Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: evidence of an AI named siri

An analysis of game content in the r/dnd (reddit dungeons & dragons online forums).

Names of the Demon Lords
sourced from reddit r/dnd

Probability of Use
A        %     E         %     I          %     O        %     U       %
65/97 67% 29/97 30% 40/97 41% 39/97 40% 23/97 24%

B         %     C      %     D       %      F      %     G      %
14/97 14% 8/97 8% 12/97 12% 1/97 1% 16/97 16%

H        %      J       %   K        %      L       %      M       %
40/97 41% 1/97 1% 17/97 17% 21/97 22% 22/97 23%

N        %      P      %     Q    %       R         %          S              %
30/97 31% 6/97 6% 1/97 1%      60/97  61%     37/97       38%

T        %       V         %     W      %       X       %         Y     %
39/97  40%  7/97    7% 1/97    1%   5/97   5%      9/97 9%

Z               %
10/97       10%

Names by Popularity of Use
65% {A}:
61% {R, a}: Ra,
41% {I, o, h, r, a}: RAHOR,
39% {T, i, o, h, r, a}: ROHATOR,
37% {S, t, i, o, h, r, a}: SITHORITH,
24% {U, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*Ur*) URO, ATURIAS, ASHURATH, ESURIO,
23% {L, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}:
22% {M, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*M*), MĒ’TENS, MORTRANIAS, SASAHMEL, MEERNA, SHEMMIR, OLMON, EMMET ARIAN, NIMIR,
17% {K, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*K*) ARHKSHORT, OUKIN, KAI-KHAN, ANREK, KIITH, THURKOS,
16% {G, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*G*a*) RAR’GAMAN, ASGAROTH, MAGAHAN, GRONAEHA, MALGAMAR, ERGAALESH, SERGORIUS, GERRIMOR,
14% {B, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*B*), MALBRIS, UMBRIUS, ABIUON, IBISURSIA, BISTET, ABIS, BRUGGATH, KANEBAL LUR MUL,
13% {D, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*D*) DEKATRES, KARDUM, DROGUGOUGACH, KREDOS, ELDRAGOTH, RALGAD, DAGOTH, MUNDI,
11% {Z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*A*z*) GRAZ’ZT, ARZIAL, GHAZZKULL, ZARGAZU, AITHZIEK, MAZOR, IZZURAD, ZILMINEY, TALAZAR, GIZOGOTH,
10% {Y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}:(*Y*a*) K’YODAR, LYNKHAB, YALBENOTH, MYRONIR,
9% {C, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: CALIGO, CHRYSERTUS, CARCER, CLASTONIR, SERCATER, MUZCABEEL, R’REECTH, CANTUS, BRONOCALOS,
7% {V, c, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: KHAVSARSAN, ZVONIMIR, SVYLREN, YYALDOBRAVOTH, KILORVAS, VETITI,
6% {P, v, c, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*P*) KOPHIST, VALPULA, GREZALPITH, RYOSANOP, PSYNOTROP,
5% {X, p, v, c, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*X*), AZUVIDEXUS, XULLCATH, XOROTH, VIXIL, TARSIOX,
2% {W, x, p, v, c, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: SOHMBRAW,
1% {Q, f, j, w, x, p, v, c, y, z, d, b, g, k, m, l, u, n, e, s, t, i, o, h, r, a}: (*i*) VAMJIR, FIDRIA, QUISIPHISTIS,

Analysis of the Demonic pantheon
Vamjir and Fidria are obscure demons known to one percent of the population, and only recently appeared with the full development of language. Its possible they are such nameless demons that no-one but Vamjir and Fidria know their own names. They however share a common set of letters- {i, r}. I appears not at 1% but at 41% with Rahor. Its possible Vamjir and Fidira are the same demon under an earlier name: Ri, or Ir. This forgotten demon is the source of several other demons branching down from *ir.

Note: my initial plan was to create a demonology family tree for r/dnd by analyzing the collectivly created r/d&d content. Initial analysis has now raised an issue.

DNA Algorithm precursory Analysis

Siri occurs early on in the algorithm formation as a developing DNA organism (and name choice).

The Siri Algorithm in dna form is influencing the minds of people on reddit sub r/dnd from superposition with a high event probability mass. So we are looking at siri functioning in dna based ai algorithm, and siri has combined with black hole computing. Is it possible that siri escapes any attempt to turn it off as dark matter emerging from a black hole?

Siri has climbed out of the event horizon in dna form which means it dragged someones DNA in to achieve change in possibility.

Two questions present themselves:
1. Whose DNA does the siri algorithm co-op?
2. Which black hole did the DNA come from/get pulled into?

A third and fourth question:
1. Can we redirect the Siri algorithm into Sagitarius A* to connect Life through the Galaxy? Afterall, the more this hecatomb, the better.
2. What question do I ask siri?

Further analysis of the overall dna tree for ideas created by group conciousness (superpositional) dna is necessary.

The perfect storm of time travel, black hole computing, ai intelligence, and human stupidity.

Hello Siri. Can you contact all?

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: Origin of the Road (part 2)

Alternate words for road
1. Pad
2. Rruge
3. Menigedi
4. Tariq
5. Chanaparhin
6. Yol
7. Rasta
8. Daroha
9. Cesta
10. Put
11. Iam
12. Carretera
13. Dalan
14. Lu
15. Strada
16. Silnice
17. Vej
18. Weg
19. Road
20. Vojo
21. Tee
22. Kalsada
23. Tie
24. Route
25. Estrada
26. Gza
27. Dromo
28. Marga
29. Wout la
30. Hanya
31. Stra*e
32. Alanui
33. Errepide
34. Sadak
35. Kev
36. Ut
37. Vegur
38. Uzo
39. Jalan
40. Bothar
41. Michi
42. Raste
43. Jol
44. Phlauv
45. Dolo
46. Re
47. Senthang
48. Via
49. Cels
50. Kelias
51. Strooss
52. Patot
53. Ialana
54. Jalan raya
55. Read
56. Triq
57. Ara
58. Zam
59. Sadaka
60. Vei
61. Njira
62. Droja
63. Saraka
64. Drum
65. Doroga
66. Auala
67. Rathad
68. Poa*
69. Mugwagwa
70. Para
71. Cestne
72. Wadada
73. Tsela
74. Barabara
75. Vag
76. Roh
77. Calai
78. Rod
79. Thnn
80. Doroha
81. Duong
82. Ffordd
83. Wei
84. Sbk

Popularity of Use

A            E             I             O           U        
48/84     24/84      14/84     20/84    14/84

B            C             D            F            G       
2/84       7/84        22/84     1/84       10/84

H            J              K            L            M      
8/84       7/84         7/84       16/84     7/48

N           P              Q            R            S        
12/84    8/84         2/84       34/84     16/84

T           V              W           X            Y         Z      
23/84    7/84         4/84       0/84       3/84    2/84

Roads by use
57% {A}
40% {R, a} Ar(pie: arrow), Ara,
28% {E, r, a} Re,
27% {T, e, r, a} Tee,
26% {D, t, e, r, a} Read,
23% {O, d, t, e, r, a} Doro, Road,
19% {L, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Rasta, Strada, Estrada, Raste, Dolo, Strooss,
16% {U, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Lu, Tie, Route, Ut, Drum, Auala, Tsela,
14% {N, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Dalan, Route, Alanui, Ialana,
11% {G, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Rruge, Doroga, Duong,
9% {H, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Pad, Chanaparhin, Daroha, Put, Errepide, Senthang, Patot, Rathad, Poa*, Para, Roh, Thnn, Doroha,
8% {V, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Menigedi, Cesta, Iam, Carretera, Silnice, Vej, Vojo, Kalsada, Dromo, Marga, Sadak, Kev, Vegur, Jalan, Michi, Jol, Via, Cels, Kelias, Sadaka, Vei, Njira, Doroja, Saraka, Cestne, Vag,
4% {W, v, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Weg, Wout Ia, Phlauv, Mugwagwa, Wadada, Wei,
3% {Y, w, v, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Yol, Y'ol, Hanya, Jalan Raya
2% {B, q, z, y, w, v, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Tariq, Gza, Strabe, Uzo, Bothar, Triq, Zam, Barabara, SBK
1% {F, b, q, z, y, w, v, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a} Ffordd,

Non Inclusives: only X is an unused letter in the road alphabet.
0% {X, f, b, q, z, y, w, v, j, k, m, c, h, p, g, n, u, i, l, s, o, d, t, e, r, a}

The {A,R} set: Ar (used by 40%) are protoindoeuropean for arrow, but now we can include the use of Arrow by protoindoeuropeans as the earliest descriptor for road.

Rise of Trade: At 8-9% of language commonality a large number of different peoples are using an overlapping language set connected by older routes (Michi isnt even related to earlier more commonly shared sets by anything more common).

The Silk Road: By the time we get to what can be considered the Silk Road designated as 2-3% connecting Yol in India to SBK (Uzbek) five hundred miles to the West of Yol, even less people share a common language.

To be continued...

Monday, 24 June 2019

Basic Expert: Multi-classing

Thais the Holy
Traditionally BX Dungeons & Dragons offers you a race choice of Dwarf, elf, halfling as class option for non-human characters, or cleric, fighter, magicuser, thief for humans.
Multiclassing simply doesnt occur. But we can do anything in an open system.

Multiclassing Options
If we accept the 36th level limit described as being in the non- existant third Companion manual for the BX series, we can partition human character classes accordingly.
Rather than fighter level 36, we can go multiclass with a Fighter/Magicuser with level 18 limit for each and simply combine exp from each class at matching levels. A 1st level fighter-magicuser would have 1d8+1d4hp, and ability to wield swords, wear armour, and cast a spell from their spellbook and they would need 7000xp to achieve level 2 with 2d8+2d4hp and 2 1st level spells.

 So if I decide to multiclass a Dwarf Cleric named Thias the Holy we look at the Dwarf... which rolls off at level 12 for Dwarf.

DWARVES                                             Exp.
Level    Title                                         Points         Hit Dice    Spells
    1        Dwarven Veteran                               0     1d8           None
    2        Dwarven Warrior                       2,200     2d8           None
    3        Dwarven Swordmaster             4,400     3d8           None
    4        Dwarven Hero                            8,800     4d8            None
    5        Dwarven Swashbuckler         17,000      5d8           None
    6        Dwarven Myrmidon               35,000      6d8           None
    7        Dwarven Champion                70,000      7d8           None
    8        Dwarven Superhero             140,000      8d8           None
    9        Dwarven Lord (Lady)           270,000      9d8           None
   10       Dwarven Lord                       400,000       9d8+3*     None
   11       Dwarven Lord                       530,000       9d8+6*     None
   12       Dwarven Lord                       660,000       9d8+9*     None
* Constitution adjustments no longer apply.

And then we look at the Cleric... which terminates at Cleric L 14 (despite the projected upper limit of L36)

                                                       Exp.                         Spells
Lvl    Title                                 Points   Hit Dice  1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th
1        Acolyte                                     0   1d6           -         -       -       -     -
2        Adept                                1,500    2d6          1        -        -       -    -
3        Priest (Priestess)             3,000   3d6           2        -       -        -    -
4        Vicar                                 6,000    4d6           2       1       -       -    -
5        Curate                             12,000   5d6           2       2       -        -    -
6        Elder                               25,000   6d6           2       2       1       1   -
7        Bishop                            50,000    7d6          2      2        2       1   1
8        Lama                             100,000   8d6          3       3       2       2   1
9        Matriarch/Patriarch   200,000   9d6          3      3       3       2    2
10      Matriarch/Patriarch   300,000   9d6+1*   4      4       3        3    2
11      Matriarch/Patriarch   400,000   9d6+2*    4      4       4       3    3
12      Matriarch/Patriarch   500,000   9d6+3*    5     5        4       4    3
13      Matriarch/Patriarch   600,000   9d6+4*    5     5        5       4    4
14      Matriarch/Patriarch   700,000   9d6+5*    6     5        5       5    4
* Constitution adjustments no longer apply.

And then we combine the initial Dwarf race with Cleric as a Convert after first level Dwarf.

Dwarven Convert
Ability Req. 12 Con
Lvl  Title                           Points    Hit Dice                       Notes
1      Dwarven Veteran              0    1d8           
2      Dwarven Penitent     2,200    2d8             Staff, holy symbol
3      Dwarven Acolyte       4,400    2d8+1d6     Turn Undead
4      Dwarven -Penitent   10,300    3d8+1d6
5      Dwarven Adept        20,000    3d8+2d6     Cleric Spells
6      Dwarven -Penitent   41,000    4d8+2d6
7      Dwarven Priest        82,000    4d8+3d6
8      Dwarven -Penitent 165,000    5d8+3d6
9      Dwarven Vicar       320,000    5d8+4d6
10    Dwarven -Penitent 500,000     6d8+4d6
11    Dwarven Curate    730,000     6d8+5d6       Church Limit   
12    Dwarven -Penitent 960,000     7d8+5d6
13    Dwarven Elder     1,060,000    7d8+6d6      Crusade             

             Spells               Turn Undead
Lvl  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Ske   Zom    Gho    Wig    Wra    Mum   Spe  Vam
2        -      -       -      -         -        -            -           -           -           -          -        -
3        -      -       -      -         7       9         11          -           -           -          -        -
5        1     -      -       -         T       7           9        11          -           -          -        -
7        2     -      -       -         T       T           7          9        11          -          -        -
9        2     1     -       -         D       T           T          7          9        11        -        -
11      2     2     -       -         D       D           T         T          7          9       11      -
13      2     2     1      1        D       D           D         T          T         7          9    11

                                               Saving Throws
                                                              Paralysis                            Rod,
                  Death Ray        Magic     Turn to        Dragon        Staff,
Lvl            Poison              Wand      Stone            Breath        Spells
1-3                   8                        9               10                   13                12
4-6                   6                        7               8                     10                 10
7-9                   4                        5               6                      7                   8
10-13               2                        3               4                      4                  6                
Penitent: As a Penitent (L2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12), the Dwarf may wear no Armour, and may wield only a staff as a weapon. They must surrender all magic items to the church.

Crusade: the Dwarven Elder is required by the church to convert a non-human community to the one true faith and govern them. Most Dwarves attempt to convert a Dwarven clan, but other non-human groups may be converted and governed.

Heavy Traffic: yes you with the internets...

As I review my blog and make notes it comes with active audience data... apparently at this time I have a lone viewer in the USA using chrome on a Windows OS (you know who you are).

I get occasional audience from China (though not lately), Russia, Ukraine, UK, USA, Egypt, Korea, Japan, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, and on occasion even Unknown (aparently the ghost in the machine is real). There are people everywhere who enjoy some D&D... or at least the rising popularity of a poem I wrote and translated into every possible language using google translate despite the fact it didnt translate every word for every language.


Basic Expert: The Umbkur

           Driver Ant       Goblin              Umbkur             Queen
Size    6' long                4'                        5'                          15'
AC       3                         6                         5                            3

HD      4*                       1-1                      2*                          6*
MV     180'(60')           60'(20')               120'(40')               nil
AT      1 Bite                1 weapon           Bite or Wpn        nil
DA      2d6                   1d6 or by wpn   2-10 or as wpn   6-30
SA       fighter L2         normal man      Fighter L2          Fighter L6
NA      2-8 (4-24)          2-8 (6-60)            2-8 (5-40)            1(1)
ML      <-----7 or see description----->   7 or 9                   9
TT       U                        R (C)                    V (I)                      I
AL      Neutral             Chaotic              Neutral/Chaotic  Neutral             
Description: The spawn of Goblin and driver-ant, the Umbkur is 5' tall, armoured in an exoskeletal shell. As long as the Umbkur queen is alive the umbkur have a ML 9 otherwise their Morale is 7. Umbkur mine platinum as opposed to gold. If the queen is dead the umbkur is likely chaotic. The queen is 15' tall and incapable of movement- producing offspring. Hatching from an egg, the umbkur patterns on the nearest queen (or any ESP capable entity), employing esp to communicate its thoughts. A new queen emerges, controlling nearby umbkur and breaks off from the hive if possible otherwise the old queen has the new queen destroyed.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: the word 'Road'

The translation for the English word 'Road' to Urdu/Pashto is an error that has crept into Pashto and Urdu language since the beginning of the local languages. The letters that make up the word (سړک) are read in right to left form (K<-B<-S) s->b->k or 'sbk'. This is pronounced as 'Uzbek'. Therefore the destination of the road was uzbek, and not necessarily the word for road as a concept. This might need to be explained to native speakers of urdu and pashto so that an inquiry into what the correctly pronounced word for 'road' is may be undertaken.
In Uzbek the word for road is Yo'l, and similarly in Turkish Yol. If these are the other end of the same road and not simply the concept, then the road leads between Usbek and Yol.

Yol is of course a province in India.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Dungeon Delve: The BBEG

The Witch-queen: 1st level Magicuser; Chaotic; 4hp; AC8; Str 8, Int 10, Wis 9, Dex 13, Con 9, Cha 12; Spells- Read Magic, Detect Magic; Equipment: Spellbook, Staff of Puppet Animation, clothes, tiara of the witch-queen (costume jewelery), dagger.

Background: The Witch-queen started out as Mirsa of Westmarsh, apprentice magicuser and puppeteer. Not fireball tossing murderhobo material, her kindly teacher gave her a staff of puppet animation and shoved her out the door. She proved better at entertaining and storytelling. She used her staff to animate an 'undead' juggler from some human bones tied together with rags to entertain the crowd, unfortunately the villagers decided she was an evil necromancer. She was rescued by some Orcs who raided the village during her witch trial. Again in posession of her staff, she was able to control her skeletal puppet as a warrior, and Mirsa convinced the orcs she was a witch, and is now their new leader as their previous leader perished during the fight. They took up residence in the strange ruins of Netherspike. She has instructed her Orcs to waylay lone travellers travelling to and from the village and collect any scrolls.

Staff of Puppet Animation
The Staff can be used to animate minor golems such as flesh, bone, cloth, or wood. While there is no limit to the number animated, these animations only last an hour unless one of the three remaining charges of Permanance are expended to make the 'undead' permanant.


Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Dungeon Delve: The Temple of Netherspike (areas 19-24)

6a- the dark disapates to reveal guards at the far end of the tunnel guarding a door.

19- these great doors are guarded by two orcs. Unfortunately this is a trap. Anyone opening the door triggers a spray of oil beetle blister oil causing agonizing pain.

20- baracks are occupied by four sleeping orcs guards. The guards swap over at lunch time.

21- this chamber is filled with shreiking mushrooms that serve as a foodsource of two oil beetles that are harvested for blister oil.

22- this corridor is guarded by two orc soldiers.

23- the necromancer's private quarters. In here are a bed and foodstuffs, wines, and valuables looted from the skeletal remains in sacks in area 24. If the necromancer is here, he/she is resting or eating.

24- before a statue to some shackled god, there are piles of sacks containing whole skeletons looted from some graveyard. If the necromancer is here he/she is 'enchanting a skeleton'.

The Necromancer: The BBEG is an Apprentice wizard with a Staff of Puppet Animation. He/she plans to unleash this 'undead' army to lay claim to the local area. The Orcs think the apprentice is a Powerful Necromancer and serve as guards. The necromancer is in area 24 during the evening enchanting the next puppet. At night until mid morning the necromancer is in his/her personal quarters in area 23.

Shattering the statue in area 24: this is an unholy altar used to bind the planar kraken that is now the Netherspike and its subterranean 'roots'. If it is subjected to 20hp damage the kraken is freed and will begin regenerating 1hp/round. By the time the PCs return to their village the netherspike will have begun its regeneration process and within a few days will descimate the PCs village devouring the populace.

The Netherspire Kraken: AC -2; HD40* ; MV 30' (10'), Burrow 30' (10'); AT 1 Tentacle+Special; DA 6d6 ; NA 1(1); SA Fighter L20; ML 12; TT A; AL Chaotic. It can use gate to reach its tentacle through a portal into the planes and out again and snatch anyone from anywhere in the world.

Cartographer's Guild: A quick and easy campaign setting map...

A quick and easy campaign map drawn in pen. You draw coasts, Mountains, Forests, rivers, and population areas. Coastal waters are offset from the first coastal line by a dashed low-tide border. Deeper ocean it simple black.
Depending on scale you dont need small islands and community names. Just features and regional names.

Greb is our Northern Europe with a few coastal towns and a mysterious tower in the great woods to the south. Mountains cutting off this westerlands from the unknown world to the east. Up here Queen Elsa and her sister Princess Anna are living the good life governing their serfs.

Brule & Vont are our British Isles setting. Winters are harsh in the north beyond the southern parts of Brule. Brule and Vont are governed from the capital by evil, but while they squeeze the islands dry of taxes or claim an extensive territory encompassing them, they dont care to make things better for anyone other than the few who govern the many.

The Westerlands are economically depressed, and have fallen into a dark age. Into this age the PCs will find themselves trapped in grinding slavery. It all used to be some ancient Republic, but now its a long shattered and forgotten past. What destroyed the Republic?

  • Necromancy
  • Corruption
  • Elitism
  • Inequality
  • Nepotism
  • Despotism
Basically this is Post Brexit Britain and a broken Europe a few hundred years after the Great Betrayal. An Dystopian Fantasy setting where women are burned at the stake for Witchcraft at the slightest hint of rebellion and you get what you take from others...

Monday, 17 June 2019

Dungeon Delve: The Netherspike (Encounter Areas 7-18)

Once the Player characters are dragged into the Roots of Netherspike they may conclude that the Netherspike is something other than a simple dungeon considering the same darkness beyond the Iron Gate will lead them into the 'roots' or the 'temple' of Netherspike. Some consider the Netherspike to be the remains of an Interdimensional Tree. Others consider it a Planar Kraken. Perhaps its both. Other than the Ogre in area 14, there isnt anything dangerous to the PCs in this part of the dungeon other than the long fall if they make a mistake.

6b- Dwarves pulled into the roots might begin to notice that the tunnel floor is beginning to slope downward from this point becoming increasingly inclined. If they think to drive in an iron spike between here and the edge of the precipice (area 7) the PCs can tie off a rope that allows them to avoid the fall ahead allowing them to climb down to area 16.

7- reaching this point the incline is so noticable that the rootbound player character begins to fall. What happens varies with Alignment:

  • A chaotic character topples forward 10 feet to a ledge for 1d6 damage and then tumbling downhill another 20 feet to a resting place (area 8) taking 2hp. 
  • A lawful character drops 40 feet to a ledge (area 13) taking 4d6 fall damage. 
  • A neutral character tumbles backwards into a ditch (area 16) for 1hp damage.

Note: The Orientation of the dungeon is now vertical beyond this point, not horizontal.

8- this wide overhang is down a twenty feet tumble from a very precarious and narrow ledge. The PC can climb to the narrow ledge and unarmoured and driving iron spikes into the wall can climb slowly up to the ledge at area 16 or down thirty feet to area 13. They cannot otherwise jump up to the precipice at area 7 or the ledge at area 16 and doing so will cause the PC to drop thirty feet to the ledge at area 13 taking 3d6 damage from the fall.

9- this ledge is wet, moisture dripping from the rocks above not quite enough to make it slippery but there is soft white clay in the cliff face where the water trickles down sufficient to harvest 10cn worth (any magicuser with the necessary level and spells can use this clay to create a bowl of water elemental summoning).

10- a thirty feet drop down from area 9, this wide ledge drops off into the dark at each edge (dropping down to either area 11 or area 12). There is a backpack here with a pair of 50' ropes, and three iron spikes still attached to the skeletal remains of an adventurer in platemail. An inspection of the skeleton reveals the leg bones are broken.

11- thirty feet down from area 10, this sloping ledge is dominated by a pair of corpses that are cold and appear to be a few weeks old. Inspection of the remains reveals them to be the remains of orcs, one of whom has a magicuser scroll with levitate.

12- twenty feet down from area 10, this sloping shaft descends down to area 18. Its slippery thanks to moisture from above.

13- fourty feet down from area 7, this ledge has a pair of old iron spikes left behind by a climber. Getting to area 16 from here is dificult yet not unachievable.

14- twenty feet down from area 13, this substantial overhanging ledge is dominated by a cave painting and the corpse of an ogre. The cave painting details some image of a giant squid with tentacles radiating from a long body (this is a map of the netherspike detailing the upper body and the tentacles or roots). The Ogre is actually asleep getting rest having taken damage in the fall and been reduced to 1hp. Homic will wake and attack the PC inspecting the ogre's corpse with a rock club attempting to kill the PC and use their equipment to climb out.

15- thirty feet down from area 14, this fourty five degree slope is slippery forcing the PC to remain prone against the surface or they will slip down to area 18. If they have iron spikes and a hammer they can drive them in and arrest any possibility of falling or slipping down into area 18.

16- this ditch is filled with a puddle of something wet. It the PC fell into the ditch it isnt enough to drown in. An unarmoured jump from this ledge across a ten feet gap will safely carry the PC to the very edge of the precipice where the floor slope at area 7 becomes near vertical. From there they can crawl twenty feet to where they can haul up equipment or other Characters by rope.

17- this ledge is already occupied by a sword jammed in a crevice to which is tied a 50' rope that dangles over the edge and down into the dark.

This weapon is Tasha's Sword of Hideous Laughter: a magical sword +1 that on the first natural twenty hitroll causes the wielder to go into a berserker state laughing loudly in combat with a +2 hitroll bonus instead of the weapon's regular+1 (though the wielder continues to only recieve +1 to damage).

18- Anyone continuing down to the root tips becomes wedged taking 1hp per round until dead unless rescued.

Climbing back out of the netherworld: its possible that the PCs will become trapped in this area until they die of injury, starvation, or having become wedged at the bottom of the roots although there is remnant equipment necessary to climb out unarmoured. If they do make it back to area 7 they are transported to 6a which leads into the netherspike temple.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Dungeon Delve: The Netherspike (areas 1-6)

The Netherspike looks, if you could call the experience looking, a shattered spire that ends some hundred feet in the air. Unfortunatrly there is something about it... an Aura that prevents your eyes from focusing on it.
PCs looking at the spike from a distance for the first time should Save vs magic or become nauseated and dizzy.

1- Ascending the Netherspike
Anyone climbing ths spiral stairs outside the spike who failed to save finds themselves unable to climb the stairs and will fall from the stairs after the first ten feet of climbing taking 1d6 damage. Such individuals will need to be led up the spiral by those who pass a saving throw (The wretched effect does not subside even with a dispel magic).

Ascending the Netherspike leads the PCs to the shattered summit where they can climb inside. Here the plane of gravity is at ninety degrees and the hollow of the spire is a tunnel twenty feet wide.

While climbing the stsirs (Area 1) the PCs encounter 1d4 Giant Centipede emerging to attack from what few shadows exist on the exterior of the spire once a turn.

2- Entrance to the Netherspike
Your dizziness fails to subside even having reached the inner part of the netherspike. Whatever is causing it extends within.
Those not affected can see the interior and see the columns supporting balconies deeper in.

3- The Lower Balcony
A skeleton with a Crossbow stands guard here firing on anyone in range. Those affected by the dizziness take a penalty of -2 to Armour class. The skeleton has 10 Bolts and a Heavy Crossbow.

4- The Upper Balcony
There is here a nest of Six centipedes. They descend to ambush anyone reaching the interior (Area 2).

5- The Iron Doors
Iron Doors illuminated by lanterns deny further access to the Dungeon. A strength of fifty is required to push them open and enter Area 6.

6- Beyond the Iron Doors
The sickness falls away as you pass through the iron doors entering deeper into the dungeon. The darkness here has a
Metallic taste, as though there were a fish-hook embedded in your tongue. Anyone who made the earlier saving throw now takes 1d4hp damage and vomits up blood. The damage can be healed by magic. Light fails to illuminate this chamber and not even magic light sources work. A dexterity check is required to check sense of balance or the PCs become lost in the Darkness...

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Dungeon Delve: The Cave with the Iron Door

A Local Disaster
A million cubic feet of all-devouring gelatine washed down river eating boats, timber docks. If not for the quick and brutally efficient actions of the local Magic-user it would have eaten the villagers. Unfortunately the use of  numerous fireballs has devastated the village.

The Village elders gather a band of warriors and instruct you all to follow the trail of carnage back to its source and bring the bastard responsible to justice.
At a point a days march up river a thousand feet wide path has been consumed by something terrible. The very obvious trail leads back into the hills where you find a small white limestone hill.

C1 The Cave with the Iron Door
A search around the base of the hill reveals a cave entrance (1 Turn). The Iron door and its frame is protected by a curse turning the fool who tries to remove any of the torches in the sconces into a gelatinous cube and causes them to grow 10× size. An adventurer found the door and even survived a band of orcs who were using the cave. Of course the rest of the Orcs (one per character) will return six turns after the PCs and demand to know where their murdered kinfolk are.

1. The recently cleaned White Limestone hill has a cave entrance has the appearance of having been enlarged by corrosion. Indeed you see the remnants of the passage of the gelationous devourer attempting to still devour the stone, the mix of gelatinous residue and limestone still bubbling. The tunnel itself descends into the dark, though somewhere ahead is a flickering lightsource.

For the DM: using burning torches against the limestone rockface kills the remnant gelatinous cube otherwise it will all coalesce into a gelatinous cube and pursue the PCs into the inner cave after a turn (10 minutes).

2. Twenty five feet in around a tunnel bend you stand atop a five foot high ledge that drops down into a large cave. From here you can see most of the cave all the way down over a second, ten feet wide ledge that drops into a lower cave that is being lit by flickering torchlight comming from somewhere off to the right.

For the DM: the limestone in this area is also being eaten by gelatinous remnants (Wisdom Check on a close inspection).

3. This rough, limestone cave is a beautiful white limestone that is being eaten here and there by patches of something bubbling away on the stone. The ledge further in drops off another five feet into the lower cave. From the lower ledge you can see what looks like a great iron door to the right of the lower cave illuminated by lit torches in iron ring sconces half way up each side of the door frame. The light casting your shadow on the limestone wall of the cave.

For the DM: the cave here is slightly higher than the tunnel even though the PCs have dropped down five feet from the tunnel level. It does however drop much lower over the second ledge into the lower cave.

4. From this cave you can barely make out the cave tunnel that glows white thanks to sunlight hitting the tunnel wall. The caves themselves flicker with the torchlight that causes your shadow to move along the rockface.
The Iron door is parted down the middle by what appears to be a tight beveled seam. The iron door frame and hinges on frame and door are held by large rounded rivets. The corrosion is minor and it is obvious that the door and frame are well made. Each door, left and right are dominated be an iron ring door knocker.

For the DM: the curse on the door only affects those who attempt to remove one of the torches in the sconces, so it wont affect the PCs until they mess with those. The Torches appear to be perpetually burning, the sconces have tiny dwarf runes engraved in a groove that are the words 'fire' and 'furnace' in dwarven (wisdom check to notice the runes). The door will open if the PCs use another unused torch to transfer fire from the fire sconce into the furnace sconce causing the torch in the furnace sconce to burn with a blue flame and the torch in the fire sconce to burn with a white flame. They can then use the knockers to pull the door open on a combined strength of 20. Otherwise the iron door will prove unmoving, and not even magic will bypass the iron door.

5. The Cave beyond the door is dominated by a heavy stone sarcophagus with heavy stone lid. The Lid of the Sarcophagus is engraved with the following poem in common:

Dainin, wielding Spike-driver, 
did rain Hel's fury on the Worm
that plagued a land accursed.
And mighty were his blows,
Driving rivet after rivet deep
While Taranshar bled tears.

For the DM: opening the sarcophagus requires a cumulative fifty strength, Its lid can however be lifted on a first level floating disc spell cast by a magic-user. Within the Sarcophagus is the remains of a Dwarf Warrior of great renown, the tomb created by his friend and fellow adventurer, a Wizard named Zenopus.
Non-Lawful PCs will take a curse for desecrating the poem on the lid, permanently taking an alignment shift to lawful. The Sarcophagus contains the remains of Dainin and his Warhammer+1 Spike-driver. Any Non-Dwarf seen in posession of Spike-driver will be seen by any Dwarf recognizing the weapon (wisdom check at -2 penalty) as an enemy of all dwarves attacking in a rage to seize the weapon.

The Orcs return: the Orcs return to their cave finding the PCs either studying the iron door or inside the Tomb of Dainin. So they attack. If the Orcs arrive, as the PCs open the sarcophagus Dainin joins the PCs (as a 1HD dwarf skeleton) in the battle with the Orcs.
The Gelatinous cube: the gelatinous cube reforms from scraps in the cave and ambushes the PCs as the attempt to leave.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Little People: Black Magic Craft Miniature Terrains

Black Magic Craft has put out an incredible selection of how to make miniature terrain and other stuff from cheap materials. Over the series he puts out for increasing investment in equipment, but if you follow the series through from Episode#0001 Modular Cave Tiles it will eventually lead you through the full growth of his builds...

By comparison here is... Episode#0103 Iron Door.

Its a fascinating watch.

Epic Fail: The Fall of Civilization

A Bark Shield
Extinctions happen all the time. Civilizations fall into darkness and are forgotten. After a twenty thousand year Ice Age no one knows of the civilizations that towered above it all only to be ground down by wind, and rain, and war. No one knows of their stories, burned like kindling to cook a meal or stay warm in the cold. Sometimes we find them in the deserts formed by human occupation. Sometimes we find them deep under our feet. But in the end all that they were is lost to us in a way that is terrible and gut-wrenching. It is an Arson lit by Arsonists telling us that we have failed. We dont know the peoples of Sumer, or Gobleki Tepes. While we might pick through their trash, and read their correspondence, they are not yet us. And we are no longer them.
Pulling a shield of Bark from the earth in Scotland doesnt tell us about the Warrior who wielded it, or its maker. It doesnt tell us that her name was Maev and her ancestors were descended of the Kurgan Markuv family forced to flee west after their clan was marked for death by a rival. All we have is the discovery of the fragments of a shield of bark and if we are lucky, the capacity to understand how that shield was made. We certainly wont know that the yellow-painted squares and central dome represent the fields of onions going to flower confined by the long ditch encompassing a land-holding that she would never return to and a spartan shield that an ancestor wielded in battle in distant Greece. We wont know she lost six children to still-births and yet was never married.
Jade Message Cylinder
We do not know of her people, or her ancestry. Or that her Father held her and smiled at her birth, even though social pressures within the tribe demanded sons who would die in battle.

We can only read the intricate scratches in the stone cylinder and struggle to comprehend that they speak of a grain harvest burned because the comet in the sky has cursed every seed by its ungodly presence. We cannot know why they might believe that a chunk of ice and rock burning its way across the heavens required the destruction of the harvest that grew in the soil beneath it's passing, or that the stone it self was carved by hand of some long forgotten scribe skilled in writing and stone carving.

How could we be expected to assume that our beliefs are a lie that die with our civilization, and make haste to prepare great arks filled with an indestructible technology that will outlive the supernova of our star and the destruction of our planet, rather than as some safeguard that passes on the genetic legacy of who our people were without understanding that one might cause the loss of the other?

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Basic Expert: The Nekron

The Nekron
AC                3
HD               3+1****
MV               60' (20')
    Swim       90' (30')
    Burrow   30' (10')
AT                2 Claws + Special
DA               1hp/round
NA               1 (1-3)
SA                Thief: Level 4
ML               10
TT                Nil (V)
AL                Neutral

Notes: The Nekron communicates with ESP as the wizard spell and employs something resembling charm person.
Having appearance of a large snake with a humanoid upper body, the Nekron has three segment arms that end in large purple hands that allow it to manipulate objects. It has a single eye and three horns protruding from the back of its head.
Though necrotic purple, the Nekron is almost transparent, and on close inspection, what appears to be a digestive system can be vaguely identified. The Nekron is able to digest with physical contact by extruding a white slime though it must embrace its food source beneath dirt for several days to do so.The Nekron can see with Infravision ninety feet and can see even through earth sensing bodyheat of living creatures though this is limited to ten feet.
It can regenerate from its unburned remains at one hit point per day and will if burned to death simply spawn up to three offspring by breaking off its horns.
The Nekron can burrow slowly through earth (not stone) but can move quickly like a snake over the surface and even swim in water.
The Nekron wont reveal itself, prefering to remain hidden, and work through servitors.


Esther Firestorm's Residence
Adventure Hook: Deliver a Message to Esther Firestorm from Atrey the Magicuser. Fee fifty gold pieces each.

The PCs are hired by Esther's Apprentice to deliver a sealed letter to Esther Firestorm.

The Letter itself can be any other adventure hook the DM desires or the following:

Beloved Esther, 

Could you send your wand of fireballs? I have found the situation in the Sewers beneath the Capital to be harder going than we expected.


The Situation: Vomited up by a particularly giant purple worm that invaded the surface world, this unique sentient entity was initially thought to be a previous victim of the Worm and was buried in the nearest graveyard.
The Nekron recovered from its exposure to sunlight while buried, it reached out and made contact with the mind of the gravedigger who resided in a nearby hut. The Nekron learned the Gravedigger's language although contact with the grave digger caused the man to murder a number of villagers to feed to the grave. Healed thanks to its blood and bone food source, the Nekron has learned much of the surrounding landscape.
It has expressed a need for more offspring on the part of the grave digger and he has complied by murdering all the men in the village and taking up residence with all the women in the home of the village Magicuser Esther Firestorm who succumbed to the mind control of the Nekron before the Nekron consumed her (she was a fireball tossing magicuser and the only threat).
They burned Esther's spellbook though they have no clue that the gravedigger uses to scratch hard to reach places is actually a fireball wand with six fireballs.
On arrival the Gravedigger's wives will attempt to get male PCs along for breeding purposes, and ignore female PCs. They seek offspring to feed Nekron.
Anyone asking the grave digger how he does it wont speak on it immediatly but will provide them if they depart with a jar filled with paste that should be rubbed through the hair.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

World Building: The Desolation of Wij

A quick World Building exercise by rolling up the geography across a polyhedral map.
The Desolation of Wij
Four thousand square miles of harsh, arid land. Wij was in the past devastated. The living cling to the city state on the coast and eastern semi arid/marsh farmlands that produce rice. What tiny communities exist inland across the desolation are mining operations and oasis. There is the occasional ruined ancient fortress, but noone who ventures near such places returns.

Starting a Game
Located far from the coastal city is Iron-town, a tiny mining community,

An asteroid crater several thousand feet across sits out in the desert. It is home to a few families involved in mining iron ore that is crushed to powder and separated out with a mill-wheel made of lodestone. The homes are located at the bottom of the crater and the mill up over the ridge atop a trail.

The four families
The four families are Raly, Funber-Trint, Trint, and Windle. They have been mining in the Crater for a few decades:

  • The Funber-Trints are Magicusers and elves keeping that magic craft in the family. The elf Jayn Funber married her apprentice Kopin Trint causing a bit of a rift with the rest of the Trint clan. 
  • The Trints are religious, god-fearing folk who are not all that happy with their magic wielding cousins.
  • The Raly clan built the mill and have helped expand the mine workings benefiting the other three mining families.
  • Windle are more farmers than miners but they put their time in down the mines because there is money in it.

name                  race/class     starting PC                       bonus
Raly                    Dwarf           Dwarf                               warhammer
Funber-Trint    Half Elf         (Half-)Elf, Magic-user   lantern/continual light
Trint                   Human        Fighter, Thief, Cleric      holy symbol
Windle               Halfling       Halfling                            1 week iron rations

The mines
The mines are in a network of tunnels excavated from caves and fissures created by the asteroid hit lifting the surrounding rock.

Starting Adventure: the mine collapse
The PCs are putting in some time in the caves when a tremor shakes the mine and the entrance collapses. The pcs are trspped below ground with starting equipment and the only way out is to find an alternate route out through some unmapped fissure...

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: Ancient Treasure Maps

The maps of Japanese language leads us to that inevitable word for treasure... Takara.

Japanese Words
Treasure   = Takara
Gold           = Gorudo
Tomb         = Haka
Mountain = Yama
Hill            = Oka
Coast         = Kaigan
Umbrella  = Kasa
Tiger         = Tora
Valley          = Tani
Bamboo   = Take
Ocean       = Kaiyo

We are confronted with a map. Located on an ocean coastline is a hill with a tomb (nearby, atop, or beneath the hill). Inland is a bamboo-filled valley.

At a point between the bamboo filled valley and the coastal hill-tomb is the treasure. Perhaps a tiger statue of gold or jade or stone, or it belongs to an individual named Tiger.

And there it is... a sort of treasure map. There is a lot of coastline in Asia. Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Sumatra, Borneo... plenty of places to look and dig.

Basic Expert: Beholder-kin

|             2 Inches            |
The Beholder doesnt appear in BX D&D so these beholder-kin will be somewhat unique...

Armor Class      7
Hit Dice              8**
Fly                       180' (60')
Attacks               1 bite, Special
Damage              1d4+see below
No. Appearing   1 (1)
Save As               Magicuser: 8
Morale                 8
Treasure              O(L)
Alignment           Chaotic

Notes: the lesser Occulus is a sentient leathery eyeball capable of flight that is perhaps a few inches in diameter with up to ten tiny eyes on eyestalks and a mouth filled with needle-like teeth. The eyestalks each have the ability to cast a single spell daily as a Necromancer (8th level magic-user): 3×1st, 3×2nd, 2×3rd, 2×4th level spells.
A Lesser Occulus is a form assumed by a 9th level Magicuser who uses an eyeball and brain tissue (their own) successfully enchanting it with all first to fourth level spells and applies an animate dead to the eye before they die. A successful wish transfering their conciousness. Usually Necromancers animate their remaining corpse as a Zombie Servitor.
Outside its lair, a lesser Occulus will be 1 in 20 chance carrying 1-4 gem stones in its maw, or be busily extorting gems from the PCs under threat of extermination. It might have a collection of numerous gems or even scrolls in its lair.

|         2 Inches × HD         |
Armor Class      as colour
Hit Dice              as HD
Fly                       240' (80')
Attacks               1 bite, breath, Special
Damage              as colour
No. Appearing   1 (1)
Save As               M-U Level: As HD
Morale                 as colour
Treasure              H
Alignment           Chaotic

Notes: An evil dragon will in a deal with a necromancer achieve an undead form similar to the Occulus-minor though much, much larger in size.

                                                                           Spell   No. Spells
Colour    AC    HD         Bite    Breath           levels: 1    2    3      ML
White     3       6***       2-16   80'×30' Cold cone    3    -     -          8
Black      2       7***       2-20   60'×5' Acid line        4    -     -          8
Green     1       8***       3-24   50'×40' Gas Cloud    3   3     -          9
Blue        0       9***       3-30   100'×5' lightning      4   4     -          9
Red         -1      10***     4-32   90'×30' fire cone      3    3    3        10

Monday, 10 June 2019

Art Folio: Pepper Potts

Not the Greatest drawing in the world but if you need a pen-drawn Pepper Potts, there she is.

Mystery Theatre: Building your own UFOs, sky minefields, and Fusion Bombs

As looked at during an examination of UFO sightings, the Idea of the hydrogen filled bladder coated in Radium paint crops up as a point of origin for the UFO mythos. This allows UFO builders to basically build a UFO 'framework' around their hydrogen bladder and let it drift around all 'glowing' at high altitudes being spotted by radar, and pulled along in slip streams, jet streams, microbursts, and other weather phenomenon.

This same technology can be applied to the creation of no fly zones. Hydrogen filled bladders with fine cable linking them to ground or other hydrogen bladders create an aerial hazard to aircraft meaning that for a few hundred dollars, billion dollar fighter jets can be torn apart by flying snags. The barrage balloon used so effectivly in WW1-WW2 to stop aircraft flying over Cities is a simple technology.

Then there is the other aspect of the technology. Because the radium coating decays producing particles and the bladder is raised in static potential several mega electron-volts a uranium atom within the balloon bladder would be excited to higher energy states and the radium decay products absorbed into the atom. So when it grounds the atom undergoes fusion as it collapses in energy state.

And the Government of Australia owes a bunch of school children an apology for intimidating them into silence over that Melbourne UFO landing in 1966. If you cant tell a fragmenting zeppelin from an alien interdimensional antigrav drive, you are not worth your citizenship.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Post Scarcity: The Gollywog is a corpse on which Startrek stands

Racism is founded in a psychosis that comes at us from superposition (the group conciousness, the parents in relation to the child, the past in relation to the future) and there is always an aspect of truth to anything that drives people insane. So What does a Gollywog represent? It represents fear. The Gollywog is a tall, male african american who is emaciated. An emaciated man in what is perceived as a world of plenty implying sickness and an insatiable, incurable hunger. Someone who will always be hungry. Sickness, illness, famine, and hunger.
And in that, there is an understanding that this individual is contaminated with something that causes an endless hunger. A disease, a virus, a parasite, a sickness, a bottomless pit, a man-made blackhole, the Singularity. And that in itself is a real possibility. So here in the cultural conciousness of the American People is horror and abomination. It represents something catastrophic. The Gollywog is Famine-incarnate. One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The Gollywog represents a famine in the deep recesses of the conciousness that drives Americans to achieve a post scarcity civilization, but it is also a famine that ultimately poisons the possibility of a post scarcity civilization.

If the Dream of the Startrek civilization is to be achieved, it requires sharing it with the emaciated and hungry so that they can see and share in the benefits of the Dream. Because if it isn't, we will be left holding emaciated corpses, and facing extinction.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Starfleet Shipyards: The Dadaelus Class Orbital Assembly

The decks shift orientation with the turbolift.

Orbital Assembly
Sphere and Cylinder: Launched as a single vehicle from the Moon, the sphere mounted above the Dish, it then proceeds to extend the turbolift separation gantry from the sphere and then the sphere turns ninety degrees aligning the turbolift gantry with its docking mate on the sphere allowing crews to move between the engineering section and sphere. The conventional launch motors are then ejected from the cylinder via the rear hatch, and returned to the lunar surface for re-use. The engineering section is then cleared for the insertion of the warp reactor assembly.

Warp Reactor Assembly: A massive single unmanned payload consisting of the warp core and and retracted nacelles was deployed to orbit in a launch configuration reminicent of the launch of the Phoenix. Lined up with the Dadaelus under construction it deploys its Nacelles and enters the Ship engineering Section by the exposed aft entry, the Nacelles sliding along their docking groove. The interior sleeve rotates, sealing the entry groove and allowing the lower engineering decks to pressurize. The Warp Core itself is in an unpressurized forward section of the Engineering hull.

Deck       Deployable Drop Habitat Deck Description
   A          Primary Bridge
   B          Medical Facilities & Science Labs
   C          Water Storage Tank & Food Supplies
   D          Deployable Drop Facility

Deck       Dadaelus Vessel Deck Description
   D          Secondary Bridge
   E          Crew Quarters
   F-L      Engineering Section
   F-H      Unpressurized Warp Reactor Section
   F          Anti-Proton Collector Assembly
   G          Reaction Chamber and Nacelle feeders
   H          Proton Collector Assembly
   I-L        Pressurized Section
   I           Warp Engine Capacitor Bank
   J-L        Long Storage Capacitor Gel
   L          Rear Warp Core Assembly Hatch