Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Thursday 15 October 2015

Dungeon Mastery: economic stuff

A woodsman fells an acre of light forest in a day. Thats 20,000lb of timber/firewood. At 20lb/cp in the village marketplace thats 10gp, he splits that with the guy who owns the cart who must make ten round trips and load and unload. That means less than half hour travel distance is required between village and wood source or more wagons and drivers. So if woodsman sells his wood to the guy on the wagon for 5sp a load getting 5gp a day and the wagon driver adds 5sp per load for his own wages, haul distances longer than a half hour are economically prohibitive to the wagon driver he can have an income inversely proportional to distance between 5sp and 5gp.

The richest wagon driver is travelling the shortest distance. At 8 miles a day thats no further than half a mile. Thats not only distance between village and woodsman, it will apply to the movement of freight in cities where a city larger than a half a mile is going to cost the wagon master income. You will therefor pay the wagon master based on distance. At 1gp/mile a trip of a hundred miles from one end of the Kingdom to another will be a hundred gold pieces and take two weeks. Thats a long way to go just to sell firewood to the capital.

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