions."
"Scorpions?" The pup wrapped his ice cutter in the oil-cloth from which he had liberated it. "You mean... Giant Scorpions?"
"Yes..." The old man took a clay cup from his pack and scooped up drinking water from the trough from which his camel was drinking and filled his belly. "There a gully where they nest three days from here."

"Three days by camel - there," the pup cleared his throat of an irrational childhood fear of being ripped apart by giant scorpions. "...then three days back again."
"Its okay to be afraid of Giant Scorpions," the old man cleared snot from his nose into a snot-rag. "Only an Idiot dances with Giant Scorpions."
"Dances with Scorpions..." it was immediately obvious that the old man knew the story of the boy who danced with Scorpions. "I'm not looking to die."
"Neither am I," the old camel handler's memory of the gully was hazy at best. "But if they are still nesting where we are headed, there will be at least fifty of the big bastards."
"I suggest you do some trading." The old man pulled some salt dried meat from a hook on a seller's stall and traded him some blue sky-glass shards for it. "You will need six marches of food and water."
"Yeah," The pup took down three salted meats from the hooks above the seller's stall and offered up a ball of black wax, and a few pieces of blue sky-glass. "You got room on your camel for my food and water?"
"Yes," The old man checked an empty pack on the camel and added the pup's salt dried meat to it. "Should do."
"Fill your water bags." The old man drowned his empty water bags in the trough until they filled. "Camel water's free if you've a taste for it."
"I'm fine with proper drink-water." The pup took down waterskins from a hook, slinging them over his shoulder, dropped his empties on the counter with a shard of blue sky-glass scoffing at the suggestion. "...Camel water."
"Alright," The old man led his camel out beyond the ice cutting village of Kulon, the pup crushing sand beneath his feet close behind. "Off we go."

The camel sniffed at the sweet smelling young man and took a taste.

"Fuck!" The pup slapped the camel away and lurched away from the beast until he was out of its reach. "Your Camel bit me."
"Didn't take you for one of those..." The old man patted the camel and smiled nodding. "So you use that soap made with black liquor?"
"She just loves to bite the asses of pale little whores who wash in black liquor soap." The old man kissed the camel and laughed. "Did the man-whore taste nice?"
"I'm not a sugar-drunk man-whore old man." The pup adjusted his cloth wrapped blade so it would be more convenient. "If it does it again, next time it gets the smack of my blade."
"Hurt my camel," The old man developed a hate for the young pup, shaking his head. "...and you carry your own food and water."

"Come on you," the old man led the camel further from the young pup whose choice in hygiene was attractive to the cow. "No biting the man-whore."

The old man started singing a song about dancing with scorpions as they headed across the hot sands. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Linguistic Archaeology: The Devil you know

Satan, Lucifer. In the end he is just some vilified or feared historical figure.

Name      Protoform
Lucifer    Lku-ckuf-kuar
Satan       Sar-Tarn

Linguistic Dictionary
Primary    Pre-minoan    Modern
    -Er                  -kuar       Crown Prince suffix
    Cif                   ckuf         Zukov/Zukof (Zuko), Cif/Sif female
    Lu                     lku         Li, Lu, Le Family Name
    Sa                     Sar         region south of Caspian Sea
  Tan                    Tarn      Mountain Lake

Cif, Sif proto-Viking name? Sif is the wife of Thor. Zukov or Zhukov is also a family name (Жуков). Жуk meaning beetle but likely related to jakob or jar-kob the father of jesus, and that might make the 'beetle' an egyptian scarab. So probably some cruel tyrant, or vicious overlord, or warrior but as likely to be some percieved enemy.

Le, Lu, Li are chinese, korean, or japanese family names. The history hidden in the origins

The mountain south of the Caspian Sea is a volcanic peak, and it has mountain lakes. Lakes that could be acidic, or hotsprings, or both.

Dungeon Mastery: City of the Gods (part 2)

The Holy City
The Holy City sits at the centre of the Great Basin. The Ancient, mud-brick Ziggurat at its centre is dedicated to an ancient god known as The Merciless One.
The first wall encompasses the Ziggurat, and the populated area known as the sinful sprawl lies beyond it.
Encompassing that is the outer wall, a mud brick structure a day's journey by camel in circumference.

Other Settlements
Up on the escarpment are the two ice mining settlements (a journey from the Holy City seven days and thirteen days by camel respectively) Kulon, and Bkuzos.
These are involved in mining ice for movement of water back to the Holy City, as well as the growing of Food.

The Ruins of Tkumku
A city made of metal and ceramic that is now mined for metals and ceramics by those looking to risk their lives for reward, delving into its subterranean caverns and tunnels.

Beneath the Perpetual Sun
The Sun never sets. Rather it beats down upon the known world focusing its light and heat on the Holy City and the lands around it. Only the two glaciers resist the Merciless Light.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Dungeon Mastery: City of the Gods

The City of the Gods is an Ancient Colony ship orbiting the Sun...

To enjoy gravity on our starship it needs to orbit so it doesnt disrupt planetary orbits while travelling fast enough to create one earth gravity.

So, the City of the Gods orbits the Sun at a distance of 2AU at an orbital velocity of 6,166,525 km/h to achieve 1G.

Linguistic Archaeology: Drow Noble Houses of Greyhawk

Houses of the Drow
1. Aleval
2. Despana
3. Eilzervs
4. Everhate
5. Godeep
6. Kilsek
7. Noquar
8. Tormtor

Popularity of use
A       %        E        %         I          %          O       %       U            %
4       50%    6        75%    2          25%     3       37%   1            12%

B        %        C        %        D         %          F       %      G            %
0         0%     0         0%      2         25%     0        0%    1           12%

H         %        J           %      K          %        L        %       M          %
1          12%    0            0%   1          12%    3       37%    1         12%

N         %        P            %      Q           %       R          %       S           %
2           25%  2            25%   1           12%   4          50%   3          37%

T           %        V            %      W           %       X           %       Y          %
2            25%   1            12%  0            0%    0            0%     0           0%

Z           %
1           12%

Popularity of use
75% E:
50% A, R, E:
37% S, L, O, A, R, E:
25% T, N, P, D, I, S, L, O, A, R, E: Despana,
12% Z, V, Q, M, K, H, G, U, T, N, P, D, I, S, L, O, A, R, E: Tormtor,
         Noquar, Kilsek, Godeep, Everhate, Eilzervs, Aleval
0% J, C, F, W, X, Y

Conclusion: At 25% Despana is the oldest Drow Noble House. At 12% the remaining seven noble houses emerge.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Star Trek: The USS Galaxy Engages at Wolf 359

The U.S.S. Galaxy engages the Borg minus one Saucer Section...

Dungeon Mastery: The Lost Tomb of Tkupharkut

You journey toward the city in the desert with the Wolf Mkun, a merchant and bandit who leads your camels through the wastes.
A sandstorm drives you into a gully where as you dig yourselves out, giant scorpions arise from the sand around you...

1- the entry, partly buried, is swarmed over by a horde of giant scorpions.

DM: there are a hundred Giant Scorpions in the Area in and around the tomb.

2- to the side of the entry stones, a narrow crawl leads to a hidden burial chamber containing the tomb Artisan's stone coffin. It contain's the remains of a dwarf, and his hammer and chisel.

DM: These are magical hammer and chisel of stone-crafting. These magic items allowed the artisan to carve the tomb in a week.

3- the crypt of Tkupharkut lies doen some 25ft of entry and is a thirty five feet diameter chamber with stone coffin on a dias, guarded by a statue of a squat, fat, gnarled tree that holds the ceiling aloft, reaching out across the chamber ceiling. There is something elf-like about the stonework.

DM: the coffin contains the remains of the wizard named Tkupharkut. He wears a ring of spell storing with 10 first level spell slots.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Art Folio: The Lost Tomb of Tkupharkut the First

You stumble across an ancient tomb entrance cut from heavy stone blocks, partly buried, the area guarded by a hundred giant scorpions...

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Linguistic Archaeology: the Origin of Hold Portal

Hold Portal in every language
1. Hold Portal
2. Hou portaal
3. Portitali yazi
4. Amsik albawwaba
5. Antskatsrek portaly
6. Portal tutun
7. Portala dharuna
8. Etusi ataria
9. Trymajecie partal
10. Drzite portal
11. Zadruzhte portal
12. Portal ko kineh tarr par
13. Portal de celebracio
14. Paghhupot sa portal
15. Baoliu menhu
16. Tene portal
17. Drzte portal
18. Hold portalen
19. Portal vasthouden
20. Hold portalo (esperanto)
21. Hoidke portaali
22. Pida portaalia
23. Tenir le portail
24. Manten o portal
25. Gamartvas portali
26. Portal halten
27. Portala rakho
28. Kenbe portal la
29. Rike tashar
30. Paa i ka waihona
31. *HGJKF*R*
32. Portal pakado
33. Tuav portal
34. Tartsa a portalt
35. Haltu portal
36. Jide portal
37. Tahan portal
38. Tairseach coinnigh
39. Horudopotaru
40. Tahan warta
41. Portal annu hididukolli
42. Portaldi ustaniz
43. Kan vib pht thal
44. Fata urubuga
45. Poteol gaechoe
46. Portal bigire
47. Karmap portal
48. Thu portal
49. Turet portalu
50. Laikyti portala
51. Halt portal
52. Drzi portal
53. Mitazona vav ahady
54. Pearttal pitikkuka
55. Zomm portal
56. Pupuri tomokanga
57. Portal barikh
58. Portala holda garnuhos
59. Gwira portal
60. *B* (odia)
61. *TA*N*
63. Poratal pharo
64. Tineti portalul
65. Tao fi le pupuni
66. Cum portal
67. Bata portal
68. *K*
69. Dvaraya taba ganna
70. Qabo xariirka
71. Tsoara portal
72. Shika portal
73. Hall portal
74. Portalro nigho dored
75. Porttalai vaittirunkal
76. P*ptalny t*tyh
77. Portal pattukondi
78. Thuxphxrthal
79. Bekletme portali
80. Porlaly saklan
81. Utrumuyte portal
82. P*T*PK*
83. P*PTNYT*T*
84. Portalni ushlab turing
85. Giu cong thong tin
86. Dal porth
87. Bamba iportal
88. Haltn toyer
89. Mu portal

Popularity of use
A        %          E            %          I           %         O       %       U         %
83       93%     25          28%     37        41%    71     79%   28       31%

B         %         C            %         D        %          F       %         G         %
13       14%     6            6%       20      22%     3        3%      14       15%

H        %          J         %        K          %          L          %          M        %
35       39%     2         2%      21        23%     71       79%      12        13%

N          %        P          %       Q        %             R        %            S            %
28        31%    73       82%    1        1%           75      84%       11          12%

T         %           V          %        W         %          X       %          Y            %
79       88%       7          7%      4          4%        2       2%        11          12%

Z       %
7        7%

Popularity of use
93% A:
88% T, A:
84% R, T, A:
82% P, R, T, A:
79% O, L, P, R, T, A: Portal,
41% I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
39% H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: Halt portal, Hall portal, Tahan portal, Poratal pharo,
31% U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: *TA*N*, Thu portal, Portal tutun,
         Haltu portal, Hou portaal,
28% E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: Tene portal, Portal halten,
         Tineti portalul, Turet portalu, Etusi ataria, Tenir le portail,
23% K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: P*T*PK*, *K*,
         Portal ko kineh tarr par, Pearttal pitikkuka, Portala rakho,
22% D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: Hold Portal, Dal porth,
         Portal pattukondi, Portal pakado, Portal vasthouden,
         Portal annu hididukolli, Horudopotaru,
         Hold portalo (esperanto), Pida portaalia, Hold portalen,
         Portala dharuna, Hoidke portaali,
15% G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: Portalro nigho dored,
         Poteol gaechoe,
14% B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: *B* (odia), Bata portal,
         Portal barikh, Portal bigire, Kenbe portal la,
13% M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: Mu portal,
         Bamba iportal, Bekletme portali, Karmap portal,
         Manten o portal, Pupuri tomokanga, Baoliu menhu,
12% S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A: P*PTNYT*T*,
         Shika portal, P*PTALNY T*TYH, Haltn toyer,
         Portalni ushlab turing, Utrumuyte portal, Porlaly saklan,
         Tsoara portal, Paghhupot sa portal, Rike tashar,
         Portala holda garnuhos, Laikyti portala, Tartsa a portalt,
         Antskatsrek portaly,
7% Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
       Zomm portal, Drzi portal, Tuav portal, Drzte portal,
       Zadruzhte portal, Drzite portal, Porttalai vaittirunkal,
       Portaldi ustaniz, Dvaraya taba ganna, Mitazona vav ahady,
       Kan vib pht thal, Gamartvas portali, Portitali yazi,
6% C, Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
      NCEDA*DNP*RDAL, Giu cong thong tin, Cum portal,
      Tairseach coinnigh, Portal de celebracio,
4% W, C, Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
      Gwira portal, Tahan warta, Amsik albawwaba,
      Paa i ka waihona,
3% F, W, C, Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
       Tao fi le pupuni, Fata urubuga, *HGJKF*R*,
2% X, J, F, W, C, Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
      Thuxphxrthal, Jide portal, Trymajecie partal,
1% Q, X, F, J, W, C, Z, V, S, Y, M, B, G, D, K, E, U, N, H, I, O, L, P, R, T, A:
      Qabo xariirka,

Conclusion: 39% is the Earliest use of Hold Portal in the forms Hall portal (swedish), Halt Portal (luxembourgish), Tahan portal (indonesian), and Poratal pharo (Punjabi).

Examination of the 39% sub-group

  1. Hall Portal
  2. Halt Portal
  3. Tahan Portal
  4. Poratal Pharo

Popularity of use
A        %          E            %          I           %         O       %       U         %
4         100%   0            0%         0         0%        4       100% 0        0%

B         %         C            %         D        %          F       %         G         %
0          0%       0           0%        0        0%        0       0%        0        0%

H        %          J         %        K          %          L          %          M        %
4         100%    0        0%      0          0%        4          100%    0         0%

N          %        P          %       Q        %             R        %            S            %
1          25%     4        100%  0         0%          4         100%     0          0%

T         %           V          %        W         %          X       %          Y            %
4         100%     0          0%      0          0%        0        0%        0            0%

Z       %
0        0%

Popularity of use
100% A, O, H, L, P, R, T: Hall Portal, Halt Portal, Poratal Pharo,
25% N, A, O, H, L, P, R, T: Tahan Portal

Conclusion: that narrows it down slightly:

  1. Hall Portal
  2. Halt Portal
  3. Poratal Pharo

It cant be reduced below a linguistic group including Swedish, Luxembourgish, and Punjabi speakers. A siege or raid involving vikings? Poratal Pharo means 'the portal - to fill out'. In bangala Pora tela or pora ta is 'burnt oil' or 'burns' respectively and phara is 'far' ('burnt oil, far' or 'something distant burns').

Hold Portal appears to originally involve the use of burning oil to do so.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Age of Warp: Year One finale

That's been a brutal Year One...

Proxima Colony Established, only to be lost to a Pandemic months after.

Stardate         Player          Events
2080.47               1                The Starship Rochelle departs Earth for
                                                Tau Ceti.
                             2                The S.S. Endeavour, having arrived at
                                               Gilese 876 thanks to a Warp-3 Carry-all,
                                               is snatched up by an Ancient One and
                                               whisked away to the Andromeda

2080.48                 1        The S.S. Rochelle is boarded by an Edosian
                                         bounty hunter; soon after the S.S. Rochelle
                                         retrieves a Romulan Lifepod (adding a
                                         green brick to the ship).

                               2         The Starship Marie Celeste departs Earth
                                           for Tau Ceti.

2080.49                 1          A purple energy cloud inspects the crew
                                           of the S.S. Rochelle.

                               2         A subspace vortex carries the Marie
                                          Celeste off to Gilese 412AB.

2080.50               1          A Romulan Cultist boards the Starship
                                         Rochelle making adjustments to the warp
                                         drive so the warp field resonates at an
                                         inverse harmonic.

                               2        The Marie Celeste harvest Ice from a
                                         comet in the Gilese 412AB system; The
                                         Crew and Passengers of the Marie Celeste
                                         establish the Gilese Colony.

2080.51                1         A crewman aboard the S.S. Rochelle is
                                         eaten by an Alien intruder; An Alien Vessel
                                         emerges from high warp and tows the
                                         Rochelle to Den 0255-4700.

                               2        The S.S. Singapore launches from Earth
                                          and heads for Tau Ceti.

2080.52                 1         The Captain of the Rochelle meets with
                                          the Chief Medical Officer in Sickbay. The
                                          crew and Passengers of the S.S. Rochelle
                                          establish the colony of Jennifer's World.

                               2        The S.S. Singapore rescues Vulcan
                                         Ambassador T'Pok from a derelict vessel.

T'Pok has survived the events of Proxima Colony...

Colonies Beyond the Range of the Warp-2 engine

 Leonis Colony, Li Chang's World, Gilese Colony...
 Jennifer's World...

A fate unknown, yet like so many other ships whisked away to the Andromeda Galaxy by an Ancient.

To be continued...

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Age of Warp: The Continuing Voyages...

Stardate       Player      Events
2080.42              1          The Starship Venture launches from
                                        Starbase Jamestown.
                            2          The Nova Scotia encounter's an Ancient
                                         Portal that leads to Bernard's Star.

2080.43               1           The Starship Venture's warp drive burns
                                          out due to darkmatter. The Venture
                                          becomes part of Starbase Yorktown.

                             2           Arriving at Bernard's colony, the S.S.
                                          Nova Scotia crew encounter a purple
                                          energy cloud that scrutinizes them
                                          thoroughly. The Nova Scotia heads for
                                         Research Station Moscow resuming its
                                         course for Tau Ceti.

2080.44               1          The S.S. Botany Bay launches from
                                         Starbase Jamestown.
                             2          A light-year from Bernard's Star the Chief
                                        Medical Officer of the Nova Scotia
                                        successfully leads a coup and the
                                        Mutineers of the Nova Scotia set course to
                                        the Colony at Bernard's Star.

2080.45                1          The Mutineers of the S.S. Nova Scotia
                                          establish Pitcairn Station in Geostationary
                                          Orbit above Bernard's Colony.
                                          The Starship Botany Bay encounters a
                                          giant asteroid shaped like a head;
                                          Mistaken for a Derelict ship, the Botany
                                          Bay is towed to Sector Hex 213.

                                2         The S.S. Endeavour launches from Earth.

2080.46                 1          First Officer of the Botany Bay detects a
                                           waterworld on long range sensors and
                                            names it Aquarii.
                                           Sector Hex 213 is in use as a Derelict Ship
                                           garbage dump. Establishing Starbase
                                           Botany Bay they begin salvaging derelict
                                           Starships to expand.

                               2          The S.S. Endeavour encounters a Warp-3
                                           Carry-all that transfers the Endeavour to
                                           Gilese 876 beyond the range of any Warp
                                           2 Starship.

To be continued...

Age of Warp: Kick it to Warp (part 6)

Finaly reached Bernard's Star...

Stardate                      Player            Events
2080.37                             1                 The First Officer of the S.S.
                                                               Titanic spots a rogue planet
                                                               and names it Planet Mongo.

                                             2                 The S.S. London undergoes
                                                                 first week in quarantine.

2080.38                              1                    After a Pregnancy test, one of 
                                                                  the crew on the S.S. Titanic,
                                                                  test positive to Parasitic Eggs,
                                                                  but they fail to hatch.

2080.39                                2                  The S.S. London undergo 
                                                                   second week of Quarantine 
                                                                   before departing for 
                                                                   Bernard's Star.

2080.40                               1                    Reading the crew's emails is 
                                                                   a tough job, but someone on 
                                                                   the S.S. Titanic does it 
                                                                   revealing a secret.

                                             2                   A crewman on the S.S. 
                                                                  London experiencs Gastro; 
                                                                  The S.S. London find a 
                                                                  lifepod and are forced to 
                                                                  establish a medical research 


2080.41                               1             The S.S. Titanic experiences the 
                                                             collapse of the Warp field. A 
                                                             strange organism is growing on 
                                                             the deflector. 
                                                             The S.S. Titanic establishes a 
                                                             colony at Bernard's Star.

                                             2               The S.S. Nova Scotia launches 
                                                              from Earth for Tau Ceti.

To be continued...

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Age of Warp: To Boldly Go... (part 5)

Things start to get ugly...

Stardate                       Player            Events
2080.28                             1                  The S.S. Scara Brae launches
                                                                from Earth.
                                            2                  The S.S. Beijing prepares to
                                                                 depart from Starbase
                                                                Vermont entering the
                                                                mandatory two weeks

2080.29                             1                   The crew of the S.S. Scara Brae
                                                                mine some asteroids rich in
                                                                high grade dilithium and are
                                                                able to reach the next sector
                                                                hex travelling at Warp 3;
                                                                 S.S. Scara Brae has the
                                                                resources necessary to
                                                                establish a shipyard.

                                            2                  The S.S. Beijing has completed
                                                               one week of quarantine at
                                                                Starbase Vermont.

2080.30                               1                 A Romulan Cultist boards the
                                                                S.S. Skara Brae and makes
                                                                modifications to the warp
                                                                drive so it resonates at an
                                                                inverse warp harmonic.

                                                                The S.S. Scara Brae merges
                                                                with Research Station
                                                                 Jamestown upgrading to
                                                                include Shipyards allowing
                                                                colony ships to depart
                                                                Starbase Jamestown.
                                               2               The S.S. Beijing completes
                                                                week two of Quarantine at
                                                                Starbase Vermont and
                                                                launches for Bernard's Star.

2080.31                                 1               The S.S. California launches
                                                                from Starbase Jamestown for
                                                                Proxima Centauri.
                                              2               The S.S. Beijing is transported
                                                               to the Andromeda Galaxy by
                                                               an Ancient.

2080.32                                  1             A pregnancy test aboard the 
                                                               S.S. California reveals one of 
                                                               the crew is infested with 
                                                              parasitic eggs. Fortunately they 
                                                             dont appear to have hatched.

                                                2           The Starship Shanghai prepares 
                                                             to Depart Starbase Vermont 
                                                             entering the mandatory two 
                                                             weeks quarantine.

2080.33                                   1          The Starship California Rescues 
                                                             the Vulcan Ambassador T'Pok 
                                                             from a lifepod.

                                                            The S.S. California establishes a 
                                                            Spaceport in Orbit around 
                                                            Proxima Colony. Unfortunately 
                                                           contact with the colony results in 
                                                           the intermingling of the 
                                                           Proximan Flu with an infestation 
                                                           of Parasitic Eggs unleashing a 
                                                           Pandemic aboard the station and 
                                                           on Proxima Colony.
                                             2           The Starship Shanghai completes 
                                                          week 1 of Quarantine at Starbase 

2080.34                                1          The Starship Yorktown launches 
                                                          from Starbase Jamestown for 
                                                          Bernard's Star.
                                             2           S.S. Shanghai completes week 2 
                                                          of quarantine at Starbase 
                                                          Vermont and departs for 
                                                          Bernard's Star.

2080.35                              1            The Yorktown discovers a Dyson 
                                                          Sphere and establishes Starbase 
                                                          Yorktown to study it. 

                                             2          The First Officer of the Starship 
                                                         Shanghai turns out to be an Entity 
                                                         named Q. He relocates the S.S. 
                                                         Shanghai to LHS292.

2080.36                              1          The Starship Titanic launches 
                                                        from Starbase Jamestown and 
                                                        heads to Bernard's Star.
                                            2          Arriving in the LHS292 System the 
                                                        First Officer of the Starship 
                                                        Shanghai detects a Waterworld on 
                                                        long range sensors and Names it 
                                                        Aquarii. The Colonists of the 
                                                        Starship Shanghai settle on Li 
                                                        Chang's World.

To be continued...