Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Creature Catalogue: Ice Wyrm

Ice Wyrm: HD 20*; AC 3; MV 90' (30'); AT crush or cold blast
DA: Crush 4d6, cold blast 20d; SA Fighter L20; NA 1 (0); ML 12; INT 1; TT nil; XP

The Ice Wyrm is likely encountered as a row of silver trees growing out of the snow or ice. These are in fact the creature's gills with which it breaths air while it burrows for warmth in permafrost below the surface. It will sense vibrations and ambush its opponents. Blind, It will race toward its opponent crushing its food, and if it senses a large population it discharges cold energy up to 100 ft causing a blast of cold inflicting 20d6,

Ice Worm gills protrude from the snow while it slumbers in thr permafrost.

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