Global Linguistic Map Dec 2023
Minbari Words & Phrases
1. Ahel: Ahel translates into English as "continuous fire". It is phonetically identical to the English exclamation "Ah hell".
2. Almara Meal: A traditional meal from the Almara Archipelago on Minbar that bears a resemblance to Earth couscous and is traditionally served with Ulabon.
3. Alyt: Alyt is a Warrior Caste military rank comparable to an Earth Brigadier General.
4. Anla'shok: Anla'shok can be loosely translated into English as "Ranger". That is to say one who ranges (travels) over a region to protect the area.
5. Beeba: A plant that produces an organic oil, broadly comparable to Earth olive oil and which has an equally similar culinary use.
6. Chayva: Chen translates into English as "seven."
7. Chudomo seeds: A bean-like seed pod resembling to Earth haricots vert.
8. Deh-f'hurst: A term that loosely translates into English as "I yield to your authority".
9. Denn: A root word that means "fight" or "battle".
10. Denn'bok: A traditional weapon, roughly translates into English as "fighting pike".
11. Denn-shah: Denn-shah can be loosely translated into English as "fight to the death", or just "to the death". The word also implies denial.
12. Drala Fi: The Minbari name of the Black Star.
13. Entil'Zha: Entil'Zha is not actually a Minbari word, at least not in its entirety. The specific phrase is believed to be of Vorlon origin and first entered Minbari vocabulary during the First Shadow War.[4] Literally, to be Entil'zha is to be an individual identified or alluded to in Valen's prophecies as a leader in the next Shadow War - One who will serve 'in the present' as Valen served in the past. The title was first bestowed on Valen himself and meant 'The One who Leads'. Since that time, it has come to signify 'One Who is Valen's Representative'. Only three people have held the title - Valen/Jeffrey Sinclair, Delenn and John Sheridan - The One Who Was, The One Who Is, and the One Who Will Be (Isil'Zha). As the Minbari believe that Valen will one day return to reclaim his title, there is also 'The One Who Is To Come'. Each Entil'zha named above has also served as Anla'Shok Na, but the two positions are actually separate. One does not need to be Entil'zha to serve as head of the Rangers.
14. F'hurs: The Minbari equivalent of a city mayor.
15. F'hursna: F'hursna is an honorific given to the Master teacher of the Denn'bok.
16. Flarn: A soft green food served in small cube portions and traditionally served to honor visiting guests.
17. Gal'sha: A plant that produces hard oily seeds similar to Earth hazelnuts.
18. Glivinn: A traditional dinner of the Third Fane of Chudomo that may only be prepared and eaten on Valen's Day.
19. Glomo: A plant with fruit that can be compared to an Earth zucchini (courgette).
20. Gokk: A domestic pet, similar to Earth cats in demeanour.
21. Heefa: Heefa translates as "passionate love-making"
22. Hylax: A plant with seeds that resemble Earth red potatoes.
23. Ingati: A fierce animal, much respected for its courage and a sought after hunting trophy. Broadly similar to an Earth grizzly bear.
24. Isil'Zha: Isil'Zha is a Minbari word which usually means change, changing the future, or coming of a new age. It literally means the future (isil) one (zha).
25. Jenn: A plant with a bulb-like structure with a distinctive taste and consistency very much like Earth garlic.
26. Klenn-Sha: A Worker Caste dinner that is traditionally eaten on every third day during the autumn season, alternating with Klenn-Fha and Klenn-Jha. Often followed by a dessert of Yun-Yun.
27. Kloo: An animal with meat that tastes similar to Orion yogtree or Earth chicken. It is commonly used to make a stock that serves as a flavor base for several Warrior Caste recipes.
28. Lecococ: The name of a small fish and the pleasure one gets meeting someone for the first time.
29. Madagon: A very aggressive six legged animal about the size of an Earth Great Dane. Its features include sharp spines on its back and a double set of teeth.
30. Mora'dum: Mora'dum translates into English as "the application of terror." Most likely a word from the warrior caste's language.
31. N'Kai: N'Kai is a usual word in Minbari languages as it appears in all ninety seven Minbari dialects and sub-tongues yet it never means the same thing twice. As such it can mean many different things including but not limited to "sand", "father" and "boot". The word is pronounced with a sharp tongue-click after the "N" sound.
32. Na: Na translates into English as "one" or "first". For example "Anla'Shok Na" means "Ranger One".
33. Nafak'cha: Nafak'ch roughly translates as "rebirth ceremony".
34. Ni: Ni translates into English as "no", "negative" or "don't".
35. Nusental: Nusental translates into English as "you're welcome."
36. Owala paste: A strong spicy condiment very similar to Earth dijon mustard.
37. Pil'sha: A type of herb with similar properties to Earth parsley.
38. Premurr: A simple flatbread favoured by the Worker Caste during their min-morning prayer break.
39. Qual: A type of fruit that comes in several varieties such as qual'fha and qual'nha, which are themselves similar to Earth red and green peppers, respectively.
40. Raalon: An undomesticated beast specifically raised by the Worker Caste to be hunted and slaughtered for food by the Warrior Caste. Raalon meat tastes somewhat like Earth lamb and secretes a milk like fluid that is harvested and used in several recipes.
41. Rak'ka: Angry, Annoyed, Furious, Upset, Enraged (severity indicated by volume).
42. Rylla: A plant that produces shelled seed pods similar to Earth peas.
43. Satai: An honorific used exclusively by each of the nine members of the Grey Council.
44. Sech: Sech translates into English as "teacher" though it has a stronger cultural connotation than the English equivalent and is a title that commands great respect and is the mark of someone who has achieved mastery of their given subject or vocation. In the words of Sech Durhan "Any Sech would rather resign from his position and give up the ancient art forever than teach its ways to the unworthy."
45. Se n'kai: A kind of fruit. In the thousand years since Valen's time, Se n'kai trees had become far less prevalent than they once were. It is traditionally used in the ceremony to install a new Entil'Zha, though it is not essential.
46. Sha'chai: A non-alcoholic drink that has no intoxicating effects on Minbari, but for humans it is even more potent than Bor'Kaan. Humans that wish to sample Sha'chai are first required to provide proof of medical coverage.
47. Sha'neyat: Sha'neyat can be loosely translated into English as "death destroyer".
48. Shag-toth: Shag-toth translates into English as "soul hunter."
49. Shai Alyt: Shai Alyt is a Warrior Caste military rank comparable to an Earth 5-star General, or Joint Chief of Staff.
50. Shaal: Shaal is an honorific title, granted to a person who has made a major achievement, usually a lifetime achievement.
51. Shan-fall: The third movement of preparation and mutual understanding. One of many Minbari courtship rituals where a prospective couple will spend the night together discovering one another's centers of pleasure, with great deliberation prayerfully, with respect and meditation, while a group of close friends or family wait outside to pray and meditate and ensure that things do not go too far. (Not to be confused with Heefa.)
52. Shok-na: An Anla'Shok ship Captain.
53. Shok-nali: A Shok-na's First Officer.
54. Shu-Nali: Shu-Nali is a particular type of design aesthetic and was the basis for the "Liandra" type vessels.
55. Slenn: A type of herb with similar properties to Earth thyme.
56. Stavo: Stavo translates into English as "good work".
57. Taalor: A domesticated beast with meat that resembles Earth beef.
58. Temshwee: A small, blue, bird-like creature.
59. Tet: Tet translates into English as "nine."
60. Ti'la: Ti'la can be loosely translated into English as "poet song."
61. Tulba Pod Salad: A customary mid-day meal for Religious Caste Minbari.
62. Tuzanor: Tuzanor comes for the ancient Na'sen dialect of Adronato and translates into English as "City of Sorrows."
63. Tyr: A plant that produces summer fruit similar to Earth squash.
64. Ulabon: A great sea fish from the Almara Archipelago.
65. Valen's herb: A type of herb with similar properties to Earth basil.
66. Valeria fruit: A type of fruit that can be compared to an Earth plum tomato.
67. Vo: Vo translates into English as "five."
68. Weel: A sea bass-like flying fish from the strait of Weel favoured by the Warrior Caste.
69. Xenn: A citrus-like fruit with a bitter, lemon-like flavour.
70. Wysa: A plant that bears a nut resembling Earth almonds.
71. Yedor root: A taproot-type plant with taste and texture comparable to Earth carrots.
72. Yl'fost: A sweet crystalline organic compound, equivalent to Earth sugar.
73. Yla: A leafy vegetable with leaves that are the primary ingredient in yla leaf cake.
74. Yun-Yun: A fattening dessert typically enjoyed by members of the Worker Caste after dinner.
75. Zassa: A plant that produces very spicy pepper-like fruit that resembles Earth jalapeño chili.
76. Z'ha'dum According to JMS, the name was of Minbari origin and roughly translates as "Death of the future", while the novel The Shadow Within (considered mostly canon) .
77. Zerka: A small, rare ceremonial plant that is spun into thread used only on very special garments.
78. Akel
79. Deeron - Commander of the Trigati
80. Delenn
81. Mayal
82. Mayan - Shaal Mayan was a Minbari poet and writer of Ti'Lar, including "In the Light of Two Moons" Shaal is an honorific title for someone who has made a great achievement. Another source says that Shaal is the first name and Mayan is a family name.
83. Sihnon
84. Yeyani
85. Ashan
86. Branmer - A great leader
87. Callier - A member of the Religious Caste
88. Draal - Delenn's mentor
89. Dukhat - A great leader
90. Durhan - Expert fighter and teacher of the Rangers
91. Hedronn - Member of the Grey Council.
92. Jenimer - A Chosen One of the Regligious Caste.
93. Kadroni
94. Kalain - 1st Officer on the Trigati
95. Kozorr - A member of the warrior caste
96. Lennier - Delenn's diplomatic attache
97. Lennon
98. Lovell
99. Nerid
100. Neroon - Kalain's 1st officer
101. Rastenn - Ranger of the warrior caste and pupil of Turval
102. Rathenn
103. Shakiri - A member of the warrior caste who sought to make his caste dominant
104. Sineval - Captain of the Trigati
105. Tannier - Ranger from the religious caste and pupil of Turval
106. Teronn
107. Turval - Jeffrey Sinclair's predecessor as Anla'shok Na, or Ranger One. He was born to the religious caste
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
71 66% 44 41% 27 25% 30 28% 17 15%
B % C % D % F % G %
5 4% 7 6% 18 16% 9 8% 6 5%
H % J % K % L % M %
33 30% 2 1% 18 16% 47 43% 13 12%
N % P % Q % R % S %
52 48% 2 1% 1 <1% 35 32% 32 29%
T % V % W % X % Y %
24 22% 9 8% 4 3% 2 1% 15 14%
Z %
7 6%
Popularity of use
66% A:
48% N, A: Na (Na translates into English as "one" or "first". For example "Anla'Shok Na" means "Ranger One"),
43% L, N, A:
41% E, L, N, A:
32% R, E, L, N, A:
30% H, R, E, L, N, A: Ahel (Ahel translates into English as "continuous fire". It is phonetically identical to the English exclamation "Ah hell"),
29% S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Slenn (A type of herb with similar properties to Earth thyme), Ashan, Shaal (Shaal is an honorific title, granted to a person who has made a major achievement, usually a lifetime achievement),
28% O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Lennon, Neroon (Kalain's 1st officer), Raalon (An undomesticated beast specifically raised by the Worker Caste to be hunted and slaughtered for food by the Warrior Caste. Raalon meat tastes somewhat like Earth lamb and secretes a milk like fluid that is harvested and used in several recipes),
25% I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Lennier (Delenn's diplomatic attache), Sihnon, Ni (Ni translates into English as "no", "negative" or "don't"),
22% T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Rastenn (Ranger of the warrior caste and pupil of Turval), Rathenn , Tannier (Ranger from the religious caste and pupil of Turval), Teronn, Taalor (A domesticated beast with meat that resembles Earth beef), Tet (Tet translates into English as "nine."), Ti'la (Ti'la can be loosely translated into English as "poet song."), Satai (An honorific used exclusively by each of the nine members of the Grey Council),
16% K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Shakiri (A member of the warrior caste who sought to make his caste dominant), Draal (Delenn's mentor), Hedronn (Member of the Grey Council), Kadroni, Kalain (1st Officer on the Trigati), Nerid, Akel, Deeron (Commander of the Trigati), Delenn, Shok-na (An Anla'Shok ship Captain), Shok-nali (A Shok-na's First Officer), Se n'kai (A kind of fruit. In the thousand years since Valen's time, Se n'kai trees had become far less prevalent than they once were. It is traditionally used in the ceremony to install a new Entil'Zha, though it is not essential), Rak'ka (Angry, Annoyed, Furious, Upset, Enraged severity indicated by volume), Denn (A root word that means "fight" or "battle"), Denn-shah (Denn-shah can be loosely translated into English as "fight to the death", or just "to the death". The word also implies denial), Klenn-Sha (A Worker Caste dinner that is traditionally eaten on every third day during the autumn season, alternating with Klenn-Fha and Klenn-Jha. Often followed by a dessert of Yun-Yun), Kloo: An animal with meat that tastes similar to Orion yogtree or Earth chicken. It is commonly used to make a stock that serves as a flavor base for several Warrior Caste recipes), N'Kai (N'Kai is a usual word in Minbari languages as it appears in all ninety seven Minbari dialects and sub-tongues yet it never means the same thing twice. As such it can mean many different things including but not limited to "sand", "father" and "boot". The word is pronounced with a sharp tongue-click after the "N" sound), Anla'shok (Anla'shok can be loosely translated into English as "Ranger". That is to say one who ranges or travels over a region to protect the area),
15% U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Dukhat (A great leader), Durhan (Expert fighter and teacher of the Rangers), Shu-Nali (Shu-Nali is a particular type of design aesthetic and was the basis for the "Liandra" type vessels), Nusental (Nusental translates into English as "you're welcome."),
14% Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Tyr (A plant that produces summer fruit similar to Earth squash), Yedor root (A taproot-type plant with taste and texture comparable to Earth carrots), Yla (A leafy vegetable with leaves that are the primary ingredient in yla leaf cake), Yun-Yun (A fattening dessert typically enjoyed by members of the Worker Caste after dinner), Yeyani, Sha'neyat (Sha'neyat can be loosely translated into English as "death destroyer"), Shai Alyt (Shai Alyt is a Warrior Caste military rank comparable to an Earth 5-star General, or Joint Chief of Staff), Rylla (A plant that produces shelled seed pods similar to Earth peas), Alyt (Alyt is a Warrior Caste military rank comparable to an Earth Brigadier General),
12% M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Mayal, Mayan (Shaal Mayan was a Minbari poet and writer of Ti'Lar, including "In the Light of Two Moons" Shaal is an honorific title for someone who has made a great achievement. Another source says that Shaal is the first name and Mayan is a family name), Mora'dum (Mora'dum translates into English as "the application of terror." Most likely a word from the warrior caste's language), Almara Meal (A traditional meal from the Almara Archipelago on Minbar that bears a resemblance to Earth couscous and is traditionally served with Ulabon),
8% V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Turval (Jeffrey Sinclair's predecessor as Anla'shok Na, or Ranger One. He was born to the religious caste), Sineval (Captain of the Trigati), Lovell, Yl'fost (A sweet crystalline organic compound, equivalent to Earth sugar), Valen's herb (A type of herb with similar properties to Earth basil), Valeria fruit (A type of fruit that can be compared to an Earth plum tomato), Vo (Vo translates into English as "five."), Shan-fall (The third movement of preparation and mutual understanding. One of many Minbari courtship rituals where a prospective couple will spend the night together discovering one another's centers of pleasure, with great deliberation prayerfully, with respect and meditation, while a group of close friends or family wait outside to pray and meditate and ensure that things do not go too far. Not to be confused with Heefa), Stavo (Stavo translates into English as "good work"), Drala Fi (The Minbari name of the Black Star), F'hurs (The Minbari equivalent of a city mayor), F'hursna (F'hursna is an honorific given to the Master teacher of the Denn'bok), Flarn (A soft green food served in small cube portions and traditionally served to honor visiting guests), Heefa (Heefa translates as "passionate love-making"), Deh-f'hurst (A term that loosely translates into English as "I yield to your authority"),
6% Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Kozorr (A member of the warrior caste), Callier (A member of the Religious Caste), Zassa (A plant that produces very spicy pepper-like fruit that resembles Earth jalapeño chili), Z'ha'dum (According to JMS, the name was of Minbari origin and roughly translates as "Death of the future", while the novel The Shadow Within (considered mostly canon), Zerka (A small, rare ceremonial plant that is spun into thread used only on very special garments), Tuzanor (Tuzanor comes from the ancient Na'sen dialect of Adronato and translates into English as "City of Sorrows."), Sha'chai (A non-alcoholic drink that has no intoxicating effects on Minbari, but for humans it is even more potent than Bor'Kaan. Humans that wish to sample Sha'chai are first required to provide proof of medical coverage), Sech (Sech translates into English as "teacher" though it has a stronger cultural connotation than the English equivalent and is a title that commands great respect and is the mark of someone who has achieved mastery of their given subject or vocation. In the words of Sech Durhan "Any Sech would rather resign from his position and give up the ancient art forever than teach its ways to the unworthy."), Nafak'cha (Nafak'ch roughly translates as "rebirth ceremony"), Lecococ (The name of a small fish and the pleasure one gets meeting someone for the first time), Isil'Zha (Isil'Zha is a Minbari word which usually means change, changing the future, or coming of a new age. It literally means the future [isil] one [zha]), Entil'Zha (Entil'Zha is not actually a Minbari word, at least not in its entirety. The specific phrase is believed to be of Vorlon origin and first entered Minbari vocabulary during the First Shadow War.[4] Literally, to be Entil'zha is to be an individual identified or alluded to in Valen's prophecies as a leader in the next Shadow War - One who will serve 'in the present' as Valen served in the past. The title was first bestowed on Valen himself and meant 'The One who Leads'. Since that time, it has come to signify 'One Who is Valen's Representative'. Only three people have held the title - Valen/Jeffrey Sinclair, Delenn and John Sheridan - The One Who Was, The One Who Is, and the One Who Will Be (Isil'Zha). As the Minbari believe that Valen will one day return to reclaim his title, there is also 'The One Who Is To Come'), Each Entil'zha named above has also served as Anla'Shok Na, but the two positions are actually separate. One does not need to be Entil'zha to serve as head of the Rangers), Chayva (Chen translates into English as "seven."), Chudomo seeds (A bean-like seed pod resembling to Earth haricots vert),
5% G, Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Madagon (A very aggressive six legged animal about the size of an Earth Great Dane. Its features include sharp spines on its back and a double set of teeth), Ingati (A fierce animal, much respected for its courage and a sought after hunting trophy. Broadly similar to an Earth grizzly bear), Gal'sha (A plant that produces hard oily seeds similar to Earth hazelnuts), Glivinn (A traditional dinner of the Third Fane of Chudomo that may only be prepared and eaten on Valen's Day), Glomo (A plant with fruit that can be compared to an Earth zucchini (courgette), Gokk (A domestic pet, similar to Earth cats in demeanour), Shag-toth (Shag-toth translates into English as "soul hunter."),
4% B, G, Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Branmer (A great leader), Ulabon (A great sea fish from the Almara Archipelago), Tulba Pod Salad (A customary mid-day meal for Religious Caste Minbari), Denn'bok (A traditional weapon, roughly translates into English as "fighting pike"), Beeba (A plant that produces an organic oil, broadly comparable to Earth olive oil and which has an equally similar culinary use), MIMBARI
3% W, B, G, Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Weel (A sea bass-like flying fish from the strait of Weel favoured by the Warrior Caste), Wysa (A plant that bears a nut resembling Earth almonds), Temshwee (A small, blue, bird-like creature), Owala paste (A strong spicy condiment very similar to Earth dijon mustard),
1% X, P, J, W, B, G, Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Jenimer (A Chosen One of the Regligious Caste), Xenn (A citrus-like fruit with a bitter, lemon-like flavour), Pil'sha (A type of herb with similar properties to Earth parsley), Premurr (A simple flatbread favoured by the Worker Caste during their min-morning prayer break), Jenn (A plant with a bulb-like structure with a distinctive taste and consistency very much like Earth garlic), Hylax (A plant with seeds that resemble Earth red potatoes),
<1% Q, X, P, J, W, B, G, Z, C, V, F, M, Y, U, K, D, T, I, O, S, H, R, E, L, N, A: Qual (A type of fruit that comes in several varieties such as qual'fha and qual'nha, which are themselves similar to Earth red and green peppers, respectively),
Conclusion: Originating in the A-N linguistic subgroup, Na is the first Minbari. Linguistic development rises to a new peak at 8% but this is decapitated by intervention of the shadows and the culture reaches a plateau limit with the shadow war. From 6% Minbari culture declines focusing on the development of food culture down to <1%..
History of the Minbari
• 48% Na is the First Minbari (Na-Na would be First One), If intervention by the Vorlon is likely, 'The One' would imply Na was chosen from a group to be lifted up from 'Animal'. While 'The First' would imply Na is the first of many to be lifted up or created.
• 43%-32% This is a significant developmental bandgap (L, E, R).
• 30% That Ahel exists here implies some command structure has developed- one ordering others to fire or throw ranged weapons continuously.
• 29% Ashan is 'another' Minbari name (if Na can be considered a name). Shaal is some honorific granted after a lifetime of achievement. Both Shaal and Ashan carry the *Sha* phonetic implying it was added as a mid-affix to the name 'A*n'. Slenn is the first food herb word.
• 28% Consumption of undomesticated herd animal (the Raalon). The -on suffix is in common use here appearing in the Minbari names Nero-on, and Lenn-on (Lenn prefix appears descended from the herb 'Slenn', having dropped the use of the 'S').
• 25% Lennier (this time without the -on suffix), and Sihn-on (who carries on the tradition of the use of the -on suffix), use of Ni in the language suggest some objection. If -on indicates a relationship with consumption of Raalon meat, Lennier appears to reject that tradition.
• 22% Minbari now have a domesticated herd animal (the Taalor). Where -on suffix indicated undomesticated, the -or suffix implies domestication. The first Poet-songs (Ti-la) are sung. Given the connection of the Nine (Tet) to the Grey Council, the first Gathering of the Nine (with the honorific 'Setai' as title of the Council members).
• 16% The fruit of the Se n'kai fruit tree is first consumed. The Rangers first appear in this time, and they dont just travel on land but also in vessels. Shok-na, and Shok-nali are the ships captain and first officers of Ranger crewed Vessels (either 'sailing' or 'space' ships). There is an outbreak of battles, some to the death. The first tradition of a Meal (Klenn-sha) which is eaten once every three days comes into common tradition.
• 15% Shu-Nali design asthetic begins to spread in Minbari culture. Recipient politeness becomes popular.
• 14% The warrior caste develop military ranks. While new foods are expanding the diet of Minbari.
• 12% Food culture begins to spread from the Almara Archipelago to the rest of Minbar. The Warrior caste develop a word for 'the Application of Terror'.
• 8% the beginning of the cultural plateau. First use of Valen's Herb. In Canon: Valen shows up in the Shadow-war 1000 years before Sinclair travels into the past to become Valen taking Babylon 4 as a base.
• 6% the end of the cultural plateau. Discovery of Z'ha'dum (world where the shadows were operating from). Note: 8%-6% is designated as the 'Shadow War'. The cultural plateau here indicates some culturally limiting force decapitating the peak of Minbari cultural development.
• 5% Valen's Day is commemorated with a meal (Glivinn). Minbari start hunting game for trophies. Soul Hunters are encountered for the first time. They come for Valen?
• 4% the *bo* phonetic in both ulabon (a large fish of the Almara Archipelago) and the Denn'bok (the minbari fighting pike) implies the fighting pike was initially used to hunt ulabon, though later it will be used in combat. Religious caste culture begins to develop.
• 3% warrior caste begin hunting Weel (a large flying fish found in the strait of Weel). Food culture continues to develop.
• 1% worker caste culture develops.
• <1% Food culture continues to develop.
Sean Robert Meaney 2023