Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Creature Catalogue: The Procurer of Gold

The Procurer of Gold
Hit Dice:                            8+3* (L)
Armor Class:                   5
Move:                                120' (40')
Attacks:                            Psi force
Damage:                           Special
Save As:                            Cleric L8
Number Appearing:       1-4 (1-4)
Morale:                              12
Intelligence:                      12
Alignment:                         Lawful (Evil)
Treasure Type:                  F
Experience Value:            1200xp

Background: They came from beyond the Stars via something akin to Gate Magic, though they lack the ability to travel themselves, and with good reason- they are little more than soldiers sent to secure the vast wealth of gold that it might fuel the chariots of their Universe travelling overlords. The Procurers of Gold will use their their only weapon: a wave of Psi force with a 60' directional range or a radius of 50' affecting 2d6 Hit Dice worth of Opponents in an Attack.
They will always be encountered in proximity to gold (calculate amount of gold present in dungeon and divide by gold quantity present in Treasure Type F to determine population for large numbers of Procurers).

Psi force
HD of Prey:      1HD     2HD     3HD     4HD    5HD     6HD     7HD     8HD     9HD    10HD      11HD
Auto/DC:             D          D           D          D          D           T          T          7           9           11         N/A

D- The Procurer of Gold automatically devours the mind of the PC instantly overcoming the Player Characters natural charisma. The PC is brain dead- collapsing to the floor. They might be restored only with a Raise Dead, Reincarnate, or a Wish.
T- The Procurer of Gold inflicts a terrible toll on the mind of its prey causing the victim to Automatically flee in terror for 2d6 turns.
7, 9, 11- The Procurer of Gold having rolled a number less than this Dice Check causes the victim to undertake a Charisma Check. If the PC fails, they must flee in fear for 2d6 turns. However if a Player Character resists the Psi force with a Charisma Check, they are Immunized against the Psi force of the Procurer of Gold.

As an 8HD Psionic it also employs spell-like abilities similar to a Lama. These are advanced psionic abilities:
3x cure light wounds, 3x hold person, 2x locate object (gold), 2x cause serious wounds, commune (with its overlords).

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