Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Linguistic Archaeology: Tamil

 Tamil Script

1. E
2. U
3. I
4. A
5. AI
6. O
7. AU
8. AK
9. AM
10. K
11. C
12. P
13. M
14. Y
15. L
16. V
17. R
18. N
19. J
20. S
21. H
22. KS

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
5  22%     1   4%      2   9%     1    4%       2     9%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
0    0%     1   4%      0     0%     0   0%       0      0%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
1    4%      1  4%      3  13%     1    4%       2      9%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
1     4%    1    4%      0    0%     1    4%       2     9%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
0    0%      1  4%      0     0%     0    0%       1      4%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
22% A: A,
13% K, A: K, AK,
9% U, I, S, M, K, A: S, KS, U, I, M, AM, AI, AU,
4% E, H, J, N, R, V, L, Y, P, C, O, U, I, S, M, K, A: O, E, J, N, R, V, L, Y, P, C, H,
0% Z, T, W, X, Q, B, D, F, G

Once again a part of the -A-K linguistic subgroup.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Linguistic Archaeology: FBI Directors

FBI directors
1. Hoover
2. Tolson
3. Gray
4. Ruckelshaus
5. Kelley
6. Adams
7. Webster
8. Otto
9. Sessions
10. Clarke
11. Freeh
12. Pickard
13. Mueller
14. Comey
15. McCabe
16. Wray
17. Abbate
18. Driscoll

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
8  44%     11 61%   3  16%    6  33%      2   11%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
2  11%     6 33%      3  16%    1    5%       1      5%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
3   16%    0   0%      4   22%    6  33%      4    22%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
2   11%    1   5%      0     0%    10 55%      6   33%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
4  22%     1   5%      2   11%     0    0%       4    22%

Z      %
0    0%

Popularity of use
61% E:
55% R, E:
44% A, R, E:
33% S, L, C, O, A, R, E:
22% T, Y, K, M, S, L, C, O, A, R, E: Kelley, Otto, Clarke, Comey,
16% H, D, I, T, Y, K, M, S, L, C, O, A, R, E: Adams, Driscoll,
11% W, N, B, U, H, D, I, T, Y, K, M, S, L, C, O, A, R, E: McCabe, Wray, Abbate, Sessions, Mueller, Tolson, Ruckelshaus, Webster,
5% V, P, F, G, W, N, B, U, H, D, I, T, Y, K, M, S, L, C, O, A, R, E: Gray, Hoover, Pickard, Freeh,
0% X, Z, Q, J

 Just in case I forgot to post it...

Linguistic Archaeology: Male Australian Serial Killers

 Australian male serial killers

1. Birnie
2. Brazel
3. Vlassakis
4. Bunting
5. Wagner
6. Burns
7. Cooke
8. Debs
9. Denyer
10. Dupas
11. Edwards
12. Fraser
13. Glover
14. Haigh
15. Harris
16. Jeffrey
17. Leonski
18. Lynch
19. MacDonald
20. Makin
21. Milat
22. Percy
23. Rose
24. Sodeman
25. Williams
26. Worrell
27. Miller

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
13 48%    16 59%   10 37%  7  25%       3   11%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
5  18%     4 14%      6  22%     2   7%        4   14%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
3  11%     1   3%      3  11%     10 37%     6    22%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
10 37%    2   7%      0     0%    14 51%      11 40%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
1    3%      2  7%       4  14%     0     0%       4 14%

Z      %
1    3%

Popularity of use
59% E:
51% R, E:
48% A, R, E:
40% S, A, R, E:
37% N, L, I, S, A, R, E:
25% O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Rose,
22% M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Sodeman, Miller, MacDonald,
18% B, M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Birnie, Debs,
14% W, Y, G, C, B, M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Denyer, Edwards, Wagner, Williams, Worrell,
11% H, K, U, W, Y, G, C, B, M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Bunting, Dupas, Burns, Haigh, Harris, Leonski, Lynch, Makin, Cooke,
7% V, P, F, H, K, U, W, Y, G, C, B, M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Fraser, Glover, Percy, Vlassakis,
3% Z, T, J, V, P, F, H, K, U, W, Y, G, C, B, M, D, O, N, L, I, S, A, R, E: Jeffrey, Milat, Brazel,
0% Q, X

Conclusion: ironically Australian serial killers are the same linguistic subgroup as FBI directors.

Linguistic Archaeology: Male Serial Killers in the USA

 Male Serial Killers in the USA (part 1)

1. Ables
2. Acevedo
3. Adams
4. Agrue
5. Albanese
6. Alcala
7. Alix
8. Allen
9. Allridge
10. Alston
11. Amati
12. Anderson
13. Andrews
14. Angelo
15. Archerd
16. Arguelles
17. Armstrong
18. Atkins
19. Avalos
20. Avila-Torrez
21. Balaam
22. Baldi
23. Barber
24. Barnes
25. Barone
26. Barr
27. Barrett
28. Baumeister
29. Baxter
30. Beamon
31. Beardslee
32. Bell
33. Bender
34. Berdella
35. Berkowitz
36. Betterton
37. Bianchi
38. Bible
39. Biegenwald
40. Biehler
41. Bird
42. Bishop
43. Bittaker
44. Bixler
45. Bladel
46. Blaire
47. Blake
48. Bloomfield
49. Bolin
50. Bolsinger
51. Bonin
52. Bounds
53. Bowles
54. Boyd
55. Bradley
56. Brandt
57. Brashers
58. Breslin
59. Bright
60. Britt
61. Briley
62. Broadnax
63. Brockelhurst
64. Brown
65. Brudos
66. Brummett
67. Bullock
68. Bunday
69. Bundy
70. Buono
71. Burkett
72. Burkhart
73. Busch
74. Butler
75. Cable
76. Campbell
77. Canaday
78. Caputo
79. Carignan
80. Caro
81. Carpenter
82. Carr
83. Carson
84. Castro
85. Catlin
86. Catoe
87. Chadd
88. Chandler
89. Chase
90. Chaves
91. Chavez
92. Cherry
93. Chester
94. Childs
95. Christensen
96. Christiansen
97. Christopher
98. Clark
99. Clement
100. Code

Male Serial killers in the USA (part 2)
1. Coleman
2. Collins
3. Colvin
4. Conde
5. Cook
6. Cooks
7. Cooper
8. Copeland
9. Corll
10. Corona
11. Corwin
12. Costa
13. Cottingham
14. Covington
15. Cox
16. Craine
17. Crawford
18. Creech
19. Crump
20. Cullen
21. Cunanan
22. Cunningham
23. Curry
24. Cutlip
25. Dahmer
26. Daniels
27. Danielson
28. Danks
29. Davis
30. DeAngelo
31. Dennis
32. Devonshire
33. Dewantoro
34. Dieteman
35. Dillon
36. Dodd
37. Dominique
38. Donaldson
39. Dorsey
40. Dowler
41. Duffy
42. Dugan
43. Duncan
44. Dunkle
45. Dourosseau
46. Edwards
47. Eichinger
48. Eisele
49. Ellis
50. Engleman
51. Erskine
52. Ervine
53. Escobar
54. Espinosa
55. Evans
56. Evonitz
57. Ewell
58. Eyler
59. Fautenberry
60. Fayne
61. Feltner
62. Ferguson
63. Fernandes
64. Fernandez
65. Figueroa
66. Fish
67. Fitzsimmons
68. Flowers
69. Floyd
70. Forte
71. Fountain
72. Francois
73. Franklin
74. Frederick
75. Gacy
76. Gallego
77. Garcia
78. Gardner
79. Garduno
80. Gargiulo
81. Garrison
82. Gary
83. Gaskins
84. Gay
85. Gayles
86. Gaynor
87. Geralds
88. Getreu
89. Gibson
90. Giles
91. Gillis
92. Gilyard
93. Glatman
94. Glaze
95. Gleason
96. Goble
97. Gomez
98. Gordon
99. Gore
100. Gosnell

Male Serial killers in the USA (part 3)
1. Goudeau
2. Graham
3. Grant
4. Granviel
5. Grate
6. Gray
7. Green
8. Greenawalt
9. Greenwell
10. Greenwood
11. Gretzler
12. Griffin
13. Grinder
14. Grissom
15. Groves
16. Guerrero
17. Halbower
18. Hale
19. Hall
20. Hammond
21. Hampton
22. Hance
23. Hankins
24. Hansen
25. Harpe
26. Harris
27. Harrison
28. Harvey
29. Hassell
30. Hatcher
31. Hausner
32. Hayes
33. Hayter
34. Hearn
35. Heirens
36. Helm
37. Henley
38. Henry
39. Hernandez
40. Herzog
41. Hickey
42. Hickson
43. Hill
44. Hilton
45. Hinton
46. Hittle
47. Holman
48. Holmes
49. Hooker
50. Honken
51. Hopewell
52. Hopkins
53. Howell
54. Hughes
55. Hunter
56. Huntsman
57. Hyatt
58. Ingle
59. Irvin
60. Jablonski
61. Jackson
62. Jennings
63. Jesperson
64. Johansen
65. Johnson
66. Jones
67. Joubert
68. Joyner
69. Junco
70. Kadamovas
71. Kallinger
72. Kaczynski
73. Kaprat
74. Kearney
75. Kee
76. Keith
77. Kelley
78. Kelly
79. Kemper
80. Keyes
81. Kibbe
82. Kimball
83. Kinne
84. Kirkland
85. Knapp
86. Knight
87. Knighton
88. Knowles
89. Koedatich
90. Kohlhepp
91. Kokoraleis
92. Koster
93. Kraft
94. Krajcir
95. Kudzinowski
96. Ladd
97. Lagrone
98. Lake
99. LaRette
100. Lassor

Male Serial killers in the USA (part 4)
1. Laudenberg
2. Lee
3. Lewingdon
4. Liberty
5. Lindahl
6. Lindsey
7. Lipscomb
8. Little
9. Lockett
10. Lockhart
11. Long
12. Lucas
13. Lunz
14. Lyles
15. Lynch
16. Macek
17. Madison
18. Mailhot
19. Majors
20. Malveaux
21. Malvo
22. Mansfield
23. Marquette
24. Martin
25. Masini
26. Mason
27. Matthews
28. Maupin
29. Maury
30. Maust
31. Mayrand
32. McCoy
33. McCray
34. McDuff
35. McFadden
36. McGhee
37. McGregor
38. McKnight
39. McWatters
40. Meach
41. Meirhoffer
42. Melanson
43. Mendenhall
44. Metheny
45. Meza
46. Mikhel
47. Miller
48. Mills
49. Misch
50. Moore
51. Morin
52. Morris
53. Morrison
54. Mors
55. Morse
56. Morton
57. Mosley
58. Muehlberg
59. Muhammad
60. Mullin
61. Mullins
62. Nance
63. Nardello
64. Naso
65. Neal
66. Nelson
67. Nemechek
68. Newman
69. Ng
70. Nissensohn
71. Nixon
72. Normore
73. Norris
74. Northcott
75. Ocampo
76. Ortiz
77. Pace
78. Page
79. Panzram
80. Pardo
81. Parker
82. Paster
83. Patton
84. Peete
85. Penton
86. Perkins
87. Perry
88. Peterson
89. Pierce
90. Pizzuto
91. Player
92. Pough
93. Powers
94. Presley
95. Price
96. Prieto
97. Prince
98. Pruett
99. Pruitt
100. Queho

Male Serial killers in the USA (part 5)
1. Rader
2. Ralston
3. Ramirez
4. Ranes
5. Rardon
6. Rasmussen
7. Ray
8. Red Dog
9. Reece
10. Reed
11. Rees
12. Reeves
13. Reid
14. Rembert
15. Resendiz
16. Respus
17. Rhoades
18. Rice
19. Rich
20. Richards
21. Richmond
22. Ridgway
23. Rifkin
24. Rissell
25. Ritchie
26. Rivera
27. Robbins
28. Robinson
29. Roche
30. Rodriguez
31. Rogers
32. Rolling
33. Ross
34. Roye
35. Rozier
36. Rulloff
37. Rundle
38. Runge
39. Russell
40. Saldivar
41. Samartaney
42. Sanchez
43. Sanders
44. Sapp
45. Schmid
46. Seda
47. Segundo
48. Sells
49. Seoung
50. Severance
51. Sharp
52. Shaw
53. Shawcross
54. Shermantine
55. Shore
56. Shulman
57. Siebert
58. Sifuentes
59. Silva
60. Silveria
61. Simmons
62. Sims
63. Sinclair
64. Singh
65. Smallwood
66. Smith
67. Snyder
68. Solomon
69. Soper
70. Sowell
71. Spangler
72. Spencer
73. Spillman
74. Spisak
75. Spreitzer
76. Stafford
77. Stano
78. Stayner
79. Steeves
80. Stephani
81. Stevens
82. Stickles
83. Stokes
84. Stuf
85. Sully
86. Sumner
87. Sumpter
88. Surratt
89. Sutton
90. Swango
91. Swann
92. Syed
93. Taborsky
94. Tavares
95. Taylor
96. Terry
97. Tersargyan
98. Tholmer
99. Thomas
100. Thornburg

Male Serial Killers in the USA (part 6)
1. Toole
2. Toppan
3. Torrence
4. Travis
5. Ture
6. Turner
7. Urdiales
8. Vann
9. Valtz
10. Van Dyke
11. Vermilya
12. Victor
13. Villarreal
14. Wade
15. Walker
16. Wallace
17. Walton
18. Walls
19. Ward
20. Wardrip
21. Warren
22. Washington
23. Watson
24. Watts
25. Webb
26. Weldon
27. Werner
28. Wheeler-Weaver
29. Whisenhant
30. White
31. Whitten
32. Wickline
33. Wilder
34. Wiley
35. Williams
36. Williamson
37. Willie
38. Wimberly
39. Wood
40. Woodfield
41. Wooten
42. Wright
43. Yates
44. Zarinsky

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
268 49%  315 57% 186 34% 207 38%  82 15%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
79 14%    114 20%  112 20% 30  5%       21  3%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
120 22%  12  2%    68 12%    180 33%  106 19%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
236 43%  56 10%   3  <1%      262 48%  208 38%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
134 24% 35  6%     61 11%    7     1%       64 11%

Z      %
25  4%

Popularity of use
57% E:
49% A, E:
48% R, A, E:
43% N, R, A, E:
38% S, O, N, R, A, E: Ranes, Rees, Ross, Naso,
34% I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Norris,
33% L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Rissell, Sells, Neal, Nelson, Lee, Lassor, Eisele, Ellis, Allen,
24% T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Toole, Ralston, Stano, Little, LaRette, Alston,
22% H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Shore, Nissensohn, Hale, Hall, Hansen, Harris, Harrison, Hassell, Hearn, Heirens, Hill, Hilton, Hinton, Hittle,
20% C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Torrence, Ritchie, Roche, Rhoades, Rice, Rich, Richards, Rardon, Rader, Reece, Reed, Reid, Sanders, Seda, Sinclair, Nance, Nardello, Northcott, Lindahl, Hatcher, Ladd, Hance, Collins, Conde, Corll, Corona, Costa, Craine, Creech, Daniels, Danielson, Dennis, Dillon, Dodd, Donaldson, Alcala, Anderson, Archerd, Cable, Caro, Carr, Carson, Castro, Catlin, Catoe, Chadd, Chandler, Chase, Chester, Childs, Christensen, Christiansen, Code,
19% M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Richmond, Schmid, Shermantine, Tholmer, Thomas, Smith, Solomon, Simmons, Sims, Madison, Mailhot, Mansfield, Martin, Masini, Mason, McFadden, Meach, Melanson, Mendenhall, Miller, Mills, Misch, Moore, Morin, Morris, Morrison, Mors, Morse, Morton, Normore, Helm, Holman, Holmes, Hammond, Dahmer, Dieteman, Coleman, Amati, Clement, Adams,
15% U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Ture, Turner, Urdiales, Sumner, Surratt, Sutton, Rundle, Russell, Shulman, Rasmussen, Muhammad, Mullin, Mullins, Lucas, Maust, Hunter, Huntsman, Hausner, Cullen, Cunanan, Curry, Duncan, Dourosseau,
14% B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Robbins, Robinson, Siebert, Rembert, Escobar, Balaam, Baldi, Barber, Barnes, Barone, Barr, Barrett, Baumeister, Beamon, Beardslee, Bell, Bender, Berdella, Betterton, Bianchi, Bible, Biehler, Bird, Bladel, Blaire, Bloomfield, Bolin, Bonin, Bounds, Brandt, Brashers, Breslin, Bright, Britt, Briley, Brudos, Brummett, Buono, Busch, Butler, Ables, Albanese,
12% K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Stickles, Stokes, Macek, Mikhel, Nemechek, Lockett, Lockhart, Honken, Hooker, Kee, Keith, Kibbe, Kimball, Kinne, Kirkland, Koedatich, Kokoraleis, Koster, Lake, Hickson, Hankins, Dunkle, Erskine, Cook, Cooks, Danks, Burkett, Burkhart, Clark, Bullock, Atkins, Blake, Brockelhurst, Bittaker,
11% W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Wade, Walker, Wallace, Walton, Walls, Ward, Warren, Watson, Watts, Webb, Weldon, Werner, Whisenhant, White, Whitten, Wickline, Wilder, Wiley, Williams, Williamson, Willie, Wimberly, Wood, Wooten, Yates, Swann, Syed, Taborsky, Taylor, Terry, Sowell, Stayner, Sully, Shaw, Shawcross, Snyder, Roye, Samartaney, Ray, Smallwood, Metheny, Mosley, Newman, Mayrand, McCoy, McCray, Matthews, Maury, Lindsey, Lyles, Lynch, Liberty, Kelley, Kelly, Keyes, Knowles, Hyatt, Kearney, Hayes, Hayter, Henley, Henry, Hickey, Howell, Halbower, Ewell, Eyler, Corwin, Dewantoro, Dorsey, Dowler, Edwards, Boyd, Bradley, Brown, Canaday, Cherry, Bunday, Bundy, Bowles, Andrews,
10% P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Toppan, Wardrip, Stephani, Sumpter, Spencer, Spillman, Spisak, Sapp, Soper, Sharp, Respus, Ocampo, Pace, Pardo, Parker, Paster, Patton, Peete, Penton, Perkins, Perry, Peterson, Pierce, Player, Powers, Presley, Price, Prieto, Prince, Pruett, Pruitt, Lipscomb, Maupin, Knapp, Kohlhepp, Kemper, Kaprat, Hampton, Harpe, Hopewell, Hopkins, Cooper, Copeland, Cutlip, Espinosa, Crump, Carpenter, Christopher, Caputo, Campbell, Bishop,
6% V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Travis, Vann, Van Dyke, Vermilya, Victor, Villarreal, Wheeler-Weaver, Silva, Silveria, Steeves, Stevens, Tavares, Saldivar, Severance, Reeves, Rivera, Malvo, Irvin, Kadamovas, Harvey, Ervine, Evans, Davis, Devonshire, Colvin, Avalos, Chaves, Acevedo,
5% F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Woodfield, Rifkin, Rulloff, Stafford, Stuf, Sifuentes, McDuff, Meirhoffer, Kraft, Crawford, Duffy, Fautenberry, Fayne, Feltner, Fernandes, Fish, Flowers, Floyd, Forte, Fountain, Francois, Franklin, Frederick,
4% Z, F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Valtz, Zarinsky, Sanchez, Spreitzer, Resendiz, Rozier, Ramirez, Meza, Panzram, Pizzuto, Ortiz, Lunz, Hernandez, Kaczynski, Kudzinowski, Fernandez, Fitzsimmons, Evonitz, Berkowitz, Chavez, Avila-Torrez,
3% G, Z, F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Washington, Wright, Tersargyan, Thornburg, Swango, Singh, Spangler, Segundo, Seoung, Red Dog, Ridgway, Rodriguez, Rogers, Rolling, Runge, Page, Pough, Muehlberg, Ng, Long, McGhee, McGregor, McKnight, Laudenberg, Lewingdon, Ingle, Kallinger, Knight, Knighton, Lagrone, Hughes, Goudeau, Graham, Grant, Granviel, Grate, Gray, Green, Greenawalt, Greenwell, Greenwood, Gretzler, Griffin, Grinder, Grissom, Groves, Guerrero, Herzog, Gacy, Gallego, Garcia, Gardner, Garduno, Gargiulo, Garrison, Gary, Gaskins, Gay, Gayles, Gaynor, Geralds, Getreu, Gibson, Giles, Gillis, Gilyard, Glatman, Glaze, Gleason, Goble, Gomez, Gordon, Gore, Gosnell, Ferguson, Figueroa, Eichinger, Engleman, Dugan, Cunningham, DeAngelo, Cottingham, Covington, Bolsinger, Carignan, Arguelles, Armstrong, Biegenwald, Angelo, Agrue, Allridge,
2% J, G, Z, F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Majors, Jablonski, Jackson, Jennings, Jesperson, Johansen, Johnson, Jones, Joubert, Joyner, Junco, Krajcir,
1% X, J, G, Z, F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Malveaux, Nixon, Cox, Baxter, Bixler, Broadnax, Alix,
<1% Q, X, J, G, Z, F, V, P, W, Y, K, B, U, M, C, D, H, T, L, I, S, O, N, R, A, E: Marquette, Queho, Dominique,

Conclusion: So we are looking at a population who originate in the E linguistic group and the closest relations are Normans and Anglosaxons.

This is likely the geneticpropensity to be a serial killer or be exposed through parents to some damaging substance.

Utero Exposure to what? Soft unpasturized cheese and wine?

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Short Fiction: The New Guy

 T H E   N E W   G U Y

"Mito," Arden adjusted himself to better take the weight of the standard flag pole of the Terran Exoplanet Survey. "I'm in the Airlock."

"Cycling now Arden." The voice from his comms informed him as the hatch to the rest of the ship closed and then a grinding sound of it locking came from behind Arden. "Exterior hatch opening."

The Atmosphere equalized with a fart of air through a narrow seal.
"I can confirm." Arden smiled and nodded to himself as the alien landscape revealed itself like a dark red wine and he drank the moment in. Beautiful. The thought seemed to linger. "Exterior Hatch is open."

"Huh." The exterior hatch lowered into that dark wine surface becoming the ship access ramp like a fortress drawbridge. "It looks a bit moist."
Mito?" Arden breathed in that new world smell as he walked to the edge of the bording ramp. "We sure we even want to claim this planet?"

"Its the only planet in the system where atmophere is even breathable." Mito's voice buzzed in his ear like he was whispering sweet honey. "Now stop loitering on the ramp and get out there and plant the flag."
"Copy that." Arden took a breath and stepped off. "Plant the flag."

"Surface is some kind of dark red slime." Arden resisted the urge to bend down and touch his reflection understanding that he would certainly drop the flag pole and go face down in the Alien slime. "It looks almost like an oil."
"Oil?" Mito smiled. "get samples on the way back."

""Mito?" Arden stepped forward and the action unleashed a squelch. "How far do I have to walk from the ship to plant the flag?"

"Five hundred metres," Mito blew his nose on a rag. "Then Oath."

"Five hundred." The sound of Mito clearing his sinuses scratched Arden's ear. "Oath."

"Mito," Mito stiffened at the voice of Captain Lank entering on to the bridge behind him."What's going on?"
"Arden." Mito blew his nose again. "I'm letting him plant the flag."
"Alright." Captain Lank scratched his beard. "Make sure he doesn't forget to recite the oath."
"Best make this Official." Captain Lank reached forward past Mito and launched the Recorders. "Folks at home don't get to see this often enough."
"Recorders..." the sound of meowing propellers departed the vicinity of the survey ship as camera drones launched. "...away"

"Plant the Flag." Arden, the red slime caking his boots, focused on the ground ahead, scanning the horizon only occasionally when he heard an audible pitch change in the propellers of the Recorders. "Recite the Oath."

Arden caught sight of something white in the distance.

"Plant..." Arden changed direction slightly and focused on the white colour that now had his attention. "...the Flag."
"Recite..." The red slime now had a rope-like white tendril in it that seemed to line up with the white object that had drawn his attention. "...the Oath."

"Mito?" Captain Lank stared at the recorder feed, noticing Arden's slight course change to the left. "Where the hell is he going?"

"A...d...n!" Mito's voice slapped Arden in the ear as barely audible static. "Y... ...r... t... l...n l...ft."

"You are breaking up Mito." Arden continued toward the distant white object that had his attention switching off his Comms pack. "Everything's fine. Its just a glitchy Comms pack."

"Can he hear us?" Captain Lank stared closely at the screen watching Arden touch his ear. "What's he doing?"

"He probably pulled his comms." Mito stared at the feed coming off the recorders. The footage was showing no signs of static. "Its a pity the Recorders dont have comms relay capacity."

"Damn it." Captain Lank tapped his hand on the top of the console. Before rubbing his face. "I'll go join him."

"Just..." Captain Lank turned to depart the bridge in search of an environment suit. "...keep recording."


"Spotted something ahead." Arden closed on the white object protruding from the muck. "What is that?"

"Is..." Arden stared at the unexpected presence of an organism. "Is that a mushroom?"


"Captain..." Mito spoke into the ship-board comms. "Arden just found a white mushroom."


"Shit." Captain Lank hurriedly pulled his environment suit on. "How big is it?"


"Hard to tell..." Mito watched as Arden closed on the Mushroom that appeared to now be waist high. "About waist height."


"I'm not going to make it." Captain Lank chambered an extra round and reached for the additional Ammo clip and pulled down his helmet and sealed it as he entered the airlock.  "Cycle the the airlock."


"I Arden..," Arden swung the point of the flag pole driving the impactor into the red slime next to the Mushroom and stepped back to salute the flag. " claim this planet."


"It's..." Mito watched as the slime around the flag pole that had erupted at the impact of the flag pole gave way and a tentacle emerged and grabbed Arden "...moving."


"Shit." Captain Lank burst through the expanding gap of the outer airlock hatch in his Environmental suit, his weapon in hand and took a short cut off the ramp in the direction of the distant junior crewman undergoing the unique experience of a sentient fungi jamming a flag pole up his arse. "Fuck."

"Opening fire!" The weapon unloaded its rounds across the distance as Captain Lank targeted its cap. The rounds ripped through the fungi. "Die you mother fucker."